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deathmatch is a console variable available in all GoldSrc GoldSrc and Source Source games. It is a leftover from Quake Quake used to tell the server whether the current session is in multiplayer or not. [Elaborate?]

For the game mode, see Deathmatch Map Design Theory.

Effects in GoldSrc

Enabling the deathmatch console variable is essential for the proper functionality of Info_player_deathmatch as otherwise, players will spawn at a random info_player_start or at the map's origin (0,0,0).

This command also allows weapons and ammunition to respawn, with every weapon_ and ammo_ entity taking 20 seconds to respawn. When creating a deathmatch map, it should also be taken into account that standing at a respawn point of an item still allows it to spawn and be repeatedly picked up, this means that players should be encouraged to keep moving around instead of sticking in one spot.