Dota 2 Workshop Tools/Scripting/API/Global.UTIL MessageTextAll WithContext

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January 2024
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Function Description

void UTIL_MessageTextAll_WithContext(string message, int r, int g, int b, int a, table context)

Sends a message to everyone in the message box with a context table

UTIL_MessageTextAll_WithContext( "#ScoreboardRow", 255, 255, 255, 255, { team_name = "Team", value = 50 } )

--Where #ScoreboardRow is defined in the langauge files as
-- "ScoreboardRow"         "%value% %team_name%"

-- %value% would be replaced by the 'value' entry in the table, %team_name% would be replaced by team_name entry


Type Name Description
string message Message to write
int r red color
int g green color
int b blue color
int a transparency
table context Table with context values