
An albedo, often interchangeably referred to as diffuse map, is a term used to describe reflection coefficient of a material surface containing view-independent Base Color information without any additional lighting or shadow information. Often stored into a Image Texture.
It's used to tell which color tint and initially add basic details for a Diffuse surface. And defines what we normally think of a texture as being before enhanced by other "treatment" textures like bump maps or specular masks.
Note:Albedos may are referenced in materials with the
However, $basetexture is not limited for Albedos.Note:When a Albedo is composed with additional information such Ambient Occlusion or surface highlights, it what nowdays called Diffuse on a Diffuse/Specular workflow.
Engine-wise, Albedo is usually used to archive a brighter or toon-like surfaces, such what we see in Dota 2 and
Team Fortress 2 characters. Often confused and interchange term for Lambert Diffuse texture, often combined with other informations such radiosity maps, luminance maps, shadow maps, diffuse maps and occlusion maps as cheap shading aproximation.