Built-In Engine Events
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Check out https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-Dota2/blob/master/game/dota/pak01_dir/resource/game.gameevents and https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-Dota2/blob/master/game/core/pak01_dir/resource/core.gameevents for an up-to-date list.
Game event format
- No spaces in event names, max length 32
- All strings are case sensitive
- total game event byte length must be < 1024
- valid data key types are:
- none : value is not networked
- string : a zero terminated string
- bool : unsigned int, 1 bit
- byte : unsigned int, 8 bit
- short : signed int, 16 bit
- long : signed int, 32 bit
- float : float, 32 bit
- uint64 : unsigned int 64 bit
- local : any data, but not networked to clients
- The following key names are reserved:
- local : if set to 1, event is not networked to clients
- unreliable : networked, but unreliable
- suppress : never fire this event
- time : firing server time
- eventid : holds the event ID
Core team events
- team_info: info about team
- teamid ( byte ): unique team id
- teamname ( string ): team name (e.g. Team Blue)
- team_score: team score changed
- teamid ( byte ): team id
- score ( short ): total team score
- teamplay_broadcast_audio: emits a sound to everyone on a team
- team ( byte ): unique team id
- sound ( string ): name of the sound to emit
Player events
- player_team: player change his team
- userid ( short ): user ID on server
- team ( byte ): team id
- oldteam( byte ): old team id
- disconnect( bool ): team change because player disconnects
- autoteam( bool ): true if the player was auto assigned to the team
- silent( bool ): if true wont print the team join messages
- player_class: a player changed his class
- userid ( short ): user ID on server
- class ( string ): new player class / model
- player_death [broken]: a game event, name may be 32 characters long
- userid ( short ): user ID who died
- attacker ( short ): user ID who killed
- player_hurt [broken]
- userid ( short ): player index who was hurt
- attacker ( short ): player index who attacked
- health ( byte ): remaining health points
- player_chat: a public player chat
- teamonly ( bool ): true if team only chat
- userid( short ): chatting player
- text( string ): chat text
- player_score: players scores changed
- userid ( short ): user ID on server
- kills ( short ): # of kills
- deaths ( short ): # of deaths
- score ( short ): total game score
- player_spawn: player spawned in game
- userid ( short ): user ID on server
- player_shoot: player shoot his weapon
- userid ( short ): user ID on server
- weapon ( byte ): weapon ID
- mode ( byte ): weapon mode
- player_use
- userid ( short ): user ID on server
- entity ( short ): entity used by player
- player_changename
- userid ( short ): user ID on server
- oldname ( string ): players old (current) name
- newname ( string ): players new name
- player_hintmessage
- hintmessage ( string ): localizable string of a hint
- player_reconnected : the player reconnet to the game
- event(local):the data include the realitive infomation
Game events
- game_init: sent when a new game is started
- game_newmap: send when new map is completely loaded
- mapname ( string ): map name
- game_start: a new game starts
- roundslimit ( long ): max round
- timelimit ( long ): time limit
- fraglimit ( long ): frag limit
- objective ( string ): round objective
- game_end: a game ended
- winner ( byte ): winner team/user id
- round_start
- timelimit ( long ): round time limit in seconds
- fraglimit ( long ): frag limit in seconds
- objective ( string ): round objective
- round_end
- winner ( byte ): winner team/user i
- reason ( byte ): reason team won
- message ( string ): end round message
- round_start_pre_entity
- teamplay_round_start: round restart
- full_reset ( bool ): is this a full reset of the map
- hostname_changed
- hostname ( string )
- difficulty_changed
- newDifficulty ( short )
- oldDifficulty ( short )
- strDifficulty( string ): new difficulty as string
- finale_start
- rushes ( short )
- game_message: a message send by game logic to everyone
- target ( byte ): 0 = console, 1 = HUD
- text ( string ): the message text
- break_breakable
- entindex ( long )
- userid ( short )
- material ( byte ): BREAK_GLASS, BREAK_WOOD, etc
- break_prop
- entindex ( long )
- userid ( short )
- npc_spawned
- entindex ( long )
- npc_replaced
- old_entindex ( long )
- new_entindex ( long )
- entity_killed
- entindex_killed( long )
- entindex_attacker ( long )
- entindex_inflictor ( long )
- damagebits ( long )
- entity_hurt
- entindex_killed( long )
- entindex_attacker ( long )
- entindex_inflictor ( long )
- damagebits ( long )
- bonus_updated
- numadvanced ( short )
- numbronze ( short )
- numsilver ( short )
- numgold ( short )
- player_stats_updated
- forceupload ( bool )
- achievement_event
- achievement_name ( string ): non-localized name of achievement
- cur_val ( short ): # of steps toward achievement
- max_val ( short ): total # of steps in achievement
- achievement_earned
- player ( byte ): entindex of the player
- achievement ( short ): achievement ID
): Used for a notification message when an achievement fails to write
- achievement_write_failed
- physgun_pickup
- entindex ( long ): entity picked up
- flare_ignite_npc
- entindex ( long ): entity ignited
- helicopter_grenade_punt_miss
- user_data_downloaded: fired when achievements/stats are downloaded from Steam or XBox Live
- ragdoll_dissolved
- entindex ( long )
- gameinstructor_draw
- gameinstructor_nodraw
- map_transition
- instructor_server_hint_create :create a hint using data supplied entirely by the server/map.
- hint_name ( string ): what to name the hint. For referencing it again later (e.g. a kill command for the hint instead of a timeout)
- hint_replace_key ( string ): type name so that messages of the same type will replace each other
- hint_target ( long ): entity id that the hint should display at
- hint_activator_userid ( short ): userid id of the activator
- hint_timeout ( short ): how long in seconds until the hint automatically times out, 0 = never
- hint_icon_onscreen ( string ): the hint icon to use when the hint is onscreen. (e.g. icon_alert_red)
- hint_icon_offscreen ( string ): the hint icon to use when the hint is offscreen. (e.g. icon_alert)
- hint_caption ( string ): the hint caption. (e.g. #ThisIsDangerous)
- hint_activator_caption ( string ): the hint caption that only the activator sees (e.g. #YouPushedItGood)
- hint_color ( string ): the hint color in (r,g,b( format where each component is 0-255))
- hint_icon_offset ( float ): how far on the z axis to offset the hint from entity origin
- hint_range ( float ): range before the hint is culled
- hint_flags ( long ): hint flags
- hint_binding ( string ): bindings to use when use_binding is the onscreen icon
- hint_allow_nodraw_target ( bool ): if false, the hint will disappear if the target entity is invisible
- hint_nooffscreen ( bool ): if true, the hint will not show when outside the player view
- hint_forcecaption ( bool ): if true, the hint caption will show even if the hint is occluded
- hint_local_player_only ( bool ): if true, only the local player will see the hint
- instructor_server_hint_stop :destroys a server/map created hint
- hint_name ( string ): The hint to stop. Will stop ALL hints with this name
- chat_new_message: the specified channel contains new messages
- channel ( byte )
- chat_members_changed: the specified channel has had players leave or join
- channel ( byte )
- game_rules_state_change: the state of game changes
Economy events
- inventory_updated
- itemdef ( short )
- cart_updated
- store_pricesheet_updated
- gc_connected
- item_schema_initialized
- drop_rate_modified
- event_ticket_modified
- modifier_event
- eventname ( string )
- caster ( short )
- ability ( short )
- dota_player_kill
- victim_userid ( short )
- killer1_userid ( short )
- killer2_userid ( short )
- killer3_userid ( short )
- killer4_userid ( short )
- killer5_userid ( short )
- bounty ( short )
- neutral ( short )
- greevil ( short )
- dota_player_deny
- killer_userid ( short )
- victim_userid ( short )
- dota_barracks_kill
- barracks_id ( short )
- dota_tower_kill
- killer_userid ( short )
- teamnumber ( short )
- gold ( short )
- dota_roshan_kill
- teamnumber ( short )
- gold ( short )
- dota_courier_lost
- teamnumber ( short )
- dota_courier_respawned
- teamnumber ( short )
- dota_glyph_used
- teamnumber ( short )
- dota_super_creeps
- teamnumber ( short )
- dota_item_purchased( edit: not dota_item_purchase )
- userid ( short )
- itemid ( short )
- dota_item_gifted
- userid ( short )
- itemid ( short )
- sourceid ( short )
- dota_rune_pickup
- userid ( short )
- type ( short )
- rune ( short )
- dota_rune_spotted
- userid ( short )
- rune ( short )
- dota_item_spotted
- userid ( short )
- itemid ( short )
- dota_no_battle_points
- userid ( short )
- reason ( short )
- dota_chat_informational
- userid ( short )
- type ( short )
- dota_action_item
- reason ( short )
- itemdef ( short )
- message ( short )
- dota_chat_ban_notification
- userid( short )
- dota_chat_event
- userid ( short )
- gold ( short )
- message ( short )
- dota_chat_timed_reward
- userid ( short )
- itmedef ( short )
- message ( short )
- dota_pause_event
- userid ( short )
- value ( short )
- message ( short )
- dota_chat_kill_streak
- gold ( short )
- killer_id ( short )
- killer_streak ( short )
- killer_multikill ( short )
- victim_id ( short )
- victim_streak ( short )
- dota_chat_first_blood
- gold ( short )
- killer_id ( short )
- victim_id ( short )
- dota_player_update_hero_selection
- tabcycle ( bool )
- dota_player_update_selected_unit
- dota_player_update_query_unit
- dota_player_update_killcam_unit
- dota_player_take_tower_damage
- PlayerID ( short )
- damage ( short )
- dota_hud_error_message
- reason ( byte )
- message ( string )
- dota_action_success
- dota_starting_position_changed
- dota_money_changed
- dota_enemy_money_changed
- dota_portrait_unit_stats_changed
- dota_portrait_unit_modifiers_changed
- dota_force_portrait_update
- dota_inventory_changed
- dota_item_picked_up
- itemname ( string )
- PlayerID ( short )
- ItemEntityIndex( short )
- HeroEntityIndex( short )
- dota_inventory_item_changed
- entityIndex ( short )
- dota_ability_changed
- dota_portrait_ability_layout_changed
- dota_inventory_item_added
- itemname ( string )
- dota_inventory_changed_query_unit
- dota_link_clicked
- link ( string )
- nav ( bool ): internal to item panel - preserve the nav stack
- nav_back ( bool ): internal to item panel - preserve the nav stack
- recipe ( short )
- shop ( short ): show the item in a particular shop
- dota_set_quick_buy
- item ( string )
- recipe ( byte )
- toggle ( bool )
- dota_quick_buy_changed
- item ( string )
- recipe ( byte )
- dota_player_shop_changed
- prevshopmask ( byte )
- shopmask ( byte )
- dota_player_show_killcam
- nodes ( byte )
- player ( short )
- dota_player_show_minikillcam
- nodes ( byte )
- player ( short )
- gc_user_session_created
- team_data_updated
- guild_data_updated
- guild_open_parties_updated
- fantasy_updated
- fantasy_league_changed
- fantasy_score_info_changed
- player_info_updated
- game_rules_state_change
- match_history_updated
- SteamID ( uint64 )
- match_details_updated
- matchID ( uint64 )
- result ( byte )
- live_games_updated
- recent_matches_updated
- Page ( short )
- news_updated
- persona_updated
- SteamID ( uint64 )
- tournament_state_updated
- party_updated
- lobby_updated
- dashboard_caches_cleared
- last_hit
- PlayerID ( short )
- EntKilled ( short )
- FirstBlood ( bool )
- HeroKill ( bool )
- TowerKill ( bool )
- player_completed_game
- PlayerID ( short )
- Winner ( byte )
- player_reconnected
- PlayerID ( short )
- nommed_tree
- PlayerID ( short )
- dota_rune_activated_server
- PlayerID ( short )
- rune ( short )
- dota_player_gained_level
- player ( short )
- level ( short )
- dota_player_pick_hero
- player ( short )
- heroindex ( short )
- hero ( string )
- dota_player_learned_ability
- player ( short )
- abilityname ( string )
- dota_player_used_ability
- PlayerID ( short )
- abilityname ( string )
- dota_non_player_used_ability
- abilityname ( string )
- dota_ability_channel_finished
- abilityname ( string )
- interrupted ( bool )
- dota_holdout_revive_complete
- caster( short )
- target( short )
- dota_player_killed
- PlayerID ( short )
- HeroKill ( bool )
- TowerKill ( bool )
- bindpanel_open
- bindpanel_close
- keybind_changed
- dota_item_drag_begin
- dota_item_drag_end
- dota_shop_item_drag_begin
- dota_shop_item_drag_end
- dota_item_purchased
- PlayerID ( short )
- itemname ( string )
- itemcost ( short )
- dota_item_used
- PlayerID ( short )
- itemname ( string )
- dota_item_auto_purchase
- item_id ( short )
- dota_unit_event
- victim ( short )
- attacker ( short )
- basepriority ( short )
- priority ( short )
- eventtype ( short ): EDOTAHeroChaseEventType
- dota_quest_started
- questIndex ( long ): entity index
- dota_quest_completed
- questIndex ( long ): entity index
- gameui_activated
- gameui_hidden
- player_fullyjoined
- userid ( short ): user ID on server
- name ( string ): player name
- dota_spectate_hero
- entindex ( byte )
- dota_match_done
- winningteam ( byte ): The ID of the winning team
- dota_match_done_client
- set_instructor_group_enabled
- group ( string )
- enabled ( short )
- joined_chat_channel
- channelName ( string )
- left_chat_channel
- channelName ( string )
- gc_chat_channel_list_updated
- today_messages_updated
- num_messages ( short )
- file_downloaded
- success ( bool )
- local_filename ( string )
- remote_url ( string )
- player_report_counts_updated
- positive_remaining ( byte )
- negative_remaining ( byte )
- positive_total ( short )
- negative_total ( short )
- scaleform_file_download_complete
- success ( bool )
- local_filename ( string )
- remote_url ( string )
- item_purchased
- itemid ( short )
- gc_mismatched_version
- demo_skip
- local (1)
- playback_tick ( long ): current playback tick
- skipto_tick ( long ): tick we're going to
- user_message_list ( local ): CSVCMsgList_UserMessages
- dota_hero_chase_list ( local ): CSVCMsgList_GameEvents
- demo_start
- local (1)
- dota_combatlog_list ( local ): CSVCMsgList_GameEvents that are combat log events
- dota_hero_chase_list ( local ): CSVCMsgList_GameEvents
- dota_pick_hero_list ( local ): CSVCMsgList_GameEvents
- demo_stop
- map_shutdown
- dota_workshop_fileselected
- filename ( string )
- dota_workshop_filecanceled
- rich_presence_updated
- dota_hero_random
- userid ( short )
- heroid ( short )
- dota_rd_chat_turn
- userid ( short )
- dota_favorite_heroes_updated
- profile_closed
- item_preview_closed
- dashboard_switched_section
- section ( short )
- dota_tournament_item_event
- winner_count ( short )
- event_type ( short )
- dota_hero_swap
- playerid1 ( byte )
- playerid2 ( byte )
- dota_reset_suggested_items : reset the purchased / checked off state of suggested items in the store
- halloween_high_score_received
- round ( short )
- halloween_phase_end
- phase ( byte )
- team ( byte )
- halloween_high_score_request_failed
- round ( short )
- dota_hud_skin_changed
- skin ( string )
- style ( byte )
- dota_inventory_player_got_item
- itemname ( string )
- player_is_experienced
- player_is_notexperienced
- dota_tutorial_lesson_start
- map_location_updated
- richpresence_custom_updated
- game_end_visible
- antiaddiction_update
- highlight_hud_element
- elementname ( string )
- duration ( float )
- hide_highlight_hud_element
- intro_video_finished
- matchmaking_status_visibility_changed
- practice_lobby_visibility_changed
- dota_courier_transfer_item
- full_ui_unlocked
- client_connectionless_packet
- local (1
- buffer( (local
- buffersize( long )
- address( string )
- hero_selector_preview_set
- setindex( short )
- antiaddiction_toast
- message ( string )
- duration ( float )
- hero_picker_shown
- hero_picker_hidden
- dota_local_quickbuy_changed
- show_center_message
- message ( string )
- duration ( float )
- clear_message_queue ( bool )
- hud_flip_changed
- flipped ( bool )
- frosty_points_updated
- defeated
- entindex ( short )
- reset_defeated
- booster_state_updated
- event_points_updated
- event_id ( short )
- points ( short )
- premium_points ( short )
- local_player_event_points
- points ( short )
- conversion_rate ( short )
- custom_game_difficulty
- difficulty ( byte )
- tree_cut
- tree_x ( float )
- tree_y ( float )
- ugc_details_arrived
- published_file_id ( uint64 )
- ugc_subscribed
- published_file_id ( uint64 )
- ugc_unsubscribed
- published_file_id ( uint64 )
- prizepool_received
- success ( bool )
- prizepool ( uint64 )
- leagueid ( uint64 )
- microtransaction_success
- txnid ( uint64 )
- dota_rubick_ability_steal
- abilityIndex ( short )
- abilityLevel ( byte )
- compendium_event_actions_loaded
- account_id ( uint64 )
- league_id ( uint64 )
- local_test( bool )
- original_points ( uint64 )
- compendium_selections_loaded
- account_id ( uint64 )
- league_id ( uint64 )
- local_test( bool )
- compendium_set_selection_failed
- account_id ( uint64 )
- league_id ( uint64 )
- local_test( bool )
- community_cached_names_updated