Custom Finale

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Left 4 Dead 2 A custom finale reads automatically off of a vscript containing a list of stages, <map name>_finale.nut. The system features the ability to increment finale stages when arbitrary conditions are met (i.e. boss monster, Aztec tomb puzzles, feats of strength, etc.). Once all stages are finished, trigger_finale fires a FinaleEscapeStarted output.

Custom finale maps include c2m5_concert, c3m4_plantation, c4m5_milltown_escape, c7m3_port, and it is assumed that L4D1 finales do the same (No Mercy is confirmed to use custom). Official maps do not use the Standard finale type.



At the very least, all that needs to be changed is trigger_finale Finale Type, from Standard to Custom. There are other options and details you should consider:

  • The onslaught stage type does not end unless the director is given the input EndCustomScriptedStage via script EntFire (direct or indirect) or simply in-game I/O.
  • info_director: OnCustomPanicStageFinished, OnPanicEventFinished (maybe just for crescendo), and OnUserDefinedScriptEvent(1-4) outputs are available, linked to vscript stage states or methods such as .UserDefinedEvent1()-.UserDefinedEvent4().
  • trigger_finale: AdvanceFinaleState input is available.


As discussed in the L4D2 vscript article, there are four stage types, additional custom finale-specific director options, and special functions available.

The following are custom finale vscripts with additional comments:


// Enumerations of stage types

ERROR <- -1 //This enumeration is not always used, but what the heck!
PANIC <- 0
TANK <- 1
DELAY <- 2

// Initialization of tables that will be fed to DirectorOptions

SharedOptions <-
	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 9 //Number of stages. Used by director VS scoring, as well??
 	A_CustomFinale1 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 = 1 //1 PANIC waves
 	A_CustomFinale2 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 = 1

	A_CustomFinale3 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 = 15 //15 seconds of DELAY

	A_CustomFinale4 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 = 1 //1 TANK
	A_CustomFinaleMusic4 = "" //Custom music entry is off in script, played in-game

	A_CustomFinale5 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 = 15

	A_CustomFinale6 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 = 2

	A_CustomFinale7 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 = 10

	A_CustomFinale8 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 = 1
	A_CustomFinaleMusic8 = ""

	A_CustomFinale9 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue9 = RandomInt( 5, 10 ) //Random DELAY between 5-10 seconds
        // Additional Director options
	PreferredMobDirection = SPAWN_LARGE_VOLUME
	PreferredSpecialDirection = SPAWN_LARGE_VOLUME
	ShouldConstrainLargeVolumeSpawn = false

	ZombieSpawnRange = 3000
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 20

InitialPanicOptions <- //Table separate from SharedOptions for stage 1
	ShouldConstrainLargeVolumeSpawn = true

PanicOptions <- //General panic options
	CommonLimit = 25

TankOptions <- //Another separate table used when TANK in play
	ShouldAllowSpecialsWithTank = true
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 30

DirectorOptions <- clone SharedOptions //DirectorOptions starts off with SharedOptions

// Used frequently to copy table to another one

function AddTableToTable( dest, src )
	foreach( key, val in src )
		dest[key] <- val

// Manipulation of DirectorOptions with custom logic
// In this case, DirectorOptions only changes when a new stage starts

function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type ) //Special func, when every new finale stage begins
	if ( developer() > 0 ) //If developer mode is on, -dev
		printl( "Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );

        //Setting up / determining WAVEOPTIONS   
	local waveOptions = null
	if ( num == 1 ) //If first stage (assumed to be PANIC)
		waveOptions = InitialPanicOptions
	else if ( type == PANIC ) //General PANIC
		waveOptions = PanicOptions

                /* Change MegaMobSize if MegaMobMinSize is available in PanicOptions is available.
                   Was this ever used?? */
		if ( "MegaMobMinSize" in PanicOptions )
			waveOptions.MegaMobSize <- RandomInt( PanicOptions.MegaMobMinSize, MegaMobMaxSize )
	else if ( type == TANK ) //TANK time!
		waveOptions = TankOptions
        // Done determining WAVEOPTIONS. Now, actually move to DirectorOptions

	MapScript.DirectorOptions.clear() //Clear all DirectorOptions

	AddTableToTable( MapScript.DirectorOptions, SharedOptions ); //Bring back SharedOptions

	if ( waveOptions != null ) //Finally add the stage-dependent options (WAVEOPTIONS)
		AddTableToTable( MapScript.DirectorOptions, waveOptions );


	if ( developer() > 0 ) //More dev outputs (-dev)
		Msg( "\n*****\nMapScript.DirectorOptions:\n" );
		foreach( key, value in MapScript.DirectorOptions )
			Msg( "    " + key + " = " + value + "\n" );

		if ( LocalScript.rawin( "DirectorOptions" ) ) //RAWIN checks if DirectorOptions exists
			Msg( "\n*****\nLocalScript.DirectorOptions:\n" );
			foreach( key, value in LocalScript.DirectorOptions )
				Msg( "    " + key + " = " + value + "\n" );

Sacrifice finale

The sacrifice finale is based off of custom finale with additional hard-coded modifications introduced in The Sacrifice update.

Todo: break it down, explain, tutorialize


This is more complex than other custom finales but essentially does so to customize the experience. The script suggests that Sacrifice finale types depend mostly on new in-game entities and entity features.

// This script handles the logic for the Port / Bridge
// finale in the River Campaign. 
Msg("Initiating c7m3_port_finale script\n");

// Enumerations
ERROR		<- -1
PANIC 		<- 0
TANK 		<- 1
DELAY 		<- 2


// This keeps track of the number of times the generator button has been pressed. 
// Init to 1, since one button press has been used to start the finale and run 
// this script. 
ButtonPressCount <- 1

// This stores the stage number that we last
// played the "Press the Button!" VO
LastVOButtonStageNumber <- 0

// We use this to keep from running a bunch of queued advances really quickly. 
// Init to true because we are starting a finale from a button press in the pre-finale script 
// see GeneratorButtonPressed in c7m3_port.nut
PendingWaitAdvance <- true	

// We use three generator button presses to push through
// 8 stages. We have to queue up state advances
// depending on the state of the finale when buttons are pressed
QueuedDelayAdvances <- 0

// Tracking current finale states
CurrentFinaleStageNumber <- ERROR
CurrentFinaleStageType <- ERROR

// The finale is 3 phases. 
// We randomize the event types in the first two
local RandomFinaleStage1 = 0
local RandomFinaleStage2 = 0
local RandomFinaleStage4 = 0
local RandomFinaleStage5 = 0

if ( RandomInt( 1, 100 ) < 50 )
	RandomFinaleStage1 = PANIC
	RandomFinaleStage2 = TANK
	RandomFinaleStage1 = TANK
	RandomFinaleStage2 = PANIC

if ( RandomInt( 1, 100 ) < 50 )
	RandomFinaleStage4 = PANIC
	RandomFinaleStage5 = TANK
	RandomFinaleStage4 = TANK
	RandomFinaleStage5 = PANIC

// We want to give the survivors a little of extra time to 
// get on their feet before the escape, since you have to fight through 
// the sacrifice.

PreEscapeDelay <- 0
if ( Director.GetGameMode() == "coop" )
	PreEscapeDelay <- 5
else if ( Director.GetGameMode() == "versus" )
	PreEscapeDelay <- 15

DirectorOptions <-
	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8
	// PHASE 1
	A_CustomFinale1 = RandomFinaleStage1
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 = 1
	A_CustomFinale2 = RandomFinaleStage2
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 = 1
	A_CustomFinale3 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 = 9999
	// PHASE 2
	A_CustomFinale4 = RandomFinaleStage4
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 = 1
	A_CustomFinale5 = RandomFinaleStage5
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 = 1	
	A_CustomFinale6 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 = 9999 	 
	// PHASE 3
	A_CustomFinale7 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 = 1	 	 		 
	A_CustomFinale8 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 = PreEscapeDelay
	TankLimit = 4
	WitchLimit = 0
	CommonLimit = 20	
	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 15	
	EscapeSpawnTanks = false
	//SpecialRespawnInterval = 80


function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
	printl( "*!* Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
	printl( "*!* PendingWaitAdvance " + PendingWaitAdvance + ", QueuedDelayAdvances " + QueuedDelayAdvances );
	// Store off the state... 
	CurrentFinaleStageNumber = num
	CurrentFinaleStageType = type
	// Acknowledge the state advance
	PendingWaitAdvance = false

function GeneratorButtonPressed()
    printl( "*!* GeneratorButtonPressed finale stage " + CurrentFinaleStageNumber + " of type " +CurrentFinaleStageType );
	printl( "*!* PendingWaitAdvance " + PendingWaitAdvance + ", QueuedDelayAdvances " + QueuedDelayAdvances );
	local ImmediateAdvances = 0
	if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 1 || CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 4 )
		// First stage of a phase, so next stage is an "action" stage too.
		// Advance to next action stage, and then queue an advance to the 
		// next delay.
		ImmediateAdvances = 1
	else if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 2 || CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 5 )
		// Second stage of a phase, so next stage is a "delay" stage.
		// We need to immediately advance past the delay and into an action state. 
		//QueuedDelayAdvances++	// NOPE!
		ImmediateAdvances = 2
	else if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 3 || CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 6 )
		// Wait states... (very long delay)
		// Advance immediately into an action state
		ImmediateAdvances = 1
	else if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == -1 || 
              CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 0 )
		// the finale is *just* about to start... 
		// we can get this if all the buttons are hit at once at the beginning
		// Just queue a wait advance
		ImmediateAdvances = 0
		printl( "*!* Unhandled generator button press! " );

	if ( ImmediateAdvances > 0 )
		EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Enable" )
		if ( ImmediateAdvances == 1 )
			printl( "*!* GeneratorButtonPressed Advancing State ONCE");
			EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
		else if ( ImmediateAdvances == 2 )
			printl( "*!* GeneratorButtonPressed Advancing State TWICE");
			EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
			EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
		EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Disable" )
		PendingWaitAdvance = true

function Update() //Called every 0.100 seconds
	// Should we advance the finale state?
	// 1. If we are in a DELAY state
	// 2. And we have queued advances.... 
	// 3. And we have not just tried to advance the advance the state.... 
	if ( CurrentFinaleStageType == DELAY && QueuedDelayAdvances > 0 && !PendingWaitAdvance )
		// If things are calm (relatively), jump to the next state
		if ( !Director.IsTankInPlay() && !Director.IsAnySurvivorInCombat() )
			if ( Director.GetPendingMobCount() < 1 && Director.GetCommonInfectedCount() < 5 )
				printl( "*!* Update Advancing State finale stage " + CurrentFinaleStageNumber + " of type " +CurrentFinaleStageType );
				printl( "*!* PendingWaitAdvance " + PendingWaitAdvance + ", QueuedDelayAdvances " + QueuedDelayAdvances );
				EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Enable" )
				EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
				EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Disable" )
				PendingWaitAdvance = true
	// Should we fire the director event to play the "Press the button!" Nag VO?	
	// If we are on an infinite delay stage...
	if ( CurrentFinaleStageType == DELAY && CurrentFinaleStageNumber > 1 && CurrentFinaleStageNumber < 7 )	
		// 1. We have not nagged for this stage yet
		// 2. There are button presses remaining
		if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber != LastVOButtonStageNumber && ButtonPressCount < 3 )
			// We are not about to process a wait advance..
			if ( QueuedDelayAdvances == 0 && !PendingWaitAdvance )
				// If things are pretty calm, run the event
				if ( Director.GetPendingMobCount() < 1 && Director.GetCommonInfectedCount() < 1 )
					if ( !Director.IsTankInPlay() && !Director.IsAnySurvivorInCombat() )
						printl( "*!* Update firing event 1 (VO Prompt)" )
						LastVOButtonStageNumber = CurrentFinaleStageNumber

function EnableEscapeTanks()
// This is called in-game via logic_relay at info_director
// enable the escape tanks at a different time.
// Input: Runscriptcode
// Parm: DirectorScript.MapScript.LocalScript.EnableEscapeTanks()
	printl( "*!* EnableEscapeTanks finale stage " + CurrentFinaleStageNumber + " of type " +CurrentFinaleStageType );
	//Msg( "\n*****\nMapScript.DirectorOptions:\n" );
	//foreach( key, value in MapScript.DirectorOptions )
	//	Msg( "    " + key + " = " + value + "\n" );

	MapScript.DirectorOptions.EscapeSpawnTanks <- true

Decrypted Official Finale Vscripts

Here are all Finale Vscripts, decrypted on Aug.02.2021.
These have not been modified to provide any additional info, some parts may be confusing.


Msg("----------------------FINALE SCRIPT------------------\n")
PANIC <- 0
TANK <- 1
DELAY <- 2

SharedOptions <-
 	A_CustomFinale1 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 = ""

	A_CustomFinale2 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 = 1

	A_CustomFinale3 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale4 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 = 1

	A_CustomFinale5 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 = "c1m4_delay"

	A_CustomFinale6 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 = 1

	A_CustomFinale7 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 = "c1m4_delay"
 	A_CustomFinale8 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 = 1

	A_CustomFinale9 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue9 = "c1m4_delay"
 	A_CustomFinale10 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue10 = 1

	A_CustomFinale11 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue11 = "c1m4_delay"

	A_CustomFinale12 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue12 = 1
 	A_CustomFinale13 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue13 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale14 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue14 = 1   
 	A_CustomFinale15 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue15 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale16 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue16 = 1  
 	A_CustomFinale17 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue17 = "c1m4_delay"    
 	A_CustomFinale18 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue18 = 1  
 	A_CustomFinale19 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue19 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale20 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue20 = 1   
 	A_CustomFinale21 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue21 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale22 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue22 = 1  
 	A_CustomFinale23 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue23 = "c1m4_delay"    
 	A_CustomFinale24 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue24 = 1
 	A_CustomFinale25 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue25 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale26 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue26 = 1   
 	A_CustomFinale27 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue27 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale28 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue28 = 1  
 	A_CustomFinale29 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue29 = "c1m4_delay"    
 	A_CustomFinale30 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue30 = 1

 	A_CustomFinale31 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue31 = "c1m4_delay"   

	PreferredMobDirection = SPAWN_LARGE_VOLUME
	PreferredSpecialDirection = SPAWN_LARGE_VOLUME
//	BoomerLimit = 0
//	SmokerLimit = 2
//	HunterLimit = 1
//	SpitterLimit = 1
//	JockeyLimit = 0
//	ChargerLimit = 1

	ProhibitBosses = true
	ZombieSpawnRange = 3000
	MobRechargeRate = 0.5
	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 15
	BileMobSize = 15
	MusicDynamicMobSpawnSize = 8
	MusicDynamicMobStopSize = 2
	MusicDynamicMobScanStopSize = 1

InitialOnslaughtOptions <-
    LockTempo = 0
	IntensityRelaxThreshold = 1.1
	RelaxMinInterval = 2
	RelaxMaxInterval = 4
	SustainPeakMinTime = 25
	SustainPeakMaxTime = 30
	MobSpawnMinTime = 4
	MobSpawnMaxTime = 8
	MobMinSize = 2
	MobMaxSize = 6
	CommonLimit = 5
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 100

PanicOptions <-
	MegaMobSize = 0 // randomized in OnBeginCustomFinaleStage
	MegaMobMinSize = 20
	MegaMobMaxSize = 40
	CommonLimit = 15
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 40

TankOptions <-
	ShouldAllowMobsWithTank = true
	ShouldAllowSpecialsWithTank = true

	MobSpawnMinTime = 10
	MobSpawnMaxTime = 20
	MobMinSize = 3
	MobMaxSize = 5

	CommonLimit = 7
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 60

DirectorOptions <- clone SharedOptions


// number of cans needed to escape.
NumCansNeeded <- 13

// fewer cans in single player since bots don't help much
if ( Director.IsSinglePlayerGame() )
	NumCansNeeded <- 8

// duration of delay stage.
DelayMin <- 10
DelayMax <- 20

// Number of touches and/or pours allowed before a delay is aborted.
DelayPourThreshold <- 1
DelayTouchedOrPouredThreshold <- 2

// Once the delay is aborted, amount of time before it progresses to next stage.
AbortDelayMin <- 1
AbortDelayMax <- 3

// Number of touches and pours it takes to transition out of c1m4_finale_wave_1
GimmeThreshold <- 4

// console overrides
if ( Director.IsPlayingOnConsole() )
	DelayMin <- 20
	DelayMax <- 30
	// Number of touches and/or pours allowed before a delay is aborted.
	DelayPourThreshold <- 2
	DelayTouchedOrPouredThreshold <- 4
	TankOptions.ShouldAllowSpecialsWithTank = false
//      INIT

GasCansTouched          <- 0
GasCansPoured           <- 0
DelayTouchedOrPoured    <- 0
DelayPoured             <- 0

EntFire( "timer_delay_end", "LowerRandomBound", DelayMin )
EntFire( "timer_delay_end", "UpperRandomBound", DelayMax )
EntFire( "timer_delay_abort", "LowerRandomBound", AbortDelayMin )
EntFire( "timer_delay_abort", "UpperRandomBound", AbortDelayMax )

// this is too late. Moved to c1m4_atrium.nut
//EntFire( "progress_display", "SetTotalItems", NumCansNeeded )

function AbortDelay(){}  	// only defined during a delay, in c1m4_delay.nut
function EndDelay(){}		// only defined during a delay, in c1m4_delay.nut



function GasCanTouched()
    Msg(" Touched: " + GasCansTouched + "\n")   

function GasCanPoured()
    Msg(" Poured: " + GasCansPoured + "\n")   

    if ( GasCansPoured == NumCansNeeded )
        Msg(" needed: " + NumCansNeeded + "\n") 
        EntFire( "relay_car_ready", "trigger" )


function EvalGasCansPouredOrTouched()
    TouchedOrPoured <- GasCansPoured + GasCansTouched
    Msg(" Poured or touched: " + TouchedOrPoured + "\n")

    Msg(" DelayTouchedOrPoured: " + DelayTouchedOrPoured + "\n")
    Msg(" DelayPoured: " + DelayPoured + "\n")
    if (( DelayTouchedOrPoured >= DelayTouchedOrPouredThreshold ) || ( DelayPoured >= DelayPourThreshold ))
    switch( TouchedOrPoured )
        case GimmeThreshold:
            EntFire( "@director", "EndCustomScriptedStage" )

function AddTableToTable( dest, src )
	foreach( key, val in src )
		dest[key] <- val

function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
	printl( "Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
	local waveOptions = null
	if ( num == 1 )
		waveOptions = InitialOnslaughtOptions
	else if ( type == PANIC )
		waveOptions = PanicOptions
		waveOptions.MegaMobSize = PanicOptions.MegaMobMinSize + rand()%( PanicOptions.MegaMobMaxSize - PanicOptions.MegaMobMinSize )
		Msg("*************************" + waveOptions.MegaMobSize + "\n")
	else if ( type == TANK )
		waveOptions = TankOptions


	AddTableToTable( MapScript.DirectorOptions, SharedOptions );

	if ( waveOptions != null )
		AddTableToTable( MapScript.DirectorOptions, waveOptions );
	if ( developer() > 0 )
		Msg( "\n*****\nMapScript.DirectorOptions:\n" );
		foreach( key, value in MapScript.DirectorOptions )
			Msg( "    " + key + " = " + value + "\n" );

		if ( LocalScript.rawin( "DirectorOptions" ) )
			Msg( "\n*****\nLocalScript.DirectorOptions:\n" );
			foreach( key, value in LocalScript.DirectorOptions )
				Msg( "    " + key + " = " + value + "\n" );


if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "versus" )
	SharedOptions.ProhibitBosses = false


Msg("Atrium Finale Wave " + ( CurrentWave + 1 ) + "\n");


Msg("**Delay started**\n")

DirectorOptions <-
	MobMinSize = 2
	MobMaxSize = 3
	BoomerLimit = 0
	SmokerLimit = 0
	HunterLimit = 0
	SpitterLimit = 0
	JockeyLimit = 0
	ChargerLimit = 0
	MinimumStageTime = 15
	CommonLimit = 5


// start the delay timer
EntFire( "timer_delay_end", "enable" )

DelayTouchedOrPoured   <- 0
DelayPoured            <- 0

// abort the delay if a survivor picks up or pours a gas can
function AbortDelay()
    Msg("**Delay aborted early**\n")    
    EntFire( "timer_delay_abort", "enable" )

function EndDelay()
        Msg("**Delay ended**\n") 
        EntFire( "timer_delay_end", "Disable" )
        EntFire( "timer_delay_end", "ResetTimer" )
        EntFire( "timer_delay_abort", "Disable" )
        EntFire( "timer_delay_abort", "ResetTimer" )
        EntFire( "@director", "EndCustomScriptedStage" )



PANIC <- 0
TANK <- 1
DELAY <- 2


SharedOptions <-
	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 9
 	A_CustomFinale1 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 = 1
 	A_CustomFinale2 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 = 1

	A_CustomFinale3 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 = 15

	A_CustomFinale4 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 = 1
	A_CustomFinaleMusic4 = ""

	A_CustomFinale5 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 = 15

	A_CustomFinale6 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 = 2

	A_CustomFinale7 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 = 10

	A_CustomFinale8 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 = 1
	A_CustomFinaleMusic8 = ""

	A_CustomFinale9 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue9 = RandomInt( 5, 10 )
	PreferredMobDirection = SPAWN_LARGE_VOLUME
	PreferredSpecialDirection = SPAWN_LARGE_VOLUME
	ShouldConstrainLargeVolumeSpawn = false

	ZombieSpawnRange = 3000
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 20

InitialPanicOptions <-
	ShouldConstrainLargeVolumeSpawn = true

PanicOptions <-
	CommonLimit = 25

TankOptions <-
	ShouldAllowSpecialsWithTank = true
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 30

DirectorOptions <- clone SharedOptions


function AddTableToTable( dest, src )
	foreach( key, val in src )
		dest[key] <- val


function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
	if ( developer() > 0 )
		printl( "Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );

	local waveOptions = null
	if ( num == 1 )
		waveOptions = InitialPanicOptions
	else if ( type == PANIC )
		waveOptions = PanicOptions
		if ( "MegaMobMinSize" in PanicOptions )
			waveOptions.MegaMobSize <- RandomInt( PanicOptions.MegaMobMinSize, MegaMobMaxSize )
	else if ( type == TANK )
		waveOptions = TankOptions


	AddTableToTable( MapScript.DirectorOptions, SharedOptions );

	if ( waveOptions != null )
		AddTableToTable( MapScript.DirectorOptions, waveOptions );


	if ( developer() > 0 )
		Msg( "\n*****\nMapScript.DirectorOptions:\n" );
		foreach( key, value in MapScript.DirectorOptions )
			Msg( "    " + key + " = " + value + "\n" );

		if ( LocalScript.rawin( "DirectorOptions" ) )
			Msg( "\n*****\nLocalScript.DirectorOptions:\n" );
			foreach( key, value in LocalScript.DirectorOptions )
				Msg( "    " + key + " = " + value + "\n" );


local PANIC = 0
local TANK = 1
local DELAY = 2

DirectorOptions <-

	 A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8
	 A_CustomFinale1 = PANIC
	 A_CustomFinaleValue1 = 2
	 A_CustomFinale2 = DELAY
	 A_CustomFinaleValue2 = 12
	 A_CustomFinale3 = TANK
	 A_CustomFinaleValue3 = 1
	 A_CustomFinale4 = DELAY
	 A_CustomFinaleValue4 = 12
	 A_CustomFinale5 = PANIC
	 A_CustomFinaleValue5 = 2
	 A_CustomFinale6 = DELAY
	 A_CustomFinaleValue6 = 15
	 A_CustomFinale7 = TANK
	 A_CustomFinaleValue7 = 2

	 A_CustomFinale8 = DELAY
	 A_CustomFinaleValue8 = 10
SpecialRespawnInterval = 55



local PANIC = 0
local TANK = 1
local DELAY = 2

// default finale patten - for reference only

CustomFinale1 <- PANIC
CustomFinaleValue1 <- 2

CustomFinale2 <- DELAY
CustomFinaleValue2 <- 10

CustomFinale3 <- TANK
CustomFinaleValue3 <- 1

CustomFinale4 <- DELAY
CustomFinaleValue4 <- 10

CustomFinale5 <- PANIC
CustomFinaleValue5 <- 2

CustomFinale6 <- DELAY
CustomFinaleValue6 <- 10

CustomFinale7 <- TANK
CustomFinaleValue7 <- 1

CustomFinale8 <- DELAY
CustomFinaleValue8 <- 2

DirectorOptions <-

	// 3 waves of mobs in between tanks

	 A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8
	 A_CustomFinale1 = PANIC
	 A_CustomFinaleValue1 = 1
	 A_CustomFinale2 = DELAY
	 A_CustomFinaleValue2 = 10
	 A_CustomFinale3 = TANK
	 A_CustomFinaleValue3 = 1
	 A_CustomFinale4 = DELAY
	 A_CustomFinaleValue4 = 10
	 A_CustomFinale5 = PANIC
	 A_CustomFinaleValue5 = 1
	 A_CustomFinale6 = DELAY
	 A_CustomFinaleValue6 = 10
	 A_CustomFinale7 = TANK
	 A_CustomFinaleValue7 = 1
	 A_CustomFinale8 = DELAY
	 A_CustomFinaleValue8 = 15
	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 15
	CommonLimit = 20
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 80


if ( "DirectorOptions" in LocalScript && "ProhibitBosses" in LocalScript.DirectorOptions )
	delete LocalScript.DirectorOptions.ProhibitBosses



Msg("----------------------FINALE SCRIPT------------------\n")
PANIC <- 0
TANK <- 1
DELAY <- 2

SharedOptions <-
 	A_CustomFinale1 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 = ""

	A_CustomFinale2 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 = 1

	A_CustomFinale3 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale4 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 = 1

	A_CustomFinale5 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 = "c1m4_delay"

	A_CustomFinale6 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 = 1

	A_CustomFinale7 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 = "c1m4_delay"
 	A_CustomFinale8 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 = 1

	A_CustomFinale9 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue9 = "c1m4_delay"
 	A_CustomFinale10 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue10 = 1

	A_CustomFinale11 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue11 = "c1m4_delay"

	A_CustomFinale12 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue12 = 1
 	A_CustomFinale13 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue13 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale14 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue14 = 2   
 	A_CustomFinale15 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue15 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale16 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue16 = 1  
 	A_CustomFinale17 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue17 = "c1m4_delay"    
 	A_CustomFinale18 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue18 = 1  
 	A_CustomFinale19 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue19 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale20 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue20 = 1   
 	A_CustomFinale21 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue21 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale22 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue22 = 1  
 	A_CustomFinale23 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue23 = "c1m4_delay"    
 	A_CustomFinale24 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue24 = 1
 	A_CustomFinale25 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue25 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale26 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue26 = 1   
 	A_CustomFinale27 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue27 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale28 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue28 = 1  
 	A_CustomFinale29 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue29 = "c1m4_delay"    
 	A_CustomFinale30 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue30 = 1

 	A_CustomFinale31 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue31 = "c1m4_delay"   

	A_CustomFinale32 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue32 = 2  
 	A_CustomFinale33 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue33 = "c1m4_delay"    
 	A_CustomFinale34 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue34 = 1
 	A_CustomFinale35 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue35 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale36 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue36 = 1   
 	A_CustomFinale37 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue37 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale38 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue38 = 1  
 	A_CustomFinale39 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue39 = "c1m4_delay"    
 	A_CustomFinale40 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue40 = 1

 	A_CustomFinale41 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue41 = "c1m4_delay"   

	A_CustomFinale42 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue42 = 1  
 	A_CustomFinale43 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue43 = "c1m4_delay"    
 	A_CustomFinale44 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue44 = 1
 	A_CustomFinale45 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue45 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale46 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue46 = 1   
 	A_CustomFinale47 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue47 = "c1m4_delay"
	A_CustomFinale48 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue48 = 1  
 	A_CustomFinale49 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue49 = "c1m4_delay"    
 	A_CustomFinale50 = PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue50 = 1

 	A_CustomFinale51 = ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue51 = "c1m4_delay"   

	PreferredMobDirection = SPAWN_LARGE_VOLUME
	PreferredSpecialDirection = SPAWN_LARGE_VOLUME
//	BoomerLimit = 0
//	SmokerLimit = 2
//	HunterLimit = 1
//	SpitterLimit = 1
//	JockeyLimit = 0
//	ChargerLimit = 1

	ProhibitBosses = true
	ZombieSpawnRange = 3000
	MobRechargeRate = 0.5
	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 15
	BileMobSize = 15
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 20
	MusicDynamicMobSpawnSize = 8
	MusicDynamicMobStopSize = 2
	MusicDynamicMobScanStopSize = 1

InitialOnslaughtOptions <-
    LockTempo = 0
	IntensityRelaxThreshold = 1.1
	RelaxMinInterval = 2
	RelaxMaxInterval = 4
	SustainPeakMinTime = 25
	SustainPeakMaxTime = 30
	MobSpawnMinTime = 4
	MobSpawnMaxTime = 8
	MobMinSize = 2
	MobMaxSize = 6
	CommonLimit = 5
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 100

PanicOptions <-
	MegaMobSize = 0 // randomized in OnBeginCustomFinaleStage
	MegaMobMinSize = 20
	MegaMobMaxSize = 40
	MaxSpecials = 5
	BoomerLimit = 1
	SmokerLimit = 2
	HunterLimit = 2
	SpitterLimit = 1
	JockeyLimit = 1
	ChargerLimit = 1
	CommonLimit = 25
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 25

TankOptions <-
	ShouldAllowMobsWithTank = true
	ShouldAllowSpecialsWithTank = true

	MobSpawnMinTime = 20
	MobSpawnMaxTime = 40
	MobMinSize = 3
	MobMaxSize = 5
	MaxSpecials = 3
	CommonLimit = 5
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 50

DirectorOptions <- clone SharedOptions


// number of cans needed to escape.
NumCansNeeded <- 16

// fewer cans in single player since bots don't help much
if ( Director.IsSinglePlayerGame() )
	NumCansNeeded <- 10

// duration of delay stage.
DelayMin <- 10
DelayMax <- 20

// Number of touches and/or pours allowed before a delay is aborted.
DelayPourThreshold <- 1
DelayTouchedOrPouredThreshold <- 2

// Once the delay is aborted, amount of time before it progresses to next stage.
AbortDelayMin <- 1
AbortDelayMax <- 3

// Number of touches and pours it takes to transition out of c1m4_finale_wave_1
GimmeThreshold <- 4

// console overrides
if ( Director.IsPlayingOnConsole() )
	DelayMin <- 20
	DelayMax <- 30
	// Number of touches and/or pours allowed before a delay is aborted.
	DelayPourThreshold <- 2
	DelayTouchedOrPouredThreshold <- 4
	TankOptions.ShouldAllowSpecialsWithTank = false
//      INIT

GasCansTouched          <- 0
GasCansPoured           <- 0
DelayTouchedOrPoured    <- 0
DelayPoured             <- 0

EntFire( "timer_delay_end", "LowerRandomBound", DelayMin )
EntFire( "timer_delay_end", "UpperRandomBound", DelayMax )
EntFire( "timer_delay_abort", "LowerRandomBound", AbortDelayMin )
EntFire( "timer_delay_abort", "UpperRandomBound", AbortDelayMax )

// this is too late. Moved to c1m4_atrium.nut
//EntFire( "progress_display", "SetTotalItems", NumCansNeeded )

function AbortDelay(){}  	// only defined during a delay, in c1m4_delay.nut
function EndDelay(){}		// only defined during a delay, in c1m4_delay.nut



function GasCanTouched()
    Msg(" Touched: " + GasCansTouched + "\n")   
function GasCanPoured()
    Msg(" Poured: " + GasCansPoured + "\n")   

    if ( GasCansPoured == NumCansNeeded )
        Msg(" needed: " + NumCansNeeded + "\n") 
        EntFire( "relay_car_ready", "trigger" )


function EvalGasCansPouredOrTouched()
    TouchedOrPoured <- GasCansPoured + GasCansTouched
    Msg(" Poured or touched: " + TouchedOrPoured + "\n")

    Msg(" DelayTouchedOrPoured: " + DelayTouchedOrPoured + "\n")
    Msg(" DelayPoured: " + DelayPoured + "\n")
    if (( DelayTouchedOrPoured >= DelayTouchedOrPouredThreshold ) || ( DelayPoured >= DelayPourThreshold ))
    switch( TouchedOrPoured )
        case GimmeThreshold:
            EntFire( "@director", "EndCustomScriptedStage" )

function AddTableToTable( dest, src )
	foreach( key, val in src )
		dest[key] <- val

function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
	printl( "Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
	local waveOptions = null
	if ( num == 1 )
		waveOptions = InitialOnslaughtOptions
	else if ( type == PANIC )
		waveOptions = PanicOptions
		waveOptions.MegaMobSize = PanicOptions.MegaMobMinSize + rand()%( PanicOptions.MegaMobMaxSize - PanicOptions.MegaMobMinSize )
		Msg("*************************" + waveOptions.MegaMobSize + "\n")
	else if ( type == TANK )
		waveOptions = TankOptions
		EntFire( "bonus_relay", "Trigger", 0 )
	// give out items at certain stages
	if ( num == 3 || num == 7 || num == 15 || num == 23 )


	AddTableToTable( MapScript.DirectorOptions, SharedOptions );

	if ( waveOptions != null )
		AddTableToTable( MapScript.DirectorOptions, waveOptions );
	if ( developer() > 0 )
		Msg( "\n*****\nMapScript.DirectorOptions:\n" );
		foreach( key, value in MapScript.DirectorOptions )
			Msg( "    " + key + " = " + value + "\n" );

		if ( LocalScript.rawin( "DirectorOptions" ) )
			Msg( "\n*****\nLocalScript.DirectorOptions:\n" );
			foreach( key, value in LocalScript.DirectorOptions )
				Msg( "    " + key + " = " + value + "\n" );


if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "versus" )
	SharedOptions.ProhibitBosses = false


// This script handles the logic for the Port / Bridge
// finale in the River Campaign. 
Msg("Initiating c7m3_port_finale script\n");

ERROR		<- -1
PANIC 		<- 0
TANK 		<- 1
DELAY 		<- 2


// This keeps track of the number of times the generator button has been pressed. 
// Init to 1, since one button press has been used to start the finale and run 
// this script. 
ButtonPressCount <- 1

// This stores the stage number that we last
// played the "Press the Button!" VO
LastVOButtonStageNumber <- 0

// We use this to keep from running a bunch of queued advances really quickly. 
// Init to true because we are starting a finale from a button press in the pre-finale script 
// see GeneratorButtonPressed in c7m3_port.nut
PendingWaitAdvance <- true	

// We use three generator button presses to push through
// 8 stages. We have to queue up state advances
// depending on the state of the finale when buttons are pressed
QueuedDelayAdvances <- 0

// Tracking current finale states
CurrentFinaleStageNumber <- ERROR
CurrentFinaleStageType <- ERROR

// The finale is 3 phases. 
// We randomize the event types in the first two
local RandomFinaleStage1 = 0
local RandomFinaleStage2 = 0
local RandomFinaleStage4 = 0
local RandomFinaleStage5 = 0

if ( RandomInt( 1, 100 ) < 50 )
	RandomFinaleStage1 = PANIC
	RandomFinaleStage2 = TANK
	RandomFinaleStage1 = TANK
	RandomFinaleStage2 = PANIC

if ( RandomInt( 1, 100 ) < 50 )
	RandomFinaleStage4 = PANIC
	RandomFinaleStage5 = TANK
	RandomFinaleStage4 = TANK
	RandomFinaleStage5 = PANIC

// We want to give the survivors a little of extra time to 
// get on their feet before the escape, since you have to fight through 
// the sacrifice.

PreEscapeDelay <- 0
if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "coop" || Director.GetGameModeBase() == "realism" )
	PreEscapeDelay <- 5
else if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "versus" )
	PreEscapeDelay <- 15

DirectorOptions <-
	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8
	// PHASE 1
	A_CustomFinale1 = RandomFinaleStage1
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 = 1
	A_CustomFinale2 = RandomFinaleStage2
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 = 1
	A_CustomFinale3 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 = 9999
	// PHASE 2
	A_CustomFinale4 = RandomFinaleStage4
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 = 1
	A_CustomFinale5 = RandomFinaleStage5
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 = 1	
	A_CustomFinale6 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 = 9999 	 
	// PHASE 3
	A_CustomFinale7 = TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 = 1	 	 		 
	A_CustomFinale8 = DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 = PreEscapeDelay
	TankLimit = 4
	WitchLimit = 0
	CommonLimit = 20	
	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 15	
	EscapeSpawnTanks = false
	//SpecialRespawnInterval = 80

function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
	printl( "*!* Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
	printl( "*!* PendingWaitAdvance " + PendingWaitAdvance + ", QueuedDelayAdvances " + QueuedDelayAdvances );
	// Store off the state... 
	CurrentFinaleStageNumber = num
	CurrentFinaleStageType = type
	// Acknowledge the state advance
	PendingWaitAdvance = false

function GeneratorButtonPressed()
    printl( "*!* GeneratorButtonPressed finale stage " + CurrentFinaleStageNumber + " of type " +CurrentFinaleStageType );
	printl( "*!* PendingWaitAdvance " + PendingWaitAdvance + ", QueuedDelayAdvances " + QueuedDelayAdvances );
	local ImmediateAdvances = 0
	if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 1 || CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 4 )
		// First stage of a phase, so next stage is an "action" stage too.
		// Advance to next action stage, and then queue an advance to the 
		// next delay.
		ImmediateAdvances = 1
	else if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 2 || CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 5 )
		// Second stage of a phase, so next stage is a "delay" stage.
		// We need to immediately advance past the delay and into an action state. 
		//QueuedDelayAdvances++	// NOPE!
		ImmediateAdvances = 2
	else if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 3 || CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 6 )
		// Wait states... (very long delay)
		// Advance immediately into an action state
		ImmediateAdvances = 1
	else if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber == -1 || 
              CurrentFinaleStageNumber == 0 )
		// the finale is *just* about to start... 
		// we can get this if all the buttons are hit at once at the beginning
		// Just queue a wait advance
		ImmediateAdvances = 0
		printl( "*!* Unhandled generator button press! " );

	if ( ImmediateAdvances > 0 )
		EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Enable" )
		if ( ImmediateAdvances == 1 )
			printl( "*!* GeneratorButtonPressed Advancing State ONCE");
			EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
		else if ( ImmediateAdvances == 2 )
			printl( "*!* GeneratorButtonPressed Advancing State TWICE");
			EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
			EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
		EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Disable" )
		PendingWaitAdvance = true

function Update()
	// Should we advance the finale state?
	// 1. If we're in a DELAY state
	// 2. And we have queued advances.... 
	// 3. And we haven't just tried to advance the advance the state.... 
	if ( CurrentFinaleStageType == DELAY && QueuedDelayAdvances > 0 && !PendingWaitAdvance )
		// If things are calm (relatively), jump to the next state
		if ( !Director.IsTankInPlay() && !Director.IsAnySurvivorInCombat() )
			if ( Director.GetPendingMobCount() < 1 && Director.GetCommonInfectedCount() < 5 )
				printl( "*!* Update Advancing State finale stage " + CurrentFinaleStageNumber + " of type " +CurrentFinaleStageType );
				printl( "*!* PendingWaitAdvance " + PendingWaitAdvance + ", QueuedDelayAdvances " + QueuedDelayAdvances );
				EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Enable" )
				EntFire( "generator_start_model", "AdvanceFinaleState" )
				EntFire( "generator_start_model", "Disable" )
				PendingWaitAdvance = true
	// Should we fire the director event to play the "Press the button!" Nag VO?	
	// If we're on an infinite delay stage...
	if ( CurrentFinaleStageType == DELAY && CurrentFinaleStageNumber > 1 && CurrentFinaleStageNumber < 7 )	
		// 1. We haven't nagged for this stage yet
		// 2. There are button presses remaining
		if ( CurrentFinaleStageNumber != LastVOButtonStageNumber && ButtonPressCount < 3 )
			// We're not about to process a wait advance..
			if ( QueuedDelayAdvances == 0 && !PendingWaitAdvance )
				// If things are pretty calm, run the event
				if ( Director.GetPendingMobCount() < 1 && Director.GetCommonInfectedCount() < 1 )
					if ( !Director.IsTankInPlay() && !Director.IsAnySurvivorInCombat() )
						printl( "*!* Update firing event 1 (VO Prompt)" )
						LastVOButtonStageNumber = CurrentFinaleStageNumber

function EnableEscapeTanks()
	printl( "*!* EnableEscapeTanks finale stage " + CurrentFinaleStageNumber + " of type " +CurrentFinaleStageType );
	//Msg( "\n*****\nMapScript.DirectorOptions:\n" );
	//foreach( key, value in MapScript.DirectorOptions )
	//	Msg( "    " + key + " = " + value + "\n" );

	MapScript.DirectorOptions.EscapeSpawnTanks <- true


Msg("Initiating c8m5_rooftop_finale script\n");

ERROR		<- -1
PANIC 		<- 0
TANK 		<- 1
DELAY 		<- 2

StageDelay <- 0
PreEscapeDelay <- 0
if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "coop" || Director.GetGameModeBase() == "realism" )
	StageDelay <- 5
	PreEscapeDelay <- 5
else if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "versus" )
	StageDelay <- 10
	PreEscapeDelay <- 15

DirectorOptions <-
	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8
	A_CustomFinale1 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 	= 2
	A_CustomFinale2 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale3 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 	= 1
	A_CustomFinale4 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale5 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 	= 2
	A_CustomFinaleMusic5 	= "Event.FinaleWave4"
	A_CustomFinale6 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale7 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 	= 1
	A_CustomFinale8 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 	= PreEscapeDelay
	TankLimit = 1
	WitchLimit = 0
	CommonLimit = 20
	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 15
	EscapeSpawnTanks = false
	//SpecialRespawnInterval = 80
	MusicDynamicMobSpawnSize = 8
	MusicDynamicMobStopSize = 2
	MusicDynamicMobScanStopSize = 1

function EnableEscapeTanks()
	printl( "Chase Tanks Enabled!" );
	MapScript.DirectorOptions.EscapeSpawnTanks <- true

function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
	//printl( "Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
	if ( type == 2 )
		EntFire( "pilot", "SpeakResponseConcept", "hospital_radio_intransit" );


Msg("Initiating c9m2_lots_finale script\n");

ERROR		<- -1
PANIC 		<- 0
TANK 		<- 1
DELAY 		<- 2

StageDelay <- 0
PreEscapeDelay <- 0
if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "coop" || Director.GetGameModeBase() == "realism" )
	StageDelay <- 5
	PreEscapeDelay <- 5
else if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "versus" )
	StageDelay <- 10
	PreEscapeDelay <- 15

DirectorOptions <-
	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8
	A_CustomFinale1 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 	= 2
	A_CustomFinale2 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale3 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 	= 1
	A_CustomFinale4 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale5 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 	= 2
	A_CustomFinaleMusic5 	= "Event.FinaleWave4"
	A_CustomFinale6 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale7 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 	= 1
	A_CustomFinale8 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 	= PreEscapeDelay
	TankLimit = 1
	WitchLimit = 0
	CommonLimit = 20
	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 15
	EscapeSpawnTanks = false
	//SpecialRespawnInterval = 80
	MusicDynamicMobSpawnSize = 8
	MusicDynamicMobStopSize = 2
	MusicDynamicMobScanStopSize = 1

function EnableEscapeTanks()
	printl( "Chase Tanks Enabled!" );
	MapScript.DirectorOptions.EscapeSpawnTanks <- true


Msg("Initiating c10m5_houseboat_finale script\n");

ERROR		<- -1
PANIC 		<- 0
TANK 		<- 1
DELAY 		<- 2

StageDelay <- 0
PreEscapeDelay <- 0
if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "coop" || Director.GetGameModeBase() == "realism" )
	StageDelay <- 5
	PreEscapeDelay <- 5
else if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "versus" )
	StageDelay <- 10
	PreEscapeDelay <- 15

DirectorOptions <-
	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8
	A_CustomFinale1 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 	= 2
	A_CustomFinale2 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale3 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 	= 1
	A_CustomFinale4 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale5 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 	= 2
	A_CustomFinaleMusic5 	= "Event.FinaleWave4"
	A_CustomFinale6 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale7 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 	= 1
	A_CustomFinale8 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 	= PreEscapeDelay
	TankLimit = 1
	WitchLimit = 0
	CommonLimit = 20
	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 15
	EscapeSpawnTanks = false
	//SpecialRespawnInterval = 80
	MusicDynamicMobSpawnSize = 8
	MusicDynamicMobStopSize = 2
	MusicDynamicMobScanStopSize = 1

function EnableEscapeTanks()
	printl( "Chase Tanks Enabled!" );
	MapScript.DirectorOptions.EscapeSpawnTanks <- true

function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
	//printl( "Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
	if ( type == 2 )
		EntFire( "orator_boat_radio", "SpeakResponseConcept", "boat_radio_intransit" );


Msg("Initiating c11m5_runway_finale script\n");

ERROR		<- -1
PANIC 		<- 0
TANK 		<- 1
DELAY 		<- 2

StageDelay <- 0
PreEscapeDelay <- 0
if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "coop" || Director.GetGameModeBase() == "realism" )
	StageDelay <- 5
	PreEscapeDelay <- 5
else if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "versus" )
	StageDelay <- 10
	PreEscapeDelay <- 15

DirectorOptions <-
	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8
	A_CustomFinale1 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 	= 2
	A_CustomFinale2 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale3 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 	= 1
	A_CustomFinale4 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale5 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 	= 2
	A_CustomFinaleMusic5 	= "Event.FinaleWave4"
	A_CustomFinale6 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale7 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 	= 1
	A_CustomFinale8 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 	= PreEscapeDelay
	TankLimit = 1
	WitchLimit = 0
	CommonLimit = 20
	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 15
	EscapeSpawnTanks = false
	//SpecialRespawnInterval = 80
	MusicDynamicMobSpawnSize = 8
	MusicDynamicMobStopSize = 2
	MusicDynamicMobScanStopSize = 1

function EnableEscapeTanks()
	printl( "Chase Tanks Enabled!" );
	MapScript.DirectorOptions.EscapeSpawnTanks <- true

function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
	//printl( "Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
	if ( type == 2 )
		EntFire( "orator_plane_radio", "SpeakResponseConcept", "plane_radio_intransit" );


Msg("Initiating c12m5_cornfield_finale script\n");

ERROR		<- -1
PANIC 		<- 0
TANK 		<- 1
DELAY 		<- 2

StageDelay <- 0
PreEscapeDelay <- 0
if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "coop" || Director.GetGameModeBase() == "realism" )
	StageDelay <- 5
	PreEscapeDelay <- 5
else if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "versus" )
	StageDelay <- 10
	PreEscapeDelay <- 15

DirectorOptions <-
	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8
	A_CustomFinale1 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 	= 2
	A_CustomFinale2 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale3 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 	= 1
	A_CustomFinale4 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale5 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 	= 2
	A_CustomFinaleMusic5 	= "Event.FinaleWave4"
	A_CustomFinale6 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale7 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 	= 1
	A_CustomFinale8 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 	= PreEscapeDelay
	TankLimit = 1
	WitchLimit = 0
	CommonLimit = 20
	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 15
	EscapeSpawnTanks = false
	//SpecialRespawnInterval = 80
	MusicDynamicMobSpawnSize = 8
	MusicDynamicMobStopSize = 2
	MusicDynamicMobScanStopSize = 1

function EnableEscapeTanks()
	printl( "Chase Tanks Enabled!" );
	MapScript.DirectorOptions.EscapeSpawnTanks <- true

function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
	//printl( "Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
	if ( type == 2 )
		EntFire( "orator_farm_radio", "SpeakResponseConcept", "farm_radio_intransit" );


Msg("----------------------FINALE SCRIPT------------------\n")

StageDelay <- 0
PreEscapeDelay <- 0
if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "coop" || Director.GetGameModeBase() == "realism" )
	StageDelay <- 5
	PreEscapeDelay <- 5
else if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "versus" )
	StageDelay <- 10
	PreEscapeDelay <- 15

PANIC <- 0
TANK <- 1
DELAY <- 2

DirectorOptions <-
 	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 14
	A_CustomFinale1			= ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue1	= "c14m1_gauntlet"
	A_CustomFinale2 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale3 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 	= 1	
	A_CustomFinale4 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale5 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 	= 2
	A_CustomFinale6 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale7			= ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue7 	= "c14m1_gauntlet"
	A_CustomFinale8 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale9			= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue9	= 1
	A_CustomFinale10 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue10 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale11 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue11 	= 2	
	A_CustomFinale12 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue12 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale13 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue13 	= 2
	A_CustomFinaleMusic13	= "Event.TankMidpoint_Metal"
	A_CustomFinale14 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue14 	= PreEscapeDelay

	ProhibitBosses = true


// number of cans needed to escape.
NumCansNeeded <- 8

// fewer cans in single player since bots don't help much
/*if ( Director.IsSinglePlayerGame() )
	NumCansNeeded <- 6
//      INIT

GasCansTouched          <- 0
GasCansPoured           <- 0



function GasCanTouched()
    Msg(" Touched: " + GasCansTouched + "\n")   
function GasCanPoured()
    Msg(" Poured: " + GasCansPoured + "\n")

    if ( GasCansPoured == NumCansNeeded )
        Msg(" needed: " + NumCansNeeded + "\n") 
        EntFire( "relay_generator_ready", "Trigger" )


function EvalGasCansPouredOrTouched()
    TouchedOrPoured <- GasCansPoured + GasCansTouched
    Msg(" Poured or touched: " + TouchedOrPoured + "\n")

function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
	printl( "Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
	if ( num == 7 )
		EntFire( "relay_lighthouse_off", "Trigger" );


Msg("Initiating c14m2_lighthouse_finale script\n");

StageDelay <- 15
PreEscapeDelay <- 10

PANIC <- 0
TANK <- 1
DELAY <- 2

DirectorOptions <-
	A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 8
	A_CustomFinale1 		= PANIC
	A_CustomFinaleValue1 	= 2
	A_CustomFinale2 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue2 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale3 		= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue3 	= 1
	A_CustomFinale4 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue4 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale5			= ONSLAUGHT
	A_CustomFinaleValue5 	= "c14m2_gauntlet"
	A_CustomFinale6 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue6 	= StageDelay
	A_CustomFinale7			= TANK
	A_CustomFinaleValue7	= 2
	A_CustomFinaleMusic7	= "Event.TankMidpoint_Metal"
	A_CustomFinale8 		= DELAY
	A_CustomFinaleValue8 	= PreEscapeDelay

	ProhibitBosses = true
	HordeEscapeCommonLimit = 20
	EscapeSpawnTanks = false

local difficulty = Convars.GetStr( "z_difficulty" ).tolower();

if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "versus" )
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 11;
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale6 = ONSLAUGHT;
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue6 = "c14m2_gauntlet_vs";
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale7 = ONSLAUGHT;
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue7 = "c14m2_gauntlet_vs";
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale8 = ONSLAUGHT;
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue8 = "c14m2_gauntlet_vs";
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale9 <- DELAY;
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue9 <- StageDelay;
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale10 <- TANK;
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue10 <- 1;
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleMusic10 <- "Event.TankMidpoint_Metal";
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale11 <- DELAY;
	DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue11 <- PreEscapeDelay;
	difficulty = "normal";
	if ( difficulty == "hard" || difficulty == "impossible" )
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale_StageCount = 12;
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue7 = 1;
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue8 = StageDelay;
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale9 <- PANIC;
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue9 <- 2;
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale10 <- DELAY;
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue10 <- StageDelay;
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale11 <- TANK;
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue11 <- 2;
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleMusic11 <- "Event.TankMidpoint_Metal"
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale12 <- DELAY;
		DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinaleValue12 <- PreEscapeDelay;


function SpawnScavengeCans( difficulty )
	local function SpawnCan( gascan )
		local can_origin = gascan.GetOrigin();
		local can_angles = gascan.GetAngles();
		local kvs =
			angles = can_angles.ToKVString()
			body = 0
			disableshadows = 1
			glowstate = 3
			model = "models/props_junk/gascan001a.mdl"
			skin = 2
			weaponskin = 2
			solid = 0
			spawnflags = 2
			targetname = "scavenge_gascans"
			origin = can_origin.ToKVString()
			connections =
				OnItemPickedUp =
					cmd1 = "director�RunScriptCode�DirectorScript.MapScript.LocalScript.GasCanTouched()�0�-1"
					//Editors Note: These � characters will not copy over properly. Websites cannot display them.
					//In Notepad++ replace them by selecting them, holding down ALT and entering 027 on Numblock. You'll get a black ESC character.
		local can_spawner = SpawnEntityFromTable( "weapon_scavenge_item_spawn", kvs );
		if ( can_spawner )
			DoEntFire( "!self", "SpawnItem", "", 0, null, can_spawner );
	switch( difficulty )
		case "impossible":
			local gascan = null;
			while ( gascan = Entities.FindByName( gascan, "gascans_finale_expert" ) )
				if ( gascan.IsValid() )
					SpawnCan( gascan );
		case "hard":
			local gascan = null;
			while ( gascan = Entities.FindByName( gascan, "gascans_finale_advanced" ) )
				if ( gascan.IsValid() )
					SpawnCan( gascan );
		case "normal":
			local gascan = null;
			while ( gascan = Entities.FindByName( gascan, "gascans_finale_normal" ) )
				if ( gascan.IsValid() )
					SpawnCan( gascan );
		case "easy":
			local gascan = null;
			while ( gascan = Entities.FindByName( gascan, "gascans_finale_easy" ) )
				if ( gascan.IsValid() )
					SpawnCan( gascan );
	EntFire( "gascans_finale_*", "Kill" );

// number of cans needed to escape.
NumCansNeeded <- 8

switch( difficulty )
	case "easy":
		NumCansNeeded = 6;
		EntFire( "relay_outro_easy", "Enable" );
	case "normal":
		NumCansNeeded = 8;
		EntFire( "relay_outro_normal", "Enable" );
	case "hard":
		NumCansNeeded = 10;
		EntFire( "relay_outro_advanced", "Enable" );
	case "impossible":
		NumCansNeeded = 12;
		EntFire( "relay_outro_expert", "Enable" );

EntFire( "progress_display", "SetTotalItems", NumCansNeeded );
EntFire( "radio", "AddOutput", "FinaleEscapeStarted director:RunScriptCode:DirectorScript.MapScript.LocalScript.DirectorOptions.TankLimit <- 3:0:-1" );

local c14m2_tankspawntime = 0.0;
local c14m2_tankspawner = null;
while ( c14m2_tankspawner = Entities.FindByClassname( c14m2_tankspawner, "commentary_zombie_spawner" ) )
	if ( c14m2_tankspawner.IsValid() )
		local spawnerScope = c14m2_tankspawner.GetScriptScope();
		spawnerScope.SpawnedTankTime <- 0.0;
		spawnerScope.InputSpawnZombie <- function()
			if ( (caller) && (caller.GetName() == "escapetanktrigger") )
				if ( !c14m2_tankspawntime )
					c14m2_tankspawntime = Time();
			if ( SpawnedTankTime )
				if ( Time() - c14m2_tankspawntime < 1 )
					return false;
					delete this.SpawnedTankTime;
					delete this.InputSpawnZombie;
					return true;
			SpawnedTankTime = Time();
			return true;

//      INIT

GasCansTouched          <- 0
GasCansPoured           <- 0
ScavengeCansPoured		<- 0
ScavengeCansNeeded		<- 2

local EscapeStage = DirectorOptions.A_CustomFinale_StageCount;


function GasCanTouched()
	if ( developer() > 0 )
		Msg(" Touched: " + GasCansTouched + "\n");

function GasCanPoured()
	if ( developer() > 0 )
		Msg(" Poured: " + GasCansPoured + "\n");

	if ( GasCansPoured == 1 )
		EntFire( "explain_fuel_generator", "Kill" );
	else if ( GasCansPoured == NumCansNeeded )
		if ( developer() > 0 )
			Msg(" needed: " + NumCansNeeded + "\n");
		EntFire( "relay_generator_ready", "Trigger", "", 0.1 );
		EntFire( "weapon_scavenge_item_spawn", "TurnGlowsOff" );
		EntFire( "weapon_scavenge_item_spawn", "Kill" );
		EntFire( "director", "EndCustomScriptedStage", "", 5 );
	if ( Director.GetGameModeBase() == "versus" && ScavengeCansPoured == 2 && GasCansPoured < NumCansNeeded )
		ScavengeCansPoured = 0;
		EntFire( "radio", "AdvanceFinaleState" );

function OnBeginCustomFinaleStage( num, type )
	if ( developer() > 0 )
		printl( "Beginning custom finale stage " + num + " of type " + type );
	if ( num == 4 )
		EntFire( "relay_boat_coming2", "Trigger" );
		// Delay lasts 10 seconds, next stage turns off lights immediately
		EntFire( "lighthouse_light", "SetPattern", "mmamammmmammamamaaamammma", 7.0 );
		EntFire( "lighthouse_light", "SetPattern", "", 9.5 );
		EntFire( "lighthouse_light", "TurnOff", "", 10 );
		EntFire( "spotlight_beams", "LightOff", "", 7.0 );
		EntFire( "spotlight_glow", "HideSprite", "", 7.0 );
		EntFire( "brush_light", "Enable", "", 7.0 );
		EntFire( "spotlight_beams", "LightOn", "", 7.5 );
		EntFire( "spotlight_glow", "ShowSprite", "", 7.5 );
		EntFire( "brush_light", "Disable", "", 7.5 );
		EntFire( "spotlight_beams", "LightOff", "", 8.0 );
		EntFire( "spotlight_glow", "HideSprite", "", 8.0 );
		EntFire( "brush_light", "Enable", "", 8.0 );
		EntFire( "spotlight_beams", "LightOn", "", 8.5 );
		EntFire( "spotlight_glow", "ShowSprite", "", 8.5 );
		EntFire( "brush_light", "Disable", "", 8.5 );
	else if ( num == 5 )
		EntFire( "relay_lighthouse_off", "Trigger" );
		SpawnScavengeCans( difficulty );
	else if ( num == EscapeStage )
		EntFire( "relay_start_boat", "Trigger" );

function GetCustomScriptedStageProgress( defvalue )
	local progress = ScavengeCansPoured.tofloat() / ScavengeCansNeeded.tofloat();
	if ( developer() > 0 )
		Msg( "Progress was " + defvalue + ", now: " + ScavengeCansPoured + " poured / " + ScavengeCansNeeded + " needed = " + progress + "\n" );
	return progress;

director_gauntlet.nuc (Shared for all gauntlets)

Msg("Initiating Gauntlet\n");

DirectorOptions <-
	PanicForever = true
	PausePanicWhenRelaxing = true

	IntensityRelaxThreshold = 0.99
	RelaxMinInterval = 25
	RelaxMaxInterval = 35
	RelaxMaxFlowTravel = 400

	LockTempo = 0
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 20
	PreTankMobMax = 20
	ZombieSpawnRange = 3000
	ZombieSpawnInFog = true

	MobSpawnSize = 5
	CommonLimit = 5

	GauntletMovementThreshold = 500.0
	GauntletMovementTimerLength = 5.0
	GauntletMovementBonus = 2.0
	GauntletMovementBonusMax = 30.0

	// length of bridge to test progress against.
	BridgeSpan = 20000

	MobSpawnMinTime = 5
	MobSpawnMaxTime = 5

	MobSpawnSizeMin = 5
	MobSpawnSizeMax = 20

	minSpeed = 50
	maxSpeed = 200

	speedPenaltyZAdds = 15

	CommonLimitMax = 30

	function RecalculateLimits()
	//Increase common limit based on progress  
	    local progressPct = ( Director.GetFurthestSurvivorFlow() / BridgeSpan )
	    if ( progressPct < 0.0 ) progressPct = 0.0;
	    if ( progressPct > 1.0 ) progressPct = 1.0;
	    MobSpawnSize = MobSpawnSizeMin + progressPct * ( MobSpawnSizeMax - MobSpawnSizeMin )

	//Increase common limit based on speed   
	    local speedPct = ( Director.GetAveragedSurvivorSpeed() - minSpeed ) / ( maxSpeed - minSpeed );

	    if ( speedPct < 0.0 ) speedPct = 0.0;
	    if ( speedPct > 1.0 ) speedPct = 1.0;

	    MobSpawnSize = MobSpawnSize + speedPct * ( speedPenaltyZAdds );
	    CommonLimit = MobSpawnSize * 1.5
	    if ( CommonLimit > CommonLimitMax ) CommonLimit = CommonLimitMax;


function Update()

See also




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