Dota 2 Workshop Tools/Scripting/API/ProjectileManager.CreateTrackingProjectile

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January 2024
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Function Description

void CreateTrackingProjectile(handle handle_1)

Creates a tracking projectile

Table Inputs: Ability, Source, Target, EffectName, iMoveSpeed, vSourceLoc, iSourceAttachment, bProvidesVision, iVisionTeamNumber, iVisionRadius, bDrawsOnMinimap, bDodgeable, bIsAttack, bVisibleToEnemies, bReplaceExisting, flExpireTime

--Create a tracking projectile from player 1 that follows player 2

local caster = PlayerResource:GetPlayer(0):GetAssignedHero()
local target = PlayerResource:GetPlayer(1):GetAssignedHero()

local info = 
	Target = target,
	Source = caster,
	Ability = caster:GetAbilityByIndex(0),	
	EffectName = "some_particle_effect",
        iMoveSpeed = 400,
	vSourceLoc= caster:GetAbsOrigin(),                -- Optional (HOW)
	bDrawsOnMinimap = false,                          -- Optional
        bDodgeable = true,                                -- Optional
        bIsAttack = false,                                -- Optional
        bVisibleToEnemies = true,                         -- Optional
        bReplaceExisting = false,                         -- Optional
        flExpireTime = GameRules:GetGameTime() + 10,      -- Optional but recommended
	bProvidesVision = true,                           -- Optional
	iVisionRadius = 400,                              -- Optional
	iVisionTeamNumber = caster:GetTeamNumber()        -- Optional
projectile = ProjectileManager:CreateTrackingProjectile(info)


Type Name Description
handle handle_1 No Description Set