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A detail texture (noise_detail_01), and its effect when applied to a material (brickwall031a).

$detail is a material shader parameter available in all Source Source games. It specifies a texture which Source will use to add high-resolution detail to a material when it is viewed up close, by darkening or lightening the albedo appropriately, depending on the $detailblendmode. You can also use a full color (as opposed to grayscale) image and blend it using $detailblendmode 2. It is very effective for increasing the apparent resolution of a texture, and was used extensively in Half-Life 2: Episode Two Half-Life 2: Episode Two, as well as Portal 2 Portal 2 for the white tile textures's bumps.

Icon-Bug.pngBug: $detail textures do not work in conjunction with some parameters:   [todo tested in?]
Todo:  Document issues from other branches of source.
Confirm: Things that don't work in Alien Swarm, usually don't work in Left 4 Dead either. And vice versa. But it'd be better if someone could confirm this.
Icon-Bug.pngBug: Using $detail with $blendmodulatetexture will cause a graphical issue (stripes over the surface), only works correctly in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.   [todo tested in?]


$detail <texture>

You will probably want to use at least $detailscale (see below) as well.

Parameters and Effects

Rotates, scales, etc. the detail texture.
The default position is center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0.
  1. center defines the point of rotation. Only useful if rotate is being used.
  2. scale fits the texture into the material the given number of times. 2 1 is a 50% scale in the horizontal X axis while the vertical Y axis is still at original scale.
  3. rotate rotates the texture counter-clockwise in degrees. Accepts any number, including negatives.
  4. translate shifts the texture by the given numbers. .5 will shift it half-way. 1 will shift it once completely over, which is the same as not moving it at all.
Note.pngNote:All values must be included!
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Scaling the texture may cause odd issues where the Texture Lock tool in Hammer will not actually lock the texture in place.  [todo tested in?]
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Rotating textures applied on brushes will rotate around the map origin (confirm: Orangebox engine only?). A fix for this is to change the center position in the VMT to the brush's origin.  [todo tested in?]
Icon-Bug.pngBug:This parameter does not exist for LightmappedGeneric, WorldVertexTransition, LightmappedTwoTexture, WorldTwoTextureBlend, and (only in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) Lightmapped_4WayBlend.  [todo tested in?]
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Does not work with $treesway.  [todo tested in?]
Fits the detail texture onto the material the given number of times (default = 4). Generally used instead of $detailtexturetransform with a value of around 7 or 8 for a 128px detail texture. To independently scale the X and Y coordinates, place your values in brackets: $detailscale "[ 4 8 ]"

Controls the amount that the detail texture affects the base texture. The precise use of this depends on the blend mode; in most cases it acts similarly to $alpha. A value of 0 usually makes the detail texture have no effect, whilst a value of 1 applies the full effect.

Icon-Bug.pngBug:Nonfunctional for $detailblendmodes 1 or 5 on UnlitGeneric (tested in Day of Defeat: Source).  [todo tested in?]
How to combine the detail material with the diffuse or albedo.
There are 12 different detail blend methods that can be used, although not all modes are available with all shaders (see below).
The blend modes are implemented in 🖿stdshaders/common_ps_fxc.h.
Blend modes in L4D2, factor .8 (Left to right modes 0 to 11, base texture only and detail only. Top row detail opacity 100%, bottom 50%).
Icon-Important.pngImportant:Listed below are limitations which apply to the various modes for specific games and shaders. Using a non-supported Blendmode can/will result in "Missing Shader Combo" errors flooding the console. The material will not render!
Note.pngNote:Blend modes 5 and 6 are applied after lighting. Blend mode 10 is applied during lighting. All other blend modes are applied before lighting.
Color tint of the detail texture.
Icon-Bug.pngBug: In Source 2013 Team Fortress 2 Alien Swarm Counter-Strike: Global Offensive On VertexLitGeneric. Does not work with $bumpmap or $phong  [todo tested in?]
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Does not work with $blendtintbybasealpha
Todo: Verify which games this is broken in ( Works in Left 4 Dead 2 Team Fortress 2 Portal 2 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Alien Swarm and Source 2013 ).
  [todo tested in?]
$detailframe <integer> (DX9+)
The frame to start an animated $detail texture on.
WorldVertexTransition only. When enabled, causes the level of detail alpha to determine "base texture blending."
Icon-Important.pngImportant:Since at minimum Source 2013 this parameter does not actually do anything!

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive WorldVertexTransition Parameters

Confirm:are these limited to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, or are they in some/all CS:GO engine branch–branch games?
$detail2 <texture> (only in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Shader(s): WorldVertexTransition

Detail texture for WorldVertexTransition's second layer.

Note.pngNote:LightmappedGeneric technically has support for these parameters and other WorldVertexTransition parameters, but they may not work as expected.
Note.pngNote:There is no $detailtransform2, the Shader will use $basetexturetransform2 instead!
Icon-Important.pngImportant:Requires both $detail and $basetexture2 to be present!
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Cannot be used with $detailblendmode "9".  [todo tested in?]
$detailscale2 <float> (only in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Shader(s): WorldVertexTransition
Detail scale for $detail2.
$detailblendfactor2 <normal> (only in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Shader(s): WorldVertexTransition
Detail blend factor for $detail2.
Note.pngNote:$detailblendfactor and $detailblendfactor2 are blended together before combining with the basetexture.
$detailframe2 <integer> (only in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Shader(s): WorldVertexTransition
The frame to start an animated $detail2 texture on.
$detailtint2 <RGB matrix> (only in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Shader(s): WorldVertexTransition
Color tint for $detail2.

Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePortal 2 SolidEnergy Parameters

Todo: Confirm if all of this information is actually true for Portal 2
Confirm:Is SolidEnergy available in CS:GO engine branch–branch games?
Note.pngNote:$detail1tint and $detail2tint do not exist on this Shader, they are missing in this list intentionally!
Icon-Important.pngImportant:$detail has very similar parameter names, but they are not the same!
$detail1 <texture> (only in Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePortal 2)
Shader(s): SolidEnergy
Detail texture for SolidEnergy's second layer.
$detail1blendmode <integer> (only in Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePortal 2)
Shader(s): SolidEnergy

How to combine the detail material with the albedo. There are 2 different detail blend methods that can be used.

$detail1scale <float> (only in Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePortal 2)
Shader(s): SolidEnergy
Detail scale for $detail2.
Note.pngNote: Does not appear to do anything.
$detail1blendfactor <float> (only in Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePortal 2)
Shader(s): SolidEnergy
Detail blend factor for $detail2.
Note.pngNote: Does not appear to do anything.
$detail1frame <integer> (only in Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePortal 2)
Shader(s): SolidEnergy
The frame to start an animated $detail1 texture on.
Icon-Important.pngImportant:Counter-Strike: Global Offensives WorldVertexTransition Shader has very similar $detail2 parameter names, but they are not the same!
$detail2 <texture> (only in Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePortal 2)
Shader(s): SolidEnergy
Detail texture for SolidEnergy's third layer.
$detail2blendmode <integer> (only in Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePortal 2)
Shader(s): SolidEnergy

How to combine the detail material with the albedo.

There are 2 different detail blend methods that can be used.
$detail2scale <float> (only in Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePortal 2)
Shader(s): SolidEnergy
Detail scale for $detail2.
Note.pngNote: Does not appear to do anything.
$detail2blendfactor <float> (only in Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePortal 2)
Shader(s): SolidEnergy
Detail blend factor for $detail2.
Note.pngNote: Does not appear to do anything.
$detail2frame <integer> (only in Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePortal 2)
Shader(s): SolidEnergy
The frame to start an animated $detail2 texture on.

Valve's Detail Textures

Valve's stock detail textures (available in OB only) are best used with the following pre-configured values:

$detail detail\noise_detail_01 // e.g. for brickwork, concrete...
$detailscale 7.74
$detailblendfactor 0.8
$detailblendmode 0
$detail detail\metal_detail_01
$detailscale 4.283
$detailblendfactor .65
$detailblendmode 0
$detail detail\rock_detail_01
$detailscale 11
$detailblendfactor 1
$detailblendmode 0
$detail detail\plaster_detail_01
$detailscale 6.783
$detailblendfactor .8
$detailblendmode 0

The below parameters come from models\props_forest\LadderWood.vmt. It is the only Valve Stock texture VMT file to use this particular detail texture. Because the detail texture (detail\wood_detail_01) is a high resolution (1024×1024), the $detailscale is lower than the others, with the exception of rock_detail_01.

$detail detail\wood_detail_01
$detailscale 2.563
$detailblendfactor .8
$detailblendmode 0

Additionally, there are 2 other stock detail textures. detail\detailash001a and detail\detaildirt001a. These files were used in the "leaked" version of Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 and in Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One using the following parameters.

Concrete/concretefloor009a in Episode One materials:

$detail detail/detaildirt001a
$detailscale 0.27

Metal/metalfloor005a in Episode One materials:

$detail detail/detailash001a
$detailscale 0.50

See also

Hiding large-scale tiling with detail textures - How to make texture repeating less noticeable using $detail