Category:Engine branches

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Family tree of all Valve Valve engines (GoldSrc GoldSrc, Source Source, Source 2 Source 2), including both official & third-party engine branches, aswell as games.

Various branches of the GoldSrc GoldSrc and Source Source engine by both Valve and third-party developers. A build of GoldSrc and Source is only considered a branch when it is incompatible with previous releases.

For example, Source 2013 Source 2013 (which includes Half-Life 2) does not have any new features that CS:GO engine branch CS:GO engine branch had, and maps (aswell as VTF 7.5 textures) made for Alien Swarm (up to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) will refuse to load in Half-Life 2, unless it is converted.

Engine branches


GoldSrc (Nightfire‎ branch, CS Neo‎ branch)Steam build (CoF branch)SteamPipe(Svengine)25th Anniversary


Source 2004 Source 2004Source 2006 Source 2006Source 2007 Source 2007 Source 2009 Source 2009Source 2013 Singleplayer Source 2013 Singleplayer
Source Multiplayer Source MultiplayerSource 2013 Multiplayer Source 2013 Multiplayer (Xengine)Team Fortress 2 branch Team Fortress 2 branch
Left 4 Dead engine branch Left 4 Dead engine branchAlien Swarm engine branch Alien Swarm engine branchPortal 2 engine branch Portal 2 engine branch(Titanfall branch)CS:GO engine branch CS:GO engine branch (Strata Source)Dota 2 engine branch Dota 2 engine branch

See Branching on Wikipedia.