Compiles brushes textured with this material as having ladder contents, meaning players will be able to climb up it. In some games, the material should be applied to a func_ladder brush entity in order for the navigation mesh to recognize it and to allowing NPCs to climb the ladder.
Materials with this flag are visible to players, unless %compilenodraw is also used. All ladders found so far also make use of %CompilePassBullets, as this function is not inherited by %CompileLadder already.

tools/ToolsInvisibleLadder.vmt is a ladder that is not visible to players.
"$basetexture" "Tools/toolsinvisibleladder"
"%compilenodraw" 1
"%compilepassbullets" 1
"%compileladder" 1
"%keywords" "airexchange,borealis,c17downtown,c17industrial,c17sewers,c17skyscraper,c17trainstation,combine,kraken,wasteland"
An improved version that does not cut visleaves would look like so:
"$basetexture" "Tools/toolsinvisibleladder"
"$translucent" 1
"%compileladder" 1
"%compiledetail" 1
"%compilenodraw" 1
"%compilepassbullets" 1
Metal/MetalLadder001a.vmt is visible to players.
"$basetexture" "Metal/metalladder001a"
"$surfaceprop" "metal"
"%compileladder" 1
"$alphatest" 1
"%compilepassbullets" 1
Tools/Climb_Versus.vmt is only visible to infected players, due to the proxies.
$basetexture "tools\climb"
$additive 1
"%compileTeam" 2
"%compilepassbullets" 1
"%compileladder" 1
$proxRange 0.0
$proxTeam 1.0
$one 1.0
team 3
resultVar $proxTeam
srcVar1 $one
srcVar2 $proxRange
resultVar $alpha
srcVar1 $alpha
srcVar2 $proxTeam
resultVar $alpha
texturescrollvar $baseTextureTransform
texturescrollrate 1
texturescrollangle 90.00