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Note:Will not work when applied to world brushes in older engines.
Workaround:Tie the refracting brushes to a func_brush.
Note:Multiple layers of the
Tip:If you have a refract shader on your model that also has other materials, you must specify $mostlyopaque parameter to the QC and $nowritez 1 & $model 1 to the VMT. If the model only has one material, then only $model 1 is necessary.
Incompatible with $localrefract. [todo tested in ?]Controls the strength of the refraction by multiplying the normal map intensity.
Incompatible with $localrefract. [todo tested in ?]Adds a blur effect. Valid values are 0, 1 and 2 (0 and 1 for DX8-).
Bug:Broken - Not implemented for this shader despite the parameter existing. [todo tested in ?]

A refracting func_brush.
is a Pixel shader available in all Source games. It distorts objects behind it. It is similar to
, but does not have real-time reflections and so is not restricted to flat surfaces. Can be used to create distorting glass windows, ice, etc.
The refraction effect is achieved by first rendering the view without the refracting surface, and then using the normal map to distort the image by replacing pixel coordinates with new ones from the pre-rendered view by projecting along the normals.

Clarify: Which engines does it work in? Might work regardless on %CompileWater materials.

shader will not render when applied on the same entity.
Keep in mind that refraction is expensive to render when sorted. Multiple layers of refraction can cause immense overdraw. Avoid having large amounts of particle sheets, or multiple surfaces with refract that render above each other.
Refract { $normalmap ... $dudvmap ... $refracttint "[1 1 1]" $refractamount .2 }
If a second normal map is specified, it will be blended with the first one.
The frame to start an animated bump map on.
Transforms the bump map texture.
- The default position is center .5 .5 scale 1 1 rotate 0 translate 0 0.
- center defines the point of rotation. Only useful if rotate is being used.
- scale fits the texture into the material the given number of times. 2 1 is a 50% scale in the horizontal X axis while the vertical Y axis is still at original scale.
- rotate rotates the texture counter-clockwise in degrees. Accepts any number, including negatives.
- translate shifts the texture by the given numbers. .5 will shift it half-way. 1 will shift it once completely over, which is the same as not moving it at all.
Note:All values must be included!
Bug:Scaling the texture may cause odd issues where the Texture Lock tool in Hammer will not actually lock the texture in place. [todo tested in ?]
Bug:Rotating textures applied on brushes will rotate around the map origin (confirm: Orangebox engine only?). A fix for this is to change the center position in the VMT to the brush's origin. [todo tested in ?]
Tints the colour of the refraction uniformly. Can be used in conjunction with $refracttint
Tints the colour of the refraction per-texel. Can be used in conjunction with $refracttint
Frame to start an animated

Forces the shader to be used for cards with poor fill rate.
Controls the intensity of the reflection's red, green and blue color channels. Any positive number can be used. Default is
"[1 1 1]"
, which means 100% intensity.
Note:You must use quotemarks, as there are space characters within the value.
Controls the contrast of the reflection. 0 is natural contrast, while 1 is the full squaring of the color (i.e. color*color).
Controls the colour saturation of the reflection. 0 is greyscale, while 1 is natural saturation.

Fades out the refraction effect around the edges.
Todo: Use the vertex color to affect the refract color. Alpha will adjust refract amount. See $vertexcolor.
Use a texture instead of rendering the view for the source of the distorted pixels.
Todo: Force the material to write alpha to the dest buffer
Don't adjust UVs for current viewport.
Don't sample outside of the viewport.
Enable magnification of the refracted image around the
screen position by $magnifyscale
.Magnify the refracted image around this screen position.
Magnify the refracted image by this factor.
Apply a simple parallax effect to the basetexture.
Depth of the parallax effect in units.
Seems to be simmillar to $flow_noise_texture but also tints the materials green. Seen in "Particle/warp_pool_01.vmt".
- Currently it is not possible to define an overall alpha mask to indicate where to fall-off refract. This however only applies to the brush based and model geometry, and not particles. To get alpha on brush or model based geometry you can create a normal map with an alpha channel, and define that as the first
. Using another normal of your choice you can then define a normal map for$normalmap2
will inherit the alpha of the first normalmap, and will act accordingly. This is extremely useful for faking effects like scrolling water of a surface. Where the first normal map can provide the alpha, and the second normal map can move along that alpha. - If
is used on a part of a model, you must specify$mostlyopaque
parameter to the qc of the model and$nowritez "1"
&$model "1"
to refract vmt. - This shader doesn't work properly with water dynamic reflections and sky_camera. Only for brushes, if a brush is world geometry or func_detail. This bug doesn't happen with ther secondary cameras (func_reflective_glass, func_monitor and portals).