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VertexLitGeneric is a vertex shader available in all Source Source games. It is the shader most commonly used to render models, and supports a variety of effects. Do not use this on world geometry, else you may encounter lighting bugs.

Supported Parameters


$basetexture defines albedo texture.
Detail texturing.
$decaltexture <texture> (only in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Use a 2nd UV channel for high-resolution decal support.


Transform $basetexture's alignment, scale, rotation and position.
$allowdiffusemodulation <boolean> (in all games since Left 4 Dead)
Prevents the model's material from being tinted by $color2 or rendercolor.
$seperatedetailuvs <boolean> (in all games since Source 2007)
Todo: Confirm use of texcoord1 for detail texture
$desaturatewithbasealpha <float> (in all games since Alien Swarm)
Use the base alpha to desaturate the base texture. Set to non-zero to enable, value gets multiplied into the alpha channel before desaturating.
$notint <boolean> (only in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) (also in Portal 2: Community Edition)
Prevents the model's material from being tinted by $color2 or rendercolor.


VertexLitGeneric support a few different methods for transparency, each for different purposes

$alpha Cheaply scales the opacity of an entire material.
Confirm:Does this work in any engine branch? It does not in Source 2013 Multiplayer.
$alphatest is a Cheap transparency using a binary opacity mask.
$nocull disables backface culling optimization.
$translucent is a expensive translucency using a full Alpha mask, for very fine gradients.
Note.pngNote:Add material sorting issues
$additive alike $translucent perform full Alpha mask, however it add colors instead of performing a multiplication. This renders in a always brighter material.
$distancealpha <boolean> (in all games since Source 2007)
$distancealpha is a vector-like edge filtering.


$lightwarptexture <texture> (in all games since Source 2006)
1 dimension Per-texel color modification via a warp texture.
Determines whether the surface is self-illuminated independent of environment lighting.
$lightmap <texture> (only in Source 2013 Multiplayer) (also in Garry's Mod)
Pre-baked lightmap; subject to limitations.


$phong <boolean> (in all games since Source 2006)
$rimlight <boolean> (in all games since Source 2007)
Constant rimlight based on phong and the ambient lighting.


$compress <texture> (in all games since Source 2007)
Wrinklemaps for character faces.
$stretch <texture> (in all games since Source 2007)
Wrinklemaps for character faces.
$flesh <boolean> (in all games since Source 2007)
The flesh effect used for Alyx in Half-Life 2: Episode Two.
$treeSway <boolean> (in all games since Left 4 Dead) (also in Team Fortress 2MapbaseGarry's ModBlack Mesa)
Vertex manipulation to give the effect of trees swaying in the wind.

Technical Workarounds

$flashlightnolambert <boolean> (in all games since Source 2007)
Tell projected textures such as the flashlight to ignore the surface normal of the model. Useful for models with $nocull such as foilage. Otherwise, lighting the face with a flashlight from behind will not affect it. Default 0.
$lowqualityflashlightshadows <boolean> (in all games since Portal 2)
Force low quality flashlight/projected texture shadows for faster performance.
$allowfencerenderstatehack <boolean> (in all games since Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Fence render hack for cascade shadow maps, allows shadow maps to work properly with fences.
$disablecsmlookup <boolean> (in all games since Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Disable cascade shadow map lookup/filtering, useful on dense foilage.
$noshadowpass <boolean> (only in Lambda Wars)
Allows turning off the shadow pass of this material.
$nodeferredlight <boolean> (only in Lambda Wars)
No deferred light input.
$modelglobalnormal <boolean> (only in Lambda Wars)
Use global light direction as normal for all model vertices.


VertexLitGeneric natively supports the Spy cloak effect from Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 . Combine it with a sine wave proxy for the full effect.

Enables cloaking effects.
Warning.pngWarning:Enabling this on static props causes a heavy performance penalty, even if the cloak effect itself isn't being used!
0.00 = fully visible,
1.00 = fully invisible.
Colors the refraction effect. Default " [ 1 1 1 ] ".
How strong the refraction effect should be when the material is partially cloaked. Default 2.



VertexLitGeneric materials in Mapbase should have the shader SDK_VertexLitGeneric.

See also