SourceRenewed is a project based on the
Source 2013 Singleplayer. Adds some new and useful things to the engine and improves the existing ones. However, unlike
Mapbase, this project is not meant to be fully backward compatible with any Source branch. Made by Max34.
Changes in the common class of all entities
Parameters | Type | Description | Notes |
Entity I/O State | choice | Enabled (by default) or Disabled. Whether the entity IO is enabled or disabled when spawning. | |
Inputs | Type | Description | Notes |
Enable I/O Interaction | void | Enables an entity IO system. | This entity state system is something new and has nothing to do with the deprecated “Start Disabled”. For now, this only works with entities that have been reworked. |
Toggle I/O Interaction | void | Toggles the state of an entity I/O system between enabled and disabled. | |
Disable I/O Interaction | void | Disables an entity I/O system. | |
Set Group |
integer | Sets the group for the entity. By default, all entities are in group 0. | |
Fire Custom Event 1 |
void | Fires the On Custom Event 1 event if the entity is enabled. | |
Fire Custom Event 2 |
void | Fires the On Custom Event 2 event if the entity is enabled. | |
Fire Custom Event 3 |
void | Fires the On Custom Event 3 event if the entity is enabled. | |
Fire Custom Event 4 |
void | Fires the On Custom Event 4 event if the entity is enabled. | |
Outputs | Type | Description | Notes |
On Spawn | void | Fired when the entity spawns. | [Todo] ☐ Make sure this event happens at the right time. |
On Killed | void | Fired when the entity has been deleted. | |
On Custom Event 1 |
void | Fires in response to Fire Custom Event 1 input. | |
On Custom Event 2 |
void | Fires in response to Fire Custom Event 2 input. | |
On Custom Event 3 |
void | Fires in response to Fire Custom Event 3 input. | |
On Custom Event 4 |
void | Fires in response to Fire Custom Event 4 input. |
Env Entities
Old name: ambient_generic
Filter Entities
Old name: filter_activator_class
Old name: filter_activator_team
Old name: filter_activator_name
Parameters | Type | Description | Notes |
Filter | string | . | |
Filtering Type | choice | . | |
Inputs | Type | Description | Notes |
GetFilter | void | . | “Read-only” event. |
SetFilter | string | . | |
FilterActivator | void | . | |
FilterCaller | void | . | |
Outputs | Type | Description | Notes |
OnGetFilter | string | . | “Read-only” event. |
OnFail | void | . | |
OnPass | void | . |
Logic Entities
Parameters | Type | Description | Notes |
Initial value | float | Initial branch value. All negative numbers are false; all positive true; 0 depending on setting Treat 0 as. | |
Treat 0 as | choice | false (by default), indeterminate (for ternary mode) or true. | |
Inputs | Type | Description | Notes |
GetValue | void | . | “Read-only” event. |
Test | void | . | |
SetValue | void | . | |
SetValueTest | void | . | |
ToggleValue |
void | . | |
ToggleValueTest |
void | . | |
Outputs | Type | Description | Notes |
OnGetValue | float | . | “Read-only” event. |
OnFalse | void | . | |
OnIndeterminate | void | . | |
OnTrue | void | . |
Old name: logic_branch_listener.
Parameters | Type | Description | Notes |
First value |
string | Initial first value. | |
Second value |
string | The value to compare against. | |
Inputs | Type | Description | Notes |
GetFirstValue | void | . | “Read-only” event. |
GetSecondValue | void | . | “Read-only” event. |
SetFirstValue |
string | . | |
SetSecondValue |
string | . | |
CompareInt | void | . | |
CompareFloat |
void | . | |
CompareString | void | . | |
Outputs | Type | Description | Notes |
OnGetFirstValue | string | . | “Read-only” event. |
OnGetSecondValue | string | . | “Read-only” event. |
OnEqual | void | . | |
OnNotEqual | void | . | |
OnLess | void | . | |
OnGreater | void | . | |
OnLessOrEqual | void | . | |
OnGreaterOrEqual | void | . |
New entity.
Inputs | Type | Description | Notes |
Trigger1 |
void | Fires the OnTrigger1 event. | |
Trigger2 | void | Fires the OnTrigger2 event. | |
Trigger3 | void | Fires the OnTrigger3 event. | |
Trigger4 | void | Fires the OnTrigger4 event. | |
Outputs | Type | Description | Notes |
OnTrigger1 |
void | Fires in response to Trigger1 input. | |
OnTrigger2 | void | Fires in response to Trigger2 input. | |
OnTrigger3 | void | Fires in response to Trigger3 input. | |
OnTrigger4 | void | Fires in response to Trigger3 input. |
New entity.
Math Entities
New entity.
Inputs | Type | Description | Notes |
GetValue | void | Get calculator value. Fires the OnGetValue event. | “Read-only” event. |
GetParity | void | Get the parity of a calculator value. Fires OnValueEven if the number is even and OnValueOdd if it is odd. If the value is a float, the non-integer part of the value will be ignored. | “Read-only” event. |
RoundValue | integer or void | Rounds calculator value: 0.3 = 0, 0.8 = 1. You can also specify a number that will determine at what level to round the number. For example, if the calculator number is 256 and the input value is 2 (comparable to the number of zeros), then the number will be rounded up to 300. This also works with negative numbers: if your number is 0.18, and the input value is -1, then the result will be 0.2. | |
SetValue | string, float or void | Sets the value of the calculator. | (See Note after this table.) |
Add | string, float or void | Adds the entered value to the calculator. | (See Note after this table.) |
Subtract | string, float or void | Subtracts the entered value from the calculator value. | (See Note after this table.) |
Multiply | string, float or void | Multiplies the calculator value by the entered value. | (See Note after this table.) |
Divide | string, float or void | Divides the calculator value by the entered value. Completely ignores the value 0. | (See Note after this table.) |
Power | string, float or void | Raises the calculator value to the entered power. | (See Note after this table.) |
Modulo | string, float or void | Calculates the remainder of dividing the entered number by the current calculator value. Completely ignores the value 0. | (See Note after this table.) |
Outputs | Type | Description | Notes |
OnValueChanged | float | Fires when the calculator value has been changed. | |
OnValueNotChanged | float | Fires when the calculator value has not been changed. This only happens if one of the Inputs that interacts with the calculator value has been used. Therefore, the GetValue and GetParity events do not fire this Output. | |
OnGetValue | float | Fires in response to GetValue input. | “Read-only” event. |
OnValueEven | float | Fires in response to GetParity input if the value is even. | “Read-only” event. |
OnValueOdd | float | Fires in response to GetParity input if the value is odd. | “Read-only” event. |
Constant | Description | Value |
e | e | 2.71828182845904523536 |
log2e | log2(e) | 1.44269504088896340736 |
log10e | log10(e) | 0.434294481903251827651 |
ln2 | ln(2) | 0.693147180559945309417 |
ln10 | ln(10) | 2.30258509299404568402 |
pi | π | 3.14159265358979323846 |
pi2 | π/2 | 1.57079632679489661923 |
pi4 | π/4 | 0.785398163397448309616 |
1pi | 1/π | 0.318309886183790671538 |
2pi | 2/π | 0.636619772367581343076 |
2sqrtpi | 2/√π | 1.12837916709551257390 |
sqrt2 | √2 | 1.41421356237309504880 |
1sqrt2 | 1/√2 | 0.707106781186547524401 |
New entity. Also combines the capabilities of math_colorblend.
Color constructor. Allows you to make color32 from separate integers. This color32 can be used as a whole or separately.
Special Entities
Entities that exist on all maps and in a single copy.
Old name: worldspawn.
An entity that is the world itself in which everything that is on the map is stored.
Parameters | Type | Description | Notes |
? | ? | ? | |
Inputs | Type | Description | Notes |
Close Map | Void | Closes the map and returns the player to the main menu. | |
Outputs | Type | Description | Notes |
? | ? | ? |
Deleted entities
We will remember.. your uselessness
- env_beverage
- filter_base
- filter_multi
- game_end
- game_player_equip
- game_player_team
- item_sodacan
- logic_active_autosave
- logic_lineto
- logic_multicompare
- math_colorblend
- multisource
- point_clientcommand
- point_servercommand
- trigger_once
- info_player_start
- Changed structure of .bsp files to reduce entdata usage.
- Added more support for converting from one value format to another.
- New Hammer (in development).
- Trying to make engine code more readable.
- Replaced all
strcmp, stricmp, _stricmp, Q_strcmp, V_strcmp, Q_stricmp, V_stricmp, FStrEq, V_strlen, Q_strlen V_strlen, Q_strcasecmp, Q_strncasecmp, V_strncasecmp, V_strcasecmp
with more understandable and optimal
StringEmpty, StringsEqual, StringsEqualCaseless, StringsPartsEqual, StringsCompare, StringsCompareCaseless and StringLength.
- Replaced all
- Commands such as ent_fire, ent_pause, ent_step, etc. will be replaced with a graphical representation called “I/O Event Management Window”. It will also contain additional functionality for interacting with I/O events on the map, for example the ability to display all I/O stored in a specific entity.
- captioncompiler will be replaced by CaptionEditor with graphical representation and new functionality.