Dormant Help Desk Questions

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This page contains questions which have gone unanswered on the Help Desk for a period of at least two months. Questions are moved here to keep the Help Desk clean and tidy, so that active questions can be more easily accessed.

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Dormant Questions

CS:S Locks up when I try to run my map

When I try to run my map from Hammer (or in-game as well), the console will pop up until the point where it says "execing valve.rc" then the screen goes black and I get the message "hl2.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close." Blah. This happened only very recently... I tried deleting all of the models I just put in the map, but that didn't fix it. The only other thing I can think of is that I used Alt-P to fix my func_breakablesurf glass surfaces, which had an undefined limit at "lowerleft". Anyone got any ideas?

Run your map from the game. Open the console and type map <mapname> --Mrhappy 23:16, 14 Oct 2007 (PDT)

(Different User to Question)I tried that but it didn't work still, it kept coming up with same error, if you have any more ideas that may work, please let me know, THE ERROR'S ANNOYING. -- Fl4M3Z

VRAD.EXE Error! Please Help!

OK. This error is getting me crazy. I will get straight to the point. Every time I compile my map everything goes perfectly well and fine. But when it reaches the vrad.exe section, An an ERROR window pop-up saying the file encountered an error and needs to close. My map runs perfectly but because no vrad file was detected, my map is all bright.

NOTE: I already Re-Installed Source SDK. I already tried clicking on the "Reset Game Configurations" I Already tried clicking on "Refesh SDK content" And everything works! But the vrad.exe is still not responding.

Here is the Compile Log + Error Message.

** Executing...
** Command: "d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\counter-strike source\cstrike" "D:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc\dm_overlordMOD2"

Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Aug  4 2006)
1 threads
materialPath: d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\counter-strike source\cstrike\materials
Loading D:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc\dm_overlordMOD2.vmf
Can't find surfaceprop stone for material DE_TIDES/TIDES_BRICK_WALL_D, using default
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (0)
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (1)
Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (2)
writing D:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc\dm_overlordMOD2.prt...done (0)
Creating default cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.

No such variable "$hdrbasetexture" for material "skybox/sky_borealis01rt"
Can't load skybox file skybox/sky_borealis01 to build the default cubemap!
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (1) (193295 bytes)
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_c17/furnituretable002a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_c17/furnituretable002a.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_c17/furniturechair001a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics). Deleted.
Error loading studio model "models/props_c17/furniturechair001a.mdl"!
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 274 texinfos to 186
Reduced 19 texdatas to 18 (479 bytes to 461)
Writing D:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc\dm_overlordMOD2.bsp
4 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: "d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\counter-strike source\cstrike" -fast "D:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc\dm_overlordMOD2"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (May 22 2006)
fastvis = true
1 threads
reading d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc\dm_overlordMOD2.bsp
reading d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc\dm_overlordMOD2.prt
 937 portalclusters
2659 numportals
BasePortalVis:       0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (5)
Optimized: 26874 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 489131
Average clusters visible: 522
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 928
visdatasize:223779  compressed from 224880
writing d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc\dm_overlordMOD2.bsp
5 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: "d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk\bin\vrad.exe"
** Parameters:  -game "d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\counter-strike source\cstrike" -noextra "D:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc\dm_overlordMOD2"

Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (May 22 2006)
----- Radiosity Simulator ----
1 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[1 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc\dm_overlordMOD2.bsp
46347 faces
2435518 square feet [350714720.00 square inches]
1 displacements
61793 square feet [8898308.00 square inches]
46347 patches before subdivision

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "D:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\enrique_rueda\sourcesdk_content\cstrike\mapsrc\dm_overlordMOD2.bsp" "d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\counter-strike source\cstrike\maps\dm_overlordMOD2.bsp"

** Executing...
** Command: "d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\counter-strike source\hl2.exe"
** Parameters: -game "d:\program files\steam\steamapps\enrique_rueda\counter-strike source\cstrike"  +map "dm_overlordMOD2"


Well my friend i am in the same boat as you truly i do not know how to fix this and on top of that my maps take about 3 Hours to compile so just imagine having to re-freackin-compile the same map due to that error. I don't know what causes it but if I'm correct its the update that was released. I guess for now all we can do is wait for the new update but hey good luck with your maps and yes its really driving me crazy too.--Gear 01:27, 17 Jan 2007 (PST)
First, you have these errors:
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_c17/furnituretable002a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics).
Error loading studio model "models/props_c17/furnituretable002a.mdl"!
Error! prop_static using model "models/props_c17/furniturechair001a.mdl", which must be used on a dynamic entity (i.e. prop_physics).
Error loading studio model "models/props_c17/furniturechair001a.mdl"!
so, to start, just try to properly fix them.
Then, to be sure that the problem is with rad.exe and not your map, just try to make a simple map and compile it. If it works, then try to cordon-compile your map and check if and where you get errors. It's a long process, but generally not a worthless one. Good luck. ----uoz 04:18, 17 Jan 2007 (PST)

Thats true but as it turns out those errors really don't cause that kind of crash because its not vrad that turns itself off but it crashes and thats a bit of a problem with larger maps however in a recent forum i cant remember which one but its due to some certain material or one another and thats quite odd however yes im sorry i should of looked at his log more carefully to see for any errors though i know this error and or crash is somewhat caused by Ts2do FGD update. Every since i applied that FGD i have been having a problem. There might be an error in the code. Therefore effecting a certain model or material which if in your map can cause the crash.--Gear 13:57, 17 Jan 2007 (PST)

I also hat the problem that vrad crashed immediately without any debug info. It also crashed when just double-clicking the binary in explorer. I think that the problem is that vrad uses the SSE extended instruction set of your CPU and will crash if you have a CPU without SSE. I have an AMD Athlon 1400, meaning that my CPU lacks SSE. I think that you need at least an Athlon XP or some newer Duron in order to have SSE. --Oxygene 03:32, 24 Sep 2007 (PDT)

If you think this then why put it up on the VRAD page? needs to be solid information. As for your cpu, you need a new one, and that shall solve all problems. I am moving this question later to the help desk rather than the talk page. Thats really where it belongs.--Gear 03:36, 24 Sep 2007 (PDT)

Detail Sprites Gone Screwy

While testing my map on a couple different computers, I noticed that sometimes the detailsprites get stretched and tilted down. So far, this only happens on two computers, one is running an 8800GTX and the other (a laptop) a radeon mobility x1400. You can see an image here:

--Mrhappy 18:23, 12 Sep 2007 (PDT)

I think the command is cl_detail_sway or something like that. Have it set at 0. --Frostbite 12:21, 15 Sep 2007 (PDT)

Tried that tonight, didn't work. Also tried changing the detailOrientation from 0 to 2. Here is the entry from my detail.vbsp:

bsg_algea { "density" "450.0"

Group1 { "alpha" "1" }

Group3 { "alpha" "0.5" }

Group4 { "alpha" "0.3" Model1 { "sprite" "144 288 128 128 512" "spritesize" "0.5 0.0 38 38" "spriterandomscale" "0.2" "amount" "0.4" "detailOrientation" "2" }


Group5 { "alpha" "0.0" Model1 { "sprite_shape" "tri" "sprite" "144 144 128 128 512" "spritesize" "0.5 0.0 40 60" "spriterandomscale" "0.2" "amount" "0.6" "detailOrientation" "0" "shape_angle" "25" //degrees of tip/flare "shape_size" "0.025" "sway" "0.4"

} Model2 { "sprite_shape" "tri" "sprite" "280 140 128 128 512" "spritesize" "0.5 0.0 50 60" "spriterandomscale" "0.2" "amount" "0.2" "detailOrientation" "" "shape_angle" "10" //degrees of tip/flare "shape_size" "0.025" "sway" "0.6"

} Model3 { "sprite_shape" "tri" "sprite" "290 280 128 128 512" "spritesize" "0.5 0.0 90 90" "spriterandomscale" "0.2" "amount" "0.3" "detailOrientation" "2" "shape_angle" "25" //degrees of tip/flare "shape_size" "0.025" "sway" "0.6"


} }

Also, they only convert to that position when you walk over them it seems. --Mrhappy 23:20, 14 Oct 2007 (PDT)

Can't load bsppack.dll

Sometimes after I build cube maps in a map I get this error in the console. It means that although the cubemaps have been built and are in-memory they aren't written to the BSP, and that my mouse won't work until I restart the game! I get the error often, but not all the time. --TomEdwards 11:20, 25 Jul 2007 (PDT)

Sometimes the game just crashes too. --TomEdwards 11:40, 25 Jul 2007 (PDT)

Thats quite odd perhaps are there any cubemaps that are within a special volume? Mainly I have noticed this error when a cubemap is placed within a env_fire entity or a trigger_transition which causes the cubemap to become unreadable. An odd error to at that.--Gear 11:58, 25 Jul 2007 (PDT)

Host_EndGame: Map coordinate extents are too large!!

I'm starting off trying to learn to map with Source. I compiled my test map in Hammer, then tried to run it and got this error message. A quick search told me that this meant I had an entity outside the hammer grid, and to use the hammer error check (alt-P) and fix any problems shown. The only error it gave me was a missing player start, so I created one saved again, and tried to play, and got the same error. My map is small, in the dead center of the grid, and the error check isn't reporting any problems at all.... What is wrong? Jetsetlemmingq 17:06, 15 Jul 2007 (PDT)

Well, I've had that problem once before also, except the problem showed up in the "check for problems" box. It seemed that there was an invisible, useless and undeletable brush in the middle of the map that had an error. Try checking for problems again. If that doesn't work, the simplest solution would be to load the last working autosave file. --Darthkillyou 10:50, 28 Jul 2007 (PDT)

Hmm dky is right however one of the main reasons that cause this is a super huge brush either that nor the map may be way too large.--Gear 16:46, 28 Jul 2007 (PDT)

Oh, right... I remember that I fixed the problem simply by restarting Hammer. It, for my "Information, Hammer didn't load 1 solid(s) due to errors in the file." --Darthkillyou 07:04, 14 Aug 2007 (PDT)

Response Contexts

It's my understanding that specific response contexts do not need to be pre-defined per NPC unless you want more specific control, and that without any work the set of HL2 response contexts will be fired in response to AI requests simply when your play and certain events occur. A friend of mine is having a problem where the contexts never fire, even when the player +USE's an NPC. The original question/thread on interlopers is here: I have noticed this at times in my own maps, however the problem seems to come and go. I haven't found much information on specifically using the system except in the pages here, however, as another user stated, that is more of an information dump than anything useful for trouble shooting or tutorial wise. Thanks for your time. Mrhappy 16:13, 30 Jun 2007 (PDT)

Odd yet it might not be able to find the choro files. You might want to try adding in a speech filter entity that will allow you to control when and how much the npc will talk or idle respond. Sometimes NPCs tend to have "locked" behavior. Mainly due to when they are used by scripted sequences.--Gear 05:48, 15 Aug 2007 (PDT)

entity help needed

in hammer i want to make a end to my level to do that 6 things has to be uses before it ends but how do i do that? if i use one thing the level ends right away without pushing the other 5 buttons! what entity do i have to use, and how to install it? --Killermans 04:40, 24 Jun 2007 (PDT)

Make a math_counter entity. Set it's "Maximum Legal Value" keyvalue to 6. On each of the event's use an output that targets the math_counter with the "Add" input and a parameter override of 1. Set an output on the math_counter with "My Output Named" set to "OnHitMax" that targets and triggers your level change. Mrhappy 16:07, 30 Jun 2007 (PDT)

Vrad has an error

Everytime I compile a medium sized map in Hammer (to run it, not as a final compile), an error appears saying that Vrad "had a problem" and had to disabled. The map runs, but then there is no HDR ligting. ace14790 14:33, 5 Jun 2007 (PDT)

Currently some people have been experiencing this crash as well. VRAD randomly closes out and causes the HDR compile part of the process to stop. The odd thing is even after windows reports the error the compile process still keeps going sometimes yet even though does not compile correctly. There really is no fix for this at all until the next engine update. For now just simply re-compile your map and hope it doesn't crash again. However certain things do cause this crash to happen and that is mainly compiling havng Vrad set to fast.--Gear 13:23, 8 Jul 2007 (PDT)

Problem with HDR lighting in custom maps

I cannot use HDR lighting when running custom maps made in Hammer. I have to uncheck HDR when running a map or there are problems with lighting on the map. When I start a map with HDR enabled I receive the following message: "custom hdr cubemap "materials/environment maps/borealis_003.hdr.vtf": can't be found on disk.This really should have an HDR version but I will tryfalling back to the non-hdr one. Signon traffic "CLIENT": incoming 32.417 Kb, outgoing 715 bytes"

What can I do to resolve this issue with HDR lighting?

Tom11235 16:01, 27 May 2007 (PDT)

That warning appears when you compile HDR lightmaps for a map that doesn't use a proper HDR skybox. HDR is not an option you can simply set in the video panel. Read the article above for further explanation. --uoz 12:29, 8 Jun 2007 (PDT)

Yeah uoz is right, however the skybox material won't really cause any problems if still used. Mainly the compile process just reports that because the selected sky base material does not have any HDR parameters, So don't worry about it as long as you build cubemaps you will be fine.--Gear 13:52, 8 Jul 2007 (PDT)

Compile error: "Error trying to allocate X bytes."

I'm in the process of creating a map but I run into an error when compiling it. "Error trying to allocate 18840 bytes." comes up during the BuildVisLeafs process, after the "3" to be exact. When I run the map, there are no lightmaps, despite the fact that the BuildFacelights portion went without a hitch. Save for a number of "WARNING: Too many light styles on *Coordinates*." I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the previous error, as I've been getting those warnings since before I encountered the "Error trying to allocate 18840 bytes." Still, help would be appreciated, for both errors. I'm not sure if it's worth mentioning that if I choose not to have neither VIS or RAD when I compile, the filesize is nearly half that of when I compile with RAD and VIS, yet I get, apparently, the same results. I compile it using a fast VIS calculation and a normal RAD. I doubt it's a problem with my memory, as I've got 1532 MB's. Again, help would be appreciated.

Squadila 18:40, 15 May 2007 (PDT)

Seems to be using up too much memory. Even a gig and a half won't work if you have too many lights on one face. The errors are probably related, so I would cut down on the number of named lights.

Named Lights has nothing to do with it its just simply lights on directed on towards one single face or other words brush. Names really don't cause errors although you shouldn't have to name all of your lights just the ones that require naming for the use of reference to other entity's or even simple outputs and inputs, triggers, etc,. Even if its two lights casted upon one face that can still cause an error namely also if the lights have adjusted appearances like strobe or flicker or even pulse. Try cutting down on that especially if they are light_dynamic.--Gear 17:06, 23 May 2007 (PDT)

Compile error: "the system cannot find the file specified"

When i want to compile the map, Hammer gives me an error. the error is: "The command failed. Windows reported the error: "the system cannot find the file specified".

i don't know why it is, i checked if the file is there, i tried to disable the VIS and RAD compiling but it gives me the error all the time. Also did i tried to refresh SDK Content and Reset the Game Configs, but it didn't work someone knows what the problem can be?


I have the same problem, as i see no one has an answer but some help would be nice:)

i had the same problem but it was an error in my map u probably saved under another name and got that error. how did i fixed it? easy i used the last compiled file of my level and decompiled it whit vmex. and the level was ready to edit. this is maybe your problem. --Killermans 04:51, 24 Jun 2007 (PDT)

This error is mainly caused when the compile program can not locate the BSP file which is truly strange. I have gathered some information about it in the sdk faqs and this is what has turned up:

This error appears when the map compile has failed due to an error, or the current game configuration is not set up correctly.

Check the error log in the Hammer Process Window to make sure there are no other errors that may have caused the compile to fail. If a compile fails, no .BSP file for the map is written, and the game will not launch correctly.

If there are no other compile errors, you can try to reset the Source SDK game configuration

I know not really to helpful but thats about it so hopefully this will help you out and good luck!-- Gear 13:40, 8 Jul 2007 (PDT)

To fix this you have to select yes when you open the map in SDK when it asks you to rename or something. I think it is caused by because you are on a autosave so just do what i said and it should compile :D --Taco184--- hope this helps

Light errors

Ok, so I've made a small map and added lights to it, but each time the freeze time runs out the lights die and i can only see a red glow on myself but not on any objects. If this doesn't happen its normally when i leave the spawning room that the lights die. Do i need a skybox for the lights to work? (i don't know, I'm new to SDK) Any help would be appreciated --sabre05 13:11, 15 Jul 2007

Hammer Closes Without Warning

I'm trying to make a map with several different planets. Every time I make a spherical brush and try to make it hollow hammer closes without warning. This doesn't do this with any other brush and I've attempted to make the brush different sizes. I've even completely uninstalled and reinstalled Hammer but it does the same thing only faster.

Help would be greatly appreciated, Justible 11:44, 6 Sep 2007 (PDT)

Considering it is a planet it might be taking up way to much memory, therefore causing windows to close Hammer. Try avoiding this for right now.--Gear 21:51, 6 Sep 2007 (PDT)

Dynamic light spreads through opaque objects

I guess this is source engine issue. But fixing of it is important for my mod, because I use a dynamically allocated fire with light (by flame thrower). It looks ugly, when light spreads through the walls, especially in dark places, but if I remove the light at all, it looks even worse (fire without light). --M0RTARI0N 03:23, 19 Sep 2007 (PDT)

Is it possible to have ragdolls clip against movable brush entities?

Hi there - I want, if it's possible, to have rocket-silo-style flat doors that open in my level. However, while living NPCs can happily stand on these, ragdolls just fall straight through. I read somewhere that ragdolls can't clip on brush entities, but I've also seen ragdolls working just fine in lifts etc. in the official Half Life levels.

Help would be much appreciated! --Undermind-Mike 19:12, 25 Oct 2007 (PDT)

Did you think that maybe it affects only doors? And what game is the map for? --Esa94 05:30, 11 Nov 2007 (PST)

No 'func_ ' entities!!!

I am having some trouble with the SourceSDK. After installing, I was attempting to create a map using the Hammers editor, but all of the 'func_' entities are missing. As a matter of fact I only have 3 'func_' entities. I was trying to locate the func_respawnroom, but the only func entities I have are 'func_fish_pool', 'func_ladderendpoint' and 'func_useableladder'.

Does anyone have any idea why I do not have all the appropriate entities? Or why this might be happening? Thank you. --PhantomDevlpr 07:13, 17 Nov 2007 (PST)

Most "func" entities are brush entities. Create a normal brush, select it and press CTRL-T. Then choose the appropriate "func" entity from the drop-down box. --Darthkillyou 14:24, 17 Nov 2007 (PST)

Face Poser and Model Viewer crash on launch in widescreen resolutions

Having tried to load Faceposer several times it will crash having opened and laid out all the panels, the model viewer just crashes on load. I tested this on a none widescreen monitor (or using 1024 by 768) and the faceposer application opens. A small bug i know but did not see a road map for fixing this (or it registered as a bug) i have reinstalled and looked at this thread but no joy. My default resolution is 1280 by 720 and fails every time. --Packetburner 10:20, 7 Sep 2007 (PDT)

Performance warning: Mark bone

I've been banging my head trying to fox this console error problem for ages now. All the answers i have found says to use $bonemerge to fix it. But this only fixed my problems for the firstperson stuff. The thirdperson errors are still there. The developer console is totally spammed with this error.Drakir 15:29, 22 Apr 2007 (PDT)

Mainly this tends to happen a lot when certain things are used on incorrect attachments on an npc. Mainly theres truly not a fix to it unless you really re-edit the code for the npc or even player attachments toward the bone points. Mainly its not a serious error but just that the engine has no existing attachment points where the weapon currently is attached towards. In other words in an arm there is about 3 points. Shoulder, Hand, and Wrist therefore if the weapon or model is just pasted toward another area not recognized or where no attachment point exist then the error is caused. Mainly you might need to rework some attachments on the model that is currently being used.--Gear 13:30, 8 Jul 2007 (PDT)

Musically Controlled Facial Animation?

I need to develop an application that displays a 3D facial model whose expression is controlled by and reflects the "feel" of music currently playing. Is it possible to do this using FacePoser? Basically, is it possible to change/trigger facial expressions through the use of sound or music? Thanks, Lobrien9Lobrien9 11:18, 17 Sep 2007 (PDT)

Weapon editing

Is there any way that I can increase the explosive radius of grenades in a hl2:deathmatch custom map? --Modartist 16:38, 28 Aug 2007

All this is within scripting, you might need to do that.--Gear 21:09, 16 Sep 2007 (PDT)

Two scripting problems

First, the MOTD simply does not show up on my server. Also having a similar problem with an MP mod I'm working on, in which only the first character shows up.

Second, as usual the death notices are not working properly in my MP mod. Since there are custom weapon icons (which I do have working) I figured I'd just set up a new entry in clientscheme.res for them. So, under the HL2MPDeathType entry I have:

				"name"  "bsgcficons" // csd.ttf
				"tall"  "32"
				"weight" "0"
				"additive" "1"
				"antialias" "1"

and of course in the custom font declarations I have

 "3"		"resource/bsgcficons.ttf"

Then I went to mod_textures.txt and set the appropriate weapons to BSGCFTypeDeath, like this:

				"font"		"BSGCFTypeDeath"
				"character"	"/"

Well, I'm still getting the error where the icon shows up as the character it is assigned to. There is nothing wrong with my font file, the icon shows up properly in the buckets and loadouts.

Thanks in advance! -Mrhappy 19:42, 10 Apr 2007 (PDT)

I figured out the problem with the death notices, the HL2MP.ttf file which stores the icons for the notices is formatted differently than the halflife2.ttf file which stores the icons for buckets and loadouts, and which I used as a template for bsgcficons.ttf. I'm still having problems with my motd files tho :/ -Mrhappy 11:57, 11 Apr 2007 (PDT)

Physics Gun compile problem

I followed the tutorial on another forum site, and it adds fine, until i try to compile when i get the error:


I have tried to fix this myself, following this:

But i am a very big Noobie to c++ hoping to pick some up on the way through half-life 2 modding.

Cheers, Hope i get a quick answer :P

Trleighton 13:32, 16 Apr 2007 (PDT)

How do vehicle sounds and sound loops work?

Ive tried to do some sound modding for empires mod (it uses the hl2 single player buggy sounds and soundscripts), but the source sound system drives me crazy. I would like to hear some official information about how it handles sound loops, because i experienced the following problems:

  • We have a separate sound loop for idle engine sounds, like v8_idle_loop1.wav. The default official single player buggy loop wav file doesn't contain any cue points. I made two different loop sounds to replace this. They are both identical in format, in length, in volume. One works the same way as the default v8_idle_loop1.wav, it loops when the engine is idle. The other one only does this when a cue point is present. How is this possible?
  • There is an engine start sound in hl2 single player: v8_start_loop1.wav. It doesn't have cue points. Ive tried to replace it with two different sounds, both same format. One is played when the engine starts, the other is not. The are 100% identical in length, format, volume level. Cue point doesn't help here.

So my questions: Does source really need cue points for vehicle loops? If it does where do they need to be placed? What may cause two identical formatted sounds to differ in playing? How does the default vehicle sound system build up, how do different sound effects loop themselves or follow each other based on the speed of the vehicle? --Petko 22:56, 13 May 2007 (CET)

Reading Sensor Data

With my team I'm currently building a mod for HL2 in which we use VR Goggles and a custom 3DOF Sensor. I have it linked to my gameport, but I have no idea how to read its data from the code. What I want to do is use the angle data from the sensor (3 axes) and map these to the angle of a custom weapon model. Since it could take me forever to find out how to read the data, thought I'd ask here. Any help is appreciated.

Update: I've managed to find one axis of my desired input device, through the following code:


This apparently represents the "roll" value (ranging from 0-65536), however I have been as of yet unable to locate the "pitch" and "yaw". -- Shikin 06:06, 16 Oct 2007 (PDT)


My issue is I just level design and texture "stuff" so it's fairly difficult for me to just drive into this all on my own...blind. I know how to use C++, or at least edit code and compile it, and and my modeling skills are decent enough to have already made my "test subject mobile". I'd like to make a flying vehicle for Source Engine. It doesn't need complex physics.. besides acceleration, movement, and has to fly like a jet, spacecraft or helicopter. There are plenty of "how to do"'s here but I haven't found a "simple enough" walk-through. LoL I can't help to say but I'm a 1-2-3 step with A,B,C figures kinda of person >;) Any thoughts or references I could take a 10lb maul too would be helpful. -- Author? circa Sep 2007

Adding DMG_ types

Was just wondering why I find this comment


in the Shareddefs.h. I want to add my own types of damage (three of them to be precise) since I think that is the way to go in my mod. Why can I not do that? It seems that my own first type

#define DMG_ANTIGRAV (1<<30)

is completely ignored.

Another option would be to check with what weapon and what firemode was used when hit, so if anyone has a tutorial or reference link to that kind of thing I would be grateful. --Aglet 02:59, 24 Oct 2007 (PDT)

Changing appearance of standard panels

Hi there!

After reading this tutorial ( I wonder, how I can change the color and add own images etc. to the standard panels like the console panel (look at bottom of article). Would be great if someone could give me a hint how to achieve that.

Thanks in advance, Archer 02:34, 27 Nov 2007 (PST)

Assign a custom material for the env_steam entity

How do you specify a custom material for the env_steam entity? At this time, the default material (particle_smokegrenade) has been hardcoded. I need a different material for my current projects. The Mighty Atom 19:01, 23 Jul 2007 (PDT)

You might need to create one yet adding t might need reference to the FGD. file, yet im not to positive on where it can be edited. However you might want to give that a try.--Gear 05:44, 15 Aug 2007 (PDT)

Render Target Texture Translucent

I setup this render target texture using the following code:

s_pCombatCharsTex0.InitRenderTarget( 256, 256, RT_SIZE_FULL_FRAME_BUFFER, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SEPARATE, false );

I then clear it by setting it as the current render target and using a clear color of float4(0,0,0,0). When I render it using my frontbuffer material, it displays completely black, which is correct, but it's not transparent. I have "$translucent" 1 in the .vmt file, but it doesn't work. Using "$alphatest" 1 works, but I want an opacity map, not a rejection of alpha less than 178. I'm pretty much stumped as to why this is happening. It's probably something really simple I'm missing. ScHiZo 21:46, 26 Aug 2007 (PDT)

Problems recording in Episode 1

Recently I've tried to make an .avi file out of a .DEM file using the "startmovie" method. I also changed host_framerate to 30. Problem is, Once I compressed it with VirtualDub into .avi, the video was out of sync with the audio. The only video codec that gave best results was Xvid and I used many of the codecs in MPEG-LAYER 3 for the audio compression, but it was still out of sync. After a lot of coffee and futile attempts I gave up on VirtualDub and started using the "startmovie [videoname] avi" method. That worked great, except that this time the audio was a bit ahead of the video at the start but as the video progressed the video eventually overtook the audio. Basically, I'm sick of virtualDub. I'm just gonna use the source recorder to compress it straight to.avi, but the video and audio is waaay out of sync.


  • The audio speed is fine it just starts before the actual video.
  • The video is too quick, eventually it overtakes the audio. Even though the audio started first.

Is the host_framerate not 30 for Ep1? Or is there another way of shortening the video speed without affecting audio, so they fit perfectly? Please help :( Tsmike92 08:38, 7 May 2007 (PDT)

Strangely even using regular demos recorded through the HL2 system creates problems when viewed upon other mods or systems its quite odd but I'm not sure what causes the problem if it would be any help though I'll look into it for you. I've been in the needs for creating a demo video for my mod as well so I'll see if i get the same problem.--Gear 17:12, 23 May 2007 (PDT)

This has happened many times, and I believe it's because you didn't use sv_cheats 1 for host_framerate (host_framerate is a cheat) I can't remember whether this is in the tutorial, but if not, I'll add it in.--Katana314 19:52, 19 Jun 2007 (PDT)

Netchannel errors when recoding a demo or impulse 101

When attempting to record a demo in a mod I'm working on, I get the following being spewed in to the console:

Client forced immediate full update.
Fragment transmission aborted at 13/13.
Netchannel: failed processing message svc_UpdateStringTable.

What could cause this? I also get this sometimes when I do impulse 101. The mod I'm working on has somewhere between 35-40 weapons (don't know the exact count). I can't seem to figure out exactly what this error means or what it refers to. I searched the entire wiki and the forums the wiki mentions to search and came up with nothing. --Mazor 02:53, 23 Sep 2007 (PDT)

Third Person

Is there in any way to change the current player camera to a third person angle? I believe that there was a mod called Iris that did this. Also they replaced the normal Gordon Freeman model with a young girl, I've been trying to do the same but instead replace the normal player model with a Rebel instead. Also if possible is there a way to edit the angles of the camera that way its a bit of an "over the shoulder" angle much like per say Gears Of War or even Ghost Recon advanced Warfighter as an example. Thank you for your time.--Gear 15:29, 8 Jul 2007 (PDT)

Problems importing concave collision model from Lightwave into Source

Hi guys, I've got a concave object I'm trying to import a collision model for, but I'm not having much luck with it. The object is a large wooden workstation, which should have such a collision model that objects can be placed on the tabletop. I've tried several .smd's for the collision model geometry but they always end up like this. Among the .smds was just a simple shape composed of three cubes, so the geometry should be anything but too complicated. I have tried both with and without the $concave command in the .QC, neither worked. With $concave, I get "WARNING: Bad collision model, check your smoothing groups!!!", and without it, the collision model just looks like the one in the aforementioned picture, with no warnings. I have a hunch where the problem might lie, though: I understand that if the collision model is composed of multiple parts, they're supposed to have different smoothing groups? I am not quite certain how this is done in Lightwave. Can anyone help me? Thanks, Jupix 13:40, 11 Oct 2007 (PDT)

Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update.

When starting a non-lan server of a MOD I am working on, I get the following message in the console after it tries to add itself to the master server list:

Your server needs to be restarted in order to receive the latest update. 

I find this odd because there are no updates to my game, as Valve does not have any copies of it. I checked my HL2:DM install and it is up to date. I can't understand why I would get this whenever it contacts the master servers (each heartbeat results in the same message). This problem shows up on games created through the client app and through the source dedicated server. This is preventing my game from having public servers listed, so any help would be greatly appreciated :) --Tj9991 19:06, 21 Oct 2007 (PDT)

Mainly try re-installing most of everything you have that has to do with the server. This may be a long process but it can help.--Gear 21:51, 21 Oct 2007 (PDT)
I'm getting this issue too. A fresh install on a new machine hasn't helped. Worse still even though the server has sv_lan set to 0 it's still acting as a LAN server so my international team and I cannot test over the internet. This mod used to work as an internet server fine, so it looks like something must have changed at the master server end.--ChromeAngel 11:20, 16 Nov 2007 (PST)
Even when only using the connect command in the console? Whenever we play a game, we just use the host's IP and directly connect through the console. Also, does anyone know of a decent third party server browser which could be incorporated into the MOD to automatically ping? Organizing in a chat room works, but I'd really like a normal browser :( --Tj9991 13:36, 17 Nov 2007 (PST)
My mistake, the console was just lying to me about the server status. sv_lan saying it was a LAN server even when it was not. Now if we can just get our servers listed... ChromeAngel 12:55, 21 Nov 2007 (PST)
I fixed this issue with my MOD, however I had to make a sacrifice as well. It appears the problem is with the game which you choose to have your MOD run from. My MOD is multiplayer, and previously it was running on the Source SDK Base. However, after changing the appid to 320 to have it run on HL2:DM, servers work perfectly and this issue is completely removed. So, if you are able to make that change, just change your gameinfo.txt and enjoy. I'm going to leave this question open because it is still an issue that Source SDK Base does not properly validate with Valve's servers. --Tj9991 15:04, 21 Nov 2007 (PST)
We have the same problem with old-time LAN-servers for CS 1.5 - Regardless of sv_lan, using Master-Server or not, this message pops up regularly, but not constantly: It seems to appear in waves ... many messages in a short time and then nothing again. Searching for a function that is responsible for them was not effective so far :-/

Any idea? --TJA 17:18, 22 Nov 2007

Mod making help

Hello all I've just started a MOD (using start from scratch since i don't have HL2, Only hl2episode 1 and therefore cant use first 2) But I've made a single player level but when i go to test it i loaded up the game but the Menu was a Multiplayer Menu, With Create Server and Find Server!? Why is it like this?! So then i went to back to my Mod and looked through the entities and there was only Info_player_start! why is it ding this (and yes i do have HL2 DM)

It's happening because you didn't use the first menu item, the Single Player mod. Half-Life 2 isn't too expensive these days, I'd recommend buying it if you want to map for it. --Daedalus 04:20, 13 Feb 2007 (PST)

why doesn't the .mdl compiler work

I tried compiling mdls with the compiler in the orangebox/bin folder but nothing happens. --Octoplasma 03:30, 27 Nov 2007 (GMT)

Multi packet rcon responses

I'm trying to code a decent class for Source's RCON.. (Source_RCON_Protocol), the problem I've run into: When I get a multi packet response (ex: result of cvarlist), how can I tell when that command response is done? As far as I can tell, there is no extra ending, or anything else telling me that the multi-response is done.. Both the C/C++ interfaces don't deal with multi-packet responses.. they just return the first one. Can I just assume after a few seconds there's no more data? Devicenull 16:35, 29 Aug 2006 (PDT)

Hammer's cursor doesn't change when different tools are used

When Hammer 4's brush tool, entity tool, or camera tool are selected, the cursor does not change to the appropriate image. This picture shows me creating a brush, but the cursor is indistinguishable from the standard Windows pointer.

Possibly related: the "crosshair" option in the 2D tab of Hammer options does not work.

I've reported this error in Source SDK Bugs/Hammer bugs but it has not been addressed for some time. --EsBe 19:52, 26 Aug 2006 (PDT)

Confirmed: When creating a brush, or dragging up a selection box, the cursor is the normal windows arrow instead of the crosshair(?). (Resizing arrow icons appear once you grab the handles of an existing box, so this only applies to the first size of the box.) I personally see it more like a feature than a bug. A crosshair would be harder to see, so I'm thinking Valve probably removed it on purpose. --Andreasen 07:41, 28 Aug 2006 (PDT)

How do I add a texture to only one side?

I'm making a fairly large map and I need to add a NoDraw texture to the backside of a block/brush, to keep the compiling time down. .---Duker 22:14 Aug,19 2006 (CET)

Select the toggle texture application tool, select a face with nodraw on it, and right click on faces you want to apply this texture too. On a sidenote tough, this isn't helping your compile unless you're compiling with cordon tool. --Bluestrike 12:21, 20 Aug 2006 (PDT)

Error Messages and then some

When I try to run my map I get an error message that says "The instruction at 0x241f94f7 referenced memory at 0x0d8af41c. The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program. So how do I fix this? Also earlier I was able to run the same map but when i touch certain triggers or at random point everything would lose its texture. The lights (which there are 2 of) would go off, but the props around them would still be affected by them.

This is because you might have too many RAM modules in your PC. I had the same problem while playing Half Life 2. Remove a module and see if that works however only remove one. If you have three or more modules this could be the problem so its a good idea not to also use old and new RAM like Pc 2100 and 3100 sorry if i got that wrong but thats probably the reason why your having this error.---MrTwoVideoCards 12:47 4 Aug, 2006 (PDT)

Uhm. That doesn't make any sense whatsoever, MrTwoVideoCards. The reason why you get an error like that is because the code's trying to read outside it's assigned memory space. You don't have to change anything physically in your PC, but I would suggest you see if the problem is local to a specific map/mod. If it's code/assets your working on, check them for possible bugs/errors. That's your likely cause. --Spektre1 20:11, 23 Oct 2006 (PDT)

Help on above problem with a Laptop

This is regarding the "The instruction at 0x241f94f7 referenced memory at 0x0d8af41c. The memory could not be "read"" problem. I get this error also, but I'm trying to use a laptop to run SDK. I cant necessarily just remove some of the RAM. Is this problem fixable while using a laptop or am I S.O.L.?

Source SDK problems

My Source SDK for some reason current game selection has nothing there, so hammer wont run. Can anyone help me figure out whats going on?

Try clicking Refresh SDK Content in the main Source SDK menu. Also use === not == for topic titles Tskaze 16:13, 27 Jul 2006 (PDT)

Blank Entity List

I am working on a HL2 Deathmatch level, and I noticed that when i select the entity tool my list of entities is totally blank. When I click to place an entity, it is the Obsolete one. I checked the Hammer configurations and HL2 Deathmatch is selected. Anyone know what to do? Help would be greatly appreciated since I can't test the level until I'm able to place starting points. --Hambone 17:12, 21 Jul 2006 (PDT)

Have you tried the Reset Game Configurations option available from the Source SDK? --Giles 05:45, 22 Jul 2006 (PDT)

Yes, I tried that but I still have a blank list. I have been using my own shortcut to hammer, with the "dxlevel 80" added, because I am having the displaced textures problem. I tried accessing Hammer through the SDK menu, and then the program had a full list of entities. Maybe my shortcut is faulty? --Hambone 05:53, 22 Jul 2006 (PDT)

Well, the problem's gone. I re-tried my own shortcut after using the one in the SDK menu, and now the entity list is back. Is there an explanation?--Hambone 06:08, 22 Jul 2006 (PDT)

Hi, Am working on a CSS map, but I am unable to add props to it. The only props that I can find and add are the prop_c17/substation. But when I open modelviewer then I can see all the props. I already tried to refresh sdk game contents, reinstalled hammer, and even reinstalled entire steam, but I still have the same problem. I also get an error when I close hammer, and maybe its linked to eachother in any way. The error says; Appname:hammer.exe - Appversion: - Modname:datacache.dll - Modversion: - Offset:0000b413

Advanced Combat Situations

How do you create a arena in a map. one thought i had was maybe create a npc_maker and spawn combine then make them come around a corner using hint nodes and have them enter a battle field. My design is a large building, two alleyways next to it on each side and have a npc_maker spawn combine_s and run through the alleyway after spanwed and enter the street behind the building. Really im just trying to figure out how to move a npc to a certain position after being spawned. Thank you for the help.--MrTwoVideoCards 10:50, 11 Jun 2006 (PDT)

Check out Assaults. With the right flags set, you can get an NPC to ignore any enemies until they have reached the destination you want them to, which is probably what you want. --Giles 00:32, 12 Jul 2006 (PDT)

Point Spotlight not showing in map

Ive been working on a couple of maps now and for some reason the point spotlights wont appear in my map. There correctly placed in the editor. Start On is set to yes and i have show "no dynamic lighting" flagged. Ive made three maps and this error occurs in all three of them. Its odd because when i load a sdk file map the entity does work and the spotlight is there.--MrTwoVideoCards 12:42, 19 July 2006 (PDT)

When an entity is being particularly fickle and uncooperative, I sometimes download a tutorial map with the appropriate entity and compile it. If I can't get a tutorial map version working, then I really do have a problem. If it does work, then I've got something to compare my own work with, which helps immensely with finding the problem. Perhaps compiling one of these might help you out. --Giles 02:17, 23 Jul 2006 (PDT)

well i tried it but it still wont work its a simple entity so theres not a lot to it which is why this error doesn't make much sense.I looked at the sample and compiled it and the spotlight showed in that map. but it didn't in mine so thats a bit odd.

If the spotlight showed up in the sample map perhaps you could try copying and pasting it from the sample map to your own. This has worked (with different entities though) for me in the past. Also check you have no leaks in your map. This site has a great section on what leaks are and how to stop them. Just follow this link:- [1] --Cloudwalker8 03:07, 25 Jul 2006 (PDT)

CS - Headshot icon update - May 03 - 2004

Hi there! This might be a strange question but I REALLY need an answer. In the update on may 3, 2004 the headshot icon for counter-strike was updated. Adding so that not only the headshot icon was shown but also the weapon that the headshot was done with.

Now I make a lot of sprites and models for people. And many of them want the same thing. They want the old headshot icon back. Now I tried making it with .spr files and changing hud.txt but I can't get it to work.

Because if I change the weapon icon the weapon totally disappears. And not even shows up when someone is killed regularly.

Now my question to you is:

In what file is the info that it should first show the weapon and then the headshot icon when someone does a headshot. And what should I change it to so that only the headshot icon shows up and not the weapon?

Hope you can help.

ZajberMan 09:38, 29 Jun 2006 (PDT)

Are there any tutorials on how to place a turret gun thats usable

Its that turret gun that is usually posted or connected to a small combine barricade wall. Its like the Hunter chopper gun. Thanks for the help n_n

Try this link:-[2] --Cloudwalker8 03:14, 25 Jul 2006 (PDT)

Textures are displaced!

I've just recently started working with Hammer again. The only thing I can think of that has changed since I last used it is video card drivers (Nvidia GeForce 6600GT), when I got Episode 1 and had to update them. Now, here's the problem: In hammer, when you select a solid, it has a yellow wireframe outline. If it's textured, this texture is inside the outline, stuck to the solid, seemingly. Well, my problem is this. Textures are not inside this wireframe. They're close, but not quite. Some textures, like black, are just completely off the solid. Link to image

Make a shortcut on your desktop to Hammer, and set the shortcut-line to: "C:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\<username>\sourcesdk\bin\hammer.exe -dxlevel 80" (if it doesn't work, try without the quotes) --CrabbyData 03:18, 28 Jun 2006 (PDT)

Any word from Valve yet on a resolution? (08 July 2006)

This DirectX problem, in Hammer and HLMV, also exists on the ATI X850 Pro. --wisemx 05:20, 8 Jul 2006 (PDT)

FacePoser and Model Viewer Problem

I have a problem when i start either face poser or model viewer it crashes.I do not know how to fix it. Please help asap

Cold020 16:45, 19 mar 2006 (PST)

FacePoser and ModelViewer require a min. screen resolution of 1024x768 to start up correctly. If you have problems working at that resolution, you can switch back to 800x600 while the programs are running. You can get at least Model previews and load Choreographed Scene to get a sneak peak, but will crash again when adding stuff to a scene. Hopefully there will be a fix to that which allows editing in 800x600 too. Dieb 18:54, 1 Aug 2006 (PDT)

Game crashes after I compile it

I don't understand, It is a pretty big map but at the moment it is very simple, no props, lighting, etc. only walls and doors. I added a button that unlocks a door, saved it, and ran the game. As the game is loading the game crashes. It compiles the map as a BSP, but it doesn't run it. It won't work in HL2 or Garry's Mod. Someone help please.

Try changing complex brushes to func_detail, so that they don't clip the world around them, this usually causes problems.--Deadity 01:16, 29 Mar 2006 (PST)
Try checking the compile log, or the console when the game level loads. -console in the launch bar to enable.--Deadity 01:18, 29 Mar 2006 (PST)
Try hitting the option so that it the compiler doesn't run the game after compile. Then go into the game/mod and create a server using your map. If it's single player, just use map youmap and it should work fine. --Methulah 11:55, 10 July 2006 (AEST)

Respawning a player


I want to set a player to be "alive" without calling Respawn(); on him, for example. Player gets killed; He is now dead, but I want to move him to a custom location not defined with spawn points. How would I get him to appear in that place without calling Respawn(); So just make player visible, than give him correct layout, etc, etc.

You can add JumpToPosition() to the end of Spawn(). Also GetPlayerSpawnSpot() (or such) in the spawn-function can be put in an if. --dutchmega 03:19, 9 Jul 2006 (PDT)

Languages in Source

Source (and the Steam Friends Beta name) gives me a small block at the end of the console prompt with the text NL, clicking on it (or right-clicking in the prompt gives me the option to choose between two languages; Dutch or English.

  • If it is set to Nederlands (Dutch) I can't type in the console, as soon as i press ~ and press any other key it closes the console.
  • If I set it to English it creates a English (United States -> keyboard (US) option into my Text Services and Input Languages in Windows which I certainly do not want nor need but as it seems to fix the problem stated above (i can type in console now) this is the only option.
    • When I set it to English it doesn't save it for later use, so I have to choose English every time to work with the console.

I have a English windows XP64, Regional Settings are: Standards: Dutch; Location: Netherlands, The; Lang.. for Non Unicode: English (United States'); FishBrainX

I've seen someone have the issue of the console closing when they type also—ts2do 07:00, 1 Feb 2006 (PST)

You don't have the problem when you set keyboard-setting to "United States" instead of "United States - Internation" --dutchmega 03:20, 9 Jul 2006 (PDT)

No Such Variable

I've had this map running, but now when I try to compile and run the map CS:S crashes. Then only thing I noticed in the compile log is this bit.

Creating default cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials: skybox/sky_day01_01*.vmt Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.

No such variable "$hdrbasetexture" for material "skybox/sky_day01_01rt" Can't load skybox file skybox/sky_day01_01 to build the default cubemap!

I have tried other Sky textures and the HDR texture and it always happens.

Damianogre (talk) Jan 18, 2006

That appears to be normal in a non-HDR map (it's certainly present in all my compile logs). I would suggest that the crash problem lies elsewhere. --PiMuRho 01:41, 25 Jan 2006 (PST)

  • I'm getting the same errors in my compile log, but it's not allowing me to create a cubemap for water.
    Creating default cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials: skybox/jungle*.vmt
    Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
    No such variable "$hdrbasetexture" for material "skybox/junglert"
    Can't load skybox file skybox/jungle to build the default cubemap!

this message comes up with all sky textures and it is always with the rt side of the skybox.

--The4saken1 20:40, 22 Feb 2006 (PST)

EDIT: I have the same problem, recompiling a working map produces the "$hdrbasetexture" error even when map is renamed. Started about mid last week, update related? Please help us Valve/Steam

"Creating default cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials: skybox/sky_day01_01*.vmt Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.

No such variable "$hdrbasetexture" for material "skybox/sky_day01_01rt" Can't load skybox file skybox/sky_day01_01 to build the default cubemap! Finding displacement neighbors..."

IBENVIRO (Frustrated SDK user)

You could try this page for more information.--Cloudwalker8 02:53, 3 Aug 2006 (PDT)

Custom voice

How do I add custom voice into a choreographed scene? I've recorded the voice and extracted the phonemes, but now I don't know how to place it into FacePoser's Choreograph tool (into a VCD). With non-custom sounds I can right-click in a channel and select "WAV File..."—but the custom sound isn't in the list. I suppose I need to get it there somehow. —Maven (talk) 20:43, 3 Nov 2005 (PST)

Well, you have to just type in the path to the WAV file, relative to the Sound directory. There's supposed to be a manifest file somewhere, I think in Scripts, that keeps track of every wav that's supposed to be in the game, as an abstraction layer. Only ones in that manifest show up in the wav file list in Faceposer. I just write my paths right in, for now. I'll do some research on this later tomorrow, and do a write up on it, both the manifest, and add some to the Faceposer articles on it. --Spektre1 23:31, 3 Nov 2005 (PST)
I've only had success by providing the path to the file. If I were to use a token for a custom sound (like in the .wav file list), the Speak event gets ignored in-game, even though it plays fine in Faceposer. I get the same results with adding on custom captions to custom .wav files. -- Sodabus 23:45, 3 Nov 2005 (PST)
Thanks for the help so far. Providing the path works, in both FacePoser and the game. However, once I create a script and add it to the manifest, it only works in FacePoser. I'd like to do it that way, since then I can do closecaptioning (which also works fine in FacePoser) and whatnot. —Maven (talk) 11:25, 4 Nov 2005 (PST)
It looks as though the game isn't reading the custom manifest. My custom manifest is just one extracted from GCF with my new sound txt listed at the end. FacePoser reads it fine, so it's not a location problem. Perhaps there's a console command to reload the manifest from disk; but I couldn't find it. Or maybe in the game anything in a GCF overrides what's on disk? —Maven (talk) 13:53, 4 Nov 2005 (PST)
Caption wise, I haven't been able to make custom token names appear with cc_emit or successfully alter the stock tokens' captions. Fiddling with the other cc commands and the <mod>\maps\soundcache directory leads to no avail. My guess is that the GCF's manifest overrides the custom manifest. -- Sodabus 04:57, 5 Nov 2005 (PST)

So we've both come to the conclusion that HL2 isn't reading our custom manifests. Ok, how can I test this? I can't modify the GCF, and even if I could Steam would change it back. If I extract the complete contents, is there a way to tell HL2 to ignore source engine.gcf (which is where scripts/game_sounds_manifest.txt is stored)? That wouldn't be a solution—just a way of confirming what the problem is, but that's a start. —Maven (talk) 10:29, 5 Nov 2005 (PST)

I see that the Lost Coast GCF has its own manifest, which adds two precache lines. So it seems that mods can override the manifest, but maybe only with a GCF. —Maven (talk) 10:39, 5 Nov 2005 (PST)

Update: It works fine in a mod. I'd still like to get it working for HL2SP, but for now I'm happy. —Maven (talk) 13:46, 5 Nov 2005 (PST)

An altered stock token in the Lost Coast.
I know it works for mods, but I'm aiming for HL2SP. Anyways, I'm glad you brought up the Lost Coast, as I've successfully edited a stock token for it. I guess it's just HL2SP that's having fits about it. -- Sodabus 14:27, 5 Nov 2005 (PST)
More on the Lost Coast: I've got custom tokens and captions to work on custom .wav files, and with my custom tokens appearing on the WAV file list, my manifest script is being read. However, I've had Faceposer crash on command in two instances while creating Speak events:
  • Choosing the custom token from the WAV file list and pushing OK
  • Naming the Speak event as the custom token name
I've had to manually type out the token name in each situation, but it works in-game. -- Sodabus 18:04, 5 Nov 2005 (PST)

I get exactly the same. I have a map that plays but all of a sudden i have started getting the same error. Started around middle of last week. Update related? I have recompiled a working map under a different name and get the same error. Help us please Steam/Valve!

IBENVIRO (Frustrated SDK user)

Hello, I am trying to use some Episode 1 voice files in face poser. The ep 1 sounds don't appear in the list of sounds to choose from, even when you have the SDK set to edit ep 1 content. I wasn't sure where it was looking for the files so I extracted all of the sound files out of the episode 1 GCF into the relevant path in my HL1 directory just to be sure. Even so, when I type in the relative path of the voice file 'vo/episode_1/c17/al_gate_seeanyway.wav' in the add wav dialog the file doesn't get loaded into the channel. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks. Ubiquitous 27th Aug 2006

Skewed 2d grid problem

In my y/z x/z 2d views the grid lines are all messed up. There are no vertical lines. Instead the lines are spread out in an array on the bottom of the page. Here's a picture.

2d grid

I've been searching for a solution for this for a couple weeks now. I've looked through forums, I've looked on here, tried valve support who don't support hammer apparently. If anyone has an idea on how to fix this please let me know I'll be very grateful.

This has happened to me before and is an easy fix. Just update your graphics card driver. It worked for me. :) Cubedude 13:26, 28 Jul 2006 (PDT)


Anyone know what this targetname does? --TomEdwards 03:36, 25 Jul 2006 (PDT)

Returns the entity to which the current NPC is talking to (looking at while talking) --dutchmega 13:45, 27 Jul 2006 (PDT)

Custom Hud Text in CS:S

I am making a map for Counter Strike: Source. I want to display a message on anyone's hud who enters into a trigger_multiple brush. I've heard that game_text doesn't work in CS:S and it seems to be true as I've tried everything but can't get it to work. Is there any easy way to get a custom message onto players' hud in CS:S. If not, can I write something in c++ that will do it. As you can see, I'm pretty new to inputs\outputs and have never programed my own entity, so bear with me. Thanks in advance. = D --RoadKill 10:10, 24 Jun 2006 (PDT)

studiomdl.exe is not working

When I trying to use studiomdl.exe to compile my models, I have this message: "Can't find steam app user info". I'm using Windows XP64. What should I do? Thanks! .--XeNos 13:00, 27 Jun 2006 (PDT)

Problems With Running My Map On Counter Strike Source

After compiling my map and trying to run it gives this message on console

Warning! Encountered old format VTF file; please rebuild it! Error reading in file "materials/maps/zumbi1/c-336_320_128.vtf" Warning! Encountered old format VTF file; please rebuild it! Error reading in file "materials/maps/zumbi1/cubemapdefault.vtf"

I let the game loading (it said that it was loading resources) while i left to home to see a movie and returned 3 hours late and was on the same state. Please help me... i can't even test my own maps...

Did you compile your textures with Vtex? —BJ(talk) 03:43, 4 Jun 2006 (PDT)
I'm using the normal Counter Strike Source and Half Life 2 Textures, no custom textures. Oh by the way... i can't create a listen server with any map except the official ones... i tried to create a listen server on a surf map and it acuses the same error... but last week it never happened. Now i just tested and it show only a pink checkboard ON ALL MAPS... on the water and on the glasses... and i keep getting that error message for all maps and even the official ones... probably some error in the game... ZumBr(talk)
Try this: Rename your username-map in the SteamApps-folder. Now login to Steam again, and start CS:S. Wait until the game has loaded, and start a server. Is the same error still occurring? Then check your computer specs, if it is even up against the Source Engine... --CrabbyData 02:51, 5 Jun 2006 (PDT)`
CrabbyData i tried that... but like i said before it only happen on custom maps as far i noticed... and when i create the server it don't finish loading and on other server's i get that pink checkerboard on windows and on water i get a reflection of some part of the level... but it's not a reflection... it's more like if i was specting the level on other part away from that you get it? Oh by the way... 70% of the map's i play on internet are custom ones...mostly like surf and fy and Zombies... cause i already get tired of the officials... but with this bug it REALLY gets annoying to play =/ ZumBr(talk)
Move all the custom-map-files in the map folder to a backup-directory, outside the Steam folder (e.g. "C:/Documents and Settings/yourname/My Documents/SourceCustomMapsBACKUP"), and then download another (new) one... It could be that your map folder has reached it's maximum size (which I doubt...) But it's worth the try... by the way, are you sure your computer has the minimum specs of HL2 (or CS:S) and also the latest drivers of your GFX-card? It's most likely software, but (again) it's worth trying... --CrabbyData 06:35, 6 Jun 2006 (PDT)
I did copied all the materials, sound and maps folder to another. And run CSS... then restored the backup and it remains the same... if you could give me your e-mail i will send a picture of what happen... now it keeps happening after what i did but at least the maps load...ZumBr(talk)
I know what you mean with the pink checkerboard-textures (happens to me when I visit a custom map, where the person who created it, forgot to implant the custom textures (or a friend of mine who tests my custom maps (which then doesn't have the right textures included))). Are the normal maps 'normal'? I mean, do they reflect water correct or do they have pink checkerboard-textures? --CrabbyData 11:32, 6 Jun 2006 (PDT)
In the normal map´s it´s everything normal... in custom maps it get that error... even if it doesn't use custom textures... just the regular ones. And this error is not on the textures... as it not a texture who get this error. One example is the sofa... that now on custom maps appear with the pink checkboard on it as if it was reflecting it... and so the doors... and glass... and in the water it reflects a different part of the level and makes it lag a lot... See i made a very early beta of my map with only using one texture (brick00 i think it is) just to see the gameplay mechanics... but i get this error on the door´s I placed around and on the small water i put on...ZumBr(talk)
Maybe it's an odd question: But how did you got CS:S? CD/DVD? Illegal? From Steam (online purchase)?
  • If it's on the CD or DVD, try to reinstall it in some way. Or register a new account at Steam, and install the game again. If it's still the same error, then it must ór be your PC-hardware ór your disc with CS:S on it.
  • If you obtained it illegally, than it's pretty obvious that it isn't working, since the textures take up a lot of space, which isn't fun when you're downloading. Then again, CS:S (and all the other Source Games) deserve to be bought!
  • If you downloaded it from steam, contact the Steam helpdesk... 'cause I can't think of anything else... --CrabbyData 13:06, 6 Jun 2006 (PDT)

problem with loading map

when i load my map, i get this problem in half life 2 console:

CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map 'tunnel'

map load failed: tunnel not found or invalid material "vgui/servers/icon_secure_deny" not found --- Missing Vgui material vgui/servers/icon_secure_deny

i know the map is real, and exists because im working on it. what could be the problem? Game4ever 12:30, 27 May 2006 (PDT)
Just because you're working on it doesn't mean the bsp is "real." Did you get any errors during the compile? If so, the bsp may not have been created at all. If the bsp was created, it may not have been copied to the correct directory. Check in the [mod]/maps directory and see if "tunnel.bsp" is there. Or, in the game console, type 'map' to get a dropdown list of maps in the maps directory. If your map isn't there, then your compile was not successful or the bsp wasn't copied to the [mod]/maps directory. Double-check that your Hammer_Manual_Configuration is correct. You did check that before posting a problem, right? ;) —BJ(talk) 14:18, 27 May 2006 (PDT)
yes. i think it may be the fact i have got citizens in the map. why could that present a problem? Game4ever 14:54, 28 May 2006 (PDT)
You're not providing any information for anyone to help you with. The bsp file is either "not found" or it's "invalid." Work with the likely answer first. Is the bsp file in the executable map directory? Did you check in the HL2 console as described? Do you have a compile error? —BJ(talk) 15:40, 28 May 2006 (PDT)
i have changed my map name to 'TOW' and it works... the map name was 'tunnel of war' without underscores... that was the problem game4ever (html not working)

Spheres and Cylinders

Whenever I attempt to put a sphere or cylinder in my map, compiling grinds to a halt at the PortalFlow line. No matter the size or number of faces on the brush, it causes huge slowdown in compile times, adding roughly an extra 90 seconds to a map that would otherwise compile in 5. What exactly is causing this? GlowRage 21:55, 16 Jan 2006 (PST)

My guess is that it's just a more complex shape, and requires more time. By the way - 90 seconds isn't a massive slowdown. 90 minutes is. If a map takes 5-10 minutes to build (or more) that's not necessarily outrageous at all. There's no "right" time for a map to compile in, as it will vary greatly based on the geometry of the map (as you can see). --Holtt 09:08, 23 Jan 2006 (PST)

Simple. You've added planes that aren't parallel to the world space. BSP trees love parallel, planar faces. They abhor anything that's at an arbitrary angle. In practice, this means anything with a curved surface, you should make a func_detail. Including your cylinders. And I'll add a further note. Don't even use the spheres. They suck pretty bad, and have some issues if you try to clip them or manipulate them at all. --Spektre1 02:43, 30 Jan 2006 (PST)

A note about cylinders: Say you want an area with some cylinder pillars where there is a fight with NPCs. Won't the whole pillars being func_details mess with the sight of the NPCs, making them shoot the pillar and making hiding behind them impossible? (Not tested.) If so, then you might want to use solid pillars outfitted with two func_details at the top and bottom. As the solid part of the pillar will hover in mid-air, it won't touch and cut up the floor or roof. --Andreasen 04:55, 30 Jan 2006 (PST)

No..func_details are considered equal to world geometry—ts2do 06:54, 30 Jan 2006 (PST)

Oh. I assumed npcs were guided by vis. So the only reason for using a brush instead, is because it blocks vis for the renderer? Okay. --Andreasen 08:19, 31 Jan 2006 (PST)

What are you trying to say? func_details do block vis if they have non-translucent materials applied to them—ts2do 13:54, 31 Jan 2006 (PST)

Then I don't understand why I couldn't just turn practically every brush into a func_detail, if it has all the benefits and no drawbacks. --Andreasen 08:19, 1 Feb 2006 (PST)
Search the VDC Optimization pages. You need a good balance of normal brushwork for proper divisions. --wisemx 08:27, 1 Feb 2006 (PST)
ts2do, you're wrong: According to all the articles, screenshots and examples about func_details, func_details does not block vis, ever. That's what is so good about them. However, I don't think that my method would work, because if VVis would calculate the middle section of the pillar as blocking, it would cut up the pillar just as much as it would if it were entirely made of a worldbrush. if it doesn't block NPC line-of-sight either, turning the entire pillar into a func_detail would be best. --Andreasen 03:46, 10 Mar 2006 (PST)

For proper optimization of a cylinder first consider the number of sides, or face count. When needed for columns like those in front of a Courthouse use this method. When that method isn't helpful do your best to use good judgment about how many sides the cylinder will need as an 8 sided column will require fewer system resources than one with additional sides and it will be easier to Clip and Vertex edit, if need be. The entire cylinder should be func_detail if it will be static and you can use Hint brushes to box an area of cylinders when needed. Lastly consider the material that will be used on cylinders. Because of the multiple angled sides you will do best to experiment with several materials for the desired effect. Use the Alt method with the Face Edit dialog, when texturing objects like columns open the Face Edit dialog and apply a material to one face with the Face Edit dialog still open Left-click to select that same face now hold Alt as you Right-click on the other faces. If the material freaks-out at any point Left-click on the last good face and then Right-click again on the face that didn't work properly.--wisemx 05:05, 10 Mar 2006 (PST)

Problem with making own levels

When i make my own level it starts to run it and when it has loaded the level... everything is black. I can only see my health. There are no problems when i check them with ALT+P.It reads "Stuck on object 0" in the upper right corner... WHAT SHOULD I DO??¨? Hokkis 10:03, 22 Feb 2006 (PST)Hokkis

Seems like you don't have any lights in your map. Either put some light into your map or compile the map without Vrad. -- Koraktor
I've tried every kind of light, but none of them don't work. The whole level is black... i can't continue making my own levels... RAARRGGHH!!!
If you type mat_fullbright 1 into the console that turns off lighting so you can keep working on other things while you try and solve your lighting problems. To get the most basic lighting working, just use a light entity and make sure you have set the brightness values. If the brightness is set too low and/or the light isn't near any walls, it might not actually light anything, and so it wouldn't show up in game.
Maybe you're stuck in a brush?
Hmm, perhaps it's a newbie mistake: Did you by any chance create the room by dragging up the area of the room with a single brush? If that's the case, see the Creating_a_Room tutorial on how to create a room. (Although it's not recommended for a finished level, you only really need a brush to stand on to see if this method works. Just don't fall off.) --Andreasen 06:46, 22 Mar 2006 (PST)
Yeah, I'm having the same problem, it says "Stuck on object 0/mapname" and everything is pitch black. This only occurs when I have the skybox texture. I've gone to map properties and changed the skybox name but still, nothing happens. I know it's not lack of lighting because when I do not have a skybox it works fine. I've also tried the buildcubemaps command and then all it shows is the main menu.
Is your skybox an actual box? or are you just putting the skybox texture on an existing brush? If you've made a brush that overlaps everything and then textured that with the skybox texture that will make you stuck. I know this seems obvious if you know it, but I don't know whether you do or not.- RodeoClown 15:20, 26 Apr 2006 (PDT)

Black Model Bug / BSP Cubemap Bug

Any idea on when the black model bug / v20 bsp cubemap issue is going to see a fix? Many people in the community have halted development of their maps waiting for a fix. Thanks. --Bean 11:29, 14 Nov 2005 (PST)

found a workaround. add +r_radiosity 2 to your launch options. maybe a bug in the radiosity code?--Bean 13:46, 14 Nov 2005 (PST)
I'm guessing here, but I think it's default setting of 4 includes the HDR information, so because we're still using the old RAD, it's not including the necessary HDR information, so that's why the models are lighting black. I verified it, and setting it to 2 until we get the proper update should alleviate the problem, until we get the compile tools updated. --Spektre1 22:44, 15 Nov 2005 (PST)
Suffice it to say that 4 uses something (whatever it is) that's no longer available in v20 maps. No matter what it is, Valve has it fixed and it's waiting to be released. Patience... the most annoying of virtues. (word is "soon") --Demented 23:31, 15 Nov 2005 (PST)

CS:S Map Help Needed

Please help I am making a map for CS:S and it now wont open can you give me some pointers on how to fix it and also how to turn the lights off so i can do night vision. thanx Joe ( 12:26, 15 Nov 2005 (PST)

  • Ok, well, we need more info first. What does it do when it "won't open"? like, does hammer crash, is there an error? Will it not open in Hammer, or in the game engine? <This has been edited as reading the Your First Map tutorial won't actually teach how to turn a light on or off.> --Spektre1 20:18, 15 Nov 2005 (PST)
  • To turn lights on and off, you will have to name them (through typing a name in their Name property) and have another entity send Output signals to the light you named, in your case TurnOff signals. --Andreasen 02:13, 17 Feb 2006 (PST)

Env_smokestack problems

  • For some reason that I fail to discover, every time I use one env_smokestack some time after they start releasing smoke the smoke stops to be released. I don't turn it off or do anything that may cause this. Also, when you look away from the smoke it stops to release the smoke and starts again to release it when you look at it. Any help/idea? -- DAVLevels 01:09, 27 Dec 2005 (PST)
    • The smokestack only runs in your PVS, I don't know anything about it not working after a timed amount, but if its the same ent thats part of env_flare, then you might be interested into looking for env_steam - it comes in clear, and black
      • I had a look at env_steam but the smokestack looks a lot better for what I had in mind, besides the error that I am referring doesn't happen in HL2 or DODS (the smoke always appears) -- DAVLevels 02:36, 29 Dec 2005 (PST)

CS:S Satellite Dish Models

When I first started looking for furniture to put into my map, I stumbled across some satellite dishes. I did not put them in at the time and now I can't seem to find them again. If anyone can help me locate this it would be great! -- Marv 19:32, 11 Jan 2006 (PST)

Should be some in props_rooftop. Roof_dish001 and satellitedish02 come to mind. --Spektre1 00:16, 12 Jan 2006 (PST)

Thanks for the post. After looking at those, they aren't what I remember seeing. It was like a cluster of 2-4 dishes. Any others? -- Marv 07:38, 12 Jan 2006 (PST)

I think what you found earlier was a texture not a model--Deadity 05:03, 20 Feb 2006 (PST)

There are some textures in /buildings which are transparent and have groups of dishes. --RabidMonkey 21:06, 9 Mar 2006 (PST)

Sub Topic

While I'm here. Do we have a page for known compiler bugs? There's a serious lighting bug, I mentioned it on the Mappers list. I think it should be listed, so everyone in the community is aware of it, but I don't know where would be relevant. --Spektre1 23:38, 3 Nov 2005 (PST)

Is SDK Known Issues List what you're looking for? —Maven (talk) 13:55, 4 Nov 2005 (PST)
It might be. I avoided that page, because it was all source code related, while this is more of a mapping issue. I'll consider it a more general page from now on, and append it there, thanks. --Spektre1 23:07, 4 Nov 2005 (PST)
Send me an email ( and I'll see what i can do about a fix for CSTRAD. You can also upload the compile log to and read through the output. --Amckern 18:19, 24 Mar 2006 (PST)


I can't figure out for the life of me where localization settings are. I need this to work in Russian and English, but I don't know where the heck the manifests are for scene wavs. I'm doing a whole bunch of choreographed scenes in faceposer, and I know it's setup somewhere in HL2 to abstract the language. How do I set this up? I'm referencing my wavs directly in Face Poser right now. --Spektre1 04:12, 30 Jan 2006 (PST)

Custom elevators...howto?

Howdy again. I'm still on the same map as previously, and I'd like an elevator on it. However, as this map's a recreation of a map from another game, the elevator prop used in the WiseElevator example file would be VERY out of place. Additionally, I'd like to use my own doors. How would I do this? And since the WiseElevator file is as clear as mud, how do I make an elevator in the first place? My func_tracktrain isn't working... --ElvenNerfer

You need more detail than this? --wisemx 15:41, 21 Feb 2006 (PST)
Try this tutorial or this one.

Faceposer: Extracting part of a wav

I dunno if this is a bug, or if faceposer just hates my system. Please tell me other people have had this error; I attempt phoneme extraction on a wav, and input the text to be extracted, clear out the attempted extraction because it's wrong, then I arrange the sentence text, so it's placed properly over the correct sections of the wav. I then select part of the wav, and right click, and try to extract selected, and every time, Faceposer crashes. Is this a known bug? --Spektre1 00:45, 10 Mar 2006 (PST)

It crashes on me whenever I do that for as long as I could remember. -- Sodabus 20:23, 13 Mar 2006 (PST)

I've got the exact same problem each time I try to Redo Extraction in the Phenomen Editor. It simply crashes when I say ok. -- SlimShooted22:08, 20 Oct 2006 (PST)

Map Profiling

I may be going insane, but I'm convinced that I once saw a way of profiling a map that showed an overview, with all the paths taken by the various players during a game plotted on it. Such a thing would be invaluable. Am I going mad, or does it really exist? --PiMuRho 10:33, 13 Mar 2006 (PST)

Are you talking about the map overview in Counter-Strike: Source? --Steamfraiser 07:57, 22 Mar 2006 (PST)
Kind of. Imagine the overview, but with all the player paths plotted on it, showing the routes they took during a game. --PiMuRho 23:49, 28 Mar 2006 (PST)

Try overview_tracks 1—ts2do 23:50, 28 Mar 2006 (PST)

Disappering brushes and textures

I've built a map in Hammer, and added several new brushes to it. Now, whenever I compile the map, these new brushes don't appear. Also, textures and soundscapes that I've added don't work. I have optimized the map using func_details, and compiled it with all the settings on Normal, and on Fast. I can't understand why new additions to the map are not included after a new compile. Any help would be appreciated. - THX-1138 21:45, 22 Mar 2006 (PST)

Sounds like you have an error in the map, check the compile log - or upload it to and read through the output. You can also do in hammer check - alt+p - and fix all the errors in that box.
I've checked and fixed all the errors, and some of the brushes appeared, but most are still not there. Have a lot of carves in my map, could this be the problem? Also, new textures don't appear on the brushes that are already there. - THX-1138
If you "have a lot of carves" then that is almost certainly your problem right there. Carves will cause errors. Lots of them. You might find others disagree, but at this point, I would probably restart from scratch/from before you started using the carve tool. Clip and vertex manipulate are the way to go. :) Giles 10:44, 2 Apr 2006 (PDT)
I managed to solve the problem. It was a bunch of breakable benches that I made. The concrete legs were func_details, and the wooden slats were func_breakables. I've deleted these, and all the changes I make to the level have now appeared when I play the level.
- THX-1138 19:41, 15 Apr 2006 (PST)
I think you may have had something hidden. I've noticed that if I hide an object, and compile without un-hiding it, they do not show up in the map. "Lots of carves", if you mean you used the carve tool a lot, that's one thing. But if you have odd shapes and stuff from carving, you need to clean up. Simple clipping of brushes and nice happy cuts don't bother things too much.

Object Spawning Problem

Hi i have a problem that i do not no of.I make a map then i add certain objects on the map i made.Great it shows it on sdk but when i play the game there not there?How do i see them? Thank you for your time to answer this! —cold020

You probably should put this under article. I have had this problem before. It could be the name of your map. Make sure it doesn't have any spaces in it. And please sign your name with three or four "~" Cubedude 18:39, 9 Mar 2006 (PST)

You are probably using the wrong prop types, there are three basic prop types you would want to use: static, dynamic and physics, static props can't be used as physics or vise versa. More info here Prop_Types_Overview. --Deadity 10:09, 29 Mar 2006 (PST)

Map going to black

hey i got a question, when i make a map (cs:S) in hammer then run the map using hammer about 7 to 10 seconds into the map the whole entire map goes black and i cant see anything. What is happening? do i need to add lights? - Danthomas236

Do you have any lights? and if you do..try turning on developer (developer 1)—ts2do

well when you don't add lights the map is lighted by default. what is developer?

The solution to this problem is to MINIMIZE HAMMER before running your map. You'll probably have to click the minimize WHILE the compile script is beginning to launch half life, because alt tabbing is tough to get working properly. If your card tries to run the game AND hammer in the background, eventually hammer is going to try to redraw the camera view in the map editor, and then your game will go black. happened to me too. --Mrobben 20:23, 5 May 2006 (PDT)

Map Won't Open

I have made a few maps, that all work ok, had no problems. my last map i put loads of junk on the floor etc... real nice ..all ok i just started a new map, very basic, just 1 room nothing really in it, i compiled it and tried to run it. it compiled ok as far as I'm aware, but when it got onto counterstrike and i try play the map it does not open. i have tried deleting stuff, the walls and floor and tried again, to see if n e of those was the problem, but still can not get map to open anyhow. please help me —Shizarp

Ive had this problem before you start your game and then when you're try to load it nothing happens right. Well heres your problem: while in hammer you need to hit Run Map then at the bottom you will see additional game parameters type

-dev -console +sv_lan1 Then click ok and wait for that to load when in game you have to wait a while when your in game and console shows up just wait a few seconds more and soon your map will pop up and you will be able to use it in you create server list now.Also if it says Steam Valid Rejection when you try that then click ok then click create server find you map and click start and that should work.

cold020 21:39 ,mar 19 2006

P.S i hope this works for you I've done it when i had that problem and it worked.

P.S #2 try to read other peoples problems before you post, they might just be the same problems as yours.--Deadity 10:04, 29 Mar 2006 (PST)

Try Alt+P in Hammer, and solve all listed problems, that should do the trick, most of the time --CrabbyData 11:00, 14 Jun 2006 (PDT)

Missing filesystem_steam.dll

Hi erm i was wondering if some 1 could help me I've just made a map and I'm getting the following message when i try to load it( Unable to load c:\programfiles\valve\steamapps\alfie228\counter-strike source\bin\filesystem_steam.dll ) please help. —Bravo228

You need to run counter-strike first, run counter-strike every time it updates, before running your custom maps. If that doesn't help try to refresh SDK content in the Source SDK window.--Deadity 10:02, 29 Mar 2006 (PST)

How do I edit HL1 maps in sdk?

Backlash1017 23:59, 31 Mar 2006 (PST)

Don't think you can - for HL1, you'll need the old version of Hammer and some map compilation tools. It's a bit more fiddly to set up than the Source stuff, but it's much simpler when you've got it all working. The VERC Collective site should have lots of information for HL1 stuff. —Cargo Cult (info, talk) 11:01, 7 Apr 2006 (PDT)

How do I edit CS:S maps in sdk?

Evinbaxter 08:46, 15 Apr 2006 (PDT)

You could try to decompile it: Decompiling_Maps
Make sure to read and understand the warnings about copyright mentioned in this article! --Vaarscha 08:55, 15 Apr 2006 (PDT)

Missing entities

As i'm trying to construct a map in Hammer, i found out that i am missing some entities in the list of entities. Is there any way to get them? Evinbaxter 09:49, 15 Apr 2006 (PDT)

What entities are you missing and for what type of Source game are you mapping? I can see two reasons: First, every entity is not present in every Source game. Some entities are game specific. The other reason is that there are two lists: One for point entities, and one for brush entities. To create brush entities, you must create a brush and tie it to an entity. --Andreasen 09:57, 15 Apr 2006 (PDT)
I am making a map for CS:S and i am missing entities such as func_bomb_target, trigger_teleport, and other entities. --Evinbaxter 10:05, 15 Apr 2006 (PDT)
Did you select CS:S as Current Game in the SDK Launcher? --Vaarscha 10:08, 15 Apr 2006 (PDT)
-yeah, i did --Evinbaxter 10:22, 15 Apr 2006 (PDT)
Well both of those are brush entities, and as I'm assuming this is your first attempt at a map, do you know how to tie entities to a brush? Have you checked that list for these entities? --Andreasen 10:39, 15 Apr 2006 (PDT)

-Yes i am new to map making, and no i don't know how to tie entities to a brush. Evinbaxter 10:41, 15 Apr 2006 (PDT)

I searched the wiki for it and did, to my surprise, not find anything about creating these entities, so I created a small how-to list for you here: Entity --Andreasen 11:21, 15 Apr 2006 (PDT)


I know that this can be used in your .qc instead of $collisionmesh if you want animated collision meshes, but it causes the non-animated parts to be collapsed to a single mesh, even with the use of $concave There doesn't seem to be any documentation about $collisionjoints anywhere. --PiMuRho 01:52, 16 Apr 2006 (PDT)

Gameinfo.txt execution messed up after Steam update?

Seems like all the mods i have installed no longer have a company description, icon, author info, etc. Is this happening to anyone else and if it is how do i fix it? Thanks. Bean 11:40, 8 May 2006 (PDT)

It is a bug and was already reported here: User_Interface_Bugs#My_Games_List. Though I'm wondering if it shouldn't get a little more attention - on the other hand, valve will have noticed this on themselves already, I'm sure. --Vaarscha 12:35, 8 May 2006 (PDT)
thanks. -Bean 22:25, 8 May 2006 (PDT)
Your welcome. If your question is answered, please move it.--Vaarscha 22:50, 8 May 2006 (PDT)

Engine error?!?!

I don't know what's going on here, the map will not load. It gets past setting up the listenserver, then starts working on the world, the cursor appears, then it exits to the desktop with that error, and then another that HL2 has been a bad program and done something wrong. Help? -Eaglebird

That happens when list has more elements then it can have. Do you run in Release-mode? Try the debug-mode. That should give an assert and make it possible to get a tracestack. --dutchmega 00:46, 14 May 2006 (PDT)
When "list" has more elements than it can have? Well, If I plan on releasing it, how else can I fix the problem? I.e., what exactly is the "list" and what goes into it? -Eaglebird
No idea, you have to find that out with debugging. Check for asserts or .mdmp files.. --dutchmega 10:54, 14 May 2006 (PDT)
Hmm, well, for one, how do I set it into debug mode, and two, how do I check for asserts/.mdmp files? In fact, what's going on that I need to look for? -Eaglebird
A newbie? Better add me at MSN/Google Talk. --dutchmega 05:05, 15 May 2006 (PDT)

Collission Joints

I'm having problems loading a large prop in a map I'm building for. One of the most notable problems is the collision model, when using $collisionjoints Studiomdl turnicates non-animated sections of the model. For the purpose of prototyping I removed those pieces. When the model is loaded into Hammer Source doesn't use the entire collision model. I'm left with a 2 story sphere collision mesh and players can walk threw geometry that should have a collision mesh. It also appears that using the string $rootbone makes it only load That bones rigged geometry. Ryoku 11:28, 23 May 2006 (PDT)

Compile Problems

Currently I'm working on a small map has a lot of lighting npc's, as well as a lot of buildings. The main problem I have is when I compile my map it works. It loads up Hl2 My MOD then the console appears and it loads. As soon as the map is about to begin the game shuts down and a error window comes up. The problem is Datacache.dll and Accompat.TXT in my temp folder. please I need some help. Its been like this for two weeks now and because of that i can't do anything at all. I can still edit through Hammer like adding brushes or so but it wont work in the game. I tried Garry's MOD as well and that doesn't work either.

I managed to crash Source quite nicely a couple of weeks ago because my geometry had gotten complex enough that without running Vvis or using Cordons, I broke the max visible vertices count. Perhaps if you have "lots of buildings and NPCs", you are running into the same error. Does it crash even when you have compiled the map with a full Vvis? You might like to read Optimization (Geometry).
Also, it is good practice to use a point_template or npc_template_maker to spawn NPCs them when you need them, then delete them with their Kill input as soon as you no longer need them, rather than having them all present as soon as the map loads. --Giles 03:38, 30 May 2006 (PDT)

error:can't load gamuie

ok, so a made a map and tried to run it, but when i run it it gives me this message "error can't load: gameui", so what do I do????? VulcanVulcanVulcan 12:26, 4 Jun 2006 (PDT)

Unfortunately this looks like a bug from the latest engine update. In most cases this happens when users creating mods or maps for Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Counter-Strike: Source and/or Day of Defeat: Source (info token from the VERC Forums (link)). The only thing you can do is waiting for a new update, which will be hopefully soon because there are more people with the same problem. --Jurgen Knops 14:44, 5 Jun 2006 (PDT)
You can try loading the game from steam, using the console (advanced options on keyboard controls tab) to change the map from there using "map mapname". Jazmeister 23:13, 6 Apr 2008 (PDT)

map won't compile

right, me and my friend decided to learn how to make maps, we both went through the 'First Map' tutorial and followed it exactly. once we had finished making the map, we compiled it, and it came up with the error:

"The command failed. Windows reported the error: "the system cannot find the file specified".

Then it asks if we would like to continue anyway, so we clicked yes, and it came up with another error, but this time on half life 2's behalf, stating:

"hl2.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close."

Yet Half Life doesn't even load, this is all inside Hammer. I would have presumed it was something to do with me being a beginner at map making, but I found it too much of a coincidence that both me and my friend following this tutorial, encountered the exact same error. Any help, or thoughts on this problem would be GREATLY appreciated, because we both really want to learn how to map, and just want to carry on with the tutorials.

Thank you in advance :)

This mostly happens when users try to run their map from Hammer itself. Try to run your map through Half-Life 2 itself (open up the console (~) and type in map mapname, where mapname is the name of your map you just created in Hammer). Besides that, remember that you have to turn off the option "Don't run the game after compiling" in the compiler options (F9 in Hammer). When Hammer finished the compile-process it will copy the map to the /maps folder in your game folder (which I presume is in your case Half-Life 2 itself). It just follows the "Current Game" settings from the SDK which I presume that it's on the standard option: Half-Life 2. If not, just set it in your Source SDK application. --Jurgen Knops 02:32, 6 Jun 2006 (PDT)
Thanks for your help anyways, but it still won't work :( When I compile the map, it doesn't save it, it still says that it cant find the file specified, do you have any other ideas? Thanks again :) --
If Hammer does not copy the map to it's final directory, you have to check if the configuration of it is correct. Look in the Hammer configuration (tools > options...) where the game configuration is pointed to (Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat Source or an own modification). If in your case Half-Life 2 stands there, then should all other configuration be pointed to the standard Half-Life 2 directory's like $SteamUserDir\half-life 2\hl2 is by Game directory. If this is not then probably your SDK configuration is damaged or edited in some kind of way.. Then the simplest way is to reset your SDK config (Source SDK window > Reset Game Configuration). When done, set (if not automatically) the Source SDK Current Game configuration to Half-Life 2 and start Hammer again.. Then check the configuration again. Now it should be correct, Hammer will (hopefully) copy your map to the right directory so you can start it via the console. --Jurgen Knops 08:28, 6 Jun 2006 (PDT)
i got it working, just had to change the directory to the normal counter strike:source map folder :) thanks A LOT for your help anyways, i would have been stuck for ages :)

cheers mate

testing map

so i learned how to make a basic map, and then tried to run it. it took me a long time but it finally got it to run in cs:s. though when i run it, the map is totally black, and the console says that:"invalid terrorist and counter terrorist spawn points."please help

Be sure you have the right entity's in your map(s). For a detailed view check the Counter-Strike: Source Level Creation page with their links to several entity's you'll need (like the info_player_classyouneed). --Jurgen Knops 05:12, 8 Jun 2006 (PDT)

CSS and Dual Core

I hope this is in the right place! I'm looking for an informed answer. I have already tried on the STEAM forums and searched a fair bit too... I'd like to know if anyone has the proper info on the source engine particularly CS:S and regards to dual core processors. I'm running an AMD X24400+ and have noticed that whilst running CS:S both display graphs showing core activity become very active.


Ive tried other programs and only one core remains active even with STEAM running in the background


From what I can gather most people are saying CS:S and Source is not a multi-thread program, but why then am I getting a lot of activity in both CPU cores whilst running CS:S? Again, apologies if this is in the wrong place, but I really would like an informed answer, I'm not looking for troubleshooting tips as everything works fine, I'm simply puzzled as to why CS:S likes my dual core CPU and the rest of the CS:S community seems to think its not designed to run this way --Chris5675 16:09, 27 Jun 2006 (PDT)chris5675

Maybe the other core is taking care of windows background operations.--Deadity 02:47, 28 Jun 2006 (PDT)
Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and assign hl2.exe to only one processor (Something like Set Affinity (I've got a Dutch Win XP Media Centre, I don't know sure if that's the right translation...)), by doing:
  • Right-click on the hl2.exe-process
  • Click on the bottom option (Set Affinity or something like that)
  • Set it to just 1 CPU, not 2 (CPU 1 & CPU 2).
Maybe that helps, but I think Deadity already gave you the right answer... Windows is 'heavy shit', you know ;) --CrabbyData 03:16, 28 Jun 2006 (PDT)
That's not what he is asking at all. --TomEdwards 03:17, 28 Jun 2006 (PDT)
That's very interesting, as GRAW was built primarily for a multi-core system. My experience is that all games are balanced across both cores automatically, so perhaps what we're seeing here is a bug in GRAW preventing that from happening? --TomEdwards 03:17, 28 Jun 2006 (PDT)

Thanks for your replies, firstly with regards to background windows processes, I have the same processes running in both screenshots and in my second picture, the right hand graph is completely inactive, so maybe thats pointing to something else. I have noticed with a lot of apps and other games full activity from both cores, so maybe it is GR:AW that is bugged... can I assume all (working) programs, including CS:S, will utilize both cores on a dual core system, regardless of them being multi-thread or not? also is it that multi thread programs are designed purely with dual core in mind? --Chris5675 16:05, 28 Jun 2006 (PDT)

Compiling error

When i try to compile my map for Portal i get this error

    • Executing...
    • Command: "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk\bin\vbsp.exe\"
    • Parameters: -game "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\portal\portal\" "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk_content\Portal\mapsrc\Try_if_you_can"
  • Could not execute the command:
  "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk\bin\vbsp.exe\" -game "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\portal\portal\" "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk_content\Portal\mapsrc\Try_if_you_can"
  • Windows gave the error message:
  "Access is denied."
    • Executing...
    • Command: "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk\bin\vvis.exe\"
    • Parameters: -game "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\portal\portal\" "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk_content\Portal\mapsrc\Try_if_you_can"
  • Could not execute the command:
  "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk\bin\vvis.exe\" -game "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\portal\portal\" "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk_content\Portal\mapsrc\Try_if_you_can"
  • Windows gave the error message:
  "Access is denied."
    • Executing...
    • Command: "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk\bin\vrad.exe\"
    • Parameters: -game "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\portal\portal\" "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk_content\Portal\mapsrc\Try_if_you_can"
  • Could not execute the command:
  "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk\bin\vrad.exe\"  -game "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\portal\portal\" "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk_content\Portal\mapsrc\Try_if_you_can"
  • Windows gave the error message:
  "Access is denied."
    • Executing...
    • Command: Copy File
    • Parameters: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\th3c0n\sourcesdk_content\Portal\mapsrc\Try_if_you_can.bsp" "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\th3c0n\portal\portal\maps\Try_if_you_can.bsp"

The command failed. Windows reported the error:

 "The system cannot find the file specified."

How can i fix it ?? Unsigned comment added by Th3c0n (talkcontribs) Always sign your posts with four tildes (~~~~)