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CNPC_Citizen |
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is a point entity available in Half-Life 2 series.
They are the downtrodden citizens of City 17. They will pick up weapons, fight the Combine, and join the player's squad if they see him.

class, defined in thenpc_citizen17.h

- Name (targetname) <string>
- The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g.
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.See also: Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities
- Weapons (additionalequipment) <choices>
- Weapon to spawn with.
Warning:NPC's wielding RPG's will hesitate to fire until they walked to a secure spot to shoot from. Often times, this will cause them to take enough damage to die before even reaching such a spot.
See Talk for more details about this.Warning:NPC's with melee weapons like stunsticks, crowbar or the pipe will very rarely use them. They may run up to the enemy and stare at them, but rarely start swinging.
Note:Technically any weapon can be added to NPC's, but their models lack animations to use the weapons. weapon_citizenpackage, and weapon_citizensuitcase would also work, but should be used via scripted sequences to play the proper animations.
- Ammo To Resupply (ammosupply) <choices>
- If the appropriate spawnflag is set, the citizen will attempt to get close to the player and pass this type of ammunition when he/she runs low.
- Amount Of Ammo To Give (ammoamount) <integer>
- Amount of ammo the NPC has (in total) to give to the player.
- Type (citizentype) <choices>
- Changes the citizen's appearance (but not behaviour).
- Default: The hardcoded default for the given chapter. All custom maps use Downtrodden.
Mapbase, mappers can change this value with the hl2_gamerules entity
- Downtrodden: The normal blue civil outfit.
- Refugee: A more ragged and torn civil outfit. Some models use a beige shirt.
- Rebel: The rebel outfit.
- Unique: Only uses what is stored in the "model" keyvalue. This can be used if you want to use a different model from other citizens, like Odessa Cubbage.
Random Head
spawnflag should always be disabled when using Unique citizens.
- Default: The hardcoded default for the given chapter. All custom maps use Downtrodden.
- Expression Type (expressiontype) <choices>
- Ambient facial animation.
- 0: Random
- 1: Scared
- 2: Normal
- 3: Angry
- Model (model) <choices>
- Various model overrides. With the
Random Head
spawnflag, any of these models except for Cheaple and Odessa may be chosen.Cheaple Male 1
is a low-detail model that only works if Type is Downtrodden or Unique.Odessa. DO NOT USE.
is Colonel Odessa Cubbage. Only works if Type is set to Unique.
- This field accepts arbitrary paths (e.g.
). Use the Unique citizen type if you want to make use of this. - Facial Expression Override (expressiontype) <string>
- Facial expression override
- Fire Output When Nav Is Blocked? (notifynavfailblocked) <boolean>
- Fires an output when the Citizen's movement fails because he/she is blocked by a dynamic object.
- Permanent Squad Member? (neverleaveplayersquad) <boolean> (in all games since
- A permanent squad member cannot leave the player's squad unless killed or explicitly removed by entity I/O. Only use this if you're sure you want to override the default AI.
- Deny Command Speech Concept (denycommandconcept) <string> (in all games since
- If you want your citizens to squad with the player but not obey commands the player gives to move the squad, put a concept here and this citizen will speak the concept instead of obeying the order.
- Always transition (AlwaysTransition) <boolean> (in all games since
- This NPC will always teleport to a Player Squad Transition Point if they're not within the trigger_transition.
- Prevent picking up weapons? (DontPickupWeapons) <boolean> (in all games since
- This NPC will NOT be allowed to pick up weapons they find on the ground.
- Is this a vital ally? (GameEndAlly) <boolean> (in all games since
- This NPC will cause the game to end if killed.
- Use Sentence (UseSentence) <string>
- Sentence spoken when the NPC gets +used by a player
- Un-Use Sentence (UnUseSentence) <string>
- Sentence spoken NPC gets used again
- Don't Use Speech Semaphore (DontUseSpeechSemaphore) <boolean>
- Friendly NPCs are not allowed to speak if another friendly NPC is speaking. In some cases, we don't want speaking NPCs to prevent other NPCs from speaking (for instance, if there is a friendly NPC speaking for a long time on a monitor). To make this NPC not prevent other NPCs from talking, make it not grab the semaphore when it speaks.
- Follow player on spawn : [65536]
- Causes the citizen to follow the player when it spawns. It won't join the player's squad until it gets close enough
- Medic : [131072]
- Turns the citizen into a medic that can heal the player and other NPCs in its squad. Citizens with the "Rebel" citizen type adopt a medic uniform.
Warning:In regular Half-Life 2, medics do not account for the player's Z position when giving health. For example, the player could be on the edge of a ledge, and a medic can give them health despite being a considerable distance below. This has been fixed in Episode One and Episode Two.
Bug:Medics don't correctly account for relationship when checking to heal a target, so citizens hostile to the player can still heal them. [todo tested in ?]
Code Fix:This can be fixed in
by changing the first disposition check to check forpTarget
, not!pTarget
- Random Head : [262144]
- Randomizes the citizen model for any male or female of given outfit choice.
Note:If this flag, random male head, or random female head is checked and the efficient flag is checked, then the citizen's model becomes
- Ammo Resupplier : [524288]
- Turns the citizen into an ammo resupplier that can replenish the player's ammo.
- Not Commandable : [1048576]
- Prevents the citizen from joining the player's squad.
- Don't use speech semaphore : [2097152]
- Obsolete: use the keyvalue
- Random male head : [4194304]
- Randomizes the citizen model for any male of given outfit choice.
- Random female head : [8388608]
- Randomizes the citizen model for any female of given outfit choice.
- Use RenderBox in ActBusies. : [16777216]
Note:This makes the collision hull surround the model rather than using the human hull. It's more computationally expensive, but necessary when ActBusies involve close proximity to other props/geometry or animate the citizens in a more dynamic way.
ExpandBaseNPC flags
- SetExpressionOverride <string>
- Set facial expression override
- StartPatrolling
- Patrol whenever I'm idle or alert.
- StopPatrolling
- Stop patrolling when I'm idle or alert.
- SetCommandable <boolean>
- Make a previously uncommandable citizen commandable
- SetMedicOn
- Set the medic flag on. Will not change the model or skin of the citizen.
- SetMedicOff
- Set the medic flag off. Will not change the model or skin of the citizen.
- SetAmmoResupplierOn
- Set the ammo-resupplier flag on. Will not change the model or skin of the citizen.
- SetAmmoResupplierOff
- Set the ammo-resupplier flag off. Will not change the model or skin of the citizen.
- SetReadinessLow
- Set readiness to calmest state (Bored)
- SetReadinessMedium
- Set readiness to moderate (Alert)
- SetReadinessHigh
- Set readiness to highest. (Combat imminent)
- LockReadiness <float>
- Lock readiness at current setting for x seconds -1 = forever, 0 = unlock now
- SpeakIdleResponse !FGD
- Forces the NPC to speak an idle response
- OutsideTransition (in all games since
- Use this input to teleport the NPC to a hint node with the "Player Squad Transition Point" hint type.
- DisableAlwaysTransition (in all games since
- If enabled, this NPC will always teleport to a Player Squad Transition Point even if they're not within the trigger_transition.
- MakeRegularAlly (in all games since
- Determines whether the game should end if this character dies.
- GiveWeapon <classname> (in all games since
- Gives the NPC a weapon immediately.
- SpeakResponseConcept <string> (in all games since
- Speak the specified response concept immediately.
ExpandBaseNPC inputs
- OnJoinedPlayerSquad
- Fires when joins player squad
- OnLeftPlayerSquad
- Fires when leaves player squad (doesn't include death or deletion)
- OnFollowOrder
- Fires when ordered to follow player
- OnStationOrder
- Fires when ordered to a location by player
- OnPlayerUse
- Fires when a player +USEs the citizen. (!activator is the player.)
- OnNavFailBlocked
- Fires when this Citizen's movement fails because he/she is blocked by a dynamic object.
Dedicated Console Variables
Cvar/Command | Parameters or default value | Descriptor | Effect |
ai_citizen_debug_commander | bool | When a citizen is selected with ent_text, provides additional information about how the citizen processes commands from the player. | |
g_ai_citizen_show_enemy | bool | When a citizen is selected with ent_text [confirm], draws a line from the citizen's eyes to the eyes of its enemy during combat. | |
npc_citizen_auto_player_squad | bool | Makes the citizens automatically join the player's squad as long as they're within a minimum distance to the player and a squad slot is available. | |
npc_citizen_auto_player_squad_allow_use | bool | If set to 1, makes the citizens join/unjoin the player's squad when they +USE the citizen, as long as a squad slot is available. | |
npc_citizen_explosive_resist | bool | Resistance against exposions. | |
npc_citizen_insignia | bool | Places chefhat.mdl on the heads of citizens in the player's squad. |
npc_citizen_squad_marker | bool | Adds a small marker under their feet when the citizens are in the player's squad. | |
sk_citizen_giveammo_player_delay | float | Time between ammo assistances. | |
sk_citizen_heal_ally | int | Amount of health to heal allies for. | |
sk_citizen_heal_ally_delay | float | Time between medical assistances for allies. | |
sk_citizen_heal_player | int | Amount of health to heal players for. | |
sk_citizen_heal_player_delay | float | Time between medical assistances. | |
sk_citizen_heal_player_min_forced | int | Players must be at least this far from their max health before medics can heal them again. | |
sk_citizen_heal_player_min_pct | float | How much health a NPC has to have before medics will consider healing them. Target's health * this variable. | |
sk_citizen_health | int | A citizen's spawn health. | |
sk_citizen_player_stare_dist | float | How far medics have to be from the player to register healing requests from staring. | |
sk_citizen_player_stare_time | float | How long a player has to stare at a medic before they give them health. | |
sk_citizen_stare_heal_time | float | How long to wait after healing someone before medics can resume stare healing request behavior. |