Half-Life 2: Episode Three

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Half-Life 2: Episode Three is a cancelled Half-Life 2 Episode that was intended to wrap up the Episodic Trilogy. Announced in May 2006 with a supposed release of 2007-08, it was one of the most anticipated video games of all time, but ended up becoming an infamous case of vaporware[1]. Any chance of the game being released was diminished with the release of Half-Life: Alyx in 2020, which retconned the ending of Episode Two. The game was officially confirmed as cancelled on the twentieth anniversary of Half-Life 2's initial release, with the release of behind-the-scenes material detailing the "episode that never came to be"[2][3].

Similarly, Half-Life 3 was in development at some point in 2013-2014, which was planned to use procedurally generated levels, but it's was also cancelled early in development as the Source 2 Source 2 engine at the time was unfinished[4].

As of 18 February 2025, some Episode 3 game code is included with the Source SDK on GitHub, included in the 🖿game/server/episodic/Episode3 directory.


It was hinted in a 2007 CVG interview that Episode 3 would have taken place in the arctic base[5]. It was also been stated by Valve that this would have ended the Half-Life 2 story arc, but not the Half-Life series[6].



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