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CBaseDoor |
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is a brush entity available in all GoldSrc games. It creates a simple sliding door.
See func_door_rotating for its rotating counterpart.
Key Values
- Contents (skin) <choices>
- What brush contents to use for this entity.
- For entities with no clipnodes (such as using zhlt_noclip), this is purely cosmetic.
- For intrinsically nonsolid entities (such as func_illusionary, only some contents have any non-cosmetic effect (such as ladder).
Contents types Expand
- Name (targetname) <string>
- The targetname that other entities refer to this entity by.
- Global Entity Name (globalname) <string>
- Name to identify entity accross level transitions. Entities with the same global name will have the same status accross maps.
- Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) (angles) <angle>
- This entity's orientation in the world. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, yaw is the rotation around the Z axis, roll is the rotation around the X axis.
- KillTarget (killtarget) <targetname>
- When the door is triggered, it will remove the entity specified by this property from the game.
- Speed (speed) <integer>
- Speed that the door moves, in units (sliding door) or degrees (rotating door) per second.
- Master (master) <targetname>
- Name of a master entity.
- Move Sound (movesnd) <integer choices>
- Only used if classname is func_door or func_door_rotating.
# Name 0 No Sound
1 Servo (Sliding)
2 Pneumatic (Sliding)
3 Pneumatic (Rolling)
4 Vacuum
5 Power Hydraulic
6 Large Rollers
7 Track Door
8 Snappy Metal Door
9 Squeaky 1
10 Squeaky 2
- Stop Sound (stopsnd) <integer choices>
- Only used if classname is func_door or func_door_rotating.
# Name 0 No Sound
1 Clang with brake
2 Clang reverb
3 Ratchet Stop
4 Chunk
5 Light airbrake
6 Metal Slide Stop
7 Metal Lock Stop
8 Snappy Metal Stop
- delay before close, -1 stay open (wait) <integer>
- Time until the door returns to the closed position. A value of -1 means the door never auto-closes.
- Lip (lip) <integer>
- When the door opens, it will move its full length minus this many units. Negative values will make the door move that many more than its length.
- Damage inflicted when blocked (dmg) <integer>
- How much damage the player receives if he gets stuck between the door and something solid.
- Message If Triggered (message) <string>
- Message appears when the entity has been triggered.
- Target (target) <targetname>
- When the door is opened, it triggers the entity with the name specified by Target
- Delay before fire (delay) <integer>
- Delays the door from opening and/or closing (in seconds).
- Fire on Close (netname) <string>
- Health (shoot open) (health) <integer>
- With a non-zero value here, the door will have to be damaged to this extent to open.
- Locked Sound (locked_sound) <integer choices>
# Name 0 None
2 Access Denied
8 Small zap
10 Buzz
11 Buzz Off
12 Latch Locked
- Unlocked Sound (unlocked_sound) <integer choices>
# Name 0 None
1 Big zap & Warmup
3 Access Granted
4 Quick Combolock
5 Power Deadbolt 1
6 Power Deadbolt 2
7 Plunger
8 Small zap
9 Keycard Sound
10 Buzz
13 Latch Unlocked
- Locked Sentence (locked_sentence) <integer choices>
# Name 0 None
1 Gen. Access Denied
2 Security Lockout
3 Blast Door
4 Fire Door
5 Chemical Door
6 Radiation Door
7 Gen. Containment
8 Maintenance Door
9 Broken Shut Door
- Unlocked Sentence (unlocked_sentence) <integer choices>
# Name 0 None
1 Gen. Access Granted
2 Security Disengaged
3 Blast Door
4 Fire Door
5 Chemical Door
6 Radiation Door
7 Gen. Containment
8 Maintenance Door
- Minimum light level (_minlight) <string>
- Render FX (renderfx) <choices>
- Render FX mode to use, for special effects.
Value Description 0 Normal 1 Slow Pulse 2 Fast Pulse 3 Slow Wide Pulse 4 Fast Wide Pulse 5 Slow Fade Away 6 Fast Fade Away 7 Slow Become Solid 8 Fast Become Solid 9 Slow Strobe 10 Fast Strobe 11 Faster Strobe 12 Slow Flicker 13 Fast Flicker 14 Constant Glow 15 Distort 16 Hologram (Distort + fade)
- Render Mode (rendermode) <choices>
- Render Mode to use.
Value Description 0 Normal 1 Color 2 Texture 3 Glow 4 Solid 5 Additive
- Render Amount (0-255) (renderamt) <integer>
- Controls transparency when using another render mode then normal. 0 is completely invisible, and 255 is opaque. If render mode is solid, then all values except 0 are opaque.
- Render Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255>
- Color to use by the specified render mode.
Also used on brush entities to control the speed of scrolling textures; see func_conveyor for more information.
- Wave Height (WaveHeight) <float> !FGD
- Height of waves on any !-prefixed textures on this entity. Default value is 3.2.
- Minimum light level (_minlight) <normal>
Starts Open : [1]
Don't link : [4]
Passable : [8]
Toggle : [32]
Use Only : [256]
Monsters Can't : [512]
Not In Deathmatch : [2048]
See Also
- func_water - entity linked to the same c++ class as