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My todo list. I might not get around to all of these; feel free to do any of these if you can.
Color Correction
- Create color correction tables for games that use them. Document the files, entities, and the maps they're used in.
Engine Branches
- Create an Engine branches article. Create a template similar to Template:GameHierarchy for engine branches.
- Revamp pre-existing articles for engine branches, and create Source 2004, Portal 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Engine Branch articles.
- Create categories for engine branch games. (e.g. Category:Portal 2 Engine Branch Games)
- Revamp Template:Branch.
- Document Black Mesa's entities.
- Document INFRA's entities.
- Document Dino D-Day's entities.
- Document The Stanley Parable's entities, if it has any.
Fog Settings
- Bring the Fog Settings tables in line with the ones used for Sky Lists.
- Document the Fog Settings for more games.
- Update the documentation on Black Mesa and Dear Esther.
- Document Half-Life 2: Update.
- Rewrite Lighting, Intermediate Lighting, and Advanced Lighting, and add in more information for each. Update each page with lighting features from newer engine branches.
- Add and write more tutorials about lighting and proper lighting usage.
- Rewrite the Material page.
- Rewrite the Material optimization page and add new stuff from newer engine branches.
- Unify shader and shader parameter pages using the Shader/shaderparam and MatParam templates. Update shaders with parameters and information from new games and engine branches.
- Rewrite Phong materials and add in further information.
- Document the following shaders: EyeGlint, Eyes, ParticleLitGeneric, ParticleSphere, ShatteredGlass, VolumeClouds, CustomHero (SFM), LightShafts (SFM?), SurfaceGGX (Insurgency), Character (CSGO). Some may not actually exist/work properly.
- Update the documentation of the following shaders: Aftershock, Cable, Infected, LightmappedReflective, LightmappedTwoTexture, Refract, Sky_(shader), SolidEnergy, SplineRope, SpriteCard, UnlitGeneric, UnlitTwoTexture, VortWarp, WindowImposter, WorldVertexTransition.
- Take one or more screenshots for the following shaders: Aftershock, Cable, Infected, LightmappedReflective, LightmappedTwoTexture, MonitorScreen, Refract, SolidEnergy, SplineRope, SpriteCard, Teeth, VortWarp, Water, WindowImposter, WorldTwoTextureBlend, WorldVertexTransition.
- Document the following shader parameters: $dropshadow, $layeredgenormal, $layertint, $newlayerblending (series of CSGO shader parameters for WorldVertexTransition), $decaltexture (series of CSGO shader parameters for VertexLitGeneric)
- Update the documentation of the following shader parameters (unique articles): $ambientocclusion, $detail, $distancealpha, $flesh, $envmap, $treeSway, $vertexalpha.
- Take one or more screenshots for the following shader parameters (unique articles): $ambientocclusion, $color, $emissiveblend, $nocull, $seamless_scale, $treeSway, $vertexalpha.
- Take one or more screenshots for the following shader parameters ($envmap): $envmapcontrast, $envmapsaturation, $envmapfresnel, $envmapfresnelminmaxexp, $fresnelreflection, $envmaplightscale, $envmaplightscaleminmax, $envmapanisotropy, $envmapanisotropyscale
- Take one or more screenshots for the following shader parameters ($phong): $phongexponent, $phongexponenttexture, $phongfresnelranges, $phongdisablehalflambert, $phongalbedotint, $phongalbedoboost
Sky Lists
- Document the skies and values associated with them for Dear Esther, Half-Life 2: Update, Black Mesa, and Insurgency.
Third-party Tools
- Document Slartibarty's Slammin' Source Tools.
- Document Mapbase when it releases.
Wiki stuff
- Document how to use the following templates: Template:Base point, Template:Base brush, Template:Shader, Template:Shaderparam, Template:SkylistTableCaption.
- Revamp the BaseEntity templates to split off into Targetname, Parentname, etc. sections. Find a way to show which keyvalues/inputs/outputs are in the FGD and which aren't per entity within the templates.