List of Portal 2 Instances
A main feature of Portal 2 is its use of instances. In short, instances (placed in Hammer with the func_instance entity) allow for the placement of VMFs inside other VMFs. They are similar to prefabs, but when the source file of an instance is modified the changes take effect in all maps containing them. For more information, see Instance.
Below is a list of the instances provided with the Portal 2 Authoring Tools. They are categorized by the folder structure in which they are packaged.
Instances are stored in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\sdk_content\maps\instances\
Note: the terms "powerup" and "powerdown" refer to the activation and deactivation of the facility, respectively, as this is the terminology Valve uses in the animations.
- global_ents.vmf
- Environment and campaign entities. Recommended in all maps. global_ents.vmf (Portal 2) contains a list of the HDR preset settings available in the instance.
- global_ents_generic.vmf
- Basic set of environment and singleplayer entities. Useful for test maps. These are referenced as the "old global_ents" by a VisGroup in
- 64x64_animated_wall_panel_x4panels.vmf
- A horizontal row of four panels that can be triggered to use powerup and powerdown animations.
- 64x64_wall_repair_x2panels.vmf
- A horizontal row of two panels that can be trigger to use powerup animations.
- 64x64_wall_repair_x8panels_bendy01.vmf
- Two columns of four panels that can be triggerd to use powerup animations. Slighty more "bendy" and organic as the name suggests.
- 64x64_wall_repair_x8panels_bendy02.vmf
- Same as above only using a slightly different animation.
- 128x128_ceiling_panel_fall_01.vmf
- A dirty ceiling panel below a clean ceiling panel; the dirty one hinges and falls, replaced by the clean one. Does not use models but instead a func_physbox and func_door.
- 128x128_ceiling_panel_fall_02.vmf
- Same as above but without the clean ceiling panel replacing the dirty one. Dirty panel hinges and falls.
- 128x128_ramp_90degree_01c.vmf
- A 2x2 square of panels that can move back and forth from vertical to horizontal to form a ramp from a wall.
- 128x128_wall_panel_fall_01.vmf
- Identical to 128x128_ceiling_panel_fall_01.vmf but vertical for a wall.
- 128x128_wall_panel_rotate_01.vmf
- A wall panel that moves slightly forward and rotates.
- 128x128_wall_panel_rotate_01.vmf
- Same as above only rotates in the opposite direction.
- 128x128_wall_replace_01.vmf
- A 2x2 square of vertical panels that can open into and close back into the wall of a chamber to allow a "peek" effect. Seen when Wheatly pops his head in to a chamber.
- 128x192_ramp_90degree_02b_reversible_02.vmf
- A large section/ramp that can be rotated into and out of a wall.
- bts_pipes_01_256.vmf
- bts_pipes_01_512.vmf
- bts_pipes_01_corner_128.vmf
- bts_pipes_01b_256.vmf
- bts_pipes_01b_corner_128.vmf
- bts_pipes_01c_256.vmf
- Various pipe structures for use in destroyed-themed maps
- bts_truss_01_032x512.vmf
- A prop_static set to models/props_bts/truss_512_cheap.mdl
- bts_wall_module.vmf
- A piece of testchamber wall with lights for use in Wheatley-themed test chambers
- floor_button_black_intact.vmf
- A prop_floor_button on a clean black button base.
- floor_button_base_intact_black.vmf
- floor_button_base_intact_white.vmf
- Clean button bases with black or white panels.
- floor_button_base_destroyed_black.vmf
- floor_button_base_destroyed_white.vmf
- Ruined button bases with black or white panels.
- entry_hallway_tall_dirty_nocaps_bustfloor.vmf
- A static hallway with a bulging floor. Random stuff (cubes, turrets, etc.) can be seen below causing the bulge.
- glados_gen_actor.vmf
- A nodraw box containing the generic_actor set to GLaDOS. Presumably for use with in-game scenes, lines, etc.
- bot_disassembler_blue.vmf
- The disassembly machine for Atlas.
- bot_disassembler_orange.vmf
- The disassembly machine for P-Body.
- coop_endlevel_room.vmf
- Disassembler/exit room, clean theme.
- coop_endlevel_room_paint.vmf
- Disassembler/exit room, underground theme.
- coop_flipglass_door.vmf
- The 4-panel airlock doorway.
- coop_lighting_ents.vmf
- Like global_ents.vmf but for co-op.
- coop_spawn_room.vmf
- Co-op entrance room, clean theme.
- coop_spawn_room_bridge.vmf
- Co-op entrance room, destroyed theme.
- coop_spawn_room_paint.vmf
- Co-op entrance room, underground theme.
- coop_team_double_exit_door.vmf
- A testchamber door specialized for co-op.
- coop_team_double_exit_door_paint.vmf
- Same as above, underground theme.
- coop_underground_spawn_block.vmf
- A detailed co-op entrance room, underground theme.
- dest_floor_02a_128x256.vmf
- A prop instance for use with destroyed-themed test chambers.
- destruction_ambience.vmf
- Several entities including an ambient_generic, env_shake, a logic_timer, and the other logic entites that make them work. All entities are parented to a func_tracktrain that moves around a very large square, which is used to give the impression that distant explosions are coming from different directions. For use with Wheatley-themed test chambers.
- portal_coop_double_exit_door_black.vmf
- A prop_testchamber_door set up for coop maps.
- portal_coop_exit_door_black.vmf
- portal_entry_door_black.vmf
- portal_entry_door_black_dirty.vmf
- portal_entry_door_nopaint.vmf
- portal_entry_door_white.vmf
- portal_entry_door_white_dirty.vmf
- portal_exit_door_black.vmf
- portal_exit_door_black_dirty.vmf
- portal_exit_door_nopaint.vmf
- portal_exit_door_white.vmf
- portal_exit_door_white_dirty.vmf
- All the above appear to be prop_linked_portal_doors set up as exits and entrances to chambers.
- vertical_security_door.vmf
- A vert_door_animated set up.
- door_ents.vmf
- door_ents_noareaportal
- Self explainatory.
- portal_door_frame_black.vmf
- portal_door_frame_black_dirty.vmf
- portal_door_frame_nopaint.vmf
- portal_door_frame_white.vmf
- portal_door_frame_white_dirty.vmf
- Door frames that appear to fit the prop_linked_portal_door entity. They cannot be passed through due to a black brush entity.
- portal_entry_door_ents.vmf
- portal_exit_door_ents.vmf
- Both are simply an unaltered prop_linked_portal_door entities, with no difference between the two.
- active_03.vmf
- A "junk stacked in elevator" scene. Used in sp_a2_column_blocker.
- animated_paintable_pushout_128.vmf
- animated_paintable_unportalable_pushout_128.vmf
- animated_pushout_128.vmf
- animated_pushout_128_angled.vmf
- animated_pushout_128_pinger.vmf
- animated_pushout_128_pinger_blue.vmf
- animated_pushout_128_pinger_orange.vmf
- Several piston surfaces that seem to be based on the pistons from Portal 1. One thing to note is that animated_pushout_128 and animated_pushout_128_angled are the only ones of these that aren't missing textures. The ones that are missing textures seem to be missing textures that weren't ported from Portal 1.
- catapult_set_1300.vmf
- Two models of the beta faith plates, which used panel arms. This links both together, and isn't really of use.
- cleanser_128x128.vmf
- cleanser_embedded_128x128.vmf
- Self-explanatory. The second has black panel brushes covering the cleanser edges.
- coop_bluebot_dropper.vmf
- coop_bluebot_dropper_paint.vmf
- coop_redbot_dropper.vmf
- coop_redbot_dropper_paint.vmf
- The droppers that spawn Atlas and P-body. The "_paint" refers to the underground droppers.
- crusher_ceiling_01.vmf
- A very basic crusher that uses the crusher head and a regular panel arm, rather than the whole model. Probably an early model of the crusher.
- cube_dropper_a4.vmf
- cube_dropper_a4_box.vmf
- Two nearly identical versions of the Franken-cube dropper.
- cube_dropper_dropontrigger_normal.vmf
- Self-explanatory.
- cube_dropper_large.vmf
- cube_dropper_large_dirty.vmf
- Two cube droppers with a vaccutube visible behind the dropper.
- cube_dropper_monster.vmf
- cube_dropper_monster_box.vmf
- Two identical droppers. Neither have the walls behind the dropper.
- cube_dropper_multiple_normal.vmf
- cube_dropper_multiple_break.vmf
- The regular box droppers used in many maps. The latter drops antique cubes despite being a modern dropper.
- cube_dropper_normal.vmf
- cube_dropper_normal_dirty.vmf
- An instance using cube_dropper_shared. The latter uses the dirty variant.
- cube_dropper_pedleton.vmf
- cube_dropper_player.vmf
- A uniquely created dropper that does nothing. The latter is most likely used to spawn the player.
- cube_dropper_shared.vmf
- cube_dropper_shared_dirty.vmf
- Similar to the multiple_normal, but only the entities.
- There are also reflection cube and sphere versions, beginning with "reflectocube_" and "sphere_", respectively.
- debris_pusher
- A phys_explosion that does exactly what it says.
- door_4_panel.vmf
- The doors for the Coop checkpoint.
- faithplate_black.vmf
- faithplate_black_imposter.vmf
- faithplate_clean.vmf
- faithplate_dirty.vmf
- faithplate_dirty_imposter
- Instances of faithplates. The "_black" are most likely earlier versions.
- fizzler_black_clean.vmf
- fizzler_black_dirty.vmf
- fizzler_white_dirty.vmf
- Similar to cleanser_embedded_128x128, except with more versions. Oddly, there isn't a fizzler_white_clean.
- floor_catwalk_64.vmf
- floor_catwalk_64_no_shell.vmf
- floor_catwalk_128.vmf
- floor_catwalk_128x256.vmf
- floor_catwalk_glass_128.vmf
- Contrary to their names, these actually do not seem to involve catwalks, rather they include airlock panels.
- glass_breakable_192x128.vmf
- Self-explanatory.
- item_dropper.vmf
- item_dropper_broken.vmf
- Very similar to multiple_normal, but with two invisible brushes inside the dropper, likely to align the cube. The latter is a dirty varaint.
- paint_bomb_dropper.vmf
- paint_bomb_dropper_auto.vmf
- paint_bomb_dropper_bounce.vmf
- paint_bomb_dropper_modern.vnf
- paint_bomb_dropper_speed.vmf
- These are rather unusual. They are all set up like cube droppers. The first uses a cube dropper base for the dropper, as does modern, similar to beta. Auto uses a damaged version of this dropper. Bounce and speed simply use vaccutubes for the droppers.
- paint_cleanser_128x128.vmf
- An unused version of the fizzler with the purpose of cleaning/ blocking gel. Interestingly, it uses the Portal 1 fizzler emitters instead of the regular ones.
- paint_dropper.vmf
- paint_dropper_bounce.vmf
- paint_dropper_erase.vmf
- paint_dropper_speed.vmf
- paint_dropper_stick.vmf
- Paint droppers that use cube droppers, similar to how they appeared in beta. Interestingly, it includes "_stick" referring to the cut Adhesion gel.
- portal_emitter_blue.vmf
- portal_emitter_orange.vmf
- Self-explanatory.
- reflectocube_dropper_helper_shared.vmf
- reflectocube_dropper_large.vmf
- reflectocube_dropper_large_dirty.vmf
- reflectocube_dropper_normal.vmf
- reflectocube_dropper_normal_dirty.vmf
- reflectocube_dropper_normal_helper.vmf
- reflectocube_dropper_shared.vmf
- reflectocube_dropper_shared_helper.vmf
- Droppers for the reflection cube, as the names imply. _helper_shared lacks the walls. Large is a longer version of the dropper. _shared is exactly like the helper file.
- sphere_dropper_multiple.vmf
- sphere_dropper_multipleballs.vmf
- sphere_dropper_normal.vmf
- sphere_dropper_normal_nopredrop.vmf
- sphere_dropper_shared.vmf
- sphere_dropper_shared_nopredrop.vmf
- Droppers similar to the cube droppers, but for spheres. _multipleballs lacks the walls behind the dropper. _nopredrop means they don't drop one immediately, and they also lack the brushes behind the dropper.
- tractorbeam_frame_black.vmf
- tractorbeam_frame_black_dirty.vmf
- tractorbeam_frame_white.vmf
- tractorbeam_frame_white_dirty.vmf
- Various frames for the excursion funnel.
More coming soon
- observation_room_02_256x128_1off.vmf
- An empty observation room with a window 256 by 128, without lighting or furniture.
- observation_room_64x128_1.vmf
- observation_room_64x128_1b.vmf
- An observation room with a window 64 by 128. The room turns to the right. It contains two stools, a desk, and two monitors. The latter seems to be the same as the former, with the addition of an overhead light.
- observation_room_64x128_1off.vmf
- An observation room with a window 64 by 128. It produces no light, and the room turns to the left. It has no furniture.
- observation_room_64x128_2off.vmf
- A room similar to observation_room_64x128_1b.vmf, except it lacks monitors and doesn't give off light.
- observation_room_64x128_3off.vmf
- An observation room that looks similar to observation_room_64x128_1off.vmf, but the room is smaller, and it lacks an entry door.
- observation_room_128x128_1.vmf
- observation_room_128x128_1b.vmf
A room with a window that's 128 by 128. It contains two lab chairs and a desk, but lacks a door. The latter adds an overhead light.
- observation_room_128x128_1off.vmf
A duplicate room of observation_room_128x128_1.vmf, but it lacks chairs, lighting, and the window is broken.
- observation_room_128x128_notbroken_off.vmf
A room similar to observation_room_128x128_1off.vmf, but the window isn't broken. It still gives off no light.
- observation_room_192x128_1.vmf
- observation_room_192x128_1b.vmf
A room with a window that's 192 by 128. The former only contains a desk, and lacks chairs or a door. The latter is exact same, with the inclusion of a single monitor, and overhead light.
- observation_room_192x128_1off.vmf
An exact duplicate of observation_room_192x128_1.vmf, but without the lighting.
- observation_room_192x128_2.vmf
A room similar to observation_room_192x128_1b.vmf, but for some reason has a glass cover light inside the window, and the lighting is misplaced.
- observation_room_256x128_1.vmf
- observation_room_256x128_1b.vmf
The former is a room that matches observation_room_256x128_1off.vmf, but with lighting. The latter has the inclusion of a ceiling light.
- observation_room_256x128_2off.vmf
An exact duplicate of observation_room_256x128_1off.vmf.
- observation_room_256x128_norefract.vmf
A duplicate of observation_room_256x128_1.vmf, but lacks a prop_static glass_observation_1.mdl for the window, the inside window texture is incorrectly aligned.
Cool in filename means cool light (more blue), warm means warm light (more red) and neutral means white light (like sunlight).
off/low/med/high gives the intensity of light.
- bts_lightarray_warm_01_cheap.vmf
- bts_light_fluorescent _01_128a.vmf
- bts_light_fluorescent _01_128a_nolight.vmf
- bts_light_fluorescent _01_128a_off.vmf
- bts_light_fluorescent _01_128b.vmf
- bts_light_fluorescent _01_128b_background.vmf
- bts_light_fluorescent _01_128b_warm.vmf
- bts_light_fluorescent _01_128c.vmf
- light_panel_128_back.vmf
- light_panel_128_backstage_med.vmf
- light_panel_128_cool_high.vmf
- light_panel_128_cool_med.vmf
- light_panel_128_neutral_high.vmf
- light_panel_128_neutral_med.vmf
- light_panel_128_warm_high.vmf
- light_panel_128_warm_med.vmf
- light_panel_32x128_cool_med.vmf
- light_panel_32x128_cool_med_detail.vmf
- light_panel_32x128_neutral_med.vmf
- light_panel_32x128_neutral_med_damaged.vmf
- light_panel_32x128_neutral_med_detail.vmf
- light_panel_32x128_neutral_out.vmf
- light_panel_32x128_warm_med.vmf
- light_panel_32x256_cool_med.vmf
- light_panel_32x256_cool_med_detail.vmf
- light_panel_32x256_neutral_med.vmf
- light_panel_32x256_warm_med.vmf
- light_panel_32x512_cool_med.vmf
- light_panel_32x512_warm_med.vmf
- light_panel_64_back.vmf
- light_panel_64_backstage_med.vmf
- light_panel_64_cool_high.vmf
- light_panel_64_cool_low.vmf
- light_panel_64_cool_med.vmf
- light_panel_64_neutral_high.vmf
- light_panel_64_neutral_low.vmf
- light_panel_64_neutral_med.vmf
- light_panel_64_warm_high.vmf
- light_panel_64_warm_low.vmf
- light_panel_64_warm_med.vmf
- swinging_ceiling_light.vmf
- swinging_ceiling_light_off.vmf
- underground_fluorescent_1_cool.vmf
- underground_fluorescent_1_warm.vmf
- underground_hanging_light_1.vmf
- underground_hanging_light_2.vmf
- underground_lightarray_broken_01.vmf
- underground_lightarray_broken_02.vmf
- underground_lightarray_broken_03.vmf
- underground_lightarray_broken_04.vmf
- underground_lightarray_warm_01.vmf
- underground_lightarray_warm_01_cheap.vmf
- underground_lightarray_warm_02.vmf
- underground_lightarray_warm_02_cheap.vmf
- underground_lightarray_warm_03_cheap.vmf
- underground_light_panel_32x256_cool.vmf
- underground_light_panel_32x256_warm.vmf
- underground_light_wall01_cool.vmf
- underground_light_wall01_warm.vmf
- underground_light_wall01_warm_nobeam.vmf
- underground_smallspot_1_cool.vmf
- underground_smallspot_1_warm.vmf
- underground_spot_warm_01.vmf
- wheatley_bigscreen.vmf
- A wheatley monitor. Position flush into the wall, then trigger inputs to extend it. The instance contains logic to break the screen when cubes or players impact at high speeds,
- wheatley_studio.vmf
- A room containing a Wheatley actor and camera to display on monitors. Place one in every map, and send inputs to cause him to enter/leave the view or change the zoom. Wheatley will automatically perform animations in sync with any A4 choreo_scenes.
To be added soon.
- info_sign_sp_clean.vmf
- The test chamber sign, clean theme.
- info_sign_sp_dirty.vmf
- The test chamber sign, destroyed/reconstructing themes.
- bday_antechamber.vmf
- The 'surprise' room from the game.
- sp_a3_speed_ramp_column.vmf
- An underground light-pylon.
- sp_a4_laser_cat_box_1_wall.vmf
- A wall in the Wheatly style, with a monster box and ledge-forimg panels.
- sp_trust_fling_1.vmf
- A large piece of func_detail, in the destroyed style.
- arrival_departure_transition_ents.vmf
- Contains entities for spawning in or transitioning between levels. Recommended for test chamber maps. Todo: Page describing Portal 2 transition entities.
- transition_entry.vmf
- Nested in arrival_departure_transition_ents.vmf. Entities for transitioning into a test chamber. Contains info_player_start.
- transition_exit.vmf
- Nested in arrival_departure_transition_ents.vmf. Entities for transitioning from a test chamber.
- elevator_structure.vmf
- The main room of the turbine elevator entity.
- Shaft_vista_v2.vmf
- The lower area of Chapter 4, Test Chamber 18, during the elevator ride, where the player meets up with Wheatley.
- tube_elevator_bottom.vmf
- tube_elevator_top.vmf
- The tubes for the elevator below and above (respectively) of the elevator room.
there are two type of instance the departure and the arrival
- _base.vmf
- the XX_base.vmf is the structure of tube elevator, there are some different skin of the room (destroyed,clean,...) with 42 vgui_movie_display entities
- _logic.vmf
- the XX_logic.vmf is the motion of tube elevator, there are two version (come from up or down) contains some trigger to activate elevator sound or open first door of the map. there is a logic_script to call the video script for the vgui_movie_display in the XX_base.vmf
all this instance (logic and base) can be stick with the long block behind the structure of elevator
- fadetodeath_goo.vmf
- Simple player_loadsaved instance, used to load the last saved game when falling into the goo.
- test_chamber_door.vmf
- Underground test chamber door.
- test_dome_interior_01.vmf
- 4096x4096 underground testing dome with surrounding sealing.
- test_dome_entrance_lift_01.vmf
- Underground entrance lift.
- test_dome_exit_lift_01.vmf
- Underground exit lift.
- trapdoor_cube_dropper.vmf
- Underground cube dropper.
Instances used for the Puzzlemaker. These instances are quite complex and are not recommended for use outside of the Puzzlemaker's generated maps.
- and_gate.vmf
- AND gate.
- arrival_departure_transition_ents.vmf
- Room containing the level start and exit triggers, for Portal 2's level start/stop system.
- barrier_hazard_base.vmf
- AND logic to control fizzler enabling/disabling. The fizzler/laserfield brushes themselves are generated by the PeTI.
- barrier_hazard_model.vmf
- An instanced version of the fizzler model, controled by the base instance.
- bot_disassembler_blue.vmf
- bot_disassembler_orange.vmf
- Modified versions of the Coop disassemblers used inside the coop_exit instance.
- bridge.vmf
- Instanced version of Hard Light Bridges.
- coop_dropper.vmf
- Player respawn dropper, with instance vsriables to set the team. Used inside the door_entrance_coop_1 instance.
- coop_exit.vmf
- Cooperative disassembly room, including worldportals to connect to the main level.
- cube_companion.vmf
- cube_monster.vmf
- cube_reflection.vmf
- cube_sphere.vmf
- cube_standard.vmf
- Instances to spawn the various dropperless cubes. Point_templates are used to allow the cubes to spawn in late, when the @relay_spawn_3 relay is triggered. This allows angled panels and light bridges to initialise without affecting the cubes.
- door_coop_exit_door.vmf
- A exit door with camera, and associated logic to lock it until both players are standing in front of it. Used by the door_exit_coop_*.vmf instances.
- door_entrance_1.vmf - door_entrance_7.vmf
- Various entry corridors randomly chosen for singleplayer maps. Use worldportals to connect to the elevator.
- door_entrance_coop_1.vmf
- The entry spawn room for coop maps. There is no worldportal in this instance, unlike the other entry/exit rooms.
- door_exit_1.vmf - door_exit_4.vmf
- Various exit corridors randomly chosen for singleplayer maps. Use worldportals to connect to the elevator. If $no_player_start is set to 0, the map will restart after reaching the corridor.
- door_exit_coop_1.vmf - door_exit_coop_4.vmf
- Various exit corridors randomly chosen for coop maps. Use worldportals to connect to the disassembler. If $no_player_start is set to 0, the map will restart after reaching the corridor.
- door_frame_black.vmf
- door_frame_white.vmf
- Door cutouts used with the entry/exit corridors to allow them to match the main map.
- elevator_arrival_logic.vmf
- elevator_departure_logic.vmf
- Logic used in the singleplayer elevators.
- elevator_entrance.vmf
- Singleplayer mode entry elevator. It contains the global_ents and global_pti_ents instances, and uses worldportals to connect to the main map. If $no_player_start is set to 0, the player will be teleported to just behind the entry door.
- elevator_exit.vmf
- Singleplayer mode exit elevator. It contains the arrival_departure instances, and triggers the Workshop vote page when the player enters the elevator. It also uses worldportals to connect to the main map.
- faith_plate_floor.vmf
- Aerial Faith Plate instance. Trigger inputs to cause it to fire angled or straight up.
- faith_plate_target.vmf
- Instance containing the bullseye decal used at the end of catapult trajectories.
- floor_ball_button_black.vmf and floor_ball_button_white.vmf
- floor_button_black_intact.vmf and floor_button_white_intact.vmf
- floor_cube_button_white.vmf and floor_cube_button_black.vmf
- The various weighted buttons placed on white/black raised sections.
- glass_128x128.vmf
- Dispite the name, used for both glass and gratings. Contains player and physics clips for use with gratings.
- glass_frame_left_convex_corner.vmf
- glass_frame_left_corner.vmf
- glass_frame_left_short.vmf
- glass_frame_left_straight.vmf
- glass_frame_right_convex_corner.vmf
- glass_frame_right_corner.vmf
- glass_frame_right_short.vmf
- glass_frame_right_straight.vmf
- Frame instances used to create the borders. These use the '
' models. Two instances are used per edge.
- global_ents.vmf
- Modified version of the normal global_ents instance, containing various global entities like fog and lighting controllers. The music ambient_generic is located here.
- global_pti_ents.vmf
- Instance used to control Workshop support. Required for all uploaded maps. It plays the random Cave quote at map spawn, and is used to trigger the vote screen at the end of levels. Set $disable_pti_audio to 1 to prevent the Cave line from playing, and trigger the @relay_pti_level_end to display the vote screen. The @relay_play_pti_audio relay can be enabled and triggered to play the audio at a later time if needed.
- goo_top.vmf
- Unused instance containing triggers to hurt players and destroy physics objects.
- indicator_panel.vmf
- Instance version of prop_indicator_panels. The entity is placed to appear 0.1 units above the mounted surface.
- indicator_toggle.vmf
- Instance version of env_texturetoggles. The $indicator_name variable must use a @targetname to work correctly.
- info_sign_sp_clean.vmf
- Duplicate of signs/info_sign_sp_clean
- item_dropper_monster.vmf
- Unused cubedropper instance that spawns Frankenturrets.
- item_dropper.vmf
- Cubedropper instance customised for PeTI. If $disable_autodrop is set to 0, it will dispense a cube when the @relay_spawn_on_entrance relay is triggered. The $indicator_lights variable is unused by the PeTI, but will function if given an @targetname value. $Cube_type values:
- 0: Standard
- 1: Companion
- 2: Reflection
- 3: Sphere
- 4: Antique (Not recommended)
- 6: FrankenTurret
- laser_catcher_center.vmf and laser_catcher_offset.vmf
- laser_emitter_center.vmf and laser_emitter_offset.vmf
- laser_relay_center.vmf and laser_relay_offset.vmf
- Versions of the Thermal Discouragement Beam devices. The offset versions are positioned inside the instance to appear on the side of the 128x128 block.
- lift_platform.vmf and lift_platform_oscillate.vmf
- Track platform instances. Set $travel_direction and $travel_speed to define the distance moved.
- lift_standalone.vmf
- Instance used for piston platforms. Very complex. Set $top_level and $bottom_level to between 0-5 to define the distance it moves in increments of 128 units.
- lift_track_bottom.vmf
- lift_track_bottom_grate.vmf
- lift_track_middle.vmf
- lift_track_top.vmf
- lift_track_single.vmf
- Instances used to create the track platform track. The grate instance is used when the platform has the bottom section fully enclosed.
- light_strip.vmf
- Version of the light strips for PeTI maps. The model is positioned to appear 0.1 units above the surface, allowing it to be placed without wall cutouts.
- observation_room_128x128_1.vmf
- observation_room_256x128_1.vmf
- The small and large observation rooms. When the @relay_lights_on relay is triggered these will light up. The large room contains an env_projectedtexture.
- paint_dropper_bomb.vmf
- paint_dropper.vmf
- Gel Dispensers. The PeTI creates a trigger_catapult in front of the paint bomb variant to target it onto the endpoint.
- paint_splat.vmf
- Instance for pre-placed gel. The info_paint_sprayer is named @pre_paint_sprayer, and is activated for 1 second during map start. In coop, this is activated by a trigger hidden inside ATLAS's player spawner.
- panel_black*.vmf and panel_white*.vmf
- Unused angled panel instances, likely originating before the angled surface was implemented as a PeTI-generated brush.
- panel_clear.vmf
- panel_nobrush.vmf
- Instances for regular and glass-covered angled panels. The $animation variable should be set to one of the 'ramp_##_deg_open' animations, where ## = 30,45,60 or 90 degrees. The regular panel's brush is generated by the PeTI in addition to a logic_auto to set the parent attachment.
- panel_flip.vmf
- Logic to control flip panels. The func_door_rotating is generated by the PeTI.
- panel_piston.vmf
- Unused instance, appearing as a panel extended outward on a piston.
- pedestal_button.vmf
- Instanced version of prop_buttons. The small platform the button is placed on is generated by the PeTI. If set to infinite time the $timer_delay variable will be set to '99999999999'.
- placement_helper.vmf
- An info_placement_helper, which is used for Gel Droppers. This is not connected propertly to the dropper inputs, so much of the logic is unnecessary.
- point_light.vmf
- Ambient lighting instance placed randomly throughout the map.
- stairs.vmf
- The instance used for stair panels.
- tbeam_frame_black.vmf and tbeam_frame_white.vmf
- Used to allow the Excursion funnel to match the wall surface.
- tbeam.vmf
- The instance for Excursion Funnels.
- transition_entry.vmf
- transition_exit.vmf
- Instances used for the arrival/departure transition instance.
- turret.vmf
- Instance for Turrets. Similar to cubes, Point_templates are used to allow the turret to spawn in late, when the @relay_spawn_3 relay is triggered. This allows angled panels and light bridges to initialise without knocking the turret over.
Unpublished Missing Instances
There are more instances in Portal 2 that are not available as a source file within the Portal 2 Authoring Tools build's sdk_content folder. Some of these unpublished instances can be found however by decompiling the .bsp files from the original maps. [See reference image]
- button/button_floor_01a.vmf
- Found missing in
- destruction/dest_floor_01b_128x256.vmf
- Floor decoration in the destruction style. Found missing in
- destruction/dest_wall_01a_128x128.vmf
- Wall decoration in the destruction style. Found missing in
- destruction/dest_wall_01b_128x128.vmf
- Found missing in
- underground/security_door_01_areaportalled.vmf
- A bipart blast door referenced in another instance
which is actually present in thesdk_content
folder. However this instance is missing, but can be accurately recreated from the maps it is being used from.