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No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SpawnEntityGroupFromTable bool SpawnEntityGroupFromTable(handle , bool , handle ) ( groupSpawnTables, bAsync, hCallback )Hierarchically spawn an entity group from a set of spawn tables.
GetFrostyBoostAmount float GetFrostyBoostAmount(int , int ) No Description Set
EntIndexToHScript handle EntIndexToHScript(int ) Turn an entity index integer to an HScript representing that entity's script instance.
StopEffect void StopEffect(handle , string ) (hEntity, szEffectName)
Say void Say(handle entity, string message, bool teamOnly) Have Entity say string, and teamOnly or not
DebugDrawBoxDirection void DebugDrawBoxDirection(Vector , Vector , Vector , Vector , Vector , float , float ) Draw a debug forward box (cent, min, max, forward, vRgb, a, duration)
PrecacheItemByNameAsync void PrecacheItemByNameAsync(string , handle ) Asynchronously precaches a DOTA item by its dota_npc_items.txt name, provides a callback when it's finished.
GetGoldFrostyBoostAmount float GetGoldFrostyBoostAmount(int , int ) No Description Set
RandomInt int RandomInt(int , int ) Get a random int within a range
RollPercentage bool RollPercentage(int ) Rolls a number from 1 to 100 and returns true if the roll is less than or equal to the number specified
SendToConsole void SendToConsole(string ) Send a string to the console as a client command
VectorToAngles QAngle VectorToAngles(Vector ) Get Qangles (with no roll) for a Vector.
IsDedicatedServer bool IsDedicatedServer() Returns true if this server is a dedicated server.
SplineVectors Vector SplineVectors(Vector , Vector , float ) (vector,vector,float) very basic interpolation of v0 to v1 over t on [0,1]
Msg void Msg(string ) Print a message
rr_AddDecisionRule bool rr_AddDecisionRule(handle ) Add a rule to the decision database.
FindClearSpaceForUnit void FindClearSpaceForUnit(handle , Vector , bool ) Place a unit somewhere not already occupied.
LoadKeyValues table LoadKeyValues(string ) Creates a table from the specified keyvalues text file
TraceLine bool TraceLine(handle ) Pass table - Inputs: startpos, endpos, mask, ignore -- outputs: pos, fraction, hit, enthit, startsolid
ListenToGameEvent int ListenToGameEvent(string , handle , handle ) Register as a listener for a game event from script. ( szEventName, hFunctionNameToCall, hContext )
Tip.pngTip:In addition to listening for standard engine events, you can also create your own events by placing them in /scripts/custom_events.txt.
GetWorldMinY float GetWorldMinY() Gets the world's minimum Y position.
CreateItemOnPositionSync handle CreateItemOnPositionSync(Vector , handle ) Create a physical item at a given location
ExponentialDecay float ExponentialDecay(float , float , float ) Smooth curve decreasing slower as it approaches zero
GetListenServerHost handle GetListenServerHost() Get the local player on a listen server.
StopListeningToGameEvent bool StopListeningToGameEvent(int ) Stop listening to a particular game event.
FireEntityIOInputVec void FireEntityIOInputVec(ehandle , string , Vector ) Fire Entity's Action Input with passed Vector ( hEntity, szActionName, vector )
DoEntFire void DoEntFire(string , string , string , float , handle , handle ) EntFire: Generate an entity i/o event ( szTarget, szAction, szValue, flDelay, hActivator, hCaller )
IsMarkedForDeletion bool IsMarkedForDeletion(handle ) Returns true if the entity is valid and marked for deletion.
RotatePosition Vector RotatePosition(Vector , QAngle , Vector ) Rotate a Vector around a point.
GetMapName string GetMapName() Get the name of the map.
PrintLinkedConsoleMessage void PrintLinkedConsoleMessage(string , string ) Print a console message with a linked console command
MakeStringToken int MakeStringToken(string ) Checks to see if the given hScript is a valid entity
RotateQuaternionByAxisAngle Quaternion RotateQuaternionByAxisAngle(Quaternion , Vector , float ) Rotates a quaternion by the specified angle around the specified vector axis
UTIL_Remove void UTIL_Remove(handle ) Removes the specified entity
DebugDrawText void DebugDrawText(Vector , string , bool , float ) Draw text in 3d (origin, text, bViewCheck, duration)
ReloadMOTD void ReloadMOTD() Reloads the MotD file
DebugDrawLine_vCol void DebugDrawLine_vCol(Vector , Vector , Vector , bool , float ) Draw a debug line using color vec (start, end, vRgb, a, ztest, duration)
PrecacheEntityFromTable void PrecacheEntityFromTable(string , handle , handle ) Precache an entity from KeyValues in table
UTIL_RemoveImmediate void UTIL_RemoveImmediate(handle ) Immediately removes the specified entity
SetQuestPhase void SetQuestPhase(int ) Set the current quest phase.
DebugDrawBox void DebugDrawBox(Vector , Vector , Vector , int , int , int , int , float ) Draw a debug overlay box (origin, mins, maxs, forward, r, g, b, a, duration )
RandomVector Vector RandomVector(float ) Get a random 2D vector. Argument (float) is the minimum length of the returned vector.
FireEntityIOInputString void FireEntityIOInputString(ehandle , string , string ) Fire Entity's Action Input with passed String - you own the memory
GetGoldFrostyPointsForRound int GetGoldFrostyPointsForRound(int , int , int ) No Description Set
GetWorldMaxX float GetWorldMaxX() Gets the world's maximum X position.
UpdateEventPoints void UpdateEventPoints(handle ) No Description Set
CreateUnitByNameAsync int CreateUnitByNameAsync(string , Vector , bool , handle , handle , int , handle ) Creates a DOTA unit by its dota_npc_units.txt name ( szUnitName, vLocation, bFindClearSpace, hNPCOwner, hUnitOwner, iTeamNumber, hCallback )
CreateTriggerRadiusApproximate handle CreateTriggerRadiusApproximate(Vector , float ) CreateTriggerRadiusApproximate( vecOrigin, flRadius ) : Creates and returns an AABB trigger thats bigger than the radius provided
GetPhysVelocity Vector GetPhysVelocity(handle ) Get Velocity for VPHYS or normal object
CreateEffect bool CreateEffect(handle ) Pass table - Inputs: entity, effect
PrecacheItemByNameSync void PrecacheItemByNameSync(string , handle ) Precaches a DOTA item by its dota_npc_items.txt name
RotationDelta QAngle RotationDelta(QAngle , QAngle ) Find the delta between two QAngles.
InitLogFile void InitLogFile(string , string ) If the given file doesn't exist, creates it with the given contents; does nothing if it exists
IsValidEntity bool IsValidEntity(handle ) Checks to see if the given hScript is a valid entity
PrecacheUnitByNameSync void PrecacheUnitByNameSync(string , handle ) Precaches a DOTA unit by its dota_npc_units.txt name
TraceHull bool TraceHull(handle ) Pass table - Inputs: start, end, min, max, mask, ignore -- outputs: pos, fraction, hit, enthit, startsolid
SetOpvarFloatAll void SetOpvarFloatAll(string , string , string , float ) Sets an opvar value for all players
AxisAngleToQuaternion Quaternion AxisAngleToQuaternion(Vector , float ) (vector,float) constructs a quaternion representing a rotation by angle around the specified vector axis
DebugDrawSphere void DebugDrawSphere(Vector , Vector , float , float , bool , float ) Draw a debug sphere (center, vRgb, a, rad, ztest, duration)
Warning void Warning(string ) Print a warning
CreateItem handle CreateItem(string , handle , handle ) Create a DOTA item ( szScriptName, hParent, hOwner )
DebugDrawClear void DebugDrawClear() Try to clear all the debug overlay info
cvar_getf float cvar_getf(string ) Gets the value of the given cvar, as a float.
cvar_setf bool cvar_setf(string , float ) Sets the value of the given cvar, as a float.
EmitSoundOn void EmitSoundOn(string , handle ) Play named sound on Entity
SpawnEntityListFromTableAsynchronous int SpawnEntityListFromTableAsynchronous(handle , handle ) Asynchronously spawn an entity group from a list of spawn table's. A callback will be triggered when the spawning is complete
EmitGlobalSound void EmitGlobalSound(string ) Play named sound for all players
AngleDiff float AngleDiff(float , float ) Returns the number of degrees difference between two yaw angles
GetSystemDate string GetSystemDate() Get the current real world date
DebugBreak void DebugBreak() Breaks in the debugger
GetPhysAngularVelocity Vector GetPhysAngularVelocity(handle ) Get Angular Velocity for VPHYS or normal object
GetGroundPosition Vector GetGroundPosition(Vector , handle ) Returns the supplied position moved to the ground. Second parameter is an NPC for measuring movement collision hull offset.
SpawnEntityFromTableSynchronous handle SpawnEntityFromTableSynchronous(string , handle ) Synchronously spawns a single entity from a table
DoIncludeScript bool DoIncludeScript(string , handle ) Execute a script (internal)
SendToServerConsole void SendToServerConsole(string ) Send a string to the console as a server command
FindUnitsInRadius table FindUnitsInRadius(int , Vector , handle , float , int , int , int , int , bool ) Finds the units in a given radius with the given flags. ( iTeamNumber, vPosition, hCacheUnit, flRadius, iTeamFilter, iTypeFilter, iFlagFilter, iOrder, bCanGrowCache )
DebugDrawCircle void DebugDrawCircle(Vector , Vector , float , float , bool , float ) Draw a debug circle (center, vRgb, a, rad, ztest, duration)
SetQuestName void SetQuestName(string ) Set the current quest name.
SendFrostyPointsMessageToGC void SendFrostyPointsMessageToGC(handle ) No Description Set
FrameTime float FrameTime() Get the time spent on the server in the last frame
CreateUnitByName handle CreateUnitByName(string , Vector , bool , handle , handle , int ) Creates a DOTA unit by its dota_npc_units.txt name ( szUnitName, vLocation, bFindClearSpace, hNPCOwner, hUnitOwner, iTeamNumber )
GetWorldMaxY float GetWorldMaxY() Gets the world's maximum Y position.
PrecacheEntityListFromTable void PrecacheEntityListFromTable(handle , handle ) Precache a list of entity KeyValues table's
CreateTrigger handle CreateTrigger(Vector , Vector , Vector ) CreateTrigger( vecMin, vecMax ) : Creates and returns an AABB trigger
GetFrameCount int GetFrameCount() Returns the engines current frame count
DoEntFireByInstanceHandle void DoEntFireByInstanceHandle(handle , string , string , float , handle , handle ) EntFireByHandle:Generate and entity i/o event
DoUniqueString string DoUniqueString(string ) UniqueString:Generate a string guaranteed to be unique across the life of the script VM, with an optional root string. Useful for adding data to table's when not sure what keys are already in use in that table.
GetSystemTime string GetSystemTime() Get the current real world time
PlayerInstanceFromIndex handle PlayerInstanceFromIndex(int ) Get a script instance of a player by index.
StartSoundEvent void StartSoundEvent(string , handle ) Start a sound event
CreateHeroForPlayer handle CreateHeroForPlayer(string , handle ) Creates a DOTA hero by its dota_npc_units.txt name and sets it as the given player's controlled hero
GetFrostyPointsForRound int GetFrostyPointsForRound(int , int , int ) No Description Set
ShowGenericPopupToPlayer void ShowGenericPopupToPlayer(handle , string , string , string , string , int ) Show a generic popup dialog to a specific player.
ShowGenericPopup void ShowGenericPopup(string , string , string , string , int ) Show a generic popup dialog for all players.
DebugDrawLine void DebugDrawLine(Vector , Vector , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draw a debug overlay line (origin, target, r, g, b, ztest, duration)
FileToString string FileToString(string ) Reads a string from a file to send to script
FireGameEventLocal void FireGameEventLocal(string , handle ) Fire a game event without broadcasting to the client.
rr_GetResponseTargets handle rr_GetResponseTargets() Retrieve a table of all available expresser targets, in the form { name : handle, name: handle }.
SendFrostivusTimeElapsedToGC void SendFrostivusTimeElapsedToGC() No Description Set
RotateOrientation QAngle RotateOrientation(QAngle , QAngle ) Rotate a QAngle by another QAngle.
EmitSoundOnClient void EmitSoundOnClient(string , handle ) Play named sound only on the client for the passed in player
ScreenShake void ScreenShake(Vector , float , float , float , float , int , bool ) Start a screenshake with the following parameters. vecCenter, flAmplitude, flFrequency, flDuration, flRadius, eCommand( SHAKE_START = 0, SHAKE_STOP = 1 ), bAirShake
CancelEntityIOEvents void CancelEntityIOEvents(ehandle ) Create all I/O events for a particular entity
GetWorldMinX float GetWorldMinX() Gets the world's minimum X position.
AppendToLogFile void AppendToLogFile(string , string ) Appends a string to a log file on the server
FireGameEvent void FireGameEvent(string , handle ) Fire a game event.
FireEntityIOInputNameOnly void FireEntityIOInputNameOnly(ehandle , string ) Fire Entity's Action Input w/no data
Time float Time() Get the current server time
PrecacheResource void PrecacheResource(string , string , handle ) Manually precache a single resource
DoScriptAssert void DoScriptAssert(bool , string ) ScriptAssert:Asserts the passed in value. Prints out a message and brings up the assert dialog.
PrecacheModel void PrecacheModel(string , handle ) ( modelName, context ) - Manually precache a single model
ShowMessage void ShowMessage(string ) Print a hud message on all clients
PauseGame void PauseGame(bool ) Pause or unpause the game.
SplineQuaternions Quaternion SplineQuaternions(Quaternion , Quaternion , float ) (quaternion,quaternion,float) very basic interpolation of v0 to v1 over t on [0,1]
StopSoundEvent void StopSoundEvent(string , handle ) Stops a sound event
GetMaxOutputDelay float GetMaxOutputDelay(ehandle , string ) Get the longest delay for all events attached to an output
RemoveSpawnGroupFilterProxy void RemoveSpawnGroupFilterProxy(string ) Remove the C proxy for a script-based spawn group filter
DebugDrawScreenTextLine void DebugDrawScreenTextLine(float , float , int , string , int , int , int , int , float ) Draw text with a line offset (x, y, lineOffset, text, r, g, b, a, duration)
DebugScreenTextPretty void DebugScreenTextPretty(float , float , int , string , int , int , int , int , float , string , int , bool ) Draw pretty debug text (x, y, lineOffset, text, r, g, b, a, duration, font, size, bBold)
SpawnEntityListFromTableSynchronous handle SpawnEntityListFromTableSynchronous(handle ) Synchronously spawn an entity group from a list of spawn table's.
SetOpvarFloatPlayer void SetOpvarFloatPlayer(string , string , string , float , handle ) Sets an opvar value for a single player ( szStackName, szOperatorName, szOpvarName, flOpvarValue, hEnt )
PrecacheUnitByNameAsync void PrecacheUnitByNameAsync(string , handle ) Asynchronously precaches a DOTA unit by its dota_npc_units.txt name, provides a callback when it's finished.
StringToFile bool StringToFile(string , string ) Store a string to a file for later reading
RegisterSpawnGroupFilterProxy void RegisterSpawnGroupFilterProxy(string ) Create a C proxy for a script-based spawn group filter
ExecuteOrderFromTable void ExecuteOrderFromTable(handle ) Issue an order from a script table
ApplyDamage float ApplyDamage(handle ) Pass table - Inputs: victim, attacker, damage, damage_type, damage_flags, abilityReturn damage done.
TraceCollideable bool TraceCollideable(handle ) Pass table - Inputs: start, end, ent, (optional mins, maxs) -- outputs: pos, fraction, hit, startsolid, normal
RandomFloat float RandomFloat(float , float ) Get a random float within a range
StopSoundOn void StopSoundOn(string soundName, handle playingEntity) Stop named sound on Entity
UnloadSpawnGroup void UnloadSpawnGroup(string ) Unload a spawn group by name
rr_QueryBestResponse bool rr_QueryBestResponse(handle , handle , handle ) Params: ( hEnt, hQuery, hResult ) // Static : tests 'query' against entity's response system and returns the best response found (or nil if none found).
UnloadSpawnGroupByHandle void UnloadSpawnGroupByHandle(int ) Unload a spawn group by handle
SetRenderingEnabled void SetRenderingEnabled(ehandle , bool ) Set rendering on/off for an ehandle
rr_CommitAIResponse bool rr_CommitAIResponse(handle , handle ) Commit the result of QueryBestResponse back to the given entity to play. Call with params (entity, airesponse)
StopListeningToAllGameEvents void StopListeningToAllGameEvents(handle ) Stop listening to all game events within a specific context.
LoadKeyValuesFromString table LoadKeyValuesFromString(string ) Creates a table from the specified keyvalues string


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetBaseVelocity Vector GetBaseVelocity() Get Base velocity
SetSize void SetSize(Vector , Vector ) No Description Set
SetRenderColor void SetRenderColor(int , int , int ) SetRenderColor( r, g, b ): Sets the render color of the entity.
GatherCriteria void GatherCriteria(handle ) Returns a table containing the criteria that would be used for response queries on this entity. This is the same as the table that is passed to response rule script function callbacks.
Trigger void Trigger() Fires off this entity's OnTrigger responses
SetOwner void SetOwner(handle owningEntity) Sets this entity's owner
SetAbsOrigin void SetAbsOrigin(Vector origin) SetAbsOrigin
SetAngularVelocity void SetAngularVelocity(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) Set the local angular velocity - takes float pitch,yaw,roll velocities
GetOwner handle GetOwner() Gets this entity's owner
GetOwnerEntity handle GetOwnerEntity() Get the owner entity, if there is one
GetChildren handle GetChildren() Get the entities parented to this entity.
SetMaxHealth void SetMaxHealth(int maxHP) No Description Set
GetCenter Vector GetCenter() Get vector to center of object - absolute coords
Kill void Kill() No Description Set
FirstMoveChild handle FirstMoveChild() No Description Set
GetMoveParent handle GetMoveParent() If in hierarchy, retrieves the entity's parent
SetForwardVector void SetForwardVector(Vector forwardVec) Set the orientation of the entity to have this forward forwardVec
SetContextNum void SetContextNum(string , float , float ) SetContext( name , value, duration ): store any key/value pair in this entity's dialog contexts. Value must be a number (int or float). Will last for duration (set 0 to mean 'forever').
GetAbsOrigin Vector GetAbsOrigin() No Description Set
GetAngularVelocity Vector GetAngularVelocity() Get the local angular velocity - returns a vector of pitch,yaw,roll
NextMovePeer handle NextMovePeer() No Description Set
ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse void ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse(Vector ) Apply an Ang Velocity Impulse
GetMaxHealth int GetMaxHealth() No Description Set
PrecacheScriptSound void PrecacheScriptSound(string ) Precache a sound for later playing.
SetContextThink void SetContextThink(string , handle , float ) Set a think function on this entity.
GetBounds table GetBounds() Get a table containing the 'Mins' & 'Maxs' vector bounds, centered on object
SetTeam void SetTeam(int team) No Description Set
GetHealth int GetHealth() No Description Set
GetForwardVector Vector GetForwardVector() Get the forward vector of the entity
GetBoundingMaxs Vector GetBoundingMaxs() Get a vector containing max bounds, centered on object
GetModelName string GetModelName() Returns the name of the model
SetContext void SetContext(string , string , float ) SetContext( name , value, duration ): store any key/value pair in this entity's dialog contexts. Value must be a string. Will last for duration (set 0 to mean 'forever').
EmitSoundParams void EmitSoundParams(string soundName, int pitch, float volume, float soundTime) Plays/modifies a sound from this entity. changes sound if Pitch and/or Volume or SoundTime is > 0.
SetVelocity void SetVelocity(Vector ) No Description Set
GetTeam int GetTeam() No Description Set
GetContext table GetContext(string ) GetContext( name ): looks up a context and returns it if available. May return string, float, or nil (if the context isn't found)
GetAngles QAngle GetAngles() No Description Set
SetHealth void SetHealth(int hp) No Description Set
IsAlive bool IsAlive() No Description Set.
SetParent void SetParent(handle , string ) Set the parent for this entity.
GetAnglesAsVector Vector GetAnglesAsVector() Get entity pitch, yaw, roll as a vector
EmitSound void EmitSound(string soundName) Plays a sound from this entity.
SetAngles void SetAngles(float pitch, float yaw, float roll) Set entity pitch, yaw, roll
EyeAngles QAngle EyeAngles() Get the qangles that this entity is looking at.
EyePosition Vector EyePosition() Get vector to eye position - absolute coords
ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse void ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse(Vector ) Apply a Velocity Impulse
GetRootMoveParent handle GetRootMoveParent() If in hierarchy, walks up the hierarchy to find the root parent
OverrideFriction void OverrideFriction(float , float ) Takes duration, value for a temporary override
SetFriction void SetFriction(float ) Set PLAYER friction, ignored for objects
SetModel void SetModel(string modelName) No Description Set
GetUpVector Vector GetUpVector() Get the up vector of the entity
SetGravity void SetGravity(float ) Set PLAYER gravity, ignored for objects
IsPlayer bool IsPlayer() Is this a player entity?
GetVelocity Vector GetVelocity() No Description Set
GetLocalVelocity Vector GetLocalVelocity() Get Entity relative velocity
StopSound void StopSound(string soundName) Stops a named sound playing from this entity.
SetOrigin void SetOrigin(Vector origin) No Description Set
GetSoundDuration float GetSoundDuration(string soundName, string actormodelname) Returns float duration of the sound. Takes soundname and optional actormodelname.
GetLocalAngularVelocity QAngle GetLocalAngularVelocity() Maybe local angvel
GetOrigin Vector GetOrigin() No Description Set
GetBoundingMins Vector GetBoundingMins() Get a vector containing min bounds, centered on object
GetRightVector Vector GetRightVector() Get the right vector of the entity


No Description Set

Global accessor variable: Entities

Function Signature Description
First handle First() Begin an iteration over the list of entities
FindAllByModel table FindAllByModel(string modelName) Find entities by model name.
FindByName handle FindByName(handle lastEnt, string searchString) Find entities by name. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindByNameWithin handle FindByNameWithin(handle startFrom, string name, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by name within a radius. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindAllByTarget table FindAllByTarget(string targetName) Find entities by targetname.
FindByClassname handle FindByClassname(handle startFrom, string className) Find entities by class name. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindAllByName table FindAllByName(string name) Find all entities by name. Returns an array containing all the found entities in it.
FindAllByClassnameWithin table FindAllByClassnameWithin(string , Vector , float ) Find entities by class name within a radius.
FindByModel handle FindByModel(handle startFrom, string modelName) Find entities by model name. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindAllByNameWithin table FindAllByNameWithin(string name, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by name within a radius.
FindByClassnameWithin handle FindByClassnameWithin(handle startFrom, string className, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by class name within a radius. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindByClassnameNearest handle FindByClassnameNearest(string className, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by class name nearest to a point.
FindAllByClassname table FindAllByClassname(string ) Finds all entities by class name. Returns an array containing all the found entities.
FindByTarget handle FindByTarget(handle startFrom, string targetName) Find entities by targetname. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindByNameNearest handle FindByNameNearest(string name, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by name nearest to a point.
CreateByClassname handle CreateByClassname(string className) Creates an entity by classname
FindAllInSphere table FindAllInSphere(Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities within a radius.
Next handle Next(handle startFrom) Continue an iteration over the list of entities, providing reference to a previously found entity
FindInSphere handle FindInSphere(handle startFrom, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities within a radius. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search
FindByModelWithin handle FindByModelWithin(handle startFrom, string modelName, Vector origin, float maxRadius) Find entities by model name within a radius. Pass nil to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetEntityIndex int GetEntityIndex() No Description Set
DisconnectRedirectedOutput void DisconnectRedirectedOutput(string , string , handle ) Removes a connected script function from an I/O event on the passed entity.
GetOrCreatePublicScriptScope handle GetOrCreatePublicScriptScope() Retrieve, creating if necessary, the public script-side data associated with an entity
GetOrCreatePrivateScriptScope handle GetOrCreatePrivateScriptScope() Retrieve, creating if necessary, the private per-instance script-side data associated with an entity
GetPrivateScriptScope handle GetPrivateScriptScope() Retrieve the private per-instance script-side data associated with an entity
RedirectOutput void RedirectOutput(string , string , handle ) Adds an I/O connection that will call the named function on the passed entity when the specified output fires.
GetIntAttr int GetIntAttr(string ) Get Integer Attribute
FireOutput void FireOutput(string , handle , handle , table , float ) Fire an entity output
GetDebugName string GetDebugName() Get the entity name w/help if not defined (i.e. classname/etc)
DisconnectOutput void DisconnectOutput(string , string ) Removes a connected script function from an I/O event on this entity.
Destroy void Destroy() No Description Set
GetClassname string GetClassname() No Description Set
GetName string GetName() No Description Set
ConnectOutput void ConnectOutput(string , string ) Adds an I/O connection that will call the named function on this entity when the specified output fires.
entindex int entindex() No Description Set
GetEntityHandle ehandle GetEntityHandle() Get the entity as an EHANDLE
RemoveSelf void RemoveSelf() Delete this entity
SetIntAttr void SetIntAttr(string , int ) Set Integer Attribute
GetPublicScriptScope handle GetPublicScriptScope() Retrieve the public script-side data associated with an entity


extends CBaseEntity

No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetAnimationIgnoresModelScale bool GetAnimationIgnoresModelScale() No Description Set
IsSharedWithTeammates bool IsSharedWithTeammates() No Description Set
OnHeroLevelUp void OnHeroLevelUp() No Description Set
OnChannelFinish void OnChannelFinish(bool ) No Description Set
ToggleAutoCast void ToggleAutoCast() No Description Set
GetDuration float GetDuration() No Description Set
IsChanneling bool IsChanneling() Returns whether the ability is currently channeling.
GetAbilityTargetType int GetAbilityTargetType() No Description Set
GetAbilityName string GetAbilityName() No Description Set
PlaysDefaultAnimWhenStolen bool PlaysDefaultAnimWhenStolen() No Description Set
IsActivated bool IsActivated() No Description Set
OnAbilityPhaseInterrupted void OnAbilityPhaseInterrupted() No Description Set
SetHidden void SetHidden(bool ) No Description Set
IsPassive bool IsPassive() No Description Set
GetCastRange int GetCastRange() No Description Set
GetBackswingTime float GetBackswingTime() No Description Set
GetCooldownTime float GetCooldownTime() No Description Set
PayManaCost void PayManaCost() No Description Set
GetAssociatedSecondaryAbilities string GetAssociatedSecondaryAbilities() No Description Set
GetStolenActivityModifier string GetStolenActivityModifier() No Description Set
SpeakTrigger bool SpeakTrigger() No Description Set
PayGoldCostForUpgrade void PayGoldCostForUpgrade() No Description Set
GetModifierValue float GetModifierValue() No Description Set
GetCursorTargetingNothing bool GetCursorTargetingNothing() No Description Set
GetCooldownTimeRemaining float GetCooldownTimeRemaining() No Description Set
GetChannelStartTime float GetChannelStartTime() No Description Set
GetCursorPosition Vector GetCursorPosition() No Description Set
GetToggleState bool GetToggleState() No Description Set
IsInAbilityPhase bool IsInAbilityPhase() Returns whether the ability is currently casting.
ProcsMagicStick bool ProcsMagicStick() No Description Set
GetCooldown float GetCooldown(int ) Get the cooldown duration for this ability at a given level, not the amount of cooldown actually left.
ToggleAbility void ToggleAbility() No Description Set
IsHiddenWhenStolen bool IsHiddenWhenStolen() No Description Set
OnSpellStart void OnSpellStart() No Description Set
CastAbility void CastAbility() No Description Set
GetChannelledManaCostPerSecond int GetChannelledManaCostPerSecond(int ) No Description Set
GetIntrinsicModifierName string GetIntrinsicModifierName() No Description Set
IsOwnersGoldEnough bool IsOwnersGoldEnough(int ) No Description Set
IsHidden bool IsHidden() No Description Set
GetLevelSpecialValueFor table GetLevelSpecialValueFor(string , int ) No Description Set
GetGoldCost int GetGoldCost(int ) No Description Set
SetChanneling void SetChanneling(bool ) No Description Set
SetInAbilityPhase void SetInAbilityPhase(bool ) No Description Set
SetAbilityIndex void SetAbilityIndex(int ) No Description Set
GetAbilityTargetTeam int GetAbilityTargetTeam() No Description Set
SpeakAbilityConcept void SpeakAbilityConcept(int ) No Description Set
IsCooldownReady bool IsCooldownReady() No Description Set
IsToggle bool IsToggle() No Description Set
GetCastPoint float GetCastPoint() No Description Set
OnUpgrade void OnUpgrade() No Description Set
GetLevel int GetLevel() Get the current level of the ability
GetSpecialValueFor table GetSpecialValueFor(string ) No Description Set
DecrementModifierRefCount void DecrementModifierRefCount() No Description Set
GetAbilityType int GetAbilityType() No Description Set
UseResources void UseResources(bool , bool , bool ) No Description Set
IsAttributeBonus bool IsAttributeBonus() No Description Set
MarkAbilityButtonDirty void MarkAbilityButtonDirty() Mark the ability button for this ability as needing a refresh
OnChannelThink void OnChannelThink(float ) No Description Set
HeroXPChange bool HeroXPChange(float ) No Description Set
GetAbilityTargetFlags int GetAbilityTargetFlags() No Description Set
OnHeroCalculateStatBonus void OnHeroCalculateStatBonus() No Description Set
SetOverrideCastPoint void SetOverrideCastPoint(float ) No Description Set
GetAbilityDamageType int GetAbilityDamageType() No Description Set
RefCountsModifiers bool RefCountsModifiers() No Description Set
CreateVisibilityNode void CreateVisibilityNode(Vector , float , float ) No Description Set
ResetToggleOnRespawn bool ResetToggleOnRespawn() No Description Set
GetPlaybackRateOverride float GetPlaybackRateOverride() No Description Set
IsStealable bool IsStealable() No Description Set
EndChannel void EndChannel(bool ) Param: bool bInterrupted
GetGoldCostForUpgrade int GetGoldCostForUpgrade(int ) No Description Set
SetRefCountsModifiers void SetRefCountsModifiers(bool ) No Description Set
OnAbilityPhaseStart bool OnAbilityPhaseStart() No Description Set
UpgradeAbility void UpgradeAbility() No Description Set
SetActivated void SetActivated(bool ) No Description Set
ShouldUseResources bool ShouldUseResources() No Description Set
GetAssociatedPrimaryAbilities string GetAssociatedPrimaryAbilities() No Description Set
IsOwnersGoldEnoughForUpgrade bool IsOwnersGoldEnoughForUpgrade() No Description Set
GetManaCost int GetManaCost(int ) No Description Set
GetModifierValueBonus float GetModifierValueBonus() No Description Set
OnOwnerDied void OnOwnerDied() No Description Set
IsFullyCastable bool IsFullyCastable() Returns whether the ability can be cast.
GetMaxLevel int GetMaxLevel() No Description Set
PayGoldCost void PayGoldCost() No Description Set
OnOwnerSpawned void OnOwnerSpawned() No Description Set
OnInventoryContentsChanged void OnInventoryContentsChanged() No Description Set
GetConceptRecipientType int GetConceptRecipientType() No Description Set
GetBehavior int GetBehavior() No Description Set
GetCloneSource handle GetCloneSource() No Description Set
GetSharedCooldownName string GetSharedCooldownName() No Description Set
ContinueCasting bool ContinueCasting() No Description Set
GetAbilityDamage int GetAbilityDamage() No Description Set
IsStolen bool IsStolen() No Description Set
IsOwnersManaEnough bool IsOwnersManaEnough() No Description Set
SetLevel void SetLevel(int ) Sets the level of this ability.
GetAbilityIndex int GetAbilityIndex() No Description Set
NumModifiersUsingAbility int NumModifiersUsingAbility() No Description Set
IsCosmetic bool IsCosmetic() No Description Set
IsItem bool IsItem() No Description Set
EndCooldown void EndCooldown() Clear the cooldown remaining on this ability.
GetHeroLevelRequiredToUpgrade int GetHeroLevelRequiredToUpgrade() No Description Set
OnAbilityPinged void OnAbilityPinged() No Description Set
SetStolen void SetStolen(bool ) No Description Set
GetAutoCastState bool GetAutoCastState() No Description Set
GetChannelTime float GetChannelTime() No Description Set
GetCaster handle GetCaster() No Description Set
StartCooldown void StartCooldown(float ) param: flCooldown
RefundManaCost void RefundManaCost() No Description Set
IncrementModifierRefCount void IncrementModifierRefCount() No Description Set
IsTrained bool IsTrained() No Description Set
GetCursorTarget handle GetCursorTarget() No Description Set
OnToggle void OnToggle() No Description Set


extends CDOTABaseAbility

No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetPlaybackRate void SetPlaybackRate(float ) Override playbackrate


extends CDOTABaseAbility

No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetPlaybackRate void SetPlaybackRate(float ) Override playbackrate


extends CDOTABaseAbility

No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetPlaybackRate void SetPlaybackRate(float ) Override playbackrate


extends CDOTABaseAbility

No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetPlaybackRate void SetPlaybackRate(float ) Override playbackrate


extends CDOTABaseAbility

No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetCastCount int GetCastCount() Number of times Nian has used the roar


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetPurchaseTime float GetPurchaseTime() Get the purchase time of this item
GetInitialCharges int GetInitialCharges() Get the initial number of charges this item has.
GetContainer handle GetContainer() Get the container for this item.
SetPurchaseTime void SetPurchaseTime(float ) Set the purchase time of this item
Think void Think() Think this item
LaunchLoot void LaunchLoot(bool , float , float , Vector ) No Description Set
SetPurchaser void SetPurchaser(handle ) Set the purchaser of record for this item.
GetCurrentCharges int GetCurrentCharges() Get the number of charges this item currently has.
GetPurchaser handle GetPurchaser() Get the purchaser for this item.
GetShareability int GetShareability() No Description Set
GetCost int GetCost() No Description Set
SetCurrentCharges void SetCurrentCharges(int ) Set the number of charges on this item
IsPermanent bool IsPermanent() Is this a permanent item?
StacksWithOtherOwners bool StacksWithOtherOwners() No Description Set
SetStacksWithOtherOwners void SetStacksWithOtherOwners(bool ) No Description Set


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetCreationTime float GetCreationTime() Returns the game time when this item was created in the world
SetContainedItem void SetContainedItem(handle ) Set the contained item.
GetContainedItem handle GetContainedItem() Returned the contained item.


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
ApplyDataDrivenModifier void ApplyDataDrivenModifier(handle , handle , string , handle ) Applies a data driven modifier to the target


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetTail handle GetTail() Is the Nian's tail broken?
IsTailAlive bool IsTailAlive() Is the Nian's tail broken?
IsHornAlive bool IsHornAlive() Is the Nian's horn broken?
GetHorn handle GetHorn() Is the Nian horn?


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
IsNoclipping bool IsNoclipping() Returns true if the player is in noclip mode.


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetControlledRPGUnit handle GetControlledRPGUnit() Get the RPG unit this player controls.
GetAssignedHero handle GetAssignedHero() Get the player's hero.
GetPlayerID int GetPlayerID() Get the player's official PlayerID; notably is -1 when the player isn't yet on a team.
SetKillCamUnit void SetKillCamUnit(handle ) Set the kill cam unit for this hero.
SetMusicStatus void SetMusicStatus(int , float ) (nMusicStatus, flIntensity) - Set the music status for this player, note this will only really apply if dota_music_battle_enable is off.
MakeRandomHeroSelection void MakeRandomHeroSelection() Randoms this player's hero.


No Description Set

Global accessor variable: PlayerResource

Function Signature Description
GetDenies int GetDenies(int ) No Description Set
GetGoldSpentOnConsumables int GetGoldSpentOnConsumables(int ) No Description Set
GetPlayerReservedState bool GetPlayerReservedState(int ) No Description Set
GetEventPremiumPointsGranted int GetEventPremiumPointsGranted(int ) No Description Set
IsValidPlayerID bool IsValidPlayerID(int playerID) No Description Set
GetTeam int GetTeam(int ) No Description Set
GetNthPlayerIDOnTeam int GetNthPlayerIDOnTeam(int , int ) No Description Set
GetCustomBuybackCost int GetCustomBuybackCost(int ) No Description Set
IsValidTeamPlayer bool IsValidTeamPlayer(int playerID) No Description Set
GetPlayerName string GetPlayerName(int ) No Description Set
GetEventPointsForPlayerID int GetEventPointsForPlayerID(int ) No Description Set
SetCustomBuybackCooldown void SetCustomBuybackCooldown(int , float ) Set the buyback cooldown for this player.
GetTowerDamageTaken int GetTowerDamageTaken(int ) No Description Set
GetAegisPickups int GetAegisPickups(int ) No Description Set
SetHasRandomed void SetHasRandomed(int playerID) No Description Set
SetCameraTarget void SetCameraTarget(int , handle ) (playerID, entity) - force the given player's camera to follow the given entity
IncrementLastHitMultikill void IncrementLastHitMultikill(int ) No Description Set
GetEventRankGranted int GetEventRankGranted(int ) No Description Set
IsDisableHelpSetForPlayerID bool IsDisableHelpSetForPlayerID(int , int ) No Description Set
GetRoshanKills int GetRoshanKills(int ) No Description Set
GetMisses int GetMisses(int ) No Description Set
SetCustomBuybackCost void SetCustomBuybackCost(int , int ) Set the buyback cost for this player.
ReplaceHeroWith handle ReplaceHeroWith(int , string , int , int ) (playerID, heroClassName, gold, XP) - replaces the player's hero with a new one of the specified class, gold and XP
GetClaimedDenies int GetClaimedDenies(int ) No Description Set
IncrementTotalEarnedXP void IncrementTotalEarnedXP(int , int ) No Description Set
GetLastHits int GetLastHits(int ) No Description Set
IsValidPlayer bool IsValidPlayer(int playerID) No Description Set
SetBuybackGoldLimitTime void SetBuybackGoldLimitTime(int , float ) No Description Set
SetBuybackCooldownTime void SetBuybackCooldownTime(int , float ) No Description Set
ClearLastHitMultikill void ClearLastHitMultikill(int ) No Description Set
ModifyGold int ModifyGold(int playerID, int goldAmmt, bool reliable, int ) No Description Set
GetNthCourierForTeam handle GetNthCourierForTeam(int , int ) No Description Set
GetGoldSpentOnSupport int GetGoldSpentOnSupport(int ) No Description Set
GetNumCouriersForTeam int GetNumCouriersForTeam(int ) No Description Set
AddRunePickup void AddRunePickup(int ) No Description Set
AreUnitsSharedWithPlayerID bool AreUnitsSharedWithPlayerID(int , int ) No Description Set
SetUnitShareMaskForPlayer void SetUnitShareMaskForPlayer(int , int , int , bool ) No Description Set
IsHeroSharedWithPlayerID bool IsHeroSharedWithPlayerID(int , int ) No Description Set
GetUnitShareMaskForPlayer int GetUnitShareMaskForPlayer(int , int ) No Description Set
GetSteamAccountID <> GetSteamAccountID(int ) No Description Set
GetCreepDamageTaken int GetCreepDamageTaken(int ) No Description Set
SetLastBuybackTime void SetLastBuybackTime(int , int ) No Description Set
GetTimeOfLastConsumablePurchase float GetTimeOfLastConsumablePurchase(int ) No Description Set
GetTimeOfLastItemPurchase float GetTimeOfLastItemPurchase(int ) No Description Set
GetGold int GetGold(int ) No Description Set
HeroLevelUp void HeroLevelUp(int ) No Description Set
GetConnectionState <> GetConnectionState(int ) No Description Set
GetCustomBuybackCooldown float GetCustomBuybackCooldown(int ) No Description Set
SetPlayerReservedState void SetPlayerReservedState(int , bool ) No Description Set
GetRawPlayerDamage int GetRawPlayerDamage(int ) No Description Set
IncrementStreak void IncrementStreak(int ) No Description Set
IncrementClaimedMisses void IncrementClaimedMisses(int ) No Description Set
GetTotalEarnedXP int GetTotalEarnedXP(int ) No Description Set
GetGoldSpentOnItems int GetGoldSpentOnItems(int ) No Description Set
GetSelectedHeroName string GetSelectedHeroName(int ) No Description Set
GetRespawnSeconds int GetRespawnSeconds(int ) No Description Set
GetPlayerLoadedCompletely bool GetPlayerLoadedCompletely(int ) No Description Set
HaveAllPlayersJoined bool HaveAllPlayersJoined() No Description Set
IsFakeClient bool IsFakeClient(int ) No Description Set
GetDamageDoneToHero int GetDamageDoneToHero(int , int ) No Description Set
IsHeroSelected bool IsHeroSelected(string ) No Description Set
GetBroadcasterChannelSlot <> GetBroadcasterChannelSlot(int ) No Description Set
GetBroadcasterChannel <> GetBroadcasterChannel(int ) No Description Set
GetLevel int GetLevel(int playerID) No Description Set
HasRandomed bool HasRandomed(int ) No Description Set
GetTeamKills int GetTeamKills(int ) No Description Set
IsBroadcaster bool IsBroadcaster(int ) No Description Set
IsValidTeamPlayerID bool IsValidTeamPlayerID(int playerID) No Description Set
SpendGold void SpendGold(int , int , int ) No Description Set
GetHealing float GetHealing(int ) No Description Set
IncrementLastHits void IncrementLastHits(int ) No Description Set
IncrementMisses void IncrementMisses(int ) No Description Set
GetTotalGoldSpent int GetTotalGoldSpent(int ) No Description Set
IncrementClaimedDenies void IncrementClaimedDenies(int ) No Description Set
GetPlayer handle GetPlayer(int ) No Description Set
IncrementDenies void IncrementDenies(int ) No Description Set
SetGold void SetGold(int , int , bool ) No Description Set
GetXPPerMin float GetXPPerMin(int ) No Description Set
GetTimeOfLastDeath float GetTimeOfLastDeath(int ) No Description Set
GetGoldBagsCollected int GetGoldBagsCollected(int ) No Description Set
GetUnreliableGold int GetUnreliableGold(int ) No Description Set
GetAssists int GetAssists(int ) No Description Set
GetGoldPerMin float GetGoldPerMin(int ) No Description Set
GetDeaths int GetDeaths(int ) No Description Set
WhoSelectedHero int WhoSelectedHero(string ) No Description Set
GetLastHitMultikill int GetLastHitMultikill(int ) No Description Set
IncrementKills void IncrementKills(int playerID, int kills) No Description Set
GetLastHitStreak int GetLastHitStreak(int ) No Description Set
IncrementAssists void IncrementAssists(int playerID) No Description Set
IncrementLastHitStreak void IncrementLastHitStreak(int ) No Description Set
ClearLastHitStreak void ClearLastHitStreak(int ) No Description Set
GetKills int GetKills(int ) No Description Set
IncrementNearbyCreepDeaths void IncrementNearbyCreepDeaths(int ) No Description Set
GetTotalEarnedGold int GetTotalEarnedGold(int ) No Description Set
IncrementGoldBagsCollected void IncrementGoldBagsCollected(int ) No Description Set
ResetBuybackCostTime void ResetBuybackCostTime(int ) No Description Set
UpdateTeamSlot void UpdateTeamSlot(int , int ) No Description Set
GetGoldSpentOnBuybacks int GetGoldSpentOnBuybacks(int ) No Description Set
GetStuns float GetStuns(int ) No Description Set
GetSelectedHeroEntity handle GetSelectedHeroEntity(int ) No Description Set
GetClaimedMisses int GetClaimedMisses(int ) No Description Set
HasSelectedHero bool HasSelectedHero(int ) No Description Set
GetNearbyCreepDeaths int GetNearbyCreepDeaths(int ) No Description Set
GetNumConsumablesPurchased int GetNumConsumablesPurchased(int ) No Description Set
ClearRawPlayerDamageMatrix void ClearRawPlayerDamageMatrix(int ) No Description Set
GetStreak int GetStreak(int ) No Description Set
GetKillsDoneToHero int GetKillsDoneToHero(int , int ) No Description Set
GetTowerKills int GetTowerKills(int ) No Description Set
AddAegisPickup void AddAegisPickup(int ) No Description Set
AddClaimedFarm void AddClaimedFarm(int , float ) No Description Set
ResetTotalEarnedGold void ResetTotalEarnedGold(int ) No Description Set
GetHeroDamageTaken int GetHeroDamageTaken(int ) No Description Set
IncrementDeaths void IncrementDeaths(int playerID) No Description Set
AddGoldSpentOnSupport void AddGoldSpentOnSupport(int , int ) No Description Set
GetSelectedHeroID int GetSelectedHeroID(int ) No Description Set
GetRunePickups int GetRunePickups(int ) No Description Set
GetNumItemsPurchased int GetNumItemsPurchased(int ) No Description Set
GetClaimedFarm float GetClaimedFarm(int ) No Description Set
GetReliableGold int GetReliableGold(int ) No Description Set
HasRepicked bool HasRepicked(int playerID) No Description Set
SetHasRepicked void SetHasRepicked(int playerID) No Description Set
ClearStreak void ClearStreak(int ) No Description Set
GetGoldLostToDeath int GetGoldLostToDeath(int ) No Description Set
ClearKillsMatrix void ClearKillsMatrix(int ) No Description Set


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
ForceKill void ForceKill(bool ) Kill this unit immediately.
GetAbilityCount int GetAbilityCount() No Description Set
GetAdditionalBattleMusicWeight float GetAdditionalBattleMusicWeight() Combat involving this creature will have this weight added to the music calcuations
GetPlayerOwnerID int GetPlayerOwnerID() Get the owner player ID for this unit.
EjectItemFromStash void EjectItemFromStash(handle ) Drops the selected item out of this unit's stash.
GetBaseDayTimeVisionRange int GetBaseDayTimeVisionRange() Returns the vision range before modifiers.
IsMuted bool IsMuted() No Description Set
IsAttackingEntity bool IsAttackingEntity(handle ) No Description Set
IsMechanical bool IsMechanical() Is the unit mechanical?
IsRealHero bool IsRealHero() Returns true if the hero is a true Hero, not a creep or an Illusion of a hero
SetDayTimeVisionRange void SetDayTimeVisionRange(int ) Set the base vision range.
GetModelRadius float GetModelRadius() No Description Set
GetAverageTrueAttackDamage int GetAverageTrueAttackDamage() Returns the average value of the minimum and maximum damage values.
RemoveModifierByName void RemoveModifierByName(string ) Removes a modifier
DropItemAtPositionImmediate void DropItemAtPositionImmediate(handle , Vector ) Immediately drop a carried item at a given position.
GetPaddedCollisionRadius float GetPaddedCollisionRadius() Get the collision hull radius (including padding) of this NPC
GetAttackSpeed float GetAttackSpeed() No Description Set
GetManaRegen float GetManaRegen() No Description Set
MoveToTargetToAttack void MoveToTargetToAttack(handle ) Move to a target to attack.
IsDeniable bool IsDeniable() No Description Set
SetHullRadius void SetHullRadius(float ) Set the collision hull radius of this NPC
GetAttackRange float GetAttackRange() Gets this unit's attack range after all modifiers.
SetMana void SetMana(float ) Set the mana on this unit.
GetInitialGoalEntity handle GetInitialGoalEntity() Returns the initial waypoint goal for this NPC
GetUnitName string GetUnitName() No Description Set
RespawnUnit void RespawnUnit() Respawns the target unit if it can be respawned.
GetRangeToUnit float GetRangeToUnit(handle ) No Description Set
CastAbilityImmediately void CastAbilityImmediately(handle , int ) Cast an ability immediately.
SetNightTimeVisionRange void SetNightTimeVisionRange(int ) Set the base vision range.
RemoveAbility void RemoveAbility(string ) Remove an ability from this unit by name.
IsAncient bool IsAncient() Is this creature an Ancient?
SetStolenScepter void SetStolenScepter(bool ) No Description Set
GetHealthRegen float GetHealthRegen() No Description Set
GetAttackDamage int GetAttackDamage() Returns a random integer between the minimum and maximum base damage of the unit.
Stop void Stop() Stop the current order.
GetAbilityByIndex handle GetAbilityByIndex(int ) Retrieve an ability by index from the unit.
SetInitialGoalEntity void SetInitialGoalEntity(handle ) Sets the initial waypoint goal for this NPC
SetOriginalModel void SetOriginalModel(string originalModel) Sets the original model of this entity, which it will tend to fall back to anytime its state changes
IsOutOfGame bool IsOutOfGame() No Description Set
GetCreationTime float GetCreationTime() No Description Set
RemoveItem void RemoveItem(handle ) Removes the passed item from this unit's inventory.
GetNightTimeVisionRange int GetNightTimeVisionRange() Returns the vision range after modifiers.
AngerNearbyUnits void AngerNearbyUnits() No Description Set
InterruptChannel void InterruptChannel() No Description Set
UnitCanRespawn bool UnitCanRespawn() No Description Set
NotOnMinimapForEnemies bool NotOnMinimapForEnemies() No Description Set
GetHealthPercent int GetHealthPercent() Get the current health percent of the unit.
IsPhantomBlocker bool IsPhantomBlocker() No Description Set
MakePhantomBlocker void MakePhantomBlocker() No Description Set
FindAbilityByName handle FindAbilityByName(string ) Retrieve an ability by name from the unit.
HasAbility bool HasAbility(string ) See whether this unit has an ability by name.
MakeVisibleDueToAttack void MakeVisibleDueToAttack(int ) No Description Set
IsInvulnerable bool IsInvulnerable() No Description Set
GetAttackRangeBuffer float GetAttackRangeBuffer() Gets the attack range buffer.
SetBaseDamageMin void SetBaseDamageMin(int ) Sets the minimum base damage.
IsFrozen bool IsFrozen() No Description Set
GetBaseNightTimeVisionRange int GetBaseNightTimeVisionRange() Returns the vision range before modifiers.
DropItemAtPosition void DropItemAtPosition(Vector , handle ) Drop an item at a given point.
MakeVisibleToTeam void MakeVisibleToTeam(int , float ) No Description Set
GetOpposingTeamNumber int GetOpposingTeamNumber() No Description Set
GetModifierCount int GetModifierCount() How many modifiers does this unit have?
SetCursorPosition void SetCursorPosition(Vector ) No Description Set
GetHullRadius float GetHullRadius() Get the collision hull radius of this NPC
IsOpposingTeam bool IsOpposingTeam(int ) No Description Set
SetIdleAcquire void SetIdleAcquire(bool ) No Description Set
ShouldIdleAcquire bool ShouldIdleAcquire() No Description Set
IsPositionInRange bool IsPositionInRange(Vector , float ) No Description Set
InterruptMotionControllers void InterruptMotionControllers(bool ) Parameter boolean determines finding clear space.
SetControllableByPlayer void SetControllableByPlayer(int , bool ) Set this unit controllable by the player with the passed ID.
RemoveNoDraw void RemoveNoDraw() Remove the no draw flag.
ReduceMana void ReduceMana(float ) Remove mana from this unit, this can be used for involuntary mana loss, not for mana that is spent.
SetBaseManaRegen void SetBaseManaRegen(float ) No Description Set
Interrupt void Interrupt() No Description Set
GetCursorPosition Vector GetCursorPosition() No Description Set
GetBaseAttackTime float GetBaseAttackTime() No Description Set
GetDayTimeVisionRange int GetDayTimeVisionRange() Returns the vision range after modifiers.
MoveToNPC void MoveToNPC(handle ) Move to follow a unit.
IsUnableToMiss bool IsUnableToMiss() No Description Set
RemoveModifierByNameAndCaster void RemoveModifierByNameAndCaster(string , handle ) Removes a modifier that was cast by the given caster
SetForceAttackTarget void SetForceAttackTarget(handle ) No Description Set
HasAttackCapability bool HasAttackCapability() No Description Set
GetAttacksPerSecond float GetAttacksPerSecond() No Description Set
GetBaseDamageMin int GetBaseDamageMin() Gets the minimum base damage.
GetForceAttackTarget handle GetForceAttackTarget() No Description Set
AlertNearbyUnits void AlertNearbyUnits(handle , handle ) No Description Set
IsCreature bool IsCreature() Is this a Creature type NPC
GetAttackTarget handle GetAttackTarget() No Description Set
PerformAttack void PerformAttack(handle , bool , bool , bool , bool ) Performs an attack on a target. Params: Target, bUseCastAttackOrb, bProcessProcs, bSkipCooldown, bIgnoreInvis
GetDeathXP int GetDeathXP() Get the XP bounty on this unit
SetAttacking void SetAttacking(handle ) No Description Set
SetHasInventory void SetHasInventory(bool ) No Description Set
ModifyHealth void ModifyHealth(int , handle , bool , int ) Sets the health to a specific value, with optional flags or inflictors.
IsMagicImmune bool IsMagicImmune() No Description Set
GetAttackAnimationPoint float GetAttackAnimationPoint() No Description Set
TimeUntilNextAttack float TimeUntilNextAttack() No Description Set
AttackNoEarlierThan void AttackNoEarlierThan(float ) No Description Set
SetBaseMagicalResistanceValue void SetBaseMagicalResistanceValue(float ) Sets base magical armor value.
AddAbility void AddAbility(string ) Add an ability to this unit by name.
HasItemInInventory bool HasItemInInventory(string ) See whether this unit has an item by name.
AttackReady bool AttackReady() No Description Set
SetDeathXP void SetDeathXP(int ) Set the XP bounty on this unit
GetBaseHealthRegen float GetBaseHealthRegen() No Description Set
GetTeamNumber int GetTeamNumber() Get the team number of this unit.
GetStatsBasedManaRegen float GetStatsBasedManaRegen() Returns mana regen rate per intelligence.
GetUnitLabel string GetUnitLabel() No Description Set
IsHardDisarmed bool IsHardDisarmed() No Description Set
GetMoveSpeedModifier float GetMoveSpeedModifier(float ) No Description Set
GetMana float GetMana() Get the mana on this unit.
AddNewModifier void AddNewModifier(handle , handle , string , handle ) Add a modifier to this unit
SwapAbilities void SwapAbilities(string , string , bool , bool ) Swaps the slots of the two passed abilities and sets them enabled/disabled: const char* AbilityName1, const char* AbilityName2, bool bEnable1, bool bEnable2. The boolean controls which ability is active. The ability order is never swapped when swapping abilities, only the boolean statements are flipped.
SetUnitName void SetUnitName(string ) No Description Set
IsPhased bool IsPhased() No Description Set
SetRangedProjectileName void SetRangedProjectileName(string ) No Description Set
SpendMana void SpendMana(float , handle ) Spend mana from this unit, this can be used for spending mana from abilities or item usage.
GetProjectileSpeed int GetProjectileSpeed() No Description Set
HasFlyingVision bool HasFlyingVision() No Description Set
HasMovementCapability bool HasMovementCapability() No Description Set
IsCommandRestricted bool IsCommandRestricted() No Description Set
HasGroundMovementCapability bool HasGroundMovementCapability() No Description Set
SetMoveCapability void SetMoveCapability(int ) No Description Set
SellItem void SellItem(handle ) Sells the passed item in this unit's inventory.
IsSoftDisarmed bool IsSoftDisarmed() No Description Set
GetMagicalArmorValue float GetMagicalArmorValue() Returns current magical armor value.
SetMinimumGoldBounty void SetMinimumGoldBounty(int ) Set the minimum gold bounty for this unit.
SetAttackCapability void SetAttackCapability(int ) No Description Set
HasScepter bool HasScepter() No Description Set
IsMovementImpaired bool IsMovementImpaired() No Description Set
IsIdle bool IsIdle() Is this creature currently idle?
IsRangedAttacker bool IsRangedAttacker() Is this unit a ranged attacker?
SetBaseHealthRegen void SetBaseHealthRegen(float ) No Description Set
SetBaseMoveSpeed void SetBaseMoveSpeed(int ) No Description Set
SetMaximumGoldBounty void SetMaximumGoldBounty(int ) Set the maximum gold bounty for this unit.
GetPercentageBasedManaRegen float GetPercentageBasedManaRegen() This Mana regen is derived from % bonuses (from items like Void Stone).
GetItemInSlot handle GetItemInSlot(int ) Returns nth item in inventory slot (index is zero based)
NoTeamMoveTo bool NoTeamMoveTo() No Description Set
GetBaseDamageMax int GetBaseDamageMax() Gets the minimum base damage.
GetTotalPurchasedUpgradeGoldCost int GetTotalPurchasedUpgradeGoldCost() Get how much gold has been spent on ability upgrades.
IsBlind bool IsBlind() No Description Set
GiveMana void GiveMana(float ) Give mana to this unit, this can be used for mana gained by abilities or item usage.
IsDominated bool IsDominated() No Description Set
GetMustReachEachGoalEntity bool GetMustReachEachGoalEntity() Get whether this NPC is required to reach each goal entity, rather than being allowed to 'unkink' their path
PassivesDisabled bool PassivesDisabled() No Description Set
PickupRune void PickupRune(handle ) Pick up a rune.
GetManaPercent int GetManaPercent() Get the percent of mana remaining.
IsStunned bool IsStunned() No Description Set
HasInventory bool HasInventory() No Description Set
MoveToNPCToGiveItem void MoveToNPCToGiveItem(handle , handle ) Give an item to another unit.
NoHealthBar bool NoHealthBar() No Description Set
IsLowAttackPriority bool IsLowAttackPriority() No Description Set
NotOnMinimap bool NotOnMinimap() No Description Set
GetCursorCastTarget handle GetCursorCastTarget() No Description Set
IsInvisible bool IsInvisible() No Description Set
HasFlyMovementCapability bool HasFlyMovementCapability() No Description Set
IsSpeciallyDeniable bool IsSpeciallyDeniable() No Description Set
GetGoldBounty int GetGoldBounty() Get the gold bounty on this unit
AddNoDraw void AddNoDraw() Adds the no draw flag.
AddItem void AddItem(handle ) Add an item to this unit's inventory.
IsUnselectable bool IsUnselectable() No Description Set
SetBaseAttackTime void SetBaseAttackTime(float ) No Description Set
GetBaseMoveSpeed float GetBaseMoveSpeed() No Description Set
IsBlockDisabled bool IsBlockDisabled() No Description Set
IsNightmared bool IsNightmared() No Description Set
GetCursorTargetingNothing bool GetCursorTargetingNothing() No Description Set
HasModifier bool HasModifier(string ) Sees if this unit has a given modifier
GetHasteFactor float GetHasteFactor() No Description Set
NoUnitCollision bool NoUnitCollision() No Description Set
IsHexed bool IsHexed() No Description Set
GetCastPoint float GetCastPoint(bool ) Parameter: bAttack
GetConstantBasedManaRegen float GetConstantBasedManaRegen() This Mana regen is derived from constant bonuses like Basilius.
GetLevel int GetLevel() Returns the level of this unit.
SetCursorTargetingNothing void SetCursorTargetingNothing(bool ) No Description Set
IsHero bool IsHero() Is this a hero or hero illusion?
GetModifierNameByIndex string GetModifierNameByIndex(int ) Get a modifier name by index.
IsSilenced bool IsSilenced() No Description Set
IsAttackImmune bool IsAttackImmune() No Description Set
IsDisarmed bool IsDisarmed() No Description Set
IsAttacking bool IsAttacking() No Description Set
MoveToPosition void MoveToPosition(Vector ) Issue a Move-To command
ProvidesVision bool ProvidesVision() No Description Set
MoveToPositionAggressive void MoveToPositionAggressive(Vector ) Issue an Attack-Move-To command
SetCursorCastTarget void SetCursorCastTarget(handle ) No Description Set
SetPhysicalArmorBaseValue void SetPhysicalArmorBaseValue(float ) Sets base physical armor value.
IsRooted bool IsRooted() No Description Set
TriggerModifierDodge bool TriggerModifierDodge() No Description Set
TriggerSpellAbsorb bool TriggerSpellAbsorb(handle ) Query whether the passed ability will trigger spell absorb on this unit.
GetIdealSpeed float GetIdealSpeed() Returns speed after all modifiers.
MakeIllusion void MakeIllusion() No Description Set
IsIllusion bool IsIllusion() No Description Set
GetSecondsPerAttack float GetSecondsPerAttack() No Description Set
SetMustReachEachGoalEntity void SetMustReachEachGoalEntity(bool ) Set whether this NPC is required to reach each goal entity, rather than being allowed to 'unkink' their path
GetMaxHealth int GetMaxHealth() Get the maximum health of this unit.
GetBaseAttackRange int GetBaseAttackRange() Gets this unit's attack range before modifiers.
IsEvadeDisabled bool IsEvadeDisabled() No Description Set
GetMaxMana float GetMaxMana() Get the maximum mana of this unit.
SetBaseDamageMax void SetBaseDamageMax(int ) Sets the minimum base damage.
GetHealth int GetHealth() Get the health of this unit.
GetMainControllingPlayer int GetMainControllingPlayer() Returns the player ID of the controlling player.
Heal void Heal(float , handle ) Heal this unit.
GetIncreasedAttackSpeed float GetIncreasedAttackSpeed() No Description Set
PickupDroppedItem void PickupDroppedItem(handle ) Pick up a dropped item.
IsPhantom bool IsPhantom() Is this a phantom unit?
Hold void Hold() Hold position.
IsNeutralUnitType bool IsNeutralUnitType() Is this a neutral?
DisassembleItem void DisassembleItem(handle ) Disassemble the passed item in this unit's inventory.
GetBaseMagicalResistanceValue float GetBaseMagicalResistanceValue() Returns base magical armor value.
GetCollisionPadding float GetCollisionPadding() Returns the size of the collision padding around the hull.
IsAlive bool IsAlive() Is this unit alive?
NoTeamSelect bool NoTeamSelect() No Description Set
CastAbilityOnTarget void CastAbilityOnTarget(handle target, handle ability, int playerIndex) Cast an ability on a target entity.
CastAbilityOnPosition void CastAbilityOnPosition(Vector , handle , int ) Cast an ability on a position.
GetPlayerOwner handle GetPlayerOwner() Returns the player that owns this unit
IsSummoned bool IsSummoned() Is this unit summoned?
IsTower bool IsTower() Is this a tower?
SetNeverMoveToClearSpace void SetNeverMoveToClearSpace(bool ) If set to true, we will never attempt to move this unit to clear space, even when it unphases.
SetAdditionalBattleMusicWeight void SetAdditionalBattleMusicWeight(float ) Combat involving this creature will have this weight added to the music calcuations
GetBaseMaxHealth float GetBaseMaxHealth() Gets the base max health value.
GetHealthDeficit int GetHealthDeficit() Returns integer amount of health missing from max.
GetAcquisitionRange float GetAcquisitionRange() Gets the range at which this unit will auto-acquire.
GetLastIdleChangeTime float GetLastIdleChangeTime() Get the last game time that this unit switched to/from idle state.
SetBaseMaxHealth void SetBaseMaxHealth(float ) Set a new base max health value.
Kill void Kill(handle , handle ) Kills this NPC, with the params Ability and Attacker
CastAbilityNoTarget void CastAbilityNoTarget(handle ability, int playerIndex) Cast an ability with no target. ( hAbility, iPlayerIndex )
GetCurrentVisionRange int GetCurrentVisionRange() Gets the current vision range.
CastAbilityToggle void CastAbilityToggle(handle , int ) Toggle an ability. ( hAbility, iPlayerIndex )
IsOwnedByAnyPlayer bool IsOwnedByAnyPlayer() Is this unit owned by any non-bot player?
GetPhysicalArmorBaseValue float GetPhysicalArmorBaseValue() Returns base physical armor value.
GetCurrentActiveAbility handle GetCurrentActiveAbility() Get the ability this unit is currently casting.
IsControllableByAnyPlayer bool IsControllableByAnyPlayer() Is this unit controlled by any non-bot player?
GetPhysicalArmorValue float GetPhysicalArmorValue() Returns current physical armor value.
BoundingRadius2D float BoundingRadius2D() No Description Set


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetPhysicalArmorValue float GetPhysicalArmorValue() Hero armor is affected by attributes.
GetDenies int GetDenies() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
GetIntellect float GetIntellect() No Description Set
ShouldDoFlyHeightVisual bool ShouldDoFlyHeightVisual() No Description Set
GetPlayerID int GetPlayerID() Returns player ID of the player owning this hero
GetLastHits int GetLastHits() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
GetBaseAgility float GetBaseAgility() No Description Set
IsReincarnating bool IsReincarnating() No Description Set
SetBaseAgility void SetBaseAgility(float ) No Description Set
IncrementLastHitMultikill void IncrementLastHitMultikill() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
RespawnHero void RespawnHero(bool , bool , bool ) Respawn this hero.
GetBaseStrength float GetBaseStrength() No Description Set
GetDeathGoldCost int GetDeathGoldCost() No Description Set
GetManaRegen float GetManaRegen() Hero mana regen is affected by attributes.
ClearLastHitMultikill void ClearLastHitMultikill() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
ModifyGold int ModifyGold(int goldAmmt, bool reliable, int reason) Gives this hero some gold. Args: int nGoldChange, bool bReliable, int reason
GetPrimaryStatValue float GetPrimaryStatValue() No Description Set
ClearStreak void ClearStreak() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
GetAgility float GetAgility() No Description Set
SetBuybackGoldLimitTime void SetBuybackGoldLimitTime(float ) Set the amount of time gold gain is limited after buying back.
CalculateStatBonus void CalculateStatBonus() Recalculate all stats after the hero gains stats.
GetBuybackCooldownTime float GetBuybackCooldownTime() Return float value for the amount of time left on cooldown for this hero's buyback.
GetGoldBounty int GetGoldBounty() No Description Set
GetHealthRegen float GetHealthRegen() Hero health regen is affected by attributes.
IncrementStreak void IncrementStreak() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
IsBuybackDisabledByReapersScythe bool IsBuybackDisabledByReapersScythe() No Description Set
GetBuybackCost int GetBuybackCost() Return integer value for the gold cost of a buyback.
CanEarnGold bool CanEarnGold() Returns boolean value result of buyback gold limit time less than game time.
GetStrength float GetStrength() No Description Set
GetAgilityGain float GetAgilityGain() No Description Set
GetNumAttackers int GetNumAttackers() No Description Set
GetCurrentXP int GetCurrentXP() Returns the amount of XP
SetAbilityPoints void SetAbilityPoints(int ) Sets the current unspent ability point's.
SetRespawnPosition void SetRespawnPosition(Vector ) No Description Set
ModifyIntellect void ModifyIntellect(float ) Adds passed value to base attribute value, then calls CalculateStatBonus.
SpendGold void SpendGold(int , int ) Args: int nGold, int nReason
UnitCanRespawn bool UnitCanRespawn() No Description Set
GetGold int GetGold() Returns gold amount for the player owning this hero
PerformTaunt void PerformTaunt() No Description Set
HeroLevelUp void HeroLevelUp(bool ) Levels up the hero, true or false to play effects.
SetGold void SetGold(int , bool ) Sets the gold amount for the player owning this hero
HasAnyAvailableInventorySpace bool HasAnyAvailableInventorySpace() No Description Set
KilledHero void KilledHero(handle , handle ) Args: Hero, Inflictor
GetAbilityPoints int GetAbilityPoints() Gets the current unspent ability point's.
HasRoomForItem int HasRoomForItem(string , bool , bool ) Args: const char* pItemName, bool bIncludeStashCombines, bool bAllowSelling
GetAssists int GetAssists() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
SetTimeUntilRespawn void SetTimeUntilRespawn(float ) No Description Set
GetDeaths int GetDeaths() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
GetTimeUntilRespawn float GetTimeUntilRespawn() No Description Set
UpgradeAbility void UpgradeAbility(handle ) This upgrades the passed ability if it exists and the hero has enough ability point's.
IncrementKills void IncrementKills(int kills) Passed ID is for the victim, killer ID is ID of the current hero. Value is stored in PlayerResource.
GetPrimaryAttribute int GetPrimaryAttribute() 0 = strength, 1 = agility, 2 = intelligence.
IncrementAssists void IncrementAssists() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
HasFlyingVision bool HasFlyingVision() No Description Set
GetAttacker int GetAttacker(int ) No Description Set
GetKills int GetKills() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
GetIncreasedAttackSpeed float GetIncreasedAttackSpeed() Hero attack speed is also affected by agility.
IncrementLastHitStreak void IncrementLastHitStreak() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
HasOwnerAbandoned bool HasOwnerAbandoned() No Description Set
WillReincarnate bool WillReincarnate() No Description Set
AddExperience bool AddExperience(float , bool ) Params: Float XP, Bool applyBotDifficultyScaling
GetMultipleKillCount int GetMultipleKillCount() No Description Set
RecordLastHit void RecordLastHit() No Description Set
IncrementLastHits void IncrementLastHits() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
GetStatsBasedManaRegen float GetStatsBasedManaRegen() Returns only the regen based on Intelligence.
GetBuybackGoldLimitTime float GetBuybackGoldLimitTime() Returns the amount of time gold gain is limited after buying back.
SetCustomDeathXP void SetCustomDeathXP(int ) Sets a custom experience value for this hero.
Tip.pngTip:GameRules boolean must be set for this to work!
GetBaseDamageMax int GetBaseDamageMax() Hero damage is also affected by attributes.
GetBaseDamageMin int GetBaseDamageMin() Hero damage is also affected by attributes.
GetStreak int GetStreak() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
GetMostRecentDamageTime float GetMostRecentDamageTime() No Description Set
SetBuyBackDisabledByReapersScythe void SetBuyBackDisabledByReapersScythe(bool ) No Description Set
Buyback void Buyback() Spend the gold and buyback with this hero.
SetBaseStrength void SetBaseStrength(float ) No Description Set
SetBaseIntellect void SetBaseIntellect(float ) No Description Set
GetStrengthGain float GetStrengthGain() No Description Set
IncrementDeaths void IncrementDeaths() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
GetRespawnTime float GetRespawnTime() No Description Set
ModifyAgility void ModifyAgility(float ) Adds passed value to base attribute value, then calls CalculateStatBonus.
GetIntellectGain float GetIntellectGain() No Description Set
ClearLastHitStreak void ClearLastHitStreak() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
IncrementNearbyCreepDeaths void IncrementNearbyCreepDeaths() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
GetBaseIntellect float GetBaseIntellect() No Description Set
SetPlayerID void SetPlayerID(int ) No Description Set
SetBuybackCooldownTime void SetBuybackCooldownTime(float ) Sets the buyback cooldown time.
GetBonusDamageFromPrimaryStat int GetBonusDamageFromPrimaryStat() No Description Set
IncrementDenies void IncrementDenies() Value is stored in PlayerResource.
ModifyStrength void ModifyStrength(float ) Adds passed value to base attribute value, then calls CalculateStatBonus.


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetHPRegenGain void SetHPRegenGain(float ) Set the hit point's regen gained per level on this creature.
SetDisableResistanceGain void SetDisableResistanceGain(float ) Set the disable resistance gained per level on this creature.
SetAttackTimeGain void SetAttackTimeGain(float ) Set the attack time gained per level on this creature.
SetMoveSpeedGain void SetMoveSpeedGain(int ) Set the move speed gained per level on this creature.
CreatureLevelUp void CreatureLevelUp(int ) Level the creature up by the specified number of levels
SetBountyGain void SetBountyGain(int ) Set the bounty gold gained per level on this creature.
SetXPGain void SetXPGain(int ) Set the xp reward gained per level on this creature.
SetChampion void SetChampion(bool ) Flag this unit as a champion creature.
AddItemDrop void AddItemDrop(handle ) Add the specified item drop to this creature
SetManaRegenGain void SetManaRegenGain(float ) Set the mana point's regen gained per level on this creature.
SetDamageGain void SetDamageGain(int ) Set the damage gained per level on this creature.
SetMagicResistanceGain void SetMagicResistanceGain(float ) Set the magic resistance gained per level on this creature.
SetHPGain void SetHPGain(int ) Set the hit point's gained per level on this creature.
IsChampion bool IsChampion() Is this unit a champion?
SetManaGain void SetManaGain(int ) Set the mana point's gained per level on this creature.
SetArmorGain void SetArmorGain(float ) Set the armor gained per level on this creature.


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetInvulnCount void SetInvulnCount(int ) Set the invulnerability counter of this building.
GetInvulnCount int GetInvulnCount() Get the invulnerability count for a building.


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
IsFacing bool IsFacing(Vector , float ) ( vecTargetPosition, flAngleTolerance ) - returns true if the unit is within flAngleTolerance degrees of the target position
SetSightConeAngle void SetSightConeAngle(float ) ( flAngleDegrees ) - sets angle in which the unit can see things up to sight range
ActionState handle ActionState() return the ActionState object for this unit.
FindSensedEnemies table FindSensedEnemies() returns list of all enemy units within this unit's sight cone or sensing sphere
GetUnitName string GetUnitName() get the unit name for this unit.
GetMaxStamina float GetMaxStamina() returns maximum stamina amount.
SetBlocking void SetBlocking(bool ) ( bShouldBlock ) - Set the blocking state of this unit.
GetStamina float GetStamina() returns current stamina amount.
GetMovementTargetEntity handle GetMovementTargetEntity() Returs the movement target entity, if set.
IsBlocking bool IsBlocking() is this unit blocking?
GetSensingSphereRange float GetSensingSphereRange() returns range of unit's 360 degree sensing sphere
SetMovementTargetEntity void SetMovementTargetEntity(handle , float ) ( hTargetEntity, flTargetRange ) - Try to move this unit to the given range from the target entity.
SetTurnRate void SetTurnRate(float ) ( flTurnRate ) - sets unit's turn rate in degrees per second
GetSightConeAngle float GetSightConeAngle() returns angle in which the unit can see things up to sight range
GetMaxSpeed float GetMaxSpeed() returns unit's max speed
GrantItem void GrantItem(string , bool ) ( sItemName ) - grant an item to the unit by name.
SetMovementTargetPosition void SetMovementTargetPosition(Vector , float ) ( vecTargetPosition, flTargetRange ) - Try to move this unit to the given range from the target point.
ClearMovementTarget void ClearMovementTarget() Clear any movement target entity/position.
SetSightConeRange void SetSightConeRange(float ) ( fRange ) - set range of unit's sight cone
SetMaxSpeed void SetMaxSpeed(float ) ( flMaxSpeed ) - sets unit's max speed
GetSightConeRange float GetSightConeRange() returns range of unit's sight cone
GetTurnRate float GetTurnRate() returns unit's turn rate in degrees per second
SetSensingSphereRange void SetSensingSphereRange(float ) ( flSightRange ) - set range of unit's 360 degree sensing sphere


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetCustomHeroMaxLevel void SetCustomHeroMaxLevel(int maxLevel) Allows definition of the max level heroes can achieve (default is 25).
SetUseCustomHeroLevels void SetUseCustomHeroLevels(bool ) Turn on custom-defined XP values for hero level ups. The table should be defined before switching this on.
SetBuybackEnabled void SetBuybackEnabled(bool ) Enables or disables buyback completely
SetCustomXPRequiredToReachNextLevel void SetCustomXPRequiredToReachNextLevel(handle ) Allows definition of a table of hero XP values.
SetBotThinkingEnabled void SetBotThinkingEnabled(bool ) Enables/Disables bot thinking. Requires a very Dota PvP-like map with 3 lanes, a shop, etc.
SetCustomBuybackCostEnabled void SetCustomBuybackCostEnabled(bool ) Turns on capability to define custom buyback costs.
SetTopBarTeamValuesVisible void SetTopBarTeamValuesVisible(bool ) Turning on/off the team values on the top game bar.
SetTopBarTeamValuesOverride void SetTopBarTeamValuesOverride(bool ) Override the values of the team values on the top game bar.
SetAlwaysShowPlayerInventory void SetAlwaysShowPlayerInventory(bool ) Show the player hero's inventory in the HUD, regardless of what unit is selected.
SetRemoveIllusionsOnDeath void SetRemoveIllusionsOnDeath(bool ) Make it so illusions are immediately removed upon death, rather than sticking around for a few seconds.
ClientLoadGridNav void ClientLoadGridNav() Tell clients that they need to load gridnav information. Used for things like allowing clients to identify valid locations to place buildings.
SetFogOfWarDisabled void SetFogOfWarDisabled(bool ) Turn the fog of war on or off.
SetRecommendedItemsDisabled void SetRecommendedItemsDisabled(bool ) Turn the panel for showing recommended items at the shop off/on. Takes a bool.
SetGoldSoundDisabled void SetGoldSoundDisabled(bool ) Turn the sound when gold is acquired off/on. Takes a bool.
SetTowerBackdoorProtectionEnabled void SetTowerBackdoorProtectionEnabled(bool ) Enables/Disables tower backdoor protection
SetTopBarTeamValue void SetTopBarTeamValue(int , int ) Set the team values on the top game bar.
SetCustomBuybackCooldownEnabled void SetCustomBuybackCooldownEnabled(bool ) Turns on capability to define custom buyback cooldowns.
SetOverrideSelectionEntity void SetOverrideSelectionEntity(handle unit) Set an override for the default selection entity, instead of each player's hero.
SetCameraDistanceOverride void SetCameraDistanceOverride(float ) Set a different camera distance; dota default is 1134.


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetTextReplaceString void SetTextReplaceString(string ) Set the text replace string for this quest
CompleteQuest void CompleteQuest() Mark this quest complete
RemoveSubquest void RemoveSubquest(handle ) Remove a subquest from this quest
SetTextReplaceValue void SetTextReplaceValue(int , int ) Set a quest value
GetSubquest handle GetSubquest(int ) Finds a subquest from this quest by index
GetSubquestByName handle GetSubquestByName(string ) Finds a subquest from this quest by name
AddSubquest void AddSubquest(handle ) Add a subquest to this quest


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetTextReplaceString void SetTextReplaceString(string ) Set the text replace string for this subquest
CompleteSubquest void CompleteSubquest() Mark this subquest complete
SetTextReplaceValue void SetTextReplaceValue(int , int ) Set a subquest value


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
ExpensiveInstantRayCast bool ExpensiveInstantRayCast(Vector , Vector , handle ) Do an instant (i.e. blocking) Ray Cast. Will do a handle/queue version later. Don't plan to use this for real!


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
ForceSpawn void ForceSpawn() ForceSpawn() : Spawns all of the entities the point_template is pointing at.
GetSpawnedEntities handle GetSpawnedEntities() GetSpawnedEntities() : Get the list of the most recent spawned entities
SetSpawnCallback void SetSpawnCallback(handle , handle ) SetSpawnCallback( hCallbackFunc, hCallbackScope, hCallbackData ) : Set a callback for when the template spawns entities. The spawned entities will be passed in as an array.
DeleteCreatedSpawnGroups void DeleteCreatedSpawnGroups() DeleteCreatedSpawnGroups() : Deletes any spawn groups that this point_template has spawned. Note: The point_template will not be deleted by this.


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetAnimation void SetAnimation(string ) Pass string for the animation to play on this model
SetVelocity void SetVelocity(Vector velocity) No Description Set
SetBodyGroup void SetBodyGroup(string ) No Description Set
AddImpulseAtPosition void AddImpulseAtPosition(Vector , Vector ) Apply an impulse at a worldspace position to the physics
SetMaterialGroup void SetMaterialGroup(utlstringtoken ) No Description Set
SetAngularVelocity void SetAngularVelocity(Vector ) No Description Set
LookupSequence <> LookupSequence(string ) Returns a sequence id given a name
SequenceDuration float SequenceDuration(string ) Returns the duration in seconds of the specified sequence
AddVelocity void AddVelocity(Vector , Vector ) Add linear and angular velocity to the physics object
IsAttachedToParent bool IsAttachedToParent() Is attached to parent
DetachFromParent void DetachFromParent() Detach from its parent
GetSequence <> GetSequence() Returns the active sequence


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
IsSequenceFinished bool IsSequenceFinished() Ask whether the main sequence is done playing
ScriptLookupAttachment int ScriptLookupAttachment(string ) Get the named attachment id
SetModelScale void SetModelScale(float modelScale) ( flScale ) - set scale of entity's model
GetAttachmentAngles Vector GetAttachmentAngles(int ) Get the attachement id's angles as a p,y,r vector
SetPoseParameter float SetPoseParameter(string , float ) Set the specified pose parameter to the specified value
GetAttachmentOrigin Vector GetAttachmentOrigin(int ) Get the attachement id's origin vector
SetBodygroup void SetBodygroup(int , int ) Sets a bodygroup


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetEquippedWeapons table GetEquippedWeapons() GetEquippedWeapons() : Returns an array of all the equipped weapons
GetWeaponCount int GetWeaponCount() GetWeaponCount() : Gets the number of weapons currently equipped


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
ProjectileDodge void ProjectileDodge(handle ) Makes the specified unit dodge projectiles
CreateLinearProjectile int CreateLinearProjectile(handle ) Creates a linear projectile and returns the projectile ID
DestroyLinearProjectile void DestroyLinearProjectile(int ) Destroys the linear projectile matching the argument ID
CreateTrackingProjectile void CreateTrackingProjectile(handle ) Creates a tracking projectile


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
Enable void Enable() Enable the trigger
IsTouching bool IsTouching(handle ) Checks whether the passed entity is touching the trigger.
Disable void Disable() Disable the trigger


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SpawnEntityAtEntityOrigin void SpawnEntityAtEntityOrigin(handle ) Create an entity at the location of a specified entity instance
SpawnEntityAtNamedEntityOrigin void SpawnEntityAtNamedEntityOrigin(string ) Create an entity at the location of a named entity
SpawnEntityAtLocation void SpawnEntityAtLocation(Vector , Vector ) Create an entity at a specified location and orientaton, orientation is Euler angle in degrees (pitch, yaw, roll)
SpawnEntity void SpawnEntity() Create an entity at the location of the maker


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
StartVote void StartVote(handle ) Starts a vote, based upon a table of parameters


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
HasTag bool HasTag(string ) Does this volume have the given tag.


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetValue table GetValue(string ) Reads a spawn key
AddResource void AddResource(string ) Precaches a specific resource


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetValue table GetValue(string ) Reads a spawn key


No Description Set

Global accessor variable: ParticleManager

Function Signature Description
SetParticleAlwaysSimulate void SetParticleAlwaysSimulate(int ) No Description Set
SetParticleControl void SetParticleControl(int particleId, int controlIndex, Vector controlData) Set the control point data for a control on a particle effect
CreateParticleForPlayer int CreateParticleForPlayer(string particleName, int particleAttach, handle owningEntity, handle owningPlayer) Creates a new particle effect that only plays for the specified player
ReleaseParticleIndex void ReleaseParticleIndex(int particleId) Frees the specified particle index
GetParticleReplacement string GetParticleReplacement(string , handle ) No Description Set
SetParticleControlEnt void SetParticleControlEnt(int , int , handle , int , string , Vector , bool ) No Description Set
CreateParticle int CreateParticle(string particleName, int particleAttach, handle owningEntity) Creates a new particle effect


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetHero handle GetHero(int heroId) Get the Nth hero in the Hero List
GetAllHeroes table GetAllHeroes() Returns all the heroes in the world
GetHeroCount int GetHeroCount() Returns the number of heroes in the world


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
Init void Init(int ) Initialize with number of outputs
AddOutput void AddOutput(string , string ) Add an output


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetVolumetrics void SetVolumetrics(bool , float , float , int , float ) Turn on/off light volumetrics: bool bOn, float flIntensity, float flNoise, int nPlanes, float flPlaneOffset
SetFarRange void SetFarRange(float ) Set light maximum range
SetQuadraticAttenuation void SetQuadraticAttenuation(float ) Set light quadratic attenuation value
SetNearRange void SetNearRange(float ) Set light minimum range
SetLinearAttenuation void SetLinearAttenuation(float ) Set light linear attenuation value


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
QueryString string QueryString(utlstringtoken , string ) Query string data for this key
QueryNumber float QueryNumber(utlstringtoken , float ) Query number data for this key
QueryInt int QueryInt(utlstringtoken , int ) Query int data for this key
QueryColor Vector QueryColor(utlstringtoken , Vector ) Query color data for this key
QueryVector Vector QueryVector(utlstringtoken , Vector ) Query vector data for this key
QueryFloat float QueryFloat(utlstringtoken , float ) Query float data for this key


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
DisableMotion void DisableMotion() Enable motion for the prop
EnableMotion void EnableMotion() Enable motion for the prop


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
SetPostGameTime void SetPostGameTime(float time) Sets the amount of time players have between the game ending and the server disconnecting them.
State_Get <> State_Get() Get the current Gamerules state
MakeTeamLose void MakeTeamLose(int team) Makes ths specified team lose
Defeated void Defeated() Kills the ancient, etc.
ResetToHeroSelection void ResetToHeroSelection() Restart the game at hero selection
SendCustomMessage void SendCustomMessage(string , int , int ) Sends a string to the defined team.
SetCreepMinimapIconScale void SetCreepMinimapIconScale(float scale) Scale the creep icons on the minimap.
GetNianFightStartTime float GetNianFightStartTime() Gets the start time for the Nian fight
NumDroppedItems int NumDroppedItems() Returns the number of items currently dropped on the ground
SetGoldTickTime void SetGoldTickTime(float ) Set the time interval between auto gold increases.
GetMatchSignoutComplete bool GetMatchSignoutComplete() Have we received the post match signout message that includes reward information
GetDifficulty int GetDifficulty() Returns difficulty level of the custom game mode
ResetDefeated void ResetDefeated() Restart after killing the ancient, etc.
GetNianTotalDamageTaken int GetNianTotalDamageTaken() For New Bloom, get total damage taken by the Nian / Year Beast
SetHeroRespawnEnabled void SetHeroRespawnEnabled(bool canRespawn) Control if the normal DOTA hero respawn rules apply.
SetGameWinner void SetGameWinner(int team) Makes ths specified team win
SetHeroSelectionTime void SetHeroSelectionTime(float time) Sets the amount of time players have to pick their hero.
SetUseUniversalShopMode void SetUseUniversalShopMode(bool enabled) When true, all items are available at as long as any shop is in range, including Secret Shop items
SetCustomGameDifficulty void SetCustomGameDifficulty(int ) Set the difficulty level of the custom game mode
SetUseCustomHeroXPValues void SetUseCustomHeroXPValues(bool ) Allows heroes in the map to give a specific amount of XP (this value must be set).
Playtesting_UpdateAddOnKeyValues void Playtesting_UpdateAddOnKeyValues() Updates custom hero, unit and ability KeyValues in memory with the latest values from disk
IsDaytime bool IsDaytime() Is it day time.
GetDroppedItem handle GetDroppedItem(int dropIndex) Gets the Xth dropped item
SetTreeRegrowTime void SetTreeRegrowTime(float time) Sets the tree regrow time in seconds.
SetFirstBloodActive void SetFirstBloodActive(bool ) Sets whether First Blood has been triggered.
GetGameModeEntity handle GetGameModeEntity() Get the game mode entity
DidMatchSignoutTimeOut bool DidMatchSignoutTimeOut() true when we have waited some time after end of the game and not received signout
SetTimeOfDay void SetTimeOfDay(float time) Set the time of day.
GetCustomGameDifficulty int GetCustomGameDifficulty() Returns the difficulty level of the custom game mode
SetOverlayHealthBarUnit void SetOverlayHealthBarUnit(handle unit, int style) Show this unit's health on the overlay health bar
SetSameHeroSelectionEnabled void SetSameHeroSelectionEnabled(bool enabled) When true, players can repeatedly pick the same hero.
SetGoldPerTick void SetGoldPerTick(int ) Set the auto gold increase per timed interval.
SetPreGameTime void SetPreGameTime(float time) Sets the amount of time players have between picking their hero and game start.
GetGameTime float GetGameTime() Returns the number of seconds elapsed since map start. This time doesn't count up when the game is paused
SetUseBaseGoldBountyOnHeroes void SetUseBaseGoldBountyOnHeroes(bool ) Heroes will use the basic NPC functionality for determining their bounty, rather than DOTA specific formulas.
SetRuneSpawnTime void SetRuneSpawnTime(float time) Sets the amount of time between rune spawns.
SetNianFightStartTime void SetNianFightStartTime(float ) Sets the start time for the Nian fight
SetHeroMinimapIconSize void SetHeroMinimapIconSize(int iconSize) (nMinimapHeroIconSize) - Set the hero minimap icon size.
SetSafeToLeave void SetSafeToLeave(bool safeToLeave) Mark this game as safe to leave.
GetTimeOfDay float GetTimeOfDay() Get the time of day
SetRuneMinimapIconScale void SetRuneMinimapIconScale(float scale) Scale the rune icons on the minimap.


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetMinExposure float GetMinExposure() Gets min exposure for this tonemap controller
GetMaxExposure float GetMaxExposure() Gets max exposure for this tonemap controller
GetBloomScale float GetBloomScale() Gets bloomscale for this tonemap controller
SetMaxExposure void SetMaxExposure(float ) Sets max exposure for this tonemap controller
SetMinExposure void SetMinExposure(float ) Sets min exposure for this tonemap controller
SetBloomScale void SetBloomScale(float ) Sets bloom scale for this tonemap controller


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
VertArrow void VertArrow(Vector , Vector , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a vertical arrow. Specify endpoint's in world space.
Sphere void Sphere(Vector , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a wireframe sphere. Specify center in world space.
YawArrow void YawArrow(Vector , float , float , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a arrow associated with a specific yaw. Specify endpoint's in world space.
Capsule void Capsule(Vector , Quaternion , float , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a capsule. Specify base in world space.
SweptBox void SweptBox(Vector , Vector , Vector , Vector , Quaternion , int , int , int , int , float ) Draws a swept box. Specify endpoint's in world space and the bounds in local space.
EntitySkeleton void EntitySkeleton(ehandle , float ) Draws the skeleton of the entity
Line2D void Line2D(Vector2D , Vector2D , int , int , int , int , float ) Draws a line between two point's in screenspace
Texture void Texture(string , Vector2D , Vector2D , int , int , int , int , Vector2D , Vector2D , float ) Draws a screen-space texture. Coordinates are in pixels.
EntityAxis void EntityAxis(ehandle , float , bool , float ) Draws the axis of the entity origin
Cross3D void Cross3D(Vector , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a world-aligned cross. Specify origin in world space.
PushAndClearDebugOverlayScope void PushAndClearDebugOverlayScope(utlstringtoken ) Pushes an identifier used to group overlays. Deletes all existing overlays using this overlay id.
Triangle void Triangle(Vector , Vector , Vector , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a filled triangle. Specify vertices in world space.
Line void Line(Vector , Vector , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a line between two point's
BoxAngles void BoxAngles(Vector , Vector , Vector , Quaternion , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws an oriented box at the origin. Specify bounds in local space.
Axis void Axis(Vector , Quaternion , float , bool , float ) Draws an axis. Specify origin + orientation in world space.
DrawTickMarkedLine void DrawTickMarkedLine(Vector , Vector , float , int , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a dashed line. Specify endpoint's in world space.
CircleScreenOriented void CircleScreenOriented(Vector , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a circle oriented to the screen. Specify center in world space.
Cross void Cross(Vector , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a screen-aligned cross. Specify origin in world space.
EntityText void EntityText(ehandle , int , string , int , int , int , int , float ) Draws text on an entity
Circle void Circle(Vector , Quaternion , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a circle. Specify center in world space.
EntityAttachments void EntityAttachments(ehandle , float ) Draws the attachments of the entity
PopDebugOverlayScope void PopDebugOverlayScope() Pops the identifier used to group overlays. Overlays marked with this identifier can be deleted in a big batch.
Cone void Cone(Vector , Vector , float , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a wireframe cone. Specify endpoint and direction in world space.
Box void Box(Vector , Vector , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a world-space axis-aligned box. Specify bounds in world space.
Cross3DOriented void Cross3DOriented(Vector , Quaternion , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws an oriented cross. Specify origin in world space.
RemoveAllInScope void RemoveAllInScope(utlstringtoken ) Removes all overlays marked with a specific identifier, regardless of their lifetime.
EntityBounds void EntityBounds(ehandle , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws bounds of an entity
VectorText3D void VectorText3D(Vector , Quaternion , string , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws 3D text. Specify origin + orientation in world space.
FilledRect2D void FilledRect2D(Vector2D , Vector2D , int , int , int , int , float ) Draws a screen-space filled 2D rectangle. Coordinates are in pixels.
SolidCone void SolidCone(Vector , Vector , float , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a solid cone. Specify endpoint and direction in world space.
UnitTestCycleOverlayRenderType void UnitTestCycleOverlayRenderType() Toggles the overlay render type, for unit tests
HorzArrow void HorzArrow(Vector , Vector , float , int , int , int , int , bool , float ) Draws a horizontal arrow. Specify endpoint's in world space.
PushDebugOverlayScope void PushDebugOverlayScope(utlstringtoken ) Pushes an identifier used to group overlays. Overlays marked with this identifier can be deleted in a big batch.
Text void Text(Vector , int , string , float , int , int , int , int , float ) Draws 2D text. Specify origin in world space.


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
GetCurrentScene handle GetCurrentScene() Returns the instance of the oldest active scene entity (if any).
GetSceneByIndex handle GetSceneByIndex(int ) Returns the instance of the scene entity at the specified index.


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
IsPaused bool IsPaused() If this scene is currently paused.
EstimateLength float EstimateLength() Returns length of this scene in seconds.
LoadSceneFromString bool LoadSceneFromString(string , string ) given a dummy scene name and a vcd string, load the scene
Start void Start(handle ) Start scene playback, takes activatorEntity as param
FindCamera handle FindCamera() Get the camera
Cancel void Cancel() Cancel scene playback
IsPlayingBack bool IsPlayingBack() If this scene is currently playing.
AddBroadcastTeamTarget void AddBroadcastTeamTarget(int ) Adds a team (by index) to the broadcast list
RemoveBroadcastTeamTarget void RemoveBroadcastTeamTarget(int ) Removes a team (by index) from the broadcast list
FindNamedEntity handle FindNamedEntity(string ) given an entity reference, such as !target, get actual entity from scene object


No Description Set

Function Signature Description
IsTraversable bool IsTraversable(Vector ) Checks whether the given position is traversable
IsNearbyTree bool IsNearbyTree(Vector , float , bool ) (position, radius, checkFullTreeRadius?) Checks whether there are any trees overlapping the given point
IsBlocked bool IsBlocked(Vector ) Checks whether the given position is blocked
WorldToGridPosX int WorldToGridPosX(float ) Get the X index of a given world X position
GridPosToWorldCenterX float GridPosToWorldCenterX(int ) Get the X position of the center of a given X index
WorldToGridPosY int WorldToGridPosY(float ) Get the Y index of a given world Y position
GridPosToWorldCenterY float GridPosToWorldCenterY(int ) Get the Y position of the center of a given Y index
RegrowAllTrees void RegrowAllTrees() Causes all trees in the map to regrow


No Description Set

Global accessor variable: ConVars

Function Signature Description
GetFloat table GetFloat(string name) GetFloat(name) : returns the convar as a float. May return nil if no such convar.
GetStr table GetStr(string variableName) GetStr(name) : returns the convar as a string. May return nil if no such convar.
SetStr void SetStr(string , string ) SetStr(name, val) : sets the value of the convar to the string.
SetInt void SetInt(string , int ) SetInt(name, val) : sets the value of the convar to the int.
RegisterCommand void RegisterCommand(string variableName, handle function, string helpText, int flags) RegisterCommand(name, fn, helpString, flags) : register a console command.
GetDOTACommandClient handle GetDOTACommandClient() GetDOTACommandClient() : returns the DOTA player who issued this console command.
GetCommandClient handle GetCommandClient() GetCommandClient() : returns the player who issued this console command.
GetInt table GetInt(string ) GetInt(name) : returns the convar as an int. May return nil if no such convar.
SetFloat void SetFloat(string variableName, float value) SetFloat(name, val) : sets the value of the convar to the float.
RegisterConvar void RegisterConvar(string name, string defaultValue, string helpText, int flags) RegisterConvar(name, defaultValue, helpString, flags): register a new console variable.
GetBool table GetBool(string variableName) GetBool(name) : returns the convar as a boolean flag.
SetBool void SetBool(string variableName, bool value) SetBool(name, val) : sets the value of the convar to the bool.
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January 2024