User:SirYodaJedi/Porting IdTech 3 maps to Source/Shader2VMT

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Some miscellanea for the User:SirYodaJedi/Porting IdTech 3 maps to Source#Converting materials section that would bloat the page if put there.

Per material


This is roughly equivalent to %tooltexture, although it differs slightly in that it can also be used in the 3D view for alignment purposes.

cull none
cull disable


deformVertexes autoSprite

$spriteorientation VP_PARALLEL

deformVertexes autoSprite2

$spriteorientation VP_PARALLEL_ORIENTED

Per texture


This is the texture. It may be any sort of texture, not necessarily just a diffuse texture.


Like `map`, but clamps the UV coordinates to prevent usage as a tiled texture. Set these in the VTF.


Like `map`, but animated; up to 8 frames in vanilla Quake III. The number before the texture list indicates the frame rate. Combine these into a single VTF and use a material proxy to set the animation.


Can blend textures together (detail textures, glowing textures, etc.), be used for translucency, or even do specular lighting, depending upon parameters.


Alphatesting. Unlike Source, Quake III supports alpha-clipping translucent textures. Any textures with translucency will need to not have alpha-testing when ported to Source, and may need to be edited (to sharpen the alpha channel). It takes one parameter:

Parameter Description VMT equivalent and additional setup
GT0 Greater Than 0.

Usually used in conjunction with a translucent blendFunc, to avoid rendering the surface where completely transparent.

If not translucent (rare):
LT128 Less Than 128.

This designates an inverted alpha channel.

If not translucent:

First invert the alpha channel in an image editor (linear invert).

GE128 Greater than or Equal to 128.

Standard alpha testing; anything less than 127 will be transparent, and anything greater than or equal to 128 will be opaque.

If not translucent:
GE192 Greater than or Equal to 192.

Added in Jedi Academy. Like GE128, but with the clipping threshold set to 192

If not translucent: