Gauntlet Finale

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Left 4 Dead 2 Gauntlet Finales were introduced in The Parish campaign. Rather than having the player holdout in an enclosed arena, gauntlets force players to run to the end of the level, where the rescue vehicle is already waiting for them. In The Parish, the players must run across a bridge to make it to a rescue helicopter.

You may wish to follow along with the decompiled map this article is based off of, c5m5_bridge.vmf.


A gauntlet mainly consists of standard finale components with a few new additions and modifications:

  • The trigger_finale uses "Gauntlet" as Finale Type setting.
  • A info_target, named "nav_flow_target" at the end of the map close to the rescue vehicle, but not on navmesh marked with Rescue_Vehicle. Else it will be blocked and Nav Flow won't generate.
  • Rescue closets are usually absent but should work if they are added. Consider adding one if there is combat before reaching the finale area.
  • Finales depend on director_gauntlet.nuc vscript by default, even without setting the "Script File" field.
Note.pngNote:Defining a different script in the "Script File" field will first run the default director_gauntlet and second it will launch whatever script you defined.

The gauntlet finale structure is not very flexible and workarounds should be taken into consideration. Only one tank is allowed before the escape vehicle is ready. director_debug 1 shows that it is considered an escape sequence by the second time GauntletStopPanic is fired at trigger_finale.


This here is the original Gauntlet Finale script, should you want to tweak it for your own purposes.

Msg("Initiating Gauntlet\n");

DirectorOptions <-
	PanicForever = true
	PausePanicWhenRelaxing = true

	IntensityRelaxThreshold = 0.99
	RelaxMinInterval = 25
	RelaxMaxInterval = 35
	RelaxMaxFlowTravel = 400

	LockTempo = 0
	SpecialRespawnInterval = 20
	PreTankMobMax = 20
	ZombieSpawnRange = 3000
	ZombieSpawnInFog = true

	MobSpawnSize = 5
	CommonLimit = 5

	GauntletMovementThreshold = 500.0
	GauntletMovementTimerLength = 5.0
	GauntletMovementBonus = 2.0
	GauntletMovementBonusMax = 30.0

	// length of bridge to test progress against.
	BridgeSpan = 20000

	MobSpawnMinTime = 5
	MobSpawnMaxTime = 5

	MobSpawnSizeMin = 5
	MobSpawnSizeMax = 20

	minSpeed = 50
	maxSpeed = 200

	speedPenaltyZAdds = 15

	CommonLimitMax = 30

	function RecalculateLimits()
	//Increase common limit based on progress  
	    local progressPct = ( Director.GetFurthestSurvivorFlow() / BridgeSpan )
	    if ( progressPct < 0.0 ) progressPct = 0.0;
	    if ( progressPct > 1.0 ) progressPct = 1.0;
	    MobSpawnSize = MobSpawnSizeMin + progressPct * ( MobSpawnSizeMax - MobSpawnSizeMin )

	//Increase common limit based on speed   
	    local speedPct = ( Director.GetAveragedSurvivorSpeed() - minSpeed ) / ( maxSpeed - minSpeed );

	    if ( speedPct < 0.0 ) speedPct = 0.0;
	    if ( speedPct > 1.0 ) speedPct = 1.0;

	    MobSpawnSize = MobSpawnSize + speedPct * ( speedPenaltyZAdds );
	    CommonLimit = MobSpawnSize * 1.5
	    if ( CommonLimit > CommonLimitMax ) CommonLimit = CommonLimitMax;


function Update()


Bridge Span Value

The script has a "BridgeSpan" Setting which determines how long the Gauntlet area will be, which is used to calculate progression in Versus.
This Value is in units, which can easily be taken in Hammer by just creating a brush entity with one side at the trigger_finale while the other is where the rescue vehicle will be.
As seen in the picture below, this brush entity will be 20096.0 units wide. So the script is set to 20000 units to make the numbers round.

Gauntlet bridge span helper.png

See also

L4D2 Level Design