Template:Hl1 kv breakable

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Name (targetname) <string>
The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
Global Entity Name (globalname) <string>
Name to identify entity accross level transitions. Entities with the same global name will have the same status accross maps.


Target on break (target) <targetname>
The targetname of the entity to be targeted when this entity breaks.
Strength (health) <integer>
Amount of damage to take before breaking.
Material Type (material) <integer choices>
Material to use for sounds and gibs.
Standard choices
  • 0: "Glass"
  • 1: "Wood"
  • 2: "Metal"
  • 3: "Flesh"
  • 4: "Cinder Block"
  • 5: "Ceiling Tile"
  • 6: "Computer"
  • 7: "Unbreakable Glass"
  • 8: "Rocks"
Condition Zero Deleted Scenes Condition Zero Deleted Scenes choices
  • 0: "Glass"
  • 1: "Wood"
  • 2: "Metal"
  • 3: "Flesh"
  • 4: "Brick"
  • 5: "Tile"
  • 6: "Computer"
  • 7: "Bulletproof Glass"
  • 8: "Stone"
  • 9: "None"
  • 10: "Vine"
  • 11: "Last Material" [Clarify]
Gibs Direction (explosion) <choices>
Whether gibs should fly in a random direction or relative to the attack that broke this entity.
  • 0: "Random"
  • 1: "Relative to Attack"
Note.pngNote:In Condition Zero Deleted Scenes, direction is used instead of 1.
Delay before fire (delay) <integer>
Time in seconds after breaking before targeting the "Target on break" entity.
Gib model (gibmodel) <model path>
Model to use for gibs spawned when broken instead of default, material dependent gibs. Relative to mod folder.
Spawn on break (spawnobject) <choices>
Item to spawn when broken.
Note.pngNote:In Condition Zero Deleted Scenes Condition Zero Deleted Scenes, this is a string instead, and can spawn most entities which start with ammo_, item_, or weapon_.
Explode Magnitude (0=none) (explodemagnitude) <integer>
Magnitude of explosion when broken. Will not explode if 0.