半条命 2:升级版

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半条命 2:升级版
Software Cover - Half-Life 2 Update.jpg
Filip Victor
Filip Victor
2015 年 3 月 28 日
Steam AppID
支持 (customsourcemods 文件夹)
  • Win XP, Win Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or later
  • macOS/OS X 10.5.8, 10.6.3 (up to 10.14.6)
  • 任意 Ubuntu/Linux 发行版 (推荐最新)
  • AMD Athlon 2.4 GHz 或 Intel Pentium 4 Processor 2.80 GHz and/or Dual-core
  • 1 GB 内存
  • 7 GB 磁盘空间
  • DirectX 8.1 板卡
    需 128 MB 显存

半衰期2:升级版 半衰期2:升级版 是 2015 年发行的一款通过原版 半衰期2 修复大部分的错误并使图形效果增强的模组。

When 半衰期2 was ported from 起源2006 (Old Engine) to 起源2009 (also known as Orange Box engine or New Engine) in 2010, it introduced hundreds of bugs and issues, which was listed here. 半衰期2:升级版 fixed most of them while also improving the graphics, increasing draw distance, and adding new effects without changing the core gameplay (aside from maps, which were slightly modified to add more Lambda Locator crates and symbols while keeping total as 45). Unlike the original (vanilla) Half-Life 2, this mod is completely standalone and has its own separate saves, separate achievements, and separate AppID and configs. Additionally, it also fixed the issue that caused the game to enable fullbright lighting in some chapters (such as Black Mesa East, Highway 17, etc...) which was caused by a lack of compiling LDR+HDR for some of the Half-Life 2 maps while porting the game from the previous version of Source.


Complete lighting overhaul including enhanced lighting, more detailed world shadows, and full High Dynamic Range Lighting (HDR).
The original 半衰期2 maps are compiled for LDR only, with some of them are HDR only after 2010 update, but not both LDR and HDR.
This also fixes the issues with fullbright lighting due to lack of LDR lighting in the original 半衰期2 (starting with Black Mesa East(en) until end of Nova Prospekt(en)).
New particle effects, skyboxes and improved fog
Aside from new particles effect, many chapters such as Ravenholm(en) and Highway 17(en)/Sandtraps(en) have new skyboxes, new lighting, etc.
Countless bug fixes, correcting both visual and game-based issues.
Large amount of bugs is fixed, including bugs that are introduced at launch, Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version (起源2007), and PC after 2010 (起源2009).
Community Commentary Mode
Featuring voices from various YouTubers, including Caddicarus, Brutalmoose, Ricepirate, Balrog the Master, ProJared, and Ross Scott from Freeman's Mind


Warning.png警告:As of 2023, Half-Life 2: Update runs on the outdated version of 起源2013 from 2015, and it is no longer receiving updates, including recent bugs fixes exclusive to the vanilla 半衰期2 introduced with the Steam Deck and 20th anniversary updates, which fixes bugs related to Dropship(en) gun no longer rotates (preventing it from shooting, and thus, spawn camping),[1] NPCs eyes not blinking, and many other issues.
The game also lacks many new features introduced with Half-Life 2 Steam Deck and 20th Anniversary Update.

An unofficial patch (reUpdate patch) to fix these issues and add Steam Deck features, Vulkan(en) renderer, aswell as Source SDK(en) can be found here at PCGW and/or Gamebanana Gamebanana.




  • OS: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or later
  • CPU: AMD Athlon 2.4 GHz/Intel Pentium 4 Processor 2.80 GHz and/or Dual-core
  • RAM: 1GB RAM
  • Disk space: 7 GB (15GB+ recommended)
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 6xxx series, ATI Radeon X1600, Intel HD Graphics 3000 (with 128MB VRAM)
  • Direct3D 9.0 compatible video card (with atleast DirectX 8.0 compatibility level or higher)
Note.png注意:Due to Steam dropped support on Windows XP & Vista, users need run the game without Steam by running the hl2.exe executable directly. Achievements will be disabled when run without Steam.


  • OS X 10.5.8, 10.6.3 (up to 10.14.6)
  • CPU: 2.0 GHz and/or Dual-core
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Storage: 7 GB (15GB+ recommended)
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 8xxx series, ATI Radeon X1600, Intel HD Graphics 3000
    OpenGL 2.1 compatible
  • Audio: OpenAL compatible
Note.png注意:Mac version are no longer supported after macOS Catalina (10.15), due to this game only have 32-bit binaries.
User can manually build Intel 64-bit/Apple Silicon version of HL2 by following this guide.


  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04, SteamOS 1.0 or later
    Other Linux distros supported.
  • CPU: 2.0 GHz and/or Dual-core
  • RAM: 1 GB
  • Storage: 7 GB (15GB+ recommended)
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 8xxx series, ATI Radeon X1600, Intel HD Graphics 3000
    OpenGL 2.1 compatible
  • Audio: OpenAL compatible
Note.png注意:The system requirements on Linux are unofficial, based off Windows/Mac info, as well as other Source games that support Linux, such as Portal 2.


1. User:leonidakarlach (June 10, 2024). YouTube logo Half-Life 2 - The one Dropship gun bug that ruins the Sandtraps chapter (Now fixed). YouTube.
Note.png注意:The bugs shown on the video are recorded from 半衰期2:升级版 半衰期2:升级版 (both unpatched and unofficially patched), but these also applies to original version of 半衰期2 半衰期2 (since 2007 for consoles, 2010 for PC, was fixed on PC in 2022).
Retrieved June 10, 2024.