Retinal scanners

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January 2024
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Abstract Mapping series Discuss your thoughts - Help us develop the articles or ideas you want

Ammunition | List of HL2 Animals and Creatures | Mapping with Antlions | Beams and Lasers | Cables and Ropes | Moving Clouds | Color Theory in Level Design | Combat | Combine | Compression (Source 1) | Doors | Dust, Fog, & Smoke | Elevators | Level Transitions | Environmental Lighting, Sun, Weather, & Outdoors | Explosions | Fire | Half-Life 2 Foliage | Glass & Windows | Headcrab | Health | Ladders | Lighting | Optimization (level design) | Physics | Retinal scanners | Sound and Music | Special effects | Terrain | Trains | Turrets | Water | Weapons | Zombie

Half-Life Half-Life (Goldsource)

The primary entities of a HL1 scanner are listed below. A complete tutorial (which is the source of the listed information) can be found here

  • The player triggers (via a trigger_once) the whole sequence
  • The barney walks over to the scanner performs his "retina" animation (scripted_sequence)
  • The scanner model (a func_button) is activated so it flashes
  • Some sounds (ambient_generic) are played to show that the scanner is operating
  • The door (func_door) is triggered to open

Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2

  • Dr. Kleiner walks over to the picture frame (a prop_dynamic parented to a func_rot_button) using a scripted_sequence. As Kleiner plays his picture frame animation, the picture rotates into place.
  • The button triggers a func_door to open up and reveal the scanner (a prop_dynamic)
  • The scanner gets pushed out by an invisible func_door_rotating beneath it.
  • Kleiner walks over to the scanner using another scripted sequence and starts his eyescanner animation.
  • The prop_dynamic scanner model changes its appearance using a material_modify_control entity.
  • Several ambient_generic entities play eyescanner sounds.
  • After a period of time, a func_door is triggered to open, allowing the player to walk through.

See also