Installation for Source 2006 games

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Hammer++ compiling an CSS map, using Source 2006 compilers.
Todo: Add a section for SiN Episodes (which runs on updated Source 2004, and also one of the Old Engine branch) and confirm if its works for that game or not.

This page show you how to get Hammer++ Hammer++ to work on Source 2006 games. Currently this is only tested in an old version of Counter-Strike: Source Counter-Strike: Source (v34) with unpacked "cstrike" files, and Source SDK 2006's sourcetest (aka Source Engine Test) with depot VPK files.

Key points

Icon-Important.pngImportant:Games that run on Source 2007 - Source 2013, included textures (such as 2D Skybox tool texture) that might not be available on previous version of Source (Source 2006). So it's recommended to run both Source 2006's Hammer and Hammer++, and check see if the same texture does exist in previous Source using Texture Browser on Source 2006's Hammer.
Note.pngNote:Lighting in Source 2006 might be brighter compared to Hammer++ lighting preview (or Source 2007 and later), due to differences in LDR and HDR lighting.


Hammer++ - Game Configurations tab
Hammer++'s - Build Programs tab


Source Source SDK Base 2006 (sourcetest)

1. Install Source SDK (211) and Hammer++ to Source 2013 (either SP or MP branch), then open Hammer++
Just drag the Hammer++ files to the Source 2013' 🖿bin folder.
When launching Hammer++, if there's a pop-up asking you to select any game, select "SourceTest"
Then go to Tools > Options > Edit > Add and name it "SourceTest (Old Engine)"
Icon-Bug.pngBug:On some systems or depending how Windows was configured, Hammer++ may crash every time it tries to show the show the file dialog. See Hammer++#Caveats for a workaround.
2. Game Data Files (FGD) and default entity class
You can either use the Source 2013's halflife2.fgd or Source 2006's halflife2.fgd, as both have the same contents. Some games that have been updated from Source 2006 > 2009/2013 may have new entities and stuff added into the FGD which are not present in previous versions of the game/branch.
  Default PointEntity class
By default, Hammer automatically selects ai_ally_manager from the entity list when using the Entity Tool, because it is alphabetically first. You can change the default to any valid point entity you want. info_player_start is recommended.
  Default SolidEntity class
By default, Hammer automatically select color_correction_volume from the entity list when you tie a brush to an entity, because it is alphabetically first. You can change the default to any valid brush entity you want. func_detail is recommended.
3. Game Configurations - change the following directory:
Game Executable Directory: 🖿$SteamUserDir\Source SDK Base
Game Directory: 🖿$SteamUserDir\Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer\sourcetest
You must set this to Source 2013's "sourcetest" as loading Source 2006's "sourcetest" will led to Hammer++ attempt to load old shaders file, which will cause Hammer++ preview to stop working.
Hammer VMF Directory: 🖿$SteamUserDir\SourceSDK\sourcesdk_content\hl2\mapsrc
This is where you would save the VMF file. Can be changed to any directory you want. The example above will set the VMF save location to Source SDK (211) content folder.
All example VMF files located here are not present by default after SteamPipe, so you need to extract them from depot_211.vpk.
Prefab Directory: 🖿$SteamUserDir\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\prefabs
This was originally hardcoded to the directory above in the original Hammer. But with Hammer++, this can be changed to any directory you want. Source SDK (211) ships with Half-Life 2 and other game's prefabs.
Note.pngNote:If Hammer++ crashes/freezing when trying to browse, try to enter the folder location instead, or copy paste the game config below.
4. Build Programs
Game executable: 🖿$SteamUserDir\Source SDK Base\hl2.exe (or any Source 2006 game's hl2.exe)
BSP executable: 🖿$SteamUserDir\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vbsp.exe
VIS executable: 🖿$SteamUserDir\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vvis.exe
RAD executable: 🖿$SteamUserDir\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vrad.exe
Place compiled maps: 🖿$SteamUserDir\Source SDK Base\sourcetest\maps
5. Restart Hammer++
6. Load any VMF and make sure it's works, then press F9:
Switch to "Expert...", and in the "Default" configuration.
Click Edit, and copy the "Default" configuration, name it "Default (old engine)", click OK and close.
Then, switch to "Default (old engine)" configuation, change the VBSP, VVIS and VRAD parameters from:
-game $gamedir
-game "...\common\Source SDK Base\sourcetest"
Do the same thing for "Fast", "LDR + HDR Full Compile", and so on.
This is because compilers configuration are shared between game configurations. Using "Default" configuration with -game $gamedir on Old Engine will cause it to look for New Engine's hl2 instead which will prevent the compilers from working.
7. With the last command "$game_exe", replace the following:
Commands: $game_exe
Parameters: -dev -console -allowdebug -hijack -game $gamedir +map $file
Commands: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe"
Parameters: -applaunch 215 -dev -console -allowdebug -hijack +map $file
This command launches Steam, then Source SDK Base 2006 (AppID: 215) with these command line applied, then load the compiled map. Replace the AppID if you have another Source 2006 game. If you want to launch a Source 2006 mod (sourcemods) after the map is compiled, add -game parameters and point it to the mod folder (example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\sourcemods\garrysmod10classic")
Note.pngNote:By default, using "$game_exe" will cause the game would crashes at startup (because it was launched without Steam even with -steam, preventing the game from mounting depot VPK files). A workaround is to run the Steam executable. This might not be the issue if the depot VPK files are already extracted.
Icon-Important.pngImportant:If your Source 2006 game does not require Steam to run, and does not use depot VPK, or if you chose to not run the game after compiling map, you can skip this step.
8. Click "Close" on the Run Map window (this would save the compiler's parameters).
9. (Optional, but recommended) Add detail props and RAD file
Copy the detail.vbsp and lights.rad file from Half-Life 2 (latest version) or one from Category:Source 1 RAD files and paste it to the sourcetest folder. You can also go to 🗂️ (Compressed)...\common\SourceSDK\vpks\depot_211_dir.vpk\game_content\<game-name>\<gamedir> and extract both files to sourcetest folder.
10. Done.

Game config

Note.pngNote:If Hammer++ crashes when you try to "Browse" the game directory and add it to game config, you can copy the text below, open 🖿hammerplusplus\hammerplusplus_gameconfig.txt, and paste it under "Games" section.

Don't forget to change the path if you have Steam installed in somewhere else.

"SourceTest (Old Engine)" { "GameDir" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer\sourcetest" "Hammer" { "GameData0" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer\bin\halflife2.fgd" "TextureFormat" "5" "MapFormat" "4" "DefaultTextureScale" "0.250000" "DefaultLightmapScale" "16" "GameExe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base\hl2.exe" "DefaultSolidEntity" "func_detail" "DefaultPointEntity" "info_player_start" "BSP" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vbsp.exe" "Vis" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vvis.exe" "Light" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vrad.exe" "GameExeDir" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base" "MapDir" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceSDK\sourcesdk_content\hl2\mapsrc" "BSPDir" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base\sourcetest\maps" "PrefabDir" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer\bin\Prefabs" "CordonTexture" "tools\toolsskybox" "MaterialExcludeCount" "0" "Previous" "1" }

Counter-Strike: Source Counter-Strike: Source (old version)


Both latest version of Counter-Strike: Source and older version (v1.0.0.34 or v34)
Aswell following the "Prerequisites" section above to install Source SDK.

Mounting games

Go to V:\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vconfig, open gameinfo.txt and add
game	C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source Old Engine\Counter-strike Source\cstrike
game	C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source Old Engine\Counter-strike Source\hl2
Note.pngNote:The path shown above are examples. If you install the game on different directory, or have a different game (such as GMOD 9, GMOD 10, etc...), you need to specify where the game is installed, and which game directory (e.g. garrysmod, episodic, gamedir).
Note.pngNote:You don't need to mount "sourcetest". However if there are mounting issues with depot VPK files, follow the instructions on Fixing VPK mounting for older Source SDK Bases page to mount depot VPK files.


1. Install Source SDK (211) and Hammer++ to Counter-Strike: Source (using Source 2013 Multiplayer version), then open Hammer++
Just drag the Hammer++ files to the Counter-Strike: Source' 🖿bin folder.
When launching Hammer++, If there's a pop-up asking you to select any game, just select a game (usually SourceTest, Counter-Strike: Source, etc...)
Then go to Tools > Options > Edit > Add and name it "Counter-Strike: Source (Old Engine)"
Icon-Bug.pngBug:On some systems or depending how Windows was configured, Hammer++ may crash every time it tries to show the show the file dialog. See Hammer++#Caveats for a workaround.
2. Game Data Files (FGD) and default entity class
You can either use the Source 2013's cstrike.fgd or Source 2006's cstrike.fgd, as both have the same contents. Some games that have been updated from Source 2006 > 2009/2013 may have new entities and stuff added into the FGD which are not present in previous versions of the game/branch.
  Default PointEntity class
By default, Hammer automatically selects ai_ally_manager from the entity list when using the Entity Tool, because it is alphabetically first. You can change the default to any valid point entity you want. info_player_terrorist (or info_player_counterterrorist) is recommended.
  Default SolidEntity class
By default, Hammer automatically select color_correction_volume from the entity list when you tie a brush to an entity, because it is alphabetically first. You can change the default to any valid brush entity you want. func_detail is recommended.
3. Game Configurations - change the following directory:
Game Executable Directory: 🖿...\Counter-Strike Source Old Engine\Counter-strike Source
Game Directory: 🖿...\Counter-strike Source\cstrike
You must set this to latest CSS as loading "cstrike" from Old Engine will attempt to load old shaders, causing Hammer++ preview to stop working.
Hammer VMF Directory: 🖿$SteamUserDir\SourceSDK\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc
This is where you would save the VMF file. Can be changed to any directory you want.
All example VMF files located here are not present by default after SteamPipe, so you need to extract them from depot_211.vpk.
Prefab Directory: 🖿$SteamUserDir\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\prefabs
This was originally hardcoded to the directory above in the original Hammer. But with Hammer++, this can be changed to any directory you want. Source SDK (211) ships with Half-Life 2 and other game's prefabs.
Note.pngNote:If Hammer++ crashes/freezing when trying to browse, try to enter the folder location instead, or copy paste the game config below.
4. Build Programs
Game executable: Point to 🖿...\Counter-Strike Source Old Engine\Counter-strike Source\hl2.exe (or any Source 2006's hl2.exe)
BSP executable: 🖿$SteamUserDir\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vbsp.exe
VIS executable: 🖿$SteamUserDir\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vvis.exe
RAD executable: 🖿$SteamUserDir\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vrad.exe
Place compiled maps: 🖿...\common\Counter-Strike Source Old Engine\Counter-strike Source\cstrike\maps
5. Restart Hammer++
6. Load any VMF and make sure it's works, then press F9:
Switch to "Expert...", and in the "Default" configuration.
Click Edit, and copy the "Default" configuration, name it "Default (old engine)", click OK and close.
Then, switch to "Default (old engine)" configuration, change the VBSP, VVIS and VRAD parameters from:
-game $gamedir
-game "...\common\Counter-Strike Source Old Engine\Counter-strike Source\cstrike"
Do the same thing for "Fast", "LDR + HDR Full Compile", and so on.
This is because compilers configuration are shared between game configurations. Using "Default" configuration with -game $gamedir on Old Engine will cause it to look for New Engine's cstrike instead which will prevent the compilers from working.
7. With the last command "$game_exe", replace the following:
Commands: $game_exe
Parameters: -dev -console -allowdebug -hijack -game $gamedir +map $file
Commands: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe"
Parameters: -applaunch 240 -dev -console -allowdebug -hijack +map $file
This command launches Steam, then Counter-Strike: Source (AppID: 240) with these command line applied, then load the compiled map. Replace the AppID if you have another game.
Note.pngNote:By default, using "$game_exe" will cause the game would crashes at startup (because it was launched without Steam even with -steam, preventing the game from mounting depot VPK files). A workaround is to run the Steam executable. This might not be the issue if the depot VPK files are already extracted.
Icon-Important.pngImportant:If your Source 2006 game does not require Steam to run, and does not use depot VPK, or if you chose to not run the game after compiling map, you can skip this step.
8. Click "Close" on the Run Map window (this would save the compiler's parameters).
9. (Optional, but recommended) Add detail props and RAD file
If both files are missing in cstrike folder, copy the detail.vbsp and lights.rad file from latest version of Counter-Strike: Source (or Half-Life 2) or one from Category:Source 1 RAD files and paste it to the cstrike folder. You can also go to 🗂️ (Compressed)...\common\SourceSDK\vpks\depot_211_dir.vpk\game_content\counter-strike source\cstrike and extract both files to cstrike folder.
10. Done.

Game config

Note.pngNote:If Hammer++ crashes when you try to "Browse" the game directory and add it to game config, you can copy the text below, open 🖿hammerplusplus\hammerplusplus_gameconfig.txt, and paste it under "Games" section.

Don't forget to change the path if you have Steam installed in somewhere else.

"SourceTest (Old Engine)" { "GameDir" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer\sourcetest" "Hammer" { "GameData0" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer\bin\halflife2.fgd" "TextureFormat" "5" "MapFormat" "4" "DefaultTextureScale" "0.250000" "DefaultLightmapScale" "16" "GameExe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base\hl2.exe" "DefaultSolidEntity" "func_detail" "DefaultPointEntity" "info_player_start" "BSP" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vbsp.exe" "Vis" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vvis.exe" "Light" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceSDK\bin\ep1\bin\vrad.exe" "GameExeDir" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base" "MapDir" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceSDK\sourcesdk_content\hl2\mapsrc" "BSPDir" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base\sourcetest\maps" "PrefabDir" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer\bin\Prefabs" "CordonTexture" "tools\toolsskybox" "MaterialExcludeCount" "0" "Previous" "1" }


1. leonidakarlach (talk) 08:47, 19 September 2024 (PDT) - Unlike Source 2013 compilers, Source 2006 requires Steam with Half-Life 2 and/or CS:S purchased in order to compile maps.