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func_tow is a brush entity available in Black Mesa Black Mesa. This is Wikipedia icon BGM-71 TOW used by the HECU. Can be used by player and HECU soldiers. Unlike other entities based on func_tank entity, this entity needs manual reload after each shoot, the ammunition is item_tow_missile (must be holded by player, simple touching of this object to func_tow will not reload this weapon). All inputs, outputs and flags are same as func_tank, properties as well, but some have special notes.

Represented by class CFuncTOW.

Note.pngNote:The fire, deploy and reload sounds are hardcoded. You still can change both in your Black Mesa mod by replacing the sounds with a blank sounds and playing your own sounds via input/output system.
Note.pngNote:Only certain NPCs (npc_human_commander, npc_human_grenadier, npc_human_grunt and npc_human_medic) can use this weapon via FindNPCToManTank input. Other will ignore this input.
Icon-Important.pngImportant:This entity can't be used without model combination (will not fire).
Warning.pngWarning:It is not recommended to use enabled collision for model, it will cause missiles to explode when fired.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:NPC's weapon breaks after this gun usage. It doesn't removes, but becomes invisible and unable to shoot (NPC still reload weapon several times, for some reason). This breaks the AI ​​partially, because such NPC still thinks that it have functional weapon. This bug not in Black Mesa Black Mesa (the mod version).
Icon-Bug.pngBug:This entity creates laser point. This laser point have issues with rendering, it can be seen through any object. Not in Black Mesa Black Mesa (the mod version).
The bug example.

Note.pngNote:In Black Mesa Black Mesa (the mod version) this entity also have laser beam, not only laser point.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Damage Per Bullet (bullet_damage) <string>
How much a single bullet hurts everything except the player. If 0, takes amount from the type of bullet/damage.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Doesn't work. If you need your own damage value - use the console commands.
Damage Per Bullet Vs Player (bullet_damage_vs_player) <string>
How much a single bullet hurts the player only. If 0, takes amount from the type of bullet/damage.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Doesn't work. If you need your own damage value - use the console commands.
Bullet accuracy (firespread) <choices>
How accurately the gun can fire.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:This value can't be changed, func_tow will use Perfect Shot value in any case.
Effect Handling (effecthandling) <choices>
Produce these sound and particle effects when firing.
  • 0: Use Individual Settings.
  • 1: AR2
    Note.pngNote:Changes the color of the fire light to blue.
  • 2: Combine Cannon
    Icon-Bug.pngBug:Shooting will cause DispatchEffect: effect "ChopperMuzzleFlash" not found on client error message in the console.

Dedicated ConVars

Black Mesa Black Mesa: Definitive Edition

Cvar/CommandParameters or default valueDescriptorEffect
sk_detenator_tow_track_acceleration300arbitrary numberMissile acceleration.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Large values may cause missile to disappear.
sk_detenator_tow_max_speed3000arbitrary numberMax missile speed.
sk_detenator_tow_intial_speed1500arbitrary numberIntial missile speed.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Large values may cause missile to disappear.
sk_detenator_tow_plr_dmg150arbitrary numberMissile damage scale if it is launched by the player.
sk_detenator_tow_plr_dmg_radius375arbitrary numberMissile damage radius if it is launched by the player.
sk_detenator_tow_npc_dmg150arbitrary numberMissile damage scale if it is launched by NPC.
sk_detenator_tow_npc_dmg_radius375arbitrary numberMissile damage radius if it is launched by NPC.
Note.pngNote:All these console commands are not directly related to func_tow and func_tow_mp. These console commands are parameters for grenade_tow.

Black Mesa Black Mesa (the mod version)

Cvar/CommandParameters or default valueDescriptorEffect
sk_plr_dmg_grenade_tow150arbitrary numberMissile damage scale if it is launched by the player.
sk_npc_dmg_grenade_tow150arbitrary numberMissile damage scale if it is launched by NPC.
sk_grenade_tow_airspeed1500arbitrary numberMissile air speed.
sk_grenade_tow_precision1arbitrary numberTOW precision. Doesn't work.
Note.pngNote:All these console commands are not directly related to func_tow. These console commands are parameters for grenade_tow.

See also