WiseNPC06: NPC Helicopter
This tutorial was originally created by wisemx. It was originally posted on SDKnuts.net.
Events in this project:
- Helicopter takes off.
- Begins patrol of the area.
- Drops a single bomb.
- Begins shooting at Rebel Citizen.
- Citizen fires Rocket and destroys Chopper.
From my experience npc_helicopter takes trial and error to get it performing the way you want. On the other hand it’s loaded with options. With its extensive IO commands you have a lot of control over this beast. Experiment with the sample file below, add more inputs for it, get it to make a bombing run, etc.
Navigation for the npc_helicopter
is done with path_track and info_node_air entities. It has a nice AI system that will allow it to patrol the area where you place these entities. Navigation for the npc_citizen is done by placing info_node entities on the ground. Some of the aspects of the Chopper that I don’t cover in this project are the avoidance and target systems you can use.
In this project I simply added one path_track
gave it a name and then with it selected held ⇧ Shift and I would drag a clone to a new location. The process was repeated until all four were created then for the forth I added the name of the first path_track
as its Next Stop Target. The whole process only takes a few seconds. The
entities are placed randomly around the map to give the Chopper a running path away from the tracks. It will drift along the combination of these entities.
These are the properties for each of the entities used in this project.
- Name: heli01
- Flags: Loud Rotor wash sound, Helicopter lights, More aggressive attacks, Await input, Fall to ground, Long Visibility
My Output
Target Entity
Target Input
Only Once

Once the Citizen fires a rocket at the Chopper, and hits it, the Chopper will break apart 0.25 seconds later. Remove this behavior for the normal effect; it will take around 20 rockets to destroy it. (Porter's note: Exactly what difficulty setting are you ON?)
- Name: cit01
- Damage filter: damagefilter1
- Weapons: RPG
- Type: Rebel
- Model: Female 1
- Flags: Random Head, Not commandable, Random female head, Fall to ground, Long Visibility, Fade corpse
By adding this damage filter the Chopper will not be able to hurt our Citizen.
- Class: filter_damage_type
- Name: damagefilter1
- Filter mode: Allow entities that match criteria
- Damage type: GENERIC
Each of the key players in this project has an ai_relationship.
- Name: ai01, ai02 and ai03
- Subject: cit01, heli01 and heli01
- Target: heli01, cit01 and !player
- Disposition: Hate, Like and Neutral
- Radius for subject: 0
- Disposition priority: 100, 5 and 5
- Start active: No, Yes and Yes
- Reciprocal: No
To start all of the events a trigger_once is placed where the Player will spawn. (Porter's note: Uh. logic_auto?)
Notice that all of the work is done from this one trigger. The key is getting the timing right. By adding a few scripted sequences this scene could really come to life.
See also