Portal BTS - Tutorial - Doors
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This guide will show you how to open doors with handles that can be opened with the use key.

Create a prop_door_rotating
and enter the following properties:
Property Name | Value |
Name | d1
World Model | models/props_c17/door01_left.mdl
Skin | 5
Disable Shadows | Yes
Rotating Distance | 110
Fully Open Sound | Doors.FullOpen1
Fully Closed Sound | Doors.FullClose1
Move Sound | Doors.Move1
Door Frame
Create 2 4w*4l*112h brushes with the nodraw
Create a 4w*48l*4h brush with the nodraw
Select all the brushes and tie them to a func_detail
Move these brushes around the door and texture all visible faces with metal/metaldoor_white01
Select the Face Edit Sheet
, select the front faces and set the Texture Shift X value to 16.
Select the back faces, set the Texture Shift X value to 16 and set the Alignment to World.
Select the Right face, set the Texture Shift X value to 216.
Select the Left face, set the Texture Shift X value to 25.
Select the Top face, set the Texture Shift X value to 16 and set the Texture Shift Y value to 88.
Create a 2w*56l*112h brush with the Areaportal
Center this brush with the Door Frame.
Tie this entity to a func_areaportal
entity and enter the following properties:
Property Name | Value |
Name of Linked Door | d1
Initial State | Closed

Initial State
Property to Open.Implementation
Place the door in a suitable area, these doors are typically connected to or used in Observation Hallways.
Keypad Doors
Use the same Door Frame as seen earlier. Next, create a 48w*2l*108
brush with the nodraw
texture, texture all visible faces with metal/metaldoor_white01
, align the texture if necessary.