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Hammer++ Hammer++ on yhteisön tekemä modifikaatio Valve Hammer Editorista Sourcelle, joka tarjoaa päivitetyn, vakaamman ja laajemman version editorista. Trailerin ja nettisivun voi löytää tästä linkistä.

Hammer++ tukee tällä hetkellä näitä haaroja Source pelimoottoria:

Se myös tulee Military Conflict: Vietnam Military Conflict: Vietnamin mukana, normaalin Hammerin sijaan.

Muita testattuja pelejä/modeja

Icon-Important.pngTärkeä:In order to use CS:GO Hammer++, you must have the csgo_legacy beta branch installed for Counter-Strike 2 Counter-Strike 2. The CS:GO Hammer++ no longer received updates so it's highly recommended that you should switch to Garry's Mod version instead.
Peli Engine branch (game) Hammer++ Versio Muuta ViewDiscussEdit templatePurge
Alien Swarm Alien Swarm Alien Swarm engine branch Garry's Mod Errors about reading particles, use mount.cfg to mount alien swarm data.
Note.pngHuomautus:Functions differently than Hammer, instead of using a func_brush with name structure_seal, use a normal brush to close your maps.
If compiled it forces the map to be fullbright even if there are lights.
Icon-Important.pngTärkeä:use func_details for your entire map as it will generate unwanted portals
Half-Life: Source Half-Life: Source Source 2013 Singleplayer Source 2013 Singleplayer Configure Hammer for Half-Life: Source, then install to game's 🖿bin folder normally.
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source Half-Life Deathmatch: Source Source 2013 Multiplayer Source 2013 Multiplayer
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Team Fortress 2 branch Team Fortress 2 Since 20th Anniversary update, HL2DM is on the Team Fortress 2 branch TF2 branch. The Source 2013 Multiplayer version no longer works, but installing 64-bit Team Fortress 2 version into HL2DM works.
Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead engine branch L4D2 L4D2 Hammer++ appears fine on Left 4 Dead, except when compiling the map. Once compiled and joining the map, an error will appear and display: STEAM validation rejected and unable to interact with the menu after pressing ok.
PlacementTip.pngVäliaikainen Korjaus:Before compiling the map, check the box Don't run the game after compiling and then compile the map, after it has been compiled, enter Left 4 Dead and via console, type: map <map name>.
Tip.pngVinkki:You can enable dev by going to manage < properties and on Launch options, type: -dev 1.
Note.pngKorjaus:Remove the steam_appid.txt from the 🖿hammerplusplus folder.
Left 4 Dead 2 Left 4 Dead 2 L4D2 Identical to Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead, without the Steam rejection, only displaying error on console and unable to interact with the menu when exiting the map.
Note.pngKorjaus:Remove the steam_appid.txt from the 🖿hammerplusplus folder.
Momentum Mod Momentum Mod Strata Source Garry's Mod Need retest using GMOD version.
Source Filmmaker Source Filmmaker Alien Swarm engine branch Garry's Mod Need retest using GMOD version.
Team Fortress 2 Classic Team Fortress 2 Classic Source 2013 Multiplayer Source 2013 Multiplayer Setting up Hammer
Black Mesa Black Mesa Xengine Source 2013 Multiplayer Uudet valaistus entiteetit eivät saata näkyä valaistus esikatselussa; käytä vanhoja entiteettejä testinä ja vaihda uusimpiin viimeistä kokoamista varten
Black Mesa Black Mesa (2012 mod version) Source 2007 Source 2013 Singleplayer Install to Source 2013 Singleplayer Source SDK Base 2013 - Singleplayer's 🖿bin folder and add a game configuration pointing to the mod; the Source 2013 Singleplayer Source 2013 SP compilers generate BSPs that are compatible with Source 2007 Source 2007.
Mapbase Mapbase Source 2013 Singleplayer Source 2013 Singleplayer Install to game's 🖿bin folder normally.

Check out the issues below in the relevant subpage.

Postal III Postal III Source 2009 Source 2013 Singleplayer Requires modification to Postal 3's FGD file(s); Recommended to use Postal 3's compilers instead; Some Hammer features from Postal 3's are missing like 'prefabs';

Requires Source SDK Base 2013 MP/SP to be installed; Requires folder linking inside SDK Base's 🖿sourcetest folder to load assets; Hammer++ will crash if placed inside Postal 3's 🖿bin folder.

Portal Portal Source 2013 Singleplayer Source 2013 Singleplayer Install to game's 🖿bin folder normally.
Portal 2: Community Edition Portal 2: Community Edition Strata Source Garry's Mod? Ei kehittäjien tukema; He eivät auta sinua jos löydät ongelmia
Source SDK Base 2006 Source SDK Base 2006
Source 2006 Source 2006 games & mods
(including Counter-Strike: Source v34, Half-Life 2 Old Engine, etc...)
Source 2006 Source 2013 Singleplayer or Source 2013 Multiplayer See Installation for Source 2006 games. Don't forget that Source 2006 games will have less textures (including tools textures such as 2D Skybox), differences in LDR + HDR lighting compared to Source 2007 and later (including Hammer++ lighting preview). So remember to run both Source 2006's Hammer and Hammer++ and check see if the same texture exists in Texture Browser on Source 2006's Hammer before adding it to the map.
Hunt Down the Freeman Hunt Down the Freeman (launch version) Source 2013 Singleplayer Source 2013 Singleplayer Install to game's 🖿bin folder normally.[vahvista]
Hunt Down the Freeman Hunt Down the Freeman (latest) Source 2013 Multiplayer Source 2013 Multiplayer Install to game's 🖿bin folder normally.[vahvista]

This build uses Source 2013 Multiplayer Source 2013 Multiplayer to reduce map size.


  • Valaistuksen esikatselu
  • Parannetut grafiikat
  • Hyvin paljon vakaampi
  • Hiukkasten renderöinti
  • 2D + 3D taivaslaatikko esikatselu
  • Uusi mallien selain, hiukkasten selain, väri editori, ja pikanäppäimien editori
  • Reaaliaikainen höyryn ja köysien esikatselu
  • Iso määrä uusia työkaluja kuten fysiikan simulointi, vehje manipulaatio, monikulmio muotojen piirtäminen, ja kuperoiden muotojen yhdistäminen
  • Uusia func_instance työkaluja
  • Elämänlaadun parannuksia
  • ... ja paljon muuta!

Täsmällisemmän listan voi löytää tältä nettisivulta ja sinä voit tukea ficool2'sta Ko-fin kautta


Warning.pngVaroitus:Ei tue tiettyjä Hammer Hammer 4.x'än ominaisuuksia, kuten "Muunna WAD VTMksi(en)", tai GoldSrc ".MAP(en)" tiedostojen avaaminen suoraan.
Icon-Bug.pngBugi:Käyttää aina Windowsin korkea-DPI skaalaus asetusta, jopa silloin kun skaalauksen syrjäyttämis moodi on asetettu "Application" tilaksi Wikipedia icon File Explorerin yhteensopivuus asetuksista 🖿hammerplusplus.exeseelle. Tämä voi antaa sinulle vähemmän tilaa kuin Hammer Hammer 4.xssä, riippuen Windowsin asetuksista.  [todo tested in?]

Lisää bugeja voi löytää viralliselta ongelman seuraimelta, jota ei enää huolleta.

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