Portal BTS - Typical Elements and Entities

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Design & Detail


This page will show you common elements that can be used in almost any room type and how to create them.


Cables found throughout the BTS Areas

A staple feature of most bts areas are the cables hanging from the ceiling. In Portal 1, they are made using keyframe_rope entities, with a single move_rope always being the first in a system. Be sure to get creative with adjusting the slack.

These properties are required for ropes as seen in Portal.

Property Name Value
Subdivision 8
Rope Material cable/cable
Note.pngNote:On the end of each keyframe_rope, set the Subdivision to 2, on cables that hang and are unattached, set the subdivision to 2 as well for better performance.

There is one single cable in escape_00 that uses the cable/cable_back texture.

Fuse Set Props

To create fuse props, create a prop_static entity and use any of the following models:

  • models/props/128_fuse_set01/128_fuse_set01.mdl
  • models/props/128_fuse_set02/128_fuse_set02.mdl
  • models/props/128_fuse_set03/128_fuse_set03.mdl
  • models/props/128_fuse_set04/128_fuse_set04.mdl
  • models/props/128_fuse_set05/128_fuse_set05.mdl
  • models/props/128_fuse_set06/128_fuse_set06.mdl
  • models/props/128_fuse_set07/128_fuse_set07.mdl
  • models/props/128_fuse_set08/128_fuse_set08.mdl
  • models/props/128_fuse_set09/128_fuse_set09.mdl
  • models/props/128_fuse_set10/128_fuse_set10.mdl

Set its skin to 1 unless if it's inside an Observation Hallway.



The official BTS maps have an env_fog_controller in them with the following properties:

Property Name Value
Name fog_ctrl
Fog Enable Yes
Primary Fog Color 58 82 101
Secondary Fog Color 85 43 0
Fog Start 64
Fog End 3500

Color Control

All official escape maps have a color_correction. Create a color_correction entity and enter the following properties:

Property Name Value
Name color_correction_bts
Lookup Falloff Start Distance -1
Lookup Falloff End Distance -1
Lookup Table Filename scripts/colorcorrection/cc_bts.raw
Lookup Fade In Duration 2
Lookup Fade out Duration 2

Tonemap Control

All escape maps have anenv_tonemap_controller entity. Create an env_tonemap_controller and set its name to tonemap

Create a logic_auto and give the logic_auto the following outputs:

  My Output Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io21.png OnMapSpawn tonemap SetBloomScale 0.3 0.00 No
Io21.png OnMapSpawn tonemap SetAutoExposureMin 0.5 0.00 No
Io21.png OnMapSpawn tonemap SetAutoExposureMax 2 0.00 No
Io21.png OnMapSpawn tonemap SetTonemapRate 0.3 0.00 No

Note.pngNote:If there are test chambers within the same map, be sure to have the entities disabled during those points. If your map is mainly just a testchamber with small BTS elements (for example, a Rattman den), the entities aren't necessary.

List of other Typical Elements

These are already existing tutorials for other typical elements used in the Behind the Scenes style.

See also