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Abstract Mapping series Discuss your thoughts - Help us develop the articles or ideas you want

Ammunition | List of HL2 Animals and Creatures | Mapping with Antlions | Beams and Lasers | Cables and Ropes | Moving Clouds | Color Theory in Level Design | Combat | Combine | Compression (Source 1) | Doors | Dust, Fog, & Smoke | Elevators | Level Transitions | Environmental Lighting, Sun, Weather, & Outdoors | Explosions | Fire | Half-Life 2 Foliage | Glass & Windows | Headcrab | Health | Ladders | Lighting | Optimization (level design) | Physics | Retinal scanners | Sound and Music | Special effects | Terrain | Trains | Turrets | Water | Weapons | Zombie

Adding weapons to a map

1. Making point entity with Classname weapon_... (For example: weapon_ak47, weapon_portalgun...)
2. Set you need keyvalues (For example:targetname, rendermode...)

You first weapon is done!

Dynamic Spawns

Using env_entity_maker, logic_relay, and point_template you can spawn weapons into the map.


Depending on need, you can use Flags "Start constrained" or "Deny player pickup" to control weapon after spawning.

Customizing Weapons

With the entity point_clientcommand and sv_cheats 1 you can modify parameters for weapons. (ex: "sk_plr_dmg_pistol 100") This can also be done with weapon scripts. See Changing clip sizes.

See also
