Diseño de nivel básico
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A step-by-step guide on creating Left 4 Dead levels using the Left 4 Dead Authoring Tools .
- Getting Started
- Your First L4D Level
- Ladders
- Visibility
- Nav Meshes
- Advanced Nav Editing
- Nav Flow
- Checkpoints (Part 2)
- Outdoor Levels
- Level Organization
- Level Standards
- Clip Brushes
- Elevators
- Panic Events
- Breakable Walls
- Finale Events (Part 2, Part 3)
- Additional Finale Components
- Versus Maps
Once complete, you may wish to look at Level Design Category for more advanced articles.
A similar step-by-step guide for new L4D2 features and an overview of L4D2 level creation are also available.
See also
- Level Design Category
- Introduction to Editing
- Level Design Video Tutorials
- L4D2 Level Design - Additional Features in the Sequel
- Left 4 Dead Level Creation
- Left 4 Dead 2 Level Creation