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This entity is not in the FGD by default.
It should not be put directly in a map.
Class hierarchy

tank is a point entity available in Left 4 Dead series Left 4 Dead series. The Tank spawns with his melee ability weapon_tank_claw and ability_throw which controls his special ability. Projectile he throws is tank_rock.

Tip.pngTip:To spawn tank manually commentary_zombie_spawner, info_zombie_spawn or ZSpawn script function can be used.
Warning.pngWarning:Trying to spawn tank using SpawnEntityFromTable script function or by placing him directly in a map will crash the game
Icon-Important.pngImportant:Spawned tank's classname is player


tank_attack_range                        : 50       : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Distance from Survivor that tank triggers own swing.
tank_auto_swing                          : 0        : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : 
tank_burn_duration                       : 75       : , "sv", "cheat"  : Number of seconds a burning Tank takes to die in easy, normal, versus and survival
tank_burn_duration_expert                : 85       : , "sv", "cheat"  : Number of seconds a burning Tank takes to die in expert
tank_burn_duration_hard                  : 80       : , "sv", "cheat"  : Number of seconds a burning Tank takes to die in hard
tank_fist_radius                         : 15       : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : 
tank_ground_pound_duration               : 1.5      : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : 
tank_ground_pound_reveal_distance        : 500      : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
tank_pz_forward                          : -0.5     : , "rep", "cl", "launcher" : 
tank_raffle_debug                        : 0        : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Fill the tank raffle with dummy values for debugging
tank_rock_overhead_percent               : 100      : , "sv", "launcher" : Percent of time the tank throws overhand (0-100)
tank_run_spawn_delay                     : 15       : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
tank_stasis_time_suicide                 : 30       : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
tank_stuck_failsafe                      : 1        : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
tank_stuck_time_choose_new_target        : 2        : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
tank_stuck_time_suicide                  : 10       : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
tank_stuck_visibility_tolerance_choose_new_target : 5        : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
tank_stuck_visibility_tolerance_suicide  : 15       : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
tank_swing_arc                           : 180      : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : 
tank_swing_duration                      : 0.2      : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Duration of the actual swing
tank_swing_fast_interval                 : 0.6      : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Interval between tank swings when he is clearing zombies out of his path
tank_swing_interval                      : 1.5      : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Interval between tank swings
tank_swing_miss_interval                 : 1.0      : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Interval between tank swings after a miss
tank_swing_physics_prop_force            : 4.0      : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Multiplier for tank hitting a phys prop.
tank_swing_range                         : 56       : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Range of the actual swing
tank_swing_yaw                           : 80       : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : 
tank_throw_aim_error                     : 100      : , "sv", "cheat"  : Margin of error for Easy mode Tank rock throws
tank_throw_allow_range                   : 250      : , "sv", "cheat"  : How far away our victim must be before we'll try to throw debris at them
tank_throw_lead_time_factor              : 0.5      : , "sv", "cheat"  : How much to lead a moving target
tank_throw_loft_rate                     : .01      : , "sv", "cheat"  : Beyond no-loft range, Tank adds this angle/distance when throwing
tank_throw_max_loft_angle                : 30       : , "sv", "cheat"  : Maximum loft angle for Tank throw angle adjustment
tank_throw_min_interval                  : 8        : , "sv", "cheat"  : Minimum interval between Tank rock throws
tank_visibility_tolerance_suicide        : 60       : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
tank_windup_time                         : .5       : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : Time from intent to swing that swing actually happens.
z_tank_attack_interval                   : 1.5      : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
z_tank_autoshotgun_dmg_scale             : 0.85     : , "sv", "cheat"  : percent damage taken by the tank from the autoshotgun
z_tank_damage_slow_max_range             : 400      : , "sv", "cheat"  : Range at which Tank is slowed by gunfire
z_tank_damage_slow_min_range             : 200      : , "sv", "cheat"  : Range at which Tank is slowed by gunfire
z_tank_footstep_shake_amplitude          : 5        : , "sv", "launcher" : 
z_tank_footstep_shake_duration           : 2        : , "sv", "launcher" : 
z_tank_footstep_shake_interval           : 0.4      : , "sv", "launcher" : 
z_tank_footstep_shake_radius             : 750      : , "sv", "launcher" : 
z_tank_grenade_damage                    : 750      : , "sv", "cheat"  : How much damage a Tank takes from a grenade.
z_tank_grenade_launcher_dmg_scale        : 3.0      : , "sv", "cheat"  : percent increase in damage done to the tank by grenade launcher
z_tank_grenade_roll                      : -10      : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : 
z_tank_grenade_slowdown                  : 0        : , "sv", "cheat"  : The speed setting put on a Tank when hit by a grenade.
z_tank_has_special_blood                 : 0        : , "sv", "cheat"  : Does the Tank get his own blood effect instead of the normal infected one?
z_tank_health                            : 4000     : , "sv", "cheat"  : Tank Zombie max health
z_tank_incapacitated_decay_rate          : 1        : , "sv", "cheat"  : How much health a dying Tank loses each update.
z_tank_incapacitated_health              : 5000     : , "sv", "cheat"  : Health Tank starts with in death throes.
z_tank_max_stagger_distance              : 400      : , "sv", "cheat"  : Max distance a Tank staggers when hurt by a grenade.
z_tank_max_stagger_duration              : 6        : , "sv", "cheat"  : Max time a Tank staggers when hit by a grenade.
z_tank_max_stagger_fade_duration         : 6        : , "sv", "cheat"  : Fade in time when a Tank is staggered by a grenade.
z_tank_rock_debug                        : 0        : , "sv", "cheat"  : Show debug for the rock thinking about detonating on people.
z_tank_rock_radius                       : 100      : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
z_tank_speed                             : 210      : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : 
z_tank_speed_vs                          : 210      : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : 
z_tank_stagger_fade_alpha                : 192      : , "sv", "cheat"  : How opaque the screen fade is when a Tank is hit by a grenade.
z_tank_stagger_fade_duration             : 3        : , "sv", "cheat"  : How long the screen fade lasts when a Tank is hit by a grenade.
z_tank_throw_fail_interval               : 0        : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How soon a tank can try again after failing to throw.
z_tank_throw_force                       : 800      : , "sv", "cheat"  : 
z_tank_throw_health                      : 50       : , "sv", "cheat"  : Health of the tank projectile (0 disables)
z_tank_throw_interval                    : 5        : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" : How often a tank can throw.
z_tank_walk_speed                        : 100      : , "cheat", "rep", "cl" :


  • TankAttack
  • TankBehavior
  • TankIdle

See also