List of Skies
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Also, please make sure the article tries to comply with the alternate languages guide.이것은 Source엔진과 GoldSrc 엔진을 사용하는 게임들에서 이용할 수 있는 스카이 목록을 나열한 문서입니다. 나열된 light_environment 설정값(이상적인 태양 각도, 이상적인 밝기 등등)은 해당 스카이 박스를 이용한 공식 맵의 값을 인용하였으며 본인 재량에 따라 값을 변경할 수 있습니다. 맵을 컴파일 하지 않고 스카이박스만 테스트하려는 경우 게임 내에서 콘솔창에 sv_skyname <sky_name>
을 입력하십시오. 빠른 저장을 하시고 다시 맵을 불러오면 기존 스카이박스 대신 새로운 스카이블럭으로 대체됩니다.
Prefabs with light presets for Source Engine
These prefabs contain most of the above light presets for Valve Source-games.
GoldSrc Engine Games
공식 게임들
Expand Half-Life skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to Half-Life and all expansions and mods utilizing its contents. 참고:Some maps have multiple light_environment entities. If so, every light setting will be listed.
Half-Life: Opposing Force
Expand Half-Life: Opposing Force skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to Half-Life: Opposing Force and mods utilizing its content. 참고:Some maps have multiple light_environment entities. If so, every unique light setting will be listed.
Expand Counter-Strike skyboxes
Expand Ricochet skyboxes
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These skyboxes are available to Ricochet.
Mods + Third-party games
Expand the list of third-party games' skyboxes
Gunman ChroniclesThese skyboxes are available to Gunman Chronicles. 해야할 일: Add light values
소스엔진 게임들
공식 게임들
하프라이프 2
Expand Half-Life 2 skyboxes
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These skyboxes are available to 하프라이프 2 and most games and mods using Source 2013, the Orange Box branch, and earlier branches. 참고:Newer or standalone games, such as the Left 4 Dead series, 포탈 2, or Counter-Strike: Global Offensive do not ship with, nor using base HL2 content, and as such may not necessarily include these skyboxes. The skybox VTFs and VMTs from HL2 can be used in any Source engine game, however.
HDR versions of all skyboxes except 참고:While Source 2006 does support HDR, no default Half-Life 2 skybox (except Lost Coast) on this branch is HDR capable.
Only outdoor maps that have both skyboxes and light_environments are referenced by this list. |
하프라이프 2: 에피소드 1
Expand Half-Life 2: Episode One skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to 하프라이프 2: 에피소드 1 and mods utilizing its content. These skies are HDR capable. |
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Expand Half-Life 2: Episode Two skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to Half-Life 2: Episode Two and mods utilizing its content. These skies are HDR capable. |
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
Expand Half-Life 2: Lost Coast skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to Half-Life 2: Lost Coast and mods utilizing its content. These skies are HDR capable. |
Half-Life: Source
Expand Half-Life: Source skyboxes
These skyboxes are available in Half-Life: Source, Half-Life Deathmatch: Source, and mods utilizing the Half-Life: Source content. These skies are NOT HDR capable.
These skyboxes exist in the Half-Life: Source game files but are unused in game. They are available in Half-Life: Source, Half-Life Deathmatch: Source , and mods utilizing the Half-Life: Source content. Skies from Team Fortress Classic, Counter-Strike and Deathmatch Classic are present in the game files. Some light_environment entries from GoldSrc skybox list may function with these, but brightness values will need to be adjusted. |
Counter-Strike: Source
Expand Counter-Strike: Source skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to 카운터-스트라이크: 소스 and mods utilizing its content. 참고:Some maps might use the Half-Life 2 sky materials for mapping purposes only, but both games share same content.
Day of Defeat: Source
Expand Day of Defeat: Source skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to Day of Defeat: Source and mods utilizing its content. These skies are HDR capable. |
Team Fortress 2
Expand Team Fortress 2 skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to Team Fortress 2 and mods utilizing its content. Some of these skies are HDR capable. |
Left 4 Dead
Expand Left 4 Dead skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to 레프트 4 데드, Left 4 Dead 2, and mods utilizing their content. These skies are HDR capable. |
Left 4 Dead 2
Expand Left 4 Dead 2 skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to Left 4 Dead 2 and mods utilizing its content. These skies are HDR capable. The values for the light_environment and the light_directional are listed below. |
Alien Swarm
Expand Alien Swarm skyboxes
Expand Portal skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to Portal and mods utilizing its content. Portal also contains all Half-Life 2 skies. |
Portal 2
Expand Portal 2 skyboxes
These skyboxes are available to 포탈 2 and mods utilizing its content. These skies are not HDR capable. |
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Expand Counter-Strike: Global Offensive skyboxes
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These skyboxes are available to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and mods utilizing its content. Some of the skies are HDR capable, others are not HDR capable.
Mods + Third-party games
See this subpage.
Source 2 Engine Games
공식 게임들
Counter-Strike 2
Expand Counter-Strike 2 skyboxes
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Environment articles: | |
Skies and environment maps | Skybox (2D) • Skybox (3D) • HDR Skies • Skybox with Terragen • Skybox with Terragen - Advanced • List of skies |
Terrain and displacement mapping | Displacements • Creating Holes in Displacements • Digital Elevation Models • Creating custom terrain with Worldmachine |