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This entity is not in the FGD by default.
It should not be put directly in a map.
Class hierarchy

player is a point entity available in Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series. Human players of any team are this entity.

Note.pngNote:Bot zombies' player entity exists for 7 seconds after they died while survivor bot's player entity remains forever (or until human player takes their places)
Note.pngNote:Survivor bots, SI and Tank's classname in-game is also player.
Warning.pngWarning:This entity is not intended to be placed in a map manually. Doing so will result in an instant fatal error on map load!
Note.pngNote:This is a preserved entity.
  • On a new round entities with this classname will intentionally not reset. You can use logic_auto to emulate resetting it.
  • Killing it removes it forever, as it is not respawned on a new round.
  • It cannot be spawned with a point_template.
  • Parenting this with non preserved entities may have undesirable effects.


SetHealth <integer>
Sets the player's health. Values clamped between 0 and max_health.
SetHUDVisibility <boolean>
Hides or displays the HUD.
Warning.pngWarning:Can't switch items when HUD is disabled
SetFogController <string>
Sets the env_fog_controller to use.
SpeakResponseConcept <string>
Speak the specified response concept immediately.
IgnoreFallDamage <float>
Prevent the player from taking fall damage for [n] seconds, but reset back to taking fall damage after the first impact (so players will be hurt if they bounce off what they hit).
IgnoreFallDamageWithoutReset <float>
Absolutely prevent the player from taking fall damage for [n] seconds.
Note.pngNote:Should use "OnStartTrouch - !activator". Consider the Time to be short, if there's another ledge they could jump off while being in the "no damage" timer.
SetCommentaryStatueMode <boolean>
When set to 1 player bot will be stopped and have hp set to 1048576 (2^20). Setting it back to 0 will leave the bot with 1 hp
Disable ledge hanging by player.
Enable ledge hanging by player.
TeleportToSurvivorPosition <string>
Teleport a player to an info_survivor_position entity, then freezes them. To unfreeze them, use the ReleaseSurvivorPositions input from info_director or the player's ReleaseFromSurvivorPosition input.
Unfreezes and releases the player from an info_survivor_position entity if they are at one.
Cancels scene that's currently playing. Used in c6m3 to stop L4D2 survivors talking with L4D1 survivors when they start the elevator.
Todo: Leftover from Counter-Strike: Source?
SetGlowEnabled <boolean> (only in Left 4 Dead 2)
Sets if this player is allowed to glow through walls if not visible.
RemoveWeaponUpgrades  (only in Left 4 Dead 2)
Removes laser sights from guns.

See also