Compile Errors
Common terms
- Node -- The brush, side, area, location, etc, that the compiler is computing.
- XXX -- Replace with a brush number or otherwise unique identifier.
General errors
- The system cannot find the file specified
- This error is output by the file copy operation at the end of the compile if there is no .BSP file to copy, or if the destination doesn't exist. It often means that VBSP ran into an error before it could write the .BSP file. Check the VBSP output for any errors.
- Be sure you typed your filename correctly, excluding any dashes, periods, etc. If it persists, try typing the file extension as you save it.
- If you have not ran the game that you are making a map for, or if the destination that you are trying to place the final .BSP file in does not exist at the time you attempted to compile your map, this error will occur as a result of Hammer lacking the ability to create file folders. This happens to a variety of people, most often when the person receiving the error has recently rebooted their computer after a crash, their computer dying, or a virus or other possible cause of computer data/memory loss. If this happens, all you have to do is run the game you are making the map for, or simply browse to the closest file directory to the one you are trying to put the final .BSP in a file browser, and make a folder named the same as the selected output folder.
- More information on causes can be found here.
- Error opening mapname.bsp
- The compiler can't find the .BSP file for your map or it's corrupted. Probably the .BSP wasn't created by Vbsp because of an error. If not check the pathname.
- SteamStartup() failed
- SteamStartup(0xf,0x12eac4) failed with error 1: The registry is in use by another process, timeout expired
- Try recompiling or restarting Steam.
- WARNING node with unbounded volume
- This occurs when some part of your map is touching, or is out of the hammer map grid. Move away from the edges of the grid, then compile.
- Attempting to compile a map that contains a func_instance with cordons enabled inside it can also return this error.
- This can also happen with invalid solids.
BSP (vbsp.exe)
- **** leaked ****
- You have at least one leak in your level. The inside of your map isn't properly sealed to the outside void. Load the pointfile in Hammer. A red line that starts at the specified entity will go through the leak at some point. Follow it in 3D view, seal the leak and recompile.
- Sometimes after copying and/or moving brush entities, their origins may leak out of bounds, leading for a seemingly non-existent entity to leak. To solve that issue, simply select the apparently leaking entity, right click on it and select "Center Origins". If you don't know what exact entity is causing the leak, try centering origins on all entities of the same class (Map -> Entity report -> Sort by Class).
- Brush XXX
- WARNING, microbrush
- A brush is too small to be compiled (usually smaller than 1 Hammer unit). Search for the brush with the number specified. Delete the brush and recreate it in a bigger scale.
- Brush XXX
- FloatPlane: bad normal
- A brush has an unnecessary vertex on a "flat" plane. Probably a result of using the Vertex Tool. Search for the brush with the number specified. Use the Vertex Tool again to fix it by merging the unnecessary vertex with another. Can also occur when creating small curved brushes with too many vertices.
- Can't find surfaceprop for material, using default
- There is a texture in your map that doesn't have a material surface property. Probably you used a "model" texture on a world brush. Use the replace texture dialog, search for "model" in your used textures and replace them by others. If you use custom textures make sure they have a
- Error displacement found on a(n) (entityname) entity - not supported
- There is a brush entity in your map that has a displacement. Displacements may not be brush entities. Search for a brush entity with a displacement on it and remove the displacement or move the brush entity back to a normal world brush.
- Error! To use model "filename.mdl" with static_prop, it must be compiled with $staticprop!
- There is a prop_static in your level that is using a incorrect physics model. The model will not show up in game. Use prop_physics or prop_dynamic_override instead.
- Error loading studio model ""!
- There is a "prop_" model in your map using no model or an incorrect model filename.
- There is a surface with too many overlays on it or an overlay that is applied to too many surfaces.
- Its also possible that you changed the lightmap scale setting to a low value (1-8) on a large brush with several info_overlays.
- material "" not found
- A surface or an overlay uses no texture or an incorrect texture filename.
- Memory leak
- mempool blocks left in memory:
- A chronic error that doesn't affect your map. Ignore.
- Too many t-junctions to fix up!
- It is currently unknown what exactly causes this issue to appear. Known to appear together with leaks on close-quarter maps. First, seal the leak, and if the issue persists, cut down on your func_detail and func_brush entities.
- Bad planenum
- The editor did not save the File Correctly - Re-save and compile. This can also be caused by more than one brush overlapping another - Normally caused by a bad carve.
- Tried parent
- The node in the compile has no parent node - this is very rare, but will most likely be caused by vertex manipulation errors passing through hammers safe guard. Think of a box but the whole box is only one side.
- XXX with splits
- The brush face has been split, and is a big no-no. The best way to try and fix it is to look for tiny brush penetrations, such as the tip of a spike on touching the side of a 1 x 1 x 1 brush.
- vbsp.exe crash potential causes (no error message)
- Playerclip texture used on displacement brush.
- 1 unit height displacement with power of 4 on different sides.
- Multiple references for cubemap on texture ../path/stonefloor006a_3328_640_-640!!
You have env_cubemaps which faces directly attached to more then one cubemap. You need to find this both cubemaps with overlapping faces and reassign the one which is wrong. The last one numbers in error are coordinates, you can fly to them with View->Go to Coordinates.
- Material <name> is depending on itself through materialval $bottommaterial!
Basically this error indicates that you have materials in scene in which .vmt $bottommaterial referencing to it's own one vmt! Just find this materials and replace this value to another one you want, for example for water set $bottommaterial" "dev/dev_waterbeneath2" or any other you need. Check material names carefully it can be the same name, but with prefix like "a", "b" and you won't even notice that!
VIS (vvis.exe)
- loadportals
- couldn't read filename.prt
- Vvis can't find the portal file created by vbsp. Either vbsp didn't create it because of an error (leak?) or vvis uses an incorrect file path. (A fix is to make sure that the map name has no capital letters or dots.)
Or: You created some new Areaportals but compiled with BSP "Only entities".
Or: You accidentally placed/moved a light_environment entity outside the bounds of your skybox. (wouldn't this generate a leak?)
- Leaf (portal XXX) with too many portals.
- There is an area with geometry that's too complex. Try to simplify some rooms and corridors and make smaller structures func_detail.
RAD (vrad.exe)
- Texture axis perpendicular to face at (XXX, XXX, XXX)
- At the coordinates specified there is a surface with incorrect texture values. Try to find the surface and make sure the texture is "aligned to world".
- Too many light styles on a face (XXX,XXX,XXX)
- At the coordinates specified there is a surface lit by too many "effect" lights. This includes lights that have a name (which compiles both on and off status so you could switch them) or a light using effects like flickering. Remove some of them, disable flickering effects or make sure they don't have a name.
- <number> degenerate faces
Degenerate faces are faces that are computed to have no or negative area. This may cause lighting problems.
This could also have something to do with transparency in textures.
- warning - face vectors parallel to face normal. bad lighting will be produced
- This can happen when using Align to texture (Alt + right mouse button), to fix this, find the brush causing it (backtrack through your recent changes), align the affected face to World or Face, and manually apply the texture settings.
See also
External links
- - Automatic Error Check - you can also upload your compile log.
- HL.LOGOUT.FR - Automatic Error Check - an alternative to the above tool (in French).