Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

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Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Software Cover - Half-Life 2 Deathmatch.jpg
Valve Corporation
Release date(s)
30 November 2004
First-person shooter
Steam AppID
Written in
Mod support
Yes (custom folder and sourcemods)


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Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch was released on November 30, 2004 as the multiplayer component to Half-Life 2. Gameplay is fundamentally identical to Deathmatch Classic, and the multiplayer mode in Half-Life, where players get one point for each kill and they lose a point for each suicide.

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch was, at one period of time, available free for users of certain ATI and Nvidia graphics cards.


Icon-Bug.pngBug:Players can get stuck when spawning on top of certain props at maps such as dm_lockdown.
PlacementTip.pngWorkaround:players can push the objects with weapon_physcannon.
 (tested in: ???)
Warning.pngWarning:No bots in the game.
PlacementTip.pngWorkaround:RCBot2, Botrix, and HurricaneBot are plugins that provide Server-Side Bots, and can be used on a listen server.

Use GitHub in order to prevent duplicate or outdated bug reports at the wiki.

Official maps

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch has the following official maps included:

Official maps since release
Official map since February 17 2005 (Update)
Official maps since March 18 2005 (HL2:DM Map Contest)
Official map since April 25 2005 (Update)
Official map since April 03 2013 (SteamPipe update)


Todo: expand here of use more external references

Players respawn with weapon_crowbar, weapon_physcannon, weapon_pistol with 18 loaded and 150 reserve (max), weapon_smg1 with 45 loaded and 45 reserve ammo (without alt grenades, 225 max), 2 grenades[Clarify] (5 max).

Dedicated server


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Most props like barrels and wooden boxes are only grabbable by the weapon_physcannon at maps like dm_lockdown. This is unlike Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2.

Players can't collect wooden planks after destroying wooden boxes. This is unlike Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2.

See also

External links