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Info target.png

env_mortar_launcher is a point entity available in Black Mesa Black Mesa. This entity creates and launches mortar shells. The shells appears in origin of this entity. Usually this entity is used in combination with env_mortar_controller, but can also be used in various ways via I/O system.

Represented by class CMortarLauncher.

Tip.pngTip:All the properties can be dynamically changed with AddOutput.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Fire Delay (firedelay) <integer> Obsolete
This supposed to be a fire delay, but it does nothing, probably doesn't exists in the code.
Rate of Fire (rateoffire) <integer>
Rate of fire when Launch input fires multiple shells at once.
Launcher Spread (radius) <float>
Max random spread radius. Set 0 to have perfect shoot.
Impact Target (target) <targetname>
If a target is specified here, this mortar launcher will always fire at that target until the target is killed.
Mortar Type (grenadeentityname) <choices>
Grenade type to use.
Apex Height Ratio (apexheightratio) <float>
A float value that changes max height of launched shell. Only values from 0.001 to 1 works. Works only if property Path Start using value Origin.
Path Start (pathoption) <choices>
Determines the launch style.
  • 0: Origin - shell will be launched vertically into the air and then fall to its destination.
  • 1: Apex - shell will be launched directly to the destination.
  • 2: Free Fall - the same as Apex, but can go through walls.
    Icon-Bug.pngBug:Works only in Black Mesa Black Mesa (the mod version). In Steam versions of the game, shells will disappear at launch moment.
Default Shell Count (fireshellscount) <integer>
Count of shells per shoot.
Override Shell Damage (override_damage) <float>
Overrides shell damage value from the cvar. With -1 it will use value from the cvar.
Override Shell Damage Radius (override_damageradius) <float>
Overrides shell damage radius value from the cvar. With -1 it will use value from the cvar.


LaunchDefault <void>
Launch default count of shells mortars toward the target within the impact radius.
Launch <integer>
Launch mortars toward the target with specified count of shells.
FireSingle <void> !FGD
Launch single shell.

See Also