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Class hierarchy

Entities linked to this class

Keyvalues / Inputs / Outputs



Default Animation (DefaultAnim) <string>
The animation this prop will play when not doing a random or forced animation.
Randomly Animate (RandomAnimation) <boolean>
Makes the prop randomly select and play animations at intervals defined by the Min/Max Random Anim Time KVs. In between the random animations, it will revert to playing Default Animation.
Note.pngNote:Will only select from animation $sequences linked with ACT_IDLE if they exist.
Ignore NPC Collisions (IgnoreNPCCollisions) <choices> (only in Black Mesa)
Disable collisions for NPCs if yes.
  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes
Min Random Anim Time (MinAnimTime) <float>
Minimum time between random animations.
Max Random Anim Time (MaxAnimTime) <float>
Maximum time between random animations.
Update children (updatechildren) <boolean> (in all games since Left 4 Dead)
Update touches for any children that are attached to attachment points as this prop animates. This allows SetParentAttached triggers or func_brushes to touch properly.
Disable Bone Followers (DisableBoneFollowers) <boolean> (in all games since Source 2009)
Disables generation of phys_bone_followers for each convex piece the model has in its collision model. phys_bone_followers can quickly eat up the edict count, so this keyvalue can be very helpful in freeing resources. This will however make the collision model no longer function ([confirm] As in become non-solid?), and the model will not be able to ragdoll anymore.
Hold Animation (HoldAnimation) <boolean> (in all games since Alien Swarm)
If set, the prop will not loop its animation, but hold the last frame.
Animate Every Frame (AnimateEveryFrame) <boolean> (in all games since Portal 2)
Force this prop to animate every frame. Usually this doesn't need to be touched.


Allow Physics Gun (gmod_allowphysgun) <boolean> (only in Garry's Mod)
If set, players cannot use Physics Gun on this entity.
Sandbox Tool Whitelist (gmod_allowtools) <string> (only in Garry's Mod)
If set, only given tools can be used on this entity. You need to supply the tool class names, the names of the .lua files of those tools. This also includes the context menu properties!



SetAnimation <string>
Forces the prop to play the named animation.
SetDefaultAnimation <string>
Changes the animation played when not in a random/forced sequence.
SetPlaybackRate <float>
Sets the framerate at which animations are played.
Hides the prop through EF_NODRAW. The Disable input does the exact same thing.
Shows the prop (by removing EF_NODRAW). The Enable input does the exact same thing.
Tells the prop to no longer be solid.
Tells the prop to become solid again.
SetAnimationNoReset <string> (in all games since Alien Swarm)
Force the prop to play an animation unless the prop is already playing the animation. The parameter should be the name of the animation.
FadeAndKill  (in all games since Portal 2)
Fade out then remove this prop.
Enable this entity for performing its task, make it appear.
Disable this entity for performing its task, make it invisible.



Fired when an animation begins.
Fired when an animation finishes.


CDynamicProp: Use Hitboxes for Renderbox : [64]
No VPhysics : [128] !FGD
Start with collision disabled : [256]

