Template talk:Branch-navbox

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a solutionsince people are now removing random other stuff from this, here's a fun solution: have this template be official branches only and add a third party branches box similar to the official/third party sdk tools template. c'mon guys, it's not rocket science, it's a wiki. there's examples of how to resolve this situation already on here --TF2CutContent (talk) 17:17 20 April 1942 First, it's not really a question of third party or not, it's what actually qualifies as an "engine branch". Taking Mapbase as an example below, Mapbase does not have access to base engine code, only the game code available in the public Source 2013 repo. Alien Swarm Deferred is the same, as it only has access to what was made available in the Alien Swarm SDK. These two modifications can only adjust existing entities or features and create new ones with the tools they have available in those repos, and cannot edit the base game code at all. In the words of the Mapbase MODDB page,
"Mapbase is NOT an improved version of Hammer or an improved version of the engine itself. It is a fork of Source 2013 which acts as a regular sourcemod." However, Strata and the Titanfall branch do actually qualify as branches because they edit the base game executables and binaries. That's how they can do major things like add x64 support, DX11, Native Vulkan support, increase map limits, all that fancy stuff. It was never really a question of official or not, rather if it was actually an "engine branch"
because they actually build off each other (hence why Hammer++ for CSGO can work somewhat for Portal 2, as their branches are very similar due to CSGO being just a newer version of Portal 2). However, we cannot have something like as Strata does not stem from the Titanfall branch. There would only be two third party branches if we did follow through with this, and that would not only look weird, but would also have to be structured like the {{portal games}} navbox and would look very odd. Also, as a side note, while What is this solution? Fork and branch are not equal... I agree with the position of the Equalizer. I think the same. For some it’s just food for thought, we can’t write this mod based on Alien Swarm Deferred should not be on this templateAlien Swarm Deferred just adds CSM, Volumetric lighting, Blinn–Phong reflection model and just adds code to Mapbase should not be on this templateMapbase is a mod of Source 2013 Singleplayer, and is in fact not an engine branch. A actual third party engine branch would be the Titanfall branch or Strata Source, both of which make substantial changes to the engine (dx11, larger maps, 64 bit, etc.). Mapbase is a fork of Source 2013. It is not a branch, rather a mod. It does not belong on this list.
I feel like it should still be here for clarity. While Mapbase doesn't make as many changes as something like Strata, it is, technically speaking and for all intents and purposes, a branch. It has it's own git commit which is completely separate from base Source's. Although it's used in a different way to create mods, since it's already a mod which is just intended to be built upon, that doesn't really change much about the development process. If you want to add custom entities, it's still the same as how you would do it in normal Source or any other branch, by programming. Although you could technically call any mod a branch, I feel what makes Mapbase different is that it doesn't have any "game" (ie. a campaign or multiplayer or whatever else). The only difference between Mapbase and something like Alien Swarm Deferred is that Mapbase isn't referred to as a branch, and that the early phases of development are already somewhat in place. So in conclusion, I feel like it should be kept because for anyone searching/looking for modified versions of Source, Mapbase is in practice just Source, but with new features, much like Strata or whatever else. If we consider the original repository, at least it is truly a mod rather than a separate engine. But the changes contained in it are indeed to some extent global, but we cannot put it on par with the Titanfall branch, where the engine is redesigned. Here, as is known, only a fork of It appears that the majority of users say that it is not an engine branch. As such, I am removing mapbase from the template for the (hopefully) final time. --Equalizer5118 (talk) 3:08, 14 Jan 2024 Reverting/fixing this templateSo after the Mapbase and ASD were added and removed, this template became pretty broken or atleast on Full HD monitors, because well it was splitted into two rows. So I decided to copy paste one of the old versions of it and removed mapbase from it. If anyone doesn't agree with what I did thats fine, you can revert the change. The only reason I did this is because with new users or readers the layout can quite easily confuse people. --Toligon (talk) 16:58, 19 Jan 2024 I think your edit can be left. That's right. --NOUG4AT (talk) 19:05, 19 Jan 2024 |
Xengine does belong on this template
According to our previous logic which is stated in the archived messages, we defined "Engine Branch" as any game or collection of games which has access to the base engine code, not just mod code. Such engine branches include Strata Source and Titanfall branch, but do not include Mapbase, which is a mod. This would make Black Mesa's "Xengine" an engine branch by our own logic, and does give it a place on this template.
I don't like how it destroys the neat line break we had previously, may need to do some restructuring of the box to make it less ugly. At least on a 1515x851 display. --Equalizer5118 (talk) 20:18, 31 Jan 2024
It should stay because it is more like Strata Source and it's not like Mapbase --Utopic Tahu (talk) 16:08, 2 Feb 2024
Should Dota 2 Engine branch be on the template?
Should Dota 2 Engine branch be on the template? --Mr. SystemError (talk) 20:04, 5 Apr 2024
i thinks yes, but like before-reborn update… but I doubt, because Dota 2 Engine branch is updated to Source 2. And in fact it’s already not Source 1. --NOUG4AT (talk) 20:12, 5 Apr 2024
The page for Dota 2 engine branch is being made(edited) --Mr. SystemError (talk) 16:29, 8 Apr 2024
Should PUNT and Portal 2: Desolation be on the template?
On their pages it says that they use heavily modified engine branches. --Mr. SystemError (talk) 7:17, 6 Apr 2024
Должны ли PUNT и
Portal 2: Desolation быть на этом шаблоне? На их страницах сказано что они используют сильно модифицированные версии бранчей движка Source. --Mr. SystemError (talk) 12:51, 14 Apr 2024
Should HL2 Beta (Source 2003) be on the template?
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is made on it. --Mr. SystemError (talk) 10:52, 30 Apr 2024
Also, should Garry's Mod be on this template too because it runs on its own fork of
Source 2013 --Mr. SystemError (talk) 10:57, 30 Apr 2024
(using Template:Message) Определенно уверен что нет, я даже не уверен в содержании XenEngine. Один пользователь устроил некий бардак с этим. Хотя я думаю, это приемлемо, но не должно становится "мейнстримом", бранчи использующиеся исключительно одной игрой/не имеющие какой-либо подробной документации не должны быть перечислены. Наличие XenEngine сомнительно. Создавать отдельные страницы для бранчей одного проекта - того не стоит, это должно быть частью статьи про этот самый проект. --NOUG4AT (talk) 18:07, 30 Apr 2024 (UTC)