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Add-on Notes

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This summarizes the changes for Left 4 Dead 2 Left 4 Dead 2's Add-ons from Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead's.


The addoninfo.txt file in your L4D2 add-on must have the proper app ID:

 addonSteamAppID   550

If this isn't included, or if it's set to the Left 4 Dead 1 ID (500), VPK files will not be installed properly when users double click on them. (Or technically, theaddoninstaller.exeprogram.)

VPK Install

If users double click a VPK while the game is not running, it gets copied to a temporary location under:


Then, when Left 4 Dead series are launched, they look for add-ons in those directories, then moves them over to their own respective add-ons folder.

See also