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Resourcecompiler is a
Source 2 command line utility that is able to build most types of source files into compiled resources. It also handles the compilation of VMAP files from start to finish and optimizing it with VIS3 (part of resourcecompiler), running external tools such as VRAD3 and VPK as required. It cannot compile map components separately, such as VENTS. You can manually give it source files like VMDL meshes by dropping it onto the executable or in CLI with a command like ./resourcecompiler.exe <full path to source file> and the file in question will be compiled and placed in its proper place under the game directory.
Note: The tool does not function on systems without a GPU installed, or without drivers installed.
Confirm:Does this tool works with Intel HD Graphics/any other integrated GPUs?
Command line options
-i |
Source dmx file list, or resource project file list. Wildcards are accepted. Can skip using the -i option if you put file names @ the end of the commandline.
-filelist <filename> |
Specify a text file containing a list of files to be processed as inputs.
-r |
If wildcards are specified, recursively searches subdirectories
-nop4 |
Disables auto perforce checkout/add.
-game |
Specifies path to a file (which mod to build for). If this is not specified, it is derived from the input file name.
-v |
Verbose mode
-f |
Force-compile all encountered resources
-fshallow |
Force compile top-level resources, but only compile children and sisters as needed
-fshallow2 |
Force compile all top-level resources and their children, but sisters as needed
-pc |
Compile resources for Windows PC (default)
-novpk |
Generate loose files for the map resource and its children instead of generating a VPK
-vpkincr |
Incrementally generate vpk, files already in vpk are left intact unless overwritten
-pauseiferror |
Pauses for a user keypress before quitting if there was an error
-pause |
Pauses for a user keypress before quitting
-changelist <name> |
Use named changelist for p4 operations
-p4cachefiles <relpathwithwildcard> |
Used by sceneimagebuilder to batch load all p4 files in directory for faster processing
| Workshop Tools | |
| Map editors | |
| Map compilers | |
| Map tools |
There are currently no tools in this list. |
| Model compilers |
Todo: Add the software to this list. |
| Model tools |
Todo: Add the software to this list. |
| Texture tools |
Todo: Add the software to this list. |
| Sound tools |
Todo: Add the software to this list. |
| Engine tools | |
| Other | |