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Scripting API

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This is the VScript API for Half-Life: Alyx.


Global functions. These can be called without any class.


Function Signature Description
AngleDiff float AngleDiff(float ang1, float ang2) Returns the number of degrees difference between two yaw angles
AnglesToVector Vector AnglesToVector(QAngle angle) Generate a vector given a QAngles
AxisAngleToQuaternion Quaternion AxisAngleToQuaternion(Vector axis, float angle) (vector,float) constructs a quaternion representing a rotation by angle around the specified vector axis.
Icon-Bug.pngBug: The Quaternion class is non-functional  [todo tested in ?]
CalcClosestPointOnEntityOBB Vector CalcClosestPointOnEntityOBB(handle entity, Vector position) Compute the closest point relative to a vector on the OBB of an entity.
CalcDistanceBetweenEntityOBB float CalcDistanceBetweenEntityOBB(handle entity1, handle entity2) Compute the distance between two entity OBB. A negative return value indicates an input error. A return value of zero indicates that the OBBs are overlapping.
CrossVectors Vector CrossVectors(Vector v1, Vector v2) Calculate the cross product between two vectors (also available as a Vector class method).
CalcDistanceToLineSegment2D float CalcDistanceToLineSegment2D(Vector P, Vector vLineA, Vector vLineB) Get the closest point from P to the (infinite) line through vLineA and vLineB and calculate the shortest distance from P to the line.
ExponentialDecay float ExponentialDecay(float decayTo, float decayTime, float dt) Smooth curve decreasing slower as it approaches zero.
LerpVectors Vector LerpVectors(Vector v1, Vector v2, float t) Linear interpolation of vector values over [0,1].
RandomFloat float RandomFloat(float min, float max) Get a random float within a range.
RandomInt int RandomInt(int min, int max) Get a random int within a range.
RotateOrientation QAngle RotateOrientation(QAngle angle1, QAngle angle2) Rotate a QAngle by another QAngle.
RotatePosition Vector RotatePosition(Vector rotationOrigin, QAngle rotationAngle, Vector vectorToRotate) Rotate a Vector around a point.
RotateQuaternionByAxisAngle Quaternion RotateQuaternionByAxisAngle(Quaternion quat, Vector axis, float angle) Rotates a quaternion by the specified angle around the specified vector axis.
Icon-Bug.pngBug: The Quaternion class is non-functional  [todo tested in ?]
RotationDelta QAngle RotationDelta(Qangle src, Qangle dest,) Find the delta between two QAngles.
RotationDeltaAsAngularVelocity Vector RotationDeltaAsAngularVelocity(Qangle angle1, Qangle angle2,) converts delta QAngle to an angular velocity Vector.
SplineQuaternions Quaternion SplineQuaternions(Quaternion q0, Quaternion q1, float 't') Very basic interpolation of quaternions q0 to q1 over time 't' on [0,1].
Icon-Bug.pngBug: The Quaternion class is non-functional  [todo tested in ?]
SplineVectors Vector SplineVectors(Vector v0, Vector v1, float t) Very basic interpolation of vectors v0 to v1 over time t on [0,1].
VectorToAngles QAngle VectorToAngles(Vector input) Get QAngles for a Vector.


Functions automatically included from the utilsinit.lua core library.

Function Signature Description
abs float abs(float val) Absolute value.
Clamp float Clamp(float val, float min, float max) Clamp the value between the min and max.
Deg2Rad float Deg2Rad(float deg) Convert degrees to radians.
Rad2Deg float Rad2Deg(float rad) Convert radians to degrees.
Lerp float Lerp(float t, float a, float b) Linear interpolation of float values over [0,1].
max float max(float x, float x) Returns the largest value of the inputs.
min float min(float x, float x) Returns the smallest value of the inputs.
Merge table Merge(table t1, table t2) Merges two tables into a third, overwriting any matching keys.
RemapVal float RemapVal(float input, float a, float b, float c, float d) Remap a value in the range [a,b] to [c,d].
RemapValClamped float RemapValClamped(float input, float a, float b, float c, float d) Remap a value in the range [a,b] to [c,d], clamping the output to the range.
VectorDistanceSq float VectorDistanceSq(Vector v1, Vector v2) Distance between two vectors squared (faster than calculating the plain distance).
VectorDistance float VectorDistance(Vector v1, Vector v2) Distance between two vectors.
VectorLerp Vector VectorLerp(float t, Vector v1, Vector v2) Linear interpolation of vector values over [0,1]. The native function LerpVectors performs the same task.
VectorIsZero bool VectorIsZero(Vector vec) Check if the vector is a zero vector.

Printing & Drawing

Function Signature Description
AppendToLogFile void AppendToLogFile(string string_1, string string_2) Appends a string to a log file on the server
DebugDrawBox void DebugDrawBox(Vector origin, Vector mins, Vector maxs, int r, int g, int b, int a, float duration) Draw a debug overlay box
DebugDrawBoxDirection void DebugDrawBoxDirection(Vector origin, Vector mins, Vector maxs, Vector orientation, Vector rgb, float a, float duration) Draw box oriented to a Vector direction
DebugDrawCircle void DebugDrawCircle(Vector origin, Vector rgb, float a, float radius, bool noDepthTest, float duration) Draw a debug circle
DebugDrawClear void DebugDrawClear() Try to clear all the debug overlay info
DebugDrawLine void DebugDrawLine(Vector origin, Vector target, int r, int g, int b, bool noDepthTest, float duration) Draw a debug overlay line
DebugDrawLine_vCol void DebugDrawLine_vCol(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2, Vector Vector_3, bool bool_4, float float_5) Draw a debug line using color vec (start, end, vRgb, a, ztest, duration)
DebugDrawScreenTextLine void DebugDrawScreenTextLine(float float_1, float float_2, int int_3, string string_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, int int_8, float float_9) Draw text with a line offset (x, y, lineOffset, text, r, g, b, a, duration)
DebugDrawSphere void DebugDrawSphere(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2, float float_3, float float_4, bool bool_5, float float_6) Draw a debug sphere (center, vRgb, a, rad, ztest, duration)
DebugDrawText void DebugDrawText(Vector Vector_1, string string_2, bool bool_3, float float_4) Draw text in 3d (origin, text, bViewCheck, duration)
DebugScreenTextPretty void DebugScreenTextPretty(float float_1, float float_2, int int_3, string string_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, int int_8, float float_9, string string_10, int int_11, bool bool_12) Draw pretty debug text (x, y, lineOffset, text, r, g, b, a, duration, font, size, bBold)
Msg void Msg(string message) Print a message to the console.
PrintLinkedConsoleMessage void PrintLinkedConsoleMessage(string string_1, string string_2) Print a console message with a linked console command
Say void Say(handle entity, string message, bool teamOnly) Have Entity say message, and teamOnly or not
ShowMessage void ShowMessage(string string_1) Print a hud message on all clients
UTIL_MessageText void UTIL_MessageText(int playerId, string message, int r, int g, int b, int a) Displays a message for a specific player
UTIL_MessageText_WithContext void UTIL_MessageText_WithContext(int playerId, string message, int r, int g, int b, int a, table context) Sends a message to a specific player in the message box with a context table
UTIL_MessageTextAll void UTIL_MessageTextAll(string message, int r, int g, int b, int a) Sends a message to everyone in the message box
UTIL_MessageTextAll_WithContext void UTIL_MessageTextAll_WithContext(string message, int r, int g, int b, int a, table context) Sends a message to everyone in the message box with a context table
UTIL_ResetMessageText void UTIL_ResetMessageText(int playerId) Resets the message text for the player
UTIL_ResetMessageTextAll void UTIL_ResetMessageTextAll() Resets the message text for all players
Warning void Warning(string "msg") Print a warning

Entity Manipulation

Function Signature Description
CancelEntityIOEvents void CancelEntityIOEvents(EHANDLE entityEhandle) Cancel all I/O events for a particular entity
ConnectOutputs void ConnectOutputs(table scope) Connects all output script functions of the passed entity script scope to the entity outputs.
Todo:  Document function name format: "^On.*Output$"
CreateDamageInfo CTakeDamageInfo CreateDamageInfo (handle, hInflictor, handlehAttacker,Vector force, Vector hitPos, float flDamage, int damageTypes) Allocate a CTakeDamageInfo object, used as an argument to CBaseEntity::TakeDamage(). Call DestroyDamageInfo( hInfo ) to free the object.
CreateEffect bool CreateEffect(table keys) Pass table - Inputs: entity, effect
CreateSceneEntity handle CreateSceneEntity(string sceneName) Create a scene entity to play the specified scene.
CreateTrigger handle CreateTrigger(Vector origin, Vector mins, Vector maxs) Creates and returns an enabled AABB trigger
CreateTriggerRadiusApproximate handle CreateTriggerRadiusApproximate(Vector origin, float radius) Creates and returns an AABB trigger thats bigger than the radius provided
DestroyDamageInfo void DestroyDamageInfo(CTakeDamageInfo info) Free a CTakeDamageInfo object that was created with CreateDamageInfo().
DoEntFire void DoEntFire(string target, string action, string value, float delay, handle activator, handle caller) Internal native function for EntFire().
DoEntFireByInstanceHandle void DoEntFireByInstanceHandle(handle target, string action, string value, float delay, handle activator, handle caller) Internal native function for EntFireByHandle().
EntFire void EntFire(table scope, string target, string action, string value = "", float delay = 0.0, handle activator = scope.thisEntity) Generate an entity I/O event on all entities matching the specified target name. The script scope of the calling entity should be passed to the first parameter.
EntFireByHandle void EntFireByHandle(handle self, handle target, string action, string value = "", float delay = 0.0, handle activator = self) Generate an entity I/O event on the specified entity. The calling entity should be passed to the first parameter.
EntIndexToHScript handle EntIndexToHScript(int entindex) Turn an entity index integer to an HScript representing that entity's script instance.
FireEntityIOInputNameOnly void FireEntityIOInputNameOnly(EHANDLE entityEhandle, string inputName) Fire Entity's Action Input w/no data
FireEntityIOInputString void FireEntityIOInputString(EHANDLE entityEhandle, string inputName, string value) Fire Entity's Action Input with passed String - you own the memory
FireEntityIOInputVec void FireEntityIOInputVec(EHANDLE entityEhandle, string inputName, Vector value) Fire Entity's Action Input with passed Vector ( hEntity, szActionName, vector )
GetMaxOutputDelay float GetMaxOutputDelay(EHANDLE entityEhandle, string inputName) Get the longest delay for all events attached to an output
GetPhysAngularVelocity Vector GetPhysAngularVelocity(CBaseEntity entity) Get Angular Velocity for VPHYS or normal object. Returns a vector of the axis of rotation, multiplied by the rotation in radians per second.
GetPhysVelocity Vector GetPhysVelocity(CBaseEntity entity) Get Velocity for VPHYS or normal object.
IsValidEntity bool IsValidEntity(CBaseEntity entity) Returns the validity of the entity. Opposite of IsNull()
PlayerInstanceFromIndex handle PlayerInstanceFromIndex(int index) Get a script instance of a player by player ID.
PrecacheEntityFromTable void PrecacheEntityFromTable(string classname, table spawnKeys, handle context) Precache an entity from KeyValues in table
PrecacheEntityListFromTable void PrecacheEntityListFromTable(table groupSpawnTables, handle context) Precache a list of entity KeyValues tables
PrecacheModel void PrecacheModel(string modelName, handle context) Manually precache a single model.
PrecacheResource void PrecacheResource(string resourceType, string resourcePath, handle context) model_folder|sound|soundfile|particle|particle_folder"
SetPhysAngularVelocity void SetPhysAngularVelocity(CBaseEntity entity, Vector angVel) Set Angular Velocity for VPHYS or normal object, from a vector of the axis of rotation, multiplied by the rotation in radians per second.
SetRenderingEnabled void SetRenderingEnabled(EHANDLE entityEhandle, bool enabled) Set rendering on/off for an EHANDLE.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Unstable in Half-Life: Alyx. May cause hard crash.  [todo tested in ?]
SpawnEntityFromTableAsynchronous void SpawnEntityFromTableAsynchronous(string classname, table spawnKeys, function callback, handle unknown) Asynchronously spawns a single entity from a table. A callback will be triggered when the spawning is complete, passing the handle of the entity as a parameter.
SpawnEntityFromTableSynchronous handle SpawnEntityFromTableSynchronous(string classname, table spawnKeys) Synchronously spawns a single entity from a table
SpawnEntityGroupFromTable bool SpawnEntityGroupFromTable(table groupSpawnTables, bool bAsync, handle callback) Hierarchically spawn an entity group from a set of spawn tables.
SpawnEntityListFromTableAsynchronous int SpawnEntityListFromTableAsynchronous(table groupSpawnTables, handle callback) Asynchronously spawn an entity group from a list of spawn tables. A callback will be triggered when the spawning is complete, passing a list of spawned entities.
SpawnEntityListFromTableSynchronous handle SpawnEntityListFromTableSynchronous((table groupSpawnTables) Synchronously spawn an entity group from a list of spawn tables.
StopEffect void StopEffect(handle entity, string effectName)
UTIL_Remove void UTIL_Remove(handle entity) Deletes the entity
UTIL_RemoveImmediate void UTIL_RemoveImmediate(handle entity) Deletes the entity with no delay.
Warning.pngWarning:Incorrect usage may cause crashes


Function Signature Description
TraceCollideable bool TraceCollideable(table parameters) Does a raytrace against a single entity. Input and output parameters are stored in the specified table.
TraceHull bool TraceHull(table parameters) Traces a axis aligned bounding box along a line. Input and output parameters are stored in the specified table.
TraceLine bool TraceLine(table parameters) Does a raytrace along a line. Input and output parameters are stored in the specified table.


Function Signature Description
EmitGlobalSound void EmitGlobalSound(string soundName) Play named sound for all players.
EmitSoundOn void EmitSoundOn(string string_1, handle handle_2) Play named sound on Entity
EmitSoundOnClient void EmitSoundOnClient(string string_1, handle handle_2) Play named sound only on the client for the passed in player
SetOpvarFloatAll void SetOpvarFloatAll(string string_1, string string_2, string string_3, float float_4) Sets an opvar value for all players
SetOpvarFloatPlayer void SetOpvarFloatPlayer(string string_1, string string_2, string string_3, float float_4, handle handle_5) Sets an opvar value for a single player ( szStackName, szOperatorName, szOpvarName, flOpvarValue, hEnt )
StartSoundEvent void StartSoundEvent(string string_1, handle handle_2) Start a sound event
StartSoundEventFromPosition void StartSoundEventFromPosition(string string_1, Vector Vector_2) Start a sound event from position
StartSoundEventFromPositionReliable void StartSoundEventFromPositionReliable(string string_1, Vector Vector_2) Start a sound event from position with reliable delivery
StartSoundEventFromPositionUnreliable void StartSoundEventFromPositionUnreliable(string string_1, Vector Vector_2) Start a sound event from position with optional delivery
StartSoundEventReliable void StartSoundEventReliable(string string_1, handle handle_2) Start a sound event with reliable delivery
StartSoundEventUnreliable void StartSoundEventUnreliable(string string_1, handle handle_2) Start a sound event with optional delivery
StopSoundEvent void StopSoundEvent(string string_1, handle handle_2) Stops a sound event
StopSoundOn void StopSoundOn(string soundName, handle playingEntity) Stop named sound on Entity


Function Signature Description
cvar_getf float cvar_getf(string string_1) Gets the value of the given cvar, as a float.
cvar_setf bool cvar_setf(string string_1, float float_2) Sets the value of the given cvar, as a float.
DebugBreak void DebugBreak() Breaks in the debugger
DoIncludeScript bool DoIncludeScript(string scriptFileName, handle scope) Internal native function for IncludeScript().
DoScriptAssert void DoScriptAssert(bool assertion, string message) Internal native function for ScriptAssert().
DoUniqueString string DoUniqueString(string root) Internal native function for UniqueString().
FireGameEvent void FireGameEvent(string eventName, handle parameterTable) Fire a pre-defined event, which can be found either in custom_events.txt or in dota's resource/*.res
FireGameEventLocal void FireGameEventLocal(string string_1, handle handle_2) Fire a game event without broadcasting to the client.
FrameTime float FrameTime() Get the time spent on the server in the last frame
GetActiveSpawnGroupHandle int GetActiveSpawnGroupHandle() Returns the currently active spawn group handle
GetFrameCount int GetFrameCount() Returns the engines current frame count
GetListenServerHost handle GetListenServerHost() Get the local player on a listen server.
GetMapName string GetMapName() Get the name of the map.
IncludeScript bool IncludeScript(string scriptFileName, handle scope = nil) Execute a script file. Included in the current scope by default.
InitLogFile void InitLogFile(string string_1, string string_2) If the given file doesn't exist, creates it with the given contents; does nothing if it exists
IsClient bool IsClient() Returns true if this is lua running from the client.dll.
IsDedicatedServer bool IsDedicatedServer() Returns true if this server is a dedicated server.
IsMarkedForDeletion bool IsMarkedForDeletion(handle handle_1) Returns true if the entity is valid and marked for deletion.
IsServer bool IsServer() Returns true if this is lua running from the server.dll.
IsInToolsMode bool IsInToolsMode() Returns true if this is lua running from the dota2 workshop tools.
ListenToGameEvent int ListenToGameEvent(string eventname, function callback, table context) Register as a listener for a game event from script.
Note.pngNote:eventname in local file '*\Half-Life Alyx\game\core\pak01_dir.vpk\resource\core.gameevents'
LoadKeyValues table LoadKeyValues(string string_1) Creates a table from the specified keyvalues text file
LoadKeyValuesFromString table LoadKeyValuesFromString(string string_1) Creates a table from the specified keyvalues string
LocalTime table LocalTime() Returns the local system time as a table with the format {Hours = int; Minutes = int; Seconds = int}
MakeStringToken int MakeStringToken(string string_1)
ManuallyTriggerSpawnGroupCompletion void ManuallyTriggerSpawnGroupCompletion(int int_1) Triggers the creation of entities in a manually-completed spawn group
RegisterSpawnGroupFilterProxy void RegisterSpawnGroupFilterProxy(string string_1) Create a C proxy for a script-based spawn group filter
ReloadMOTD void ReloadMOTD() Reloads the MotD file
RemoveSpawnGroupFilterProxy void RemoveSpawnGroupFilterProxy(string string_1) Remove the C proxy for a script-based spawn group filter
rr_AddDecisionRule bool rr_AddDecisionRule(handle handle_1) Add a rule to the decision database.
rr_CommitAIResponse bool rr_CommitAIResponse(handle handle_1, handle handle_2) Commit the result of QueryBestResponse back to the given entity to play. Call with params (entity, airesponse)
rr_GetResponseTargets handle rr_GetResponseTargets() Retrieve a table of all available expresser targets, in the form { name : handle, name: handle }.
rr_QueryBestResponse bool rr_QueryBestResponse(handle handle_1, handle handle_2, handle handle_3) Params: ( hEnt, hQuery, hResult ) // Static : tests 'query' against entity's response system and returns the best response found (or nil if none found).
ScreenShake void ScreenShake(Vector Vector_1, float float_2, float float_3, float float_4, float float_5, int int_6, bool bool_7) Start a screenshake with the following parameters. vecCenter, flAmplitude, flFrequency, flDuration, flRadius, eCommand( SHAKE_START = 0, SHAKE_STOP = 1 ), bAirShake
ScriptAssert void ScriptAssert(bool assertion, string message = "") Asserts the passed in value. Prints out a message and brings up the assert dialog.
SendToConsole void SendToConsole(string string_1) Send a string to the console as a client command
SendToServerConsole void SendToServerConsole(string string_1) Send a string to the console as a server command
SetQuestName void SetQuestName(string string_1) Set the current quest name.
SetQuestPhase void SetQuestPhase(int int_1) Set the current quest phase.
StopListeningToAllGameEvents void StopListeningToAllGameEvents(table context) Stop listening to all game events within a specific context.
StopListeningToGameEvent bool StopListeningToGameEvent(int eventlistener) Stop listening to a particular game event.
Time float Time() Get the current server time
UniqueString string UniqueString(string root = "") Generate a string guaranteed to be unique across the life of the script VM, with an optional root string. Useful for adding data to table's when not sure what keys are already in use in that table.
UnloadSpawnGroup void UnloadSpawnGroup(string string_1) Unload a spawn group by name
UnloadSpawnGroupByHandle void UnloadSpawnGroupByHandle(int int_1) Unload a spawn group by handle
UpdateEventPoints void UpdateEventPoints(handle handle_1) No Description Set


Functions automatically included from the library.lua core library. Located in the vlua table rather than directly in the global scope.

Library functions to support Lua code generated by Sq2Lua.exe

Function Signature Description
vlua.clear table vlua.clear(table t) Implements Squirrel clear table method. int a, float b) Implements Squirrel three way compare operator ( <=> ).
vlua.contains bool vlua.contains(table t, variable key) Implements Squirrel in operator.
vlua.delete int vlua.delete(table t, variable key) Implements Squirrel slot delete operator.
vlua.clone int vlua.clone(table t) Implements Squirrel clone operator.
vlua.rawdelete int vlua.rawdelete(table t, variable key) Implements Squirrel rawdelete library function.
vlua.rawin int vlua.rawin(table t, variable key) Implements Squirrel rawin library function.
vlua.find variable vlua.find([table/string] o, variable value, [int startIndex]) Implements Squirrel find method for tables and strings. (o, substr, [startidx]) for strings, (o, value) for tables
vlua.slice variable vlua.slice([table/string] o, int startIndex, [int endIndex]) Implements Squirrel slice method for tables and strings.
vlua.reverse table vlua.reverse(table o) Implements Squirrel reverse method for tables.
vlua.resize table vlua.resize(string o, int size, [variable fill]) Implements Squirrel resize method for tables.
vlua.extend table vlua.extend(table o, array array) Implements Squirrel extend method for tables. table o, function mapFunc) Implements Squirrel map method for tables.
vlua.reduce table vlua.reduce(table o, function reduceFunc) Implements Squirrel reduce method for tables.
vlua.tableadd table vlua.tableadd (table t1, table t2) Implements tableadd function to support += paradigm used in Squirrel.
vlua.split table vlua.split(string input, string separator) Implements Squirrel split function for strings. variable conditional, variable valueIfTrue, variable valueIfFalse) Safe Ternary operator. The Lua version will return the wrong value if the value if true is nil.



The base class for entities.


Function Signature Description
AddEffects void AddEffects(int nFlags) Adds the render effect flag.
ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse void ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse(Vector vecImpulse) Apply a Velocity Impulse.
ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse void ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse(Vector angImpulse) Apply an Angular Velocity Impulse.
Attribute_GetFloatValue float Attribute_GetFloatValue(string pName, float flDefault) Get float value for an entity attribute.
Attribute_GetIntValue float Attribute_GetIntValue(string pName, int nDefault) Get int value for an entity attribute.
Attribute_SetFloatValue void Attribute_SetFloatValue(string pName, float flValue) Set float value for an entity attribute.
Attribute_SetIntValue void Attribute_SetIntValue(string pName, int nValue) Set int value for an entity attribute.
DeleteAttribute void DeleteAttribute(string pName) Delete an entity attribute.
EmitSound void EmitSound(string soundName)
EmitSoundParams void EmitSoundParams(string soundName, int pitch, float volume, float soundTime) Plays/modifies a sound from this entity. changes sound if Pitch and/or Volume or SoundTime is > 0.
EyeAngles QAngle EyeAngles() Get the QAngles that this entity is looking at.
EyePosition Vector EyePosition() Get vector to eye position - absolute coords
FirstMoveChild handle FirstMoveChild() If in hierarchy, get the first move child.
FollowEntity void FollowEntity(handle hEntity, bool bBoneMerge)
GatherCriteria void GatherCriteria(handle hResult) Returns a table containing the criteria that would be used for response queries on this entity. This is the same as the table that is passed to response rule script function callbacks.
GetAbsOrigin Vector GetAbsOrigin() Returns the world space origin of the entity.
GetAbsScale float GetAbsScale() Get the absolute entity scale.
Todo:  How to access non-uniform scale?
GetAngles QAngle GetAngles() Get the entity pitch, yaw, roll as QAngle
GetAnglesAsVector Vector GetAnglesAsVector() Get entity pitch, yaw, roll as a vector
GetAngularVelocity Vector GetAngularVelocity() Get the local angular velocity - returns a vector of pitch,yaw,roll
GetBaseVelocity Vector GetBaseVelocity() Get Base velocity. Only functional on prop_dynamic entities with the Scripted Movement property set.
GetBoundingMaxs Vector GetBoundingMaxs() Get a vector containing max bounds, centered on object
GetBoundingMins Vector GetBoundingMins() Get a vector containing min bounds, centered on object
GetBounds table GetBounds() Get a table containing the 'Mins' & 'Maxs' vector bounds, centered on object
GetCenter Vector GetCenter() Get vector to center of object - absolute coords
GetChildren table GetChildren() Obtain sub entities of this entity
GetContext table GetContext(string name) Looks up a context and returns it if available. May return string, float, or nil (if the context isn't found)
GetForwardVector Vector GetForwardVector() Get the forward Vector of the entity
GetHealth int GetHealth() No Description Set
GetLocalAngularVelocity QAngle GetLocalAngularVelocity() Get entity relative angular velocity. Only functional on prop_dynamic entities with the Scripted Movement property set.
GetLocalAngles QAngle GetLocalAngles() Get entity pitch, yaw, roll as a QAngle, in the space of the entity's parent or attachment point
GetLocalOrigin Vector GetLocalOrigin() Get entity origin as a Vector, in the space of the entity's parent or attachment point.
GetLocalScale float GetLocalScale() Get the entity scale relative to that of its parent.
GetLocalVelocity Vector GetLocalVelocity() Get Entity relative velocity. Only functional on prop_dynamic entities with the Scripted Movement property set.
GetMass float GetMass() Get the mass of an entity. (returns 0 if it doesn't have a physics object)
GetMaxHealth int GetMaxHealth() No Description Set
GetModelName string GetModelName() Returns the name of the model.
GetMoveParent handle GetMoveParent() If in hierarchy, retrieves the entity's parent
GetOrigin Vector GetOrigin() Returns the origin of the entity, either in world space ot in its parents space if parented.
GetOwner handle GetOwner() Gets this entity's owner
GetOwnerEntity handle GetOwnerEntity() Get the owner entity, if there is one
GetRightVector Vector GetRightVector() Get the right vector of the entity
GetRootMoveParent handle GetRootMoveParent() If in hierarchy, walks up the hierarchy to find the root parent
GetSoundDuration float GetSoundDuration(string soundName, string actormodelname) Returns float duration of the sound. Takes soundname and optional actormodelname.
GetSpawnGroupHandle int GetSpawnGroupHandle() Returns the spawn group handle of this entity.
GetTeam int GetTeam() No Description Set
GetTeamNumber int GetTeamNumber() Get the team number of this entity.
GetUpVector Vector GetUpVector() Get the up vector of the entity
GetVelocity Vector GetVelocity() World space velocity of the entity. Only functional on prop_dynamic entities with the Scripted Movement property set.
HasAttribute bool HasAttribute(string pName) See if an entity has a particular attribute.
IsAlive bool IsAlive() Is the entity alive
IsNPC bool IsNPC() Is this entity an CAI_BaseNPC?
IsNull bool IsNull() Returns the invalidity of the entity. Opposite of IsValidEntity()
IsPlayer bool IsPlayer() Is the entity a player
Kill void Kill() Deletes the entity (UTIL_Remove())
NextMovePeer handle NextMovePeer() Return the next entity in the same movement hierarchy.
OverrideFriction void OverrideFriction(float duration, float friction) Takes duration, value for a temporary override
PrecacheScriptSound void PrecacheScriptSound(string soundname) Precache a sound for later playing.
RemoveEffects void RemoveEffects(int nFlags) Removes the render effect flag.
SetAbsAngles void SetAbsAngles(float fPitch, float fYaw, float fRoll) Set entity world space pitch, yaw, roll by component.
SetAbsOrigin void SetAbsOrigin(Vector origin) Sets the world space entity origin.
SetAbsScale void SetAbsScale(float scale) Set the absolute scale of the entity.
SetAngles void SetAngles(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) Set entity pitch, yaw, roll by component. If parented, this is set relative to the parents local space.
SetAngularVelocity void SetAngularVelocity(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) Set the local angular velocity - takes float pitch, yaw, roll velocities. Only functional on prop_dynamic entities with the Scripted Movement property set.
SetConstraint void SetConstraint(Vector vPos) Set the position of the constraint.
SetContext void SetContext(string pName, string pValue, float duration) SetContext( name , value, duration ): store any key/value pair in this entity's dialog contexts. Value must be a string. Will last for duration (set 0 to mean 'forever').
SetContextNum void SetContextNum(string pName, float fValue, float duration) SetContext( name , value, duration ): store any key/value pair in this entity's dialog contexts. Value must be a number (int or float). Will last for duration (set 0 to mean 'forever').
SetContextThink void SetContextThink(string pszContextName, handle hThinkFunc, float flInterval) Set a think function on this entity.
SetEntityName void SetEntityName(string name) Set entity targetname
SetForwardVector void SetForwardVector(Vector forwardVec) Set the orientation of the entity to have this forward forwardVec
SetFriction void SetFriction(float flFriction) Set PLAYER friction, ignored for objects
SetGravity void SetGravity(float flGravity) Set PLAYER gravity, ignored for objects
SetHealth void SetHealth(int hp) Set entity health
SetLocalAngles void SetLocalAngles(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) Set the entity pitch, yaw, roll by component, relative to the local space of the entity's parent or attachment point.
SetLocalOrigin void SetLocalOrigin(Vector origin) Set entity local origin. Relative to the local space of the entity's parent or attachment point.
SetLocalScale void SetLocalScale(float scale) Set the entity scale relative to the entity's parent.
SetMass void SetMass(float flMass) Set the mass of an entity. (does nothing if it doesn't have a physics object)
SetMaxHealth void SetMaxHealth(int maxHP) Set entity max health
SetOrigin void SetOrigin(Vector origin) Set entity absolute origin
SetOwner void SetOwner(handle owningEntity) Sets this entity's owner.
SetParent void SetParent(handle hParent, string pAttachmentname) Set the parent for this entity. The attachment is optional, pass an empty string to not use it.
SetTeam void SetTeam(int team) Set entity team
SetThink void SetThink(function thinkFunction, string thinkName, float initialDelay) Sets a thinker function to be called periodically.
SetVelocity void SetVelocity(Vector vecVelocity) Sets the world space velocity of the entity. Only functional on prop_dynamic entities with the Scripted Movement property set.
StopSound void StopSound(string soundName) Stops the named sound playing from this entity.
StopThink void StopThink (string thinkName) Stops the named thinker function.
TakeDamage int TakeDamage(damageinfo hInfo) Apply damage to this entity. Use CreateDamageInfo() to create a damageinfo object.
TransformPointEntityToWorld Vector TransformPointEntityToWorld(Vector vPoint) Returns the input Vector transformed from entity to world space.
Todo:  May not respect entity scale
TransformPointWorldToEntity Vector TransformPointWorldToEntity(Vector vPoint) Returns the input Vector transformed from world to entity space.
Todo:  May not respect entity scale
Trigger void Trigger() Fires off this entity's OnTrigger responses.
ValidatePrivateScriptScope void ValidatePrivateScriptScope() Validates the private script scope and creates it if one doesn't exist.


Adding a function with this signature to the entity script causes it to be called from code at the appropriate moment.

Function Signature Description
Activate void Activate(int activateType) Called on Activate(), after the entity has spawned. If the entity is spawned on map load, Activate() is called after all entities have spawned. The activateType parameter contains an enumeration as documented here.
OnBreak void OnBreak(CBaseEntity inflictor) Called when a breakable entity is broken.
Todo: Find out what entity classes this works for?
OnEntText string OnEntText() Called every frame when ent_text is enabled on the entity. Return a string to be added to the ent_text printout.
OnTakeDamage unknown OnTakeDamage(table damageTable) Called when the entity takes damage. Table format: {inflictor = handle, damage_direction = Vector, damage_position = Vector, damage_force = Vector, damage = int, attacker = handle}
Todo: Check which entity classes can take damage. Prop_physics and prop_dynamic confirmed, but the function doesn't get called in every case.
Precache void Precache(CScriptPrecacheContext context) Called when the entity is precached. Used to precache any additional resources needed by the script using the global Precache family of script functions.
Spawn void Spawn(CScriptKeyValues spawnkeys) Called on Spawn(), just after the entity has been created, but before it has been initialized. Passes a CScriptKeyValues handle that can be used to query the entity spawn keyvalues.
UpdateOnRemove void UpdateOnRemove() Called before the entity is killed.


extends CBaseEntity

All entities inherit from this.


Function Signature Description
ConnectOutput void ConnectOutput(string output, string functionName) Adds an I/O connection that will call the named function on this entity when the specified output fires.
Icon-Bug.pngBug: This doesn't appear to work in Half-Life: Alyx scripts. Use RedirectOutput with thisEntity as the third parameter instead.  [todo tested in ?]
Destroy void Destroy() Deletes the entity (UTIL_Remove())
DisconnectOutput void DisconnectOutput(string output, string functionName) Removes a connected script function from an I/O event on this entity.
DisconnectRedirectedOutput void DisconnectRedirectedOutput(string output, string functionName, CBaseEntity entity) Removes a connected script function from an I/O event on the passed entity.
entindex int entindex() No Description Set
FireOutput void FireOutput(string outputName, handle activator, handle caller, table args, float delay) Fire an entity output
GetClassname string GetClassname() No Description Set
GetDebugName string GetDebugName() Get the entity name w/help if not defined (i.e. classname/etc)
GetEntityHandle ehandle GetEntityHandle() Get the entity as an EHANDLE
GetEntityIndex int GetEntityIndex() No Description Set
GetIntAttr int GetIntAttr(string key) Get Integer Attribute
GetName string GetName() No Description Set
GetOrCreatePrivateScriptScope handle GetOrCreatePrivateScriptScope() Retrieve, creating if necessary, the private per-instance script-side data associated with an entity
GetOrCreatePublicScriptScope handle GetOrCreatePublicScriptScope() Retrieve, creating if necessary, the public script-side data associated with an entity
GetPrivateScriptScope handle GetPrivateScriptScope() Retrieve the private per-instance script-side data associated with an entity
GetPublicScriptScope handle GetPublicScriptScope() Retrieve the public script-side data associated with an entity
RedirectOutput void RedirectOutput(string output, string functionName, CBaseEntity entity) Adds an I/O connection that will call the named function on the passed entity when the specified output fires.
RemoveSelf void RemoveSelf() Deletes the entity (UTIL_Remove())
SetIntAttr void SetIntAttr(string key, int value) Set Integer Attribute


extends CBaseEntity

Entities with models inherit from this.


Function Signature Description
GetMaterialGroupHash unsigned GetMaterialGroupHash() Get the material group hash of this entity.
GetMaterialGroupMask <unknown> GetMaterialGroupMask() Get the mesh group mask of this entity.
GetRenderAlpha int GetRenderAlpha() Get the alpha modulation of this entity.
GetRenderColor Vector GetRenderColor() Get the render color of the entity.
SetBodygroup void SetBodygroup(int iGroup, int iValue) Sets a bodygroup by index.
SetBodygroupByName void SetBodygroupByName(int iGroup, int iValue) Sets a bodygroup by name.
SetLightGroup void SetLightGroup(string pLightGroup) Sets the light group of the entity.
SetMaterialGroup void SetMaterialGroup(string pMaterialGroup) Set the material group of this entity.
SetMaterialGroupHash void SetMaterialGroupHash(uint32 nHash) Set the material group hash of this entity.
SetMaterialGroupMask void SetMaterialGroupMask(uint64 nMeshGroupMask) Set the mesh group mask of this entity.
SetModel void SetModel(string pModelName) Changes the model of the entity. Make sure the new model is precached before using.
SetRenderAlpha void SetRenderAlpha(int nAlpha) Set the alpha modulation of this entity.
SetRenderColor void SetRenderColor(int red, int green, int blue) Sets the render color of the entity.
SetRenderMode void SetRenderMode(int nMode) Sets the render mode of the entity.
SetSingleMeshGroup void SetSingleMeshGroup(string pMeshGroupName) Set a single mesh group for this entity.
SetSize void SetSize(Vector mins, Vector maxs)
SetSkin void SetSkin(int iSkin) Set skin (int).


Entity class for players.


Function Signature Description
AreChaperoneBoundsVisible bool AreChaperoneBoundsVisible() Returns whether this player's chaperone bounds are visible.
GetAnalogActionPositionForHand Vector GetAnalogActionPositionForHand(int nLiteralHandType, int nAnalogAction) Returns the value of the analog action for the given hand. See Analog Input Actions for action index values and return types.
Note.pngNote: Only reports input when headset is awake. Will still transmit input when controllers lose tracking.
GetHMDAnchor handle GetHMDAnchor() Returns the HMD anchor entity for this player if it exists.
GetHMDAvatar CPropHMDAvatar GetHMDAvatar() Returns the HMD Avatar entity for this player if it exists.
GetPlayArea Vector GetPlayArea(int nPoint) Returns the Vector position of the point you ask for. Pass 0-3 to get the four points.
GetUserID int GetUserID() Returns the player's user ID.
GetVRControllerType int GetVRControllerType() Returns the type of controller being used while in VR. See list at the bottom of the page for controller types.
IsDigitalActionOnForHand bool IsDigitalActionOnForHand(int nLiteralHandType, int nDigitalAction) Returns true if the digital action is on for the given hand. See Digital Input Actions for action index values.
Note.pngNote: Only reports input when headset is awake. Will still transmit input when controllers lose tracking.
IsNoclipping bool IsNoclipping() Returns true if the player is in noclip mode.
IsUsePressed bool IsUsePressed() Returns true if the use key is pressed.
IsVRControllerButtonPressed bool IsVRControllerButtonPressed(int nButton) Returns true if the controller button is pressed.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Non-functional for motion controller buttons in Half-Life: Alyx. Works with key bindings when VR is turned off.  [todo tested in ?]
IsVRDashboardShowing bool IsVRDashboardShowing() Returns true if the SteamVR dashboard is showing for this player.


Half-life player subclass.


Function Signature Description
PlayerCounter_CanModifyValue bool PlayerCounter_CanModifyValue(string name, int delta)
PlayerCounter_SetMax int PlayerCounter_SetMax(string name, int max)
PlayerCounter_ModifyValue int PlayerCounter_ModifyValue(string name, int delta)
PlayerCounter_SetMin int PlayerCounter_SetMin(string name, int min)
PlayerCounter_SetMinMax int PlayerCounter_SetMinMax(string name, int min, int max)
PlayerCounter_SetValue int PlayerCounter_SetValue(string name, int value)
PlayerCounter_GetValue int PlayerCounter_GetValue(string name)


extends CBaseEntity

A class containing methods involved in animations. Most model based entities inherit this.


Function Signature Description
ActiveSequenceDuration float ActiveSequenceDuration() Returns the duration in seconds of the active sequence.
GetAttachmentAngles Vector GetAttachmentAngles(int iAttachment) Get the attachment id's angles as a p,y,r vector
GetAttachmentForward Vector GetAttachmentForward(int iAttachment) Get the attachment id's forward vector.
GetAttachmentOrigin Vector GetAttachmentOrigin(int iAttachment) Get the attachment id's origin vector
GetCycle float GetCycle() Get the cycle of the animation.
GetGraphParameter table GetGraphParameter(string pszParam) Get the value of the given animGraph parameter.
GetModelScale float GetModelScale() Get scale of entity's model.
GetSequence string GetSequence() Returns the name of the active sequence.
IsSequenceFinished bool IsSequenceFinished() Ask whether the main sequence is done playing
RegisterAnimTagListener void RegisterAnimTagListener(handle hAnimTagListenerFunc) Registers a listener for string AnimTags, replaces existing script listener if any.
ResetSequence void ResetSequence(string pSequenceName) Sets the active sequence by name, resetting the current cycle
ScriptLookupAttachment int ScriptLookupAttachment(string pAttachmentName) Get the named attachment id
SequenceDuration float SequenceDuration(string pSequenceName) Returns the duration in seconds of the given sequence name.
SetGraphLookTarget void SetGraphLookTarget(Vector vValue) Pass the desired look target in world space to the graph.
SetGraphParameter void SetGraphParameter(string pszParam, table svArg) Set the specific param value, type is inferred from the type in script.
SetGraphParameterBool void SetGraphParameterBool(string szName, bool bValue) Set the specific boolean parameter on or off.
SetGraphParameterEnum void SetGraphParameterEnum(string szName, int nValue) Pass the enum (int) value to the specified param.
SetGraphParameterFloat void SetGraphParameterFloat(string szName, float flValue) Pass the float value to the specified parameter.
SetGraphParameterInt void SetGraphParameterInt(string szName, int nValue) Pass the int value to the specified param.
SetGraphParameterVector void SetGraphParameterVector(string szName, Vector vValue) Pass the vector value to the specified param in the graph.
SetModelScale void SetModelScale(float scale) Sets the model's scale to scale,
so if a unit had its model scale at 1, and you use SetModelScale(10.0), it would set the scale to 10.0.
SetPoseParameter float SetPoseParameter(string szName, float fValue) Set the specified pose parameter to the specified value.
SetSequence void SetSequence(string pSequenceName) Sets the active sequence by name, keeping the current cycle.
StopAnimation void StopAnimation() Stop the current animation by setting playback rate to 0.0.
UnregisterAnimTagListener void UnregisterAnimTagListener(table hScript) Unregisters the current string AnimTag listener, if any


extends CBaseAnimating

Animated entities that have vertex flex capability.


Function Signature Description
FindFlexController int FindFlexController(string pszFlexControllerName) Finds a flex controller by name, returns the index, -1 if not found
GetCurrentScene handle GetCurrentScene() Returns the instance of the oldest active scene entity (if any).
GetFlexWeight float GetFlexWeight(int nFlexControllerIndex) Gets the weight of a flex controller specified by index, use FindFlexController to get the index of a flex controller by name.
GetSceneByIndex handle GetSceneByIndex(int index) Returns the instance of the scene entity at the specified index.
ScriptPlayScene float ScriptPlayScene(string pszSceneFile, float flDelay) Play the specified .vcd file.
SetFlexWeight void SetFlexWeight(int nFlexControllerIndex, float flWeight) Sets the weight of a flex controller specified by index, use FindFlexController to get the index of a flex controller by name.


No Description Set


Function Signature Description
GetEquippedWeapons table GetEquippedWeapons() Returns an array of all the equipped weapons
GetFaction int GetFaction() Get the combat character faction.
GetWeaponCount int GetWeaponCount() Gets the number of weapons currently equipped
ShootPosition Vector ShootPosition(int nHand) Returns the shoot position eyes (or hand in VR).


No Description Set


Function Signature Description
AddImpulseAtPosition void AddImpulseAtPosition(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2) Apply an impulse at a worldspace position to the physics
AddVelocity void AddVelocity(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2) Add linear and angular velocity to the physics object
DetachFromParent void DetachFromParent() Detach from its parent
GetSequence <unknown> GetSequence() Returns the active sequence
IsAttachedToParent bool IsAttachedToParent() Is attached to parent
LookupSequence <unknown> LookupSequence(string string_1) Returns a sequence id given a name
SequenceDuration float SequenceDuration(string string_1) Returns the duration in seconds of the specified sequence
SetAngularVelocity void SetAngularVelocity(Vector Vector_1) No Description Set
SetAnimation void SetAnimation(string string_1) Pass string for the animation to play on this model
SetBodyGroup void SetBodyGroup(string string_1) No Description Set
SetMaterialGroup void SetMaterialGroup(utlstringtoken utlstringtoken_1) No Description Set
SetVelocity void SetVelocity(Vector velocity) No Description Set


Provides methods to enumerate all server-side entities.

Global accessor variable: Entities


Function Signature Description
CreateByClassname handle CreateByClassname(string className) Creates an entity by class name.
Warning.pngWarning:This does not initialize the created entity. Use the Spawn prefixed global functions instead.
FindAllByClassname table FindAllByClassname(string className) Finds all entities by class name. Returns an array containing all the found entities.
FindAllByClassnameWithin table FindAllByClassnameWithin(string className, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by class name within a radius. Returns an array containing all the found entities.
FindAllByModel table FindAllByModel(string modelName) Find entities by model name. Returns an array containing all the found entities.
FindAllByName table FindAllByName(string name) Find all entities by name. Returns an array containing all the found entities in it.
FindAllByNameWithin table FindAllByNameWithin(string name, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find all entities by name within a radius. Returns an array containing all the found entities.
FindAllByTarget table FindAllByTarget(string targetName) Find all entities with this target set. Returns an array containing all the found entities.
FindAllInSphere table FindAllInSphere(Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find all entities within a radius. Returns an array containing all the found entities.
FindByClassname handle FindByClassname(handle startFrom, string className) Find entities by class name. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search.
FindByClassnameNearest handle FindByClassnameNearest(string className, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by class name nearest to a point.
FindByClassnameWithin handle FindByClassnameWithin(handle startFrom, string className, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by class name within a radius. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindByModel handle FindByModel(handle startFrom, string modelName) Find entities by model name. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindByModelWithin handle FindByModelWithin(handle startFrom, string modelName, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by model name within a radius. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindByName handle FindByName(handle lastEnt, string searchString) Find entities by name. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindByNameNearest handle FindByNameNearest(string name, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by name nearest to a point.
FindByNameWithin handle FindByNameWithin(handle startFrom, string name, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by name within a radius. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindByTarget handle FindByTarget(handle startFrom, string targetName) Find entities by targetname. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindInSphere handle FindInSphere(handle startFrom, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities within a radius. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
First handle First() Begin an iteration over the list of entities
GetLocalPlayer handle GetLocalPlayer() Get the local player.
Next handle Next(handle startFrom) Continue an iteration over the list of entities, providing reference to a previously found entity


No Description Set


Function Signature Description
GetSquad handle GetSquad() Get the squad to which this NPC belongs.
NpcForceGoPosition void NpcForceGoPosition(Vector vPos, bool bRun, float flSuccessTolerance) Set a position goal and start moving.
NpcNavClearGoal void NpcNavClearGoal() Removes the NPC's current goal.
NpcNavGetGoalPosition Vector NpcNavGetGoalPosition() Get the position of the current goal.
NpcNavGoalActive bool NpcNavGoalActive() Returns true if NPC has a goal and path


extends CBaseEntity

Entity class for triggers.


Function Signature Description
Disable void Disable() Disable the trigger
Enable void Enable() Enable the trigger
IsTouching bool IsTouching(handle hEnt) Checks whether the passed entity is touching the trigger.


No Description Set


Function Signature Description
GetFloat float GetFloat(utilstringtoken unknown, float unknown) Lookup dynamic time-of-day float value.
GetVector Vector GetVector(utilstringtoken unknown, Vector unknown) Lookup dynamic time-of-day vector value.


extends CBaseEntity

Entity class for env_entity_maker.


Function Signature Description
SpawnEntity void SpawnEntity() Create an entity at the location of the maker
SpawnEntityAtEntityOrigin void SpawnEntityAtEntityOrigin(handle hEntity) Create an entity at the location of a specified entity instance
SpawnEntityAtLocation void SpawnEntityAtLocation(Vector vecAlternateOrigin, Vector vecAlternateAngles) Create an entity at a specified location and orientaton, orientation is Euler angle in degrees (pitch, yaw, roll)
SpawnEntityAtNamedEntityOrigin void SpawnEntityAtNamedEntityOrigin(string pszName) Create an entity at the location of a named entity


Interface to the C++-side of entity framework

Global accessor variable: EntityFramework


No methods available.


Called on the entity framework script.

Function Signature Description
CreateEntity void CreateEntity(string className, handle instance)
DispatchActivate bool DispatchActivate(handle entity)
DispatchInput bool DispatchInput(string inputName, table target,unknown args)
DispatchPrecache void DispatchPrecache(handle entity, CScriptPrecacheContext context)
DispatchSpawn void DispatchSpawn(handle entity, CScriptKeyValuesspawnkeys)
DispatchUpdateOnRemove bool DispatchUpdateOnRemove(handle entity)
GetClassNameOverride string GetClassNameOverride(string className)
GetDesignerNameForScriptClass string GetDesignerNameForScriptClass(string className,handle instance)
GetInputsForScriptClass table GetInputsForScriptClass(string scriptClassName)
GetNativeClassForScriptClass string GetNativeClassForScriptClass(string scriptClassName)
GetNativeOutputsForClass CNativeOutputs GetNativeOutputsForClass(string scriptClassName)
GetScriptClassForDesignerName string GetScriptClassForDesignerName(string designerName)
InstallClasses void InstallClasses()


Entity class for info_world_layer.


Function Signature Description
HideWorldLayer void HideWorldLayer() Hides this layer.
ShowWorldLayer void ShowWorldLayer() Shows this layer.


Entity class for logic_relay.


Function Signature Description
Trigger void Trigger(handle hActivator, handle hCaller) Trigger(hActivator, hCaller) : Triggers the logic_relay


No Description Set


Function Signature Description
HasTag bool HasTag(string pszTagName) Does this volume have the given tag.


Container to hold context published to precache functions in script


Function Signature Description
AddResource void AddResource(string string_1) Precaches a specific resource
GetValue variable GetValue(string key) Reads a spawn key.


Container holding keyvalues published to the Spawn() hook function.


Function Signature Description
GetValue variable GetValue(string key) Reads a spawn key.


Container for holding outputs published by scripted entity classes to the game code.


Function Signature Description
constructor void CNativeOutputs() Creates a new CNativeOutputs object.
AddOutput void AddOutput(string outputName, string description) Add an output.
Init void Init(int numOutputs) Initialize with specified number of outputs.


extends CBaseEntity

Entity class for env_projected_texture.


Function Signature Description
SetFarRange void SetFarRange(float flRange) Set light maximum range
SetLinearAttenuation void SetLinearAttenuation(float flAtten) Set light linear attenuation value
SetNearRange void SetNearRange(float flRange) Set light minimum range
SetQuadraticAttenuation void SetQuadraticAttenuation(float flAtten) Set light quadratic attenuation value
SetVolumetrics void SetVolumetrics(bool bOn, float flIntensity, float flNoise, int nPlanes, float flPlaneOffset) Turn on/off light volumetrics: bool bOn, float flIntensity, float flNoise, int nPlanes, float flPlaneOffset


No Description Set


Function Signature Description
QueryColor Vector QueryColor(utlstringtoken tok, Vector vDefault) Query color data for this key
QueryFloat float QueryFloat(utlstringtoken tok, float flDefault) Query float data for this key
QueryInt int QueryInt(utlstringtoken tok, int nDefault) Query int data for this key
QueryNumber float QueryNumber(utlstringtoken tok, float flDefault) Query number data for this key
QueryString string QueryString(utlstringtoken tok, string pDefault) Query string data for this key
QueryVector Vector QueryVector(utlstringtoken tok, Vector vDefault) Query vector data for this key


Entity class for prop_physics and related classes.


Function Signature Description
SetDynamicVsDynamicContinuous void SetDynamicVsDynamicContinuous(bool bIsDynamicVsDynamicContinuousEnabled) Enable/disable dynamic vs dynamic continuous collision traces.
DisableMotion void DisableMotion() Enable motion for the prop.
EnableMotion void EnableMotion() Enable motion for the prop.


No Description Set


Global accessor variable: debugoverlay

Function Signature Description
Axis void Axis(Vector Vector_1, Quaternion Quaternion_2, float float_3, bool bool_4, float float_5) Draws an axis. Specify origin + orientation in world space.
Box void Box(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2, int int_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, bool bool_7, float float_8) Draws a world-space axis-aligned box. Specify bounds in world space.
BoxAngles void BoxAngles(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2, Vector Vector_3, Quaternion Quaternion_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, int int_8, bool bool_9, float float_10) Draws an oriented box at the origin. Specify bounds in local space.
Capsule void Capsule(Vector Vector_1, Quaternion Quaternion_2, float float_3, float float_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, int int_8, bool bool_9, float float_10) Draws a capsule. Specify base in world space.
Circle void Circle(Vector Vector_1, Quaternion Quaternion_2, float float_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, bool bool_8, float float_9) Draws a circle. Specify center in world space.
CircleScreenOriented void CircleScreenOriented(Vector Vector_1, float float_2, int int_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, bool bool_7, float float_8) Draws a circle oriented to the screen. Specify center in world space.
Cone void Cone(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2, float float_3, float float_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, int int_8, bool bool_9, float float_10) Draws a wireframe cone. Specify endpoint and direction in world space.
Cross void Cross(Vector Vector_1, float float_2, int int_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, bool bool_7, float float_8) Draws a screen-aligned cross. Specify origin in world space.
Cross3D void Cross3D(Vector Vector_1, float float_2, int int_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, bool bool_7, float float_8) Draws a world-aligned cross. Specify origin in world space.
Cross3DOriented void Cross3DOriented(Vector Vector_1, Quaternion Quaternion_2, float float_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, bool bool_8, float float_9) Draws an oriented cross. Specify origin in world space.
DrawTickMarkedLine void DrawTickMarkedLine(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2, float float_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, int int_8, bool bool_9, float float_10) Draws a dashed line. Specify endpoint's in world space.
EntityAttachments void EntityAttachments(ehandle ehandle_1, float float_2, float float_3) Draws the attachments of the entity
EntityAxis void EntityAxis(ehandle ehandle_1, float float_2, bool bool_3, float float_4) Draws the axis of the entity origin
EntityBounds void EntityBounds(ehandle ehandle_1, int int_2, int int_3, int int_4, int int_5, bool bool_6, float float_7) Draws bounds of an entity
EntitySkeleton void EntitySkeleton(ehandle ehandle_1, float float_2) Draws the skeleton of the entity
EntityText void EntityText(ehandle ehandle_1, int int_2, string string_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, float float_8) Draws text on an entity
FilledRect2D void FilledRect2D(Vector2D Vector2D_1, Vector2D Vector2D_2, int int_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, float float_7) Draws a screen-space filled 2D rectangle. Coordinates are in pixels.
HorzArrow void HorzArrow(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2, float float_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, bool bool_8, float float_9) Draws a horizontal arrow. Specify endpoint's in world space.
Line void Line(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2, int int_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, bool bool_7, float float_8) Draws a line between two point's
Line2D void Line2D(Vector2D Vector2D_1, Vector2D Vector2D_2, int int_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, float float_7) Draws a line between two point's in screenspace
PopDebugOverlayScope void PopDebugOverlayScope() Pops the identifier used to group overlays. Overlays marked with this identifier can be deleted in a big batch.
PushAndClearDebugOverlayScope void PushAndClearDebugOverlayScope(utlstringtoken utlstringtoken_1) Pushes an identifier used to group overlays. Deletes all existing overlays using this overlay id.
PushDebugOverlayScope void PushDebugOverlayScope(utlstringtoken utlstringtoken_1) Pushes an identifier used to group overlays. Overlays marked with this identifier can be deleted in a big batch.
RemoveAllInScope void RemoveAllInScope(utlstringtoken utlstringtoken_1) Removes all overlays marked with a specific identifier, regardless of their lifetime.
SolidCone void SolidCone(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2, float float_3, float float_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, int int_8, bool bool_9, float float_10) Draws a solid cone. Specify endpoint and direction in world space.
Sphere void Sphere(Vector Vector_1, float float_2, int int_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, bool bool_7, float float_8) Draws a wireframe sphere. Specify center in world space.
SweptBox void SweptBox(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2, Vector Vector_3, Vector Vector_4, Quaternion Quaternion_5, int int_6, int int_7, int int_8, int int_9, float float_10) Draws a swept box. Specify endpoint's in world space and the bounds in local space.
Text void Text(Vector Vector_1, int int_2, string string_3, float float_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, int int_8, float float_9) Draws 2D text. Specify origin in world space.
Texture void Texture(string string_1, Vector2D Vector2D_2, Vector2D Vector2D_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, Vector2D Vector2D_8, Vector2D Vector2D_9, float float_10) Draws a screen-space texture. Coordinates are in pixels.
Triangle void Triangle(Vector point1, Vector point2, Vector point3, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, bool disableDepthCheck, float seconds) Draws a filled triangle in world space for the specific amount of seconds (-1 means forever).
UnitTestCycleOverlayRenderType void UnitTestCycleOverlayRenderType() Toggles the overlay render type, for unit tests
VectorText3D void VectorText3D(Vector Vector_1, Quaternion Quaternion_2, string string_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, bool bool_8, float float_9) Draws 3D text. Specify origin + orientation in world space.
VertArrow void VertArrow(Vector Vector_1, Vector Vector_2, float float_3, int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, bool bool_8, float float_9) Draws a vertical arrow. Specify endpoint's in world space.
YawArrow void YawArrow(Vector Vector_1, float float_2, float float_3, float float_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, int int_8, bool bool_9, float float_10) Draws a arrow associated with a specific yaw. Specify endpoint's in world space.


extends CBaseEntity

Choreographed scene which controls animation and/or dialog on one or more actors.


Function Signature Description
AddBroadcastTeamTarget void AddBroadcastTeamTarget(int int_1) Adds a team (by index) to the broadcast list
Cancel void Cancel() Cancel scene playback
EstimateLength float EstimateLength() Returns length of this scene in seconds.
FindCamera handle FindCamera() Get the camera
FindNamedEntity handle FindNamedEntity(string string_1) given an entity reference, such as !target, get actual entity from scene object
IsPaused bool IsPaused() If this scene is currently paused.
IsPlayingBack bool IsPlayingBack() If this scene is currently playing.
LoadSceneFromString bool LoadSceneFromString(string string_1, string string_2) given a dummy scene name and a vcd string, load the scene
RemoveBroadcastTeamTarget void RemoveBroadcastTeamTarget(int int_1) Removes a team (by index) from the broadcast list
Start void Start(handle handle_1) Start scene playback, takes activatorEntity as param


No Description Set


Global accessor variable: CustomGameEventManager

Function Signature Description
RegisterListener int RegisterListener(string string_1, handle handle_2) ( string EventName, func CallbackFunction ) - Register a callback to be called when a particular custom event arrives. Returns a listener ID that can be used to unregister later.
Send_ServerToAllClients void Send_ServerToAllClients(string string_1, handle handle_2) ( string EventName, table EventData )
Send_ServerToPlayer void Send_ServerToPlayer(handle handle_1, string string_2, handle handle_3) ( Entity Player, string EventName, table EventData )
Send_ServerToTeam void Send_ServerToTeam(int int_1, string string_2, handle handle_3) ( int TeamNumber, string EventName, table EventData )
UnregisterListener void UnregisterListener(int int_1) ( int ListnerID ) - Unregister a specific listener


Todo: Entity class for particle systems? No methods available.


Entity class for point_clientui_world_panel

A 2D Panorama panel projected at a set position in the world.


Function Signature Description
AcceptUserInput void AcceptUserInput() Tells the panel to accept user input.
AddCSSClasses void AddCSSClasses(string classes) Adds CSS class(es) to the panel.
IgnoreUserInput void IgnoreUserInput() Tells the panel to ignore user input.
IsGrabbable void IsGrabbable() Returns whether this entity is grabbable.
RemoveCSSClasses void RemoveCSSClasses(string classes) Remove CSS class(es) from the panel.


Entity class for point_template


Function Signature Description
DeleteCreatedSpawnGroups void DeleteCreatedSpawnGroups() DeleteCreatedSpawnGroups() : Deletes any spawn groups that this point_template has spawned. Note: The point_template will not be deleted by this.
ForceSpawn void ForceSpawn() ForceSpawn() : Spawns all of the entities the point_template is pointing at.
GetSpawnedEntities handle GetSpawnedEntities() GetSpawnedEntities() : Get the list of the most recent spawned entities
SetSpawnCallback void SetSpawnCallback(handle hCallbackFunc, handle hCallbackScope) SetSpawnCallback( hCallbackFunc, hCallbackScope, hCallbackData ) : Set a callback for when the template spawns entities. The spawned entities will be passed in as an array.


Entity class for point_worldtext.


Function Signature Description
SetMessage void SetMessage(string pMessage) Set the message on this entity.


Entity class for prop_hmd_avatar.


Function Signature Description
GetVRHand CPropVRHand GetVRHand(int nHandID) Get VR hand by ID (0 and 1).


Entity class for prop_vr_hand. Represents a VR motion controller. The controllers can be enumerated for each player using the CPropHMDAvatar::GetVRHand() method.


Function Signature Description
AddHandAttachment void AddHandAttachment(handle attachment) Add the attachment to this hand.
AddHandModelOverride void AddHandModelOverride(string modelName) Add a model override for this hand.
FindHandModelOverride handle FindHandModelOverride(string pModelName) Find a specific model override for this hand.
FireHapticPulse void FireHapticPulse(int strength) Fire a haptic pulse on this hand. Integer range [0, 1, 2] for strength.
FireHapticPulsePrecise void FireHapticPulsePrecise(int nPulseDuration) Fire a haptic pulse on this hand. Specify the duration in micro seconds.
GetHandAttachment handle GetHandAttachment() Get the attachment on this hand.
GetHandID int GetHandID() Get the players hand ID for this hand.
GetLiteralHandType int GetLiteralHandType() Get literal type for this hand.
GetPlayer CBasePlayer GetPlayer() Get the player for this hand.
GetVelocity Vector GetVelocity() Get the filtered controller velocity.
RemoveAllHandModelOverrides void RemoveAllHandModelOverrides() Remove all model overrides for this hand.
RemoveHandAttachmentByHandle void RemoveHandAttachmentByHandle(handle hAttachment) Remove hand attachment by handle.
RemoveHandModelOverride void RemoveHandModelOverride(string pModelName) Remove a model override for this hand.
SetHandAttachment void SetHandAttachment(handle hAttachment) Set the attachment for this hand.


Allows the creation and manipulation of particle systems.

Global accessor variable: ParticleManager

Function Signature Description
CreateParticle int CreateParticle(string particleName, int particleAttach, handle owningEntity) Creates a new particle effect. Returns the index of the created effect.
CreateParticleForPlayer int CreateParticleForPlayer(string particleName, int particleAttach, handle owningEntity, handle owningPlayer) Creates a new particle effect that only plays for the specified player. Returns the index of the created effect.
DestroyParticle void DestroyParticle(int particleID, bool immediately) Destroys particle.
GetParticleReplacement string GetParticleReplacement(string string_1, handle handle_2) No Description Set
ReleaseParticleIndex void ReleaseParticleIndex(int particleId) Frees the specified particle index
SetParticleAlwaysSimulate void SetParticleAlwaysSimulate(int int_1) No Description Set
SetParticleControl void SetParticleControl(int particleId, int controlIndex, Vector controlData) Set the control point data for a control on a particle effect
SetParticleControlEnt void SetParticleControlEnt(int particleId, int controlIndex, handle entity, ParticleAttachment_t attachType, string attachment, Vector origin, bool unknown) Attaches the control point to an entity.
SetParticleControlForward void SetParticleControlForward(int FXIndex, int controlIndex, Vector forward) Set the forward direction for a control point on a particle effect.
SetParticleControlOffset void SetParticleControlOffset(int iIndex, int iPoint, Vector vecOffset) Set the linear offset for a control on a particle effect.
SetParticleControlOrientation void SetParticleControlOrientation(int FXIndex, int controlIndex, Vector forward, Vector right, Vector up) Set the orientation for a control point on a particle effect.
Note.pngNote:This is left handed -- bad!!
SetParticleControlOrientationFLU void SetParticleControlOrientationFLU(int FXIndex, int controlIndex, Vector forward, Vector left, Vector up) Set the orientation for a control point on a particle effect.



Function Signature Description
IsPublicUniverse bool IsPublicUniverse() Is the script connected to the public Steam universe.


DamageInfo handle returned by CreateDamageInfo()


Function Signature Description
AddDamage void AddDamage(float addAmount) Adds to the damage value.
AddDamageType void AddDamageType(int bitsDamageType) Adds damage type bit flags.
AllowFriendlyFire bool AllowFriendlyFire()
BaseDamageIsValid bool BaseDamageIsValid()
CanBeBlocked bool CanBeBlocked()
GetAmmoType int GetAmmoType()
GetAttacker CBaseEntity GetAttacker() Returns the attacker entity.
GetBaseDamage float GetBaseDamage()
GetDamage float GetDamage() Returns the damage value.
GetDamageCustom int GetDamageCustom()
GetDamageForce Vector GetDamageForce() Returns the damage force.
GetDamagePosition int GetDamagePosition() Returns the damage position.
GetDamageTaken float GetDamageTaken()
GetDamageType int GetDamageType() Returns the damage type bitfield.
GetInflictor CBaseEntity GetInflictor() Returns the inflictor entity (usually the weapon).
GetMaxDamage float GetMaxDamage()
GetOriginalDamage float GetOriginalDamage()
GetRadius float GetRadius()
GetReportedPosition Vector GetReportedPosition()
GetStabilityDamage float GetStabilityDamage()
HasDamageType bool HasDamageType(int bitsToTest)
ScaleDamage void ScaleDamage(float scaleAmount)
SetAllowFriendlyFire void SetAllowFriendlyFire(bool allow)
SetAmmoType void SetAmmoType(intammoType)
SetAttacker void SetAttacker(CBaseEntity attacker)
SetCanBeBlocked void SetCanBeBlocked(bool block)
SetDamage void SetDamage(float damage) Set new damage value.
SetDamageCustom void SetDamageCustom(int damageCustom)
SetDamageForce void SetDamageForce(Vector damageForce) Sets the damage force vector.
SetDamagePosition void SetDamagePosition(Vector damagePosition) Sets the global space damage position.
SetDamageTaken void SetDamageTaken(int damageTaken)
SetDamageType void SetDamageType(int bitsDamageType) Set the damage type bitfield.
SetMaxDamage void SetMaxDamage(float maxDamage)
SetOriginalDamage void SetOriginalDamage(float originalDamage)
SetRadius void SetRadius(float radius)
SetReportedPosition void SetReportedPosition(Vector reportedPosition)
SetStabilityDamage void SetStabilityDamage(float stabilityDamage)


Allows access to read and modify console variables.

Global accessor variable: Convars


Function Signature Description
GetBool table GetBool(string variableName) GetBool(name) : returns the convar as a boolean flag.
GetCommandClient handle GetCommandClient() GetCommandClient() : returns the player who issued this console command.
GetFloat table GetFloat(string name) GetFloat(name) : returns the convar as a float. May return nil if no such convar.
GetInt table GetInt(string string_1) GetInt(name) : returns the convar as an int. May return nil if no such convar.
GetStr table GetStr(string variableName) GetStr(name) : returns the convar as a string. May return nil if no such convar.
RegisterCommand void RegisterCommand(string variableName, handle function, string helpText, int flags) RegisterCommand(name, fn, helpString, flags) : register a console command.
RegisterConvar void RegisterConvar(string name, string defaultValue, string helpText, int flags) RegisterConvar(name, defaultValue, helpString, flags): register a new console variable.
SetBool void SetBool(string variableName, bool value) SetBool(name, val) : sets the value of the convar to the bool.
SetFloat void SetFloat(string variableName, float value) SetFloat(name, val) : sets the value of the convar to the float.
SetInt void SetInt(string string_1, int int_2) SetInt(name, val) : sets the value of the convar to the int.
SetStr void SetStr(string string_1, string string_2) SetStr(name, val) : sets the value of the convar to the string.


No Description Set


Function Signature Description
AddRule bool AddRule(CRule rule) Add a CRule object (defined in rulescript_base.nut)
FindAllMatches handle FindAllMatches(handle query, float leeway) Returns an array of all matching responses. If leeway is nonzero, all results scoring within 'leeway' of the best score return.
FindBestMatch handle FindBestMatch(handle query) Query the database and return the best result found. If multiple of equal score found, an arbitrary one returns.


Used to read the command line parameters the game was started with.

Global accessor variable: GlobalSys


Function Signature Description
CommandLineCheck bool CommandLineCheck(string name) Returns true if the command line param was used, otherwise false.
CommandLineFloat float CommandLineFloat(string name) Returns the command line param as a float.
CommandLineInt int CommandLineInt(string name) Returns the command line param as an int.
CommandLineStr string CommandLineStr(string name) Returns the command line param as a string.


Integer with binary operations. Used for motion controller button masks.


Function Signature Description
BitwiseAnd int BitwiseAnd(Uint64 operand) Performs bitwise AND between two integers.
BitwiseOr int BitwiseOr(Uint64 operand) Performs bitwise OR between two integers.
BitwiseXor int BitwiseXor(Uint64 operand) Performs bitwise XOR between two integers.
BitwiseNot int BitwiseNot(Uint64 operand) Performs bitwise NOT between two integers.
ClearBit int ClearBit(int bitvalue) Clears the specified bit.
IsBitSet bool IsBitSet(int bitvalue) Checks if a bit is set.
SetBit int SetBit(int bitvalue) Sets the specified bit.
ToggleBit int ToggleBit(int bitvalue) Toggles the specified bit.
ToHexString string ToHexString() Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the integer.


Class for angles.


Function Signature Description
constructor QAngle(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) Creates a new QAngle.
__add QAngle __add(QAngle a, QAngle b) Overloaded +. Adds angles together.
Note.pngNote:Use RotateOrientation() instead to properly rotate angles.
__eq bool __eq(QAngle a, QAngle b) Overloaded ==. Tests for Equality
__tostring string __tostring() Overloaded .. Converts the QAngle to a human readable string.
Forward Vector Forward() Returns the forward vector.
Left Vector Left() Returns the left vector.
Up Vector Up() Returns the up vector.


Variable Description
x Pitch angle
y Yaw angle
z Roll angle


Class for quaterinions.

Global accessor variable: None available

Icon-Bug.pngBug: This class is broken and cannot be instantiated.  [todo tested in ?]
Todo:  List of methods doesn't seem to be available.


3D vector class.


Function Signature Description
constructor Vector(float x, float y, float z) Creates a new vector with the specified Cartesian coordinates.
__add Vector __add(Vector a, Vector b) Overloaded +. Adds vectors together.
__div Vector __div(Vector a, Vector b) Overloaded /. Divides vectors.
__eq bool __eq(Vector a, Vector b) Overloaded ==. Tests for Equality.
__len float __len() Overloaded # returns the length of the vector.
__mul Vector __mul(Vector a, Vector b) Overloaded * returns the vectors multiplied together. can also be used to multiply with scalars.
__sub Vector __sub(Vector a, Vector b) Overloaded -. Subtracts vectors
__tostring string __tostring() Overloaded .. Converts vectors to strings
__unm Vector __unm() Overloaded unary - operator. Reverses the vector.
Cross Vector Cross(Vector a, Vector b) Cross product of two vectors.
Dot float Dot(Vector a, Vector b) Dot product of two vectors.
Length float Length() Length of the Vector.
Length2D float Length2D() Length of the Vector in the XY plane.
Lerp Vector Lerp(Vector target, float t) Linear interpolation between the vector and the passed in target over t = [0,1].
Normalized Vector Normalized() Returns the vector normalized.


Variable Description
x X-axis
y Y-axis
z Z-axis


Todo: More undocumented enumerations exist.

Analog Input Actions

Actions for CBasePlayer:GetAnalogActionPositionForHand. These map to the actions in the SteamVR binding menu.

Note.pngNote:No enumerations exist in the game for these yet.
Name Value Category Action Description
0 Hand Hand Curl X Axis
1 Hand Trigger Pull X Axis
2 Interact Squeeze Xen Grenade X Axis
3 Move Teleport Turn Required

X, Y Axis

Todo: Do these always give both thumbstick axes?
4 Move Continuous Turn X, Y Axis
Todo: Do these always give both thumbstick axes?

Controller types

Player VR controller types returned by CBasePlayer::GetVRControllerType()

Warning.pngWarning:The enumerations are missing from the scripting environment.
Name Value Description
Todo:  Unknown, no enum available.

Digital Input Actions

Actions for CBasePlayer:IsDigitalActionOnForHand. These map to the actions in the SteamVR binding menu.

Note.pngNote:No enumerations exist in the game for these yet.
Name Value Category Action Description
0 Menu Toggle Menu Required
1 Menu Menu Interact Required
2 Menu Menu Dismiss Required
3 Interact Use Required
4 Interact Use Grip
5 Weapon Show inventory Required
6 Interact Grav Glove Lock Required
7 Weapon Fire Required
8 Weapon Alt Fire
9 Weapon Reload Required
10 Weapon Eject Magazine Required
11 Weapon Slide Release Required
12 Weapon Open Chamber Required
13 Weapon Toggle Laser Sight
14 Weapon Toggle Burst Fire Required
15 Interact Toggle Health Pen Required
16 Interact Arm Grenade Required
17 Interact Arm Xen Grenade Required
18 Move Teleport Required
19 Move Turn Left
20 Move Turn Right
21 Move Move Back
22 Move Walk
23 Move Jump
24 Move Mantle
25 Move Crouch Toggle
26 Move Stand toggle
27 Move Adjust Height

Activation types

Passed to the Activate() hook function.

Name Value Description
ACTIVATE_TYPE_INITIAL_CREATION 0 When the function is called after entity creation.
ACTIVATE_TYPE_ONRESTORE 2 When the function is called after the entity has been restored from a saved game.

Damage types

Name Value Description
DMG_ACID 1048576
DMG_PLASMA 16777216
DMG_AIRBOAT 33554432
DMG_DIRECT 268435456
DMG_BUCKSHOT 536870912 Shotgun damage. Gibs headcrabs.


Name Value Description
PATTACH_ABSORIGIN 0 Spawn on entity origin.
PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW 1 Follow the entity origin.
PATTACH_POINT 4 Spawn on entity attachment point.
PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW 5 Follow entity attachment point.
PATTACH_WORLDORIGIN 8 Spawn on map origin.
(PATTACH_MAIN_VIEW) 11 Enumeration missing from environment.
(PATTACH_WATERWAKE) 12 Enumeration missing from environment.
(PATTACH_CENTER_FOLLOW) 13 Enumeration missing from environment.
(PATTACH_CUSTOM_GAME_STATE_1) 14 Enumeration missing from environment.

See also

External links