Portal BTS - Tutorial - Fans

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This page will show you how to create fans.

The Base

Create an 192w*192l*128hArch with the following properties:

Arch Properties

Then, use the Clipping Tool to cut this exact shape:

Clipped Brush

Turn your shape into a func_detail and put nodraw on all of sides except for below. Just make the side brushes 112 units high.

The Shape (Dev textures are placed so it's easier to see)

Make the bottom parts of each brush metal/metalwall_bts_006a


Fan Details Alignment

Create a 32w*32l*16h cylinder with 12 sides with the nodraw texture. Texture every side except for the top with citadel_metalwall074a

Create 2 4w*52l*12h blocks with the nodraw texture. Texture every side except for the top with citadel_metalwall074a. Center this brush with the cylinder and then copy and paste this brush on the other side. Rotate this brush so it fits on the other sides as well.

Select all of those brushes and then make it a func_detail.

Note.pngNote: You can turn these brushes to a func_illusionary and disable the shadows for brighter lighting if you need it.

Align the brushes, the image on the right will help you.

Extra Details

Extra Fan Details

Create a 128w*128l*8h arch with 24 sides with nodraw.

Enter the following Properties:

  • Wall Width: 4
  • Number of Sides: 24
  • Arc: 360

Now create the brush.

Make this a func_detail

Texture everyside except for the top part and the unseeable with citadel_metalwall074a.

Align the details, the image on the right should help you.

The Grate

Create a 120w*120l*2h cylinder with 24 sides with the nodraw texture.

Make this brush a func_detail The texture of the bottom part of the brush should be metal/metalgrate013a2

Select the texture tool and

  • Set the texture scale of X and Y to 0.125
  • Rotate the texture by 45 degrees.

The Fan

Create a prop_dynamic entity and enter the following properties

Property Name Value
Parent rotating_fan1
Pitch Yaw Roll -90 0 0
World Model models/props_bts/fan01_small.mdl
Disable Shadows Yes

Position the fan just below the details in the inside part.

Create a 32w*32l*16h cylinder with 12 sides with the invisible texture

Position the brush right below the center of the detail Tie it to a func_rotating and enter he following properties

Property Name Value
Name rotating_fan1

Under Flags, check Start On and Not Solid

Orange Colored Fan

Orange Fan

If you want your fan to be orange colored, make the ceiling of the fan lights/light_orange001 and set the texture scale values to 50 so the brush doesn't emit light. Select all the walls and change their texture to metal/metalwall_bts_006b_gradient

Create a light_spot entity and position this very close to the ceiling.

Enter the following properties:

Property Name Value
Pitch Yaw Roll -90 0 0
Brightness 242 91 0 600
BrightnessScaleHDR .5
Constant 200000
Inner Angle 15
Outer Angle 30
Pitch -90

White Colored Fan

White Fan

If you want your fan to be white colored, make the ceiling of the fan lights/white008 and set the texture scale values to 50 so the brush doesn't emit light.

Select all the walls and change their texture to metal/metalwall_bts_006a_gradient.

Create a light_spot entity and position this very close to the ceiling.

Enter the following properties:

Property Name Value
Pitch Yaw Roll -90 0 0
Brightness 250 240 205 100
BrightnessScaleHDR .5
Constant 500000
Inner Angle 30
Outer Angle 45
Pitch -90

Large Fans

Todo:  Add large fans seen only in testchmb_a_15

Extra Notes

  • Not all fans rotate
  • Some fan speeds are different
  • The fastest moving fan is in escape_00, right before you encounter the Separator Pistons. Its Max Rotation Speed is set to 200.
  • The slowest moving fan is in escape_02 in the hallway where turret claws are deployed. Its Max Rotation Speed is set to 5.
  • Also in escape_02, there are fans that emit no light

See also