Sky (Source 1 shader)
Sky is a shader for materials in Source meant for 2D skyboxes. The old method of making skyboxes before Source 2007 involved using the UnlitGeneric shader with $ignorez 1
. This shader expands the amount of usable parameters and also allows for HDR skyboxes.

$nofog 1
) are affected by fog.

With an uncompressed HDR skybox texture
If the skybox texture uses uncompressed BGRA16f16f16f16f, then the VMT should look something like this:
$basetexture skybox/sky_wasteland_00up // Sky texture to use for LDR
$hdrbasetexture skybox/sky_wasteland_00_hdrup // Uncompressed HDR Sky texture to use for HDR-enabled maps
$nofog 1
$ignorez 1
$nomip 1
With a compressed HDR skybox texture
If the skybox has been compressed using BGRA8888, then $hdrcompressedtexture should be used instead:
$basetexture skybox/sky_wasteland_00up // Sky texture to use for LDR
$hdrcompressedtexture skybox/sky_wasteland_00_hdrup // Compressed HDR Sky texture to use for HDR-enabled maps
$nofog 1
$ignorez 1
$nomip 1

does differently, as it asks for $hdrcompressedtexture0, $hdrcompressedtexture1, and $hdrcompressedtexture2 instead of a single $hdrcompressedtexture.Without an HDR skybox texture
If an HDR version of the skybox texture is not available, $hdrbasetexture can use the same VTF as $basetexture:
$basetexture skybox/sky_wasteland_00up // Sky texture to use for LDR
$hdrbasetexture skybox/sky_wasteland_00up // Sky texture to use for HDR, if the texture has NOT been specifically compiled for HDR
$nofog 1
$ignorez 1
$nomip 1

You might find that skyboxes sometimes fit the entire projection area of a level. To re-scale the material to fit, use $basetexturetransform or add the following line:
$basetexturetransform "center 0 0 scale 1 2 rotate 0 translate 0 0" // For cutting off the bottom halves of the skybox
The scale 1 2 segment will maintain the fill-sizing of the X-axis, while locking the texture to the center line of the Y-axis (i.e. the absolute horizon line).