Category:De/Level Design FAQ
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This is a directory of Frequently Asked Questions about level editing and using the Hammer editor.
Nicht das was sie suchen?
Hammer Konfiguration
- Wie kann ich den Hammer Editor Manuell konfigurieren?
- I accidentally closed one of the Hammer toolbars, how do I get it back?
- Is there a way to restore Hammer settings to the defaults?
- After launching Hammer, the application takes a huge amount of RAM/system resources!
- After launching Hammer, an error pops up and says it can't load filesystemopendialog.dll!
Compiling maps and running the game
- Hammer reports "leaked!" when I compile. How do I fix it?
- When I compile my map, it freezes on vvis or vrad.
- I added some prop models in Hammer, but they don't appear in the game!
- When I compile, I get "Error! static_prop using model (modelname), which must be used on a dynamic entity."
- I get a message "Memory leak: mempool blocks left in memory: (number)" when I compile.
- When I compile the map, the Process Window says "System cannot find file specified", and the map does not load.
- How do I copy the contents of the compile Process Window?
- Where is the Hammer "error log"?
- What is the "Additional game parameters" field for?
- How do I launch the game without loading the 3D background maps?
- After compiling, I receive an error stating "Failed to load the launcher DLL: The specified module could not be found."
- When I compile, I get "Error: Skybox vtf files for skybox weren't compiled with the same size texture and/or same flags! Can't load skybox file skybox to build the default cubemap!".
Multiplayer Probleme
- My multiplayer map isn't appearing in the multiplayer map list.
- When I run my multiplayer map in the game, people join my server!
- When I load my Counter-Strike: Source map, it says "Both Teams are Full".
- How do I use a Counter-Strike: Source model or texture in a Half-Life 2: Deathmatch map?
Hammer 2D und 3D ansichten
- How do I get back to having 4 views - the 3D, top, front, and side views?
- How do I make it so textures show up in the 3D view? Mine is only wireframe.
- When I'm using the Texture Application (Face Edit) window, I have to close it to move the 3D camera.
- When I use camera shortcuts with the Texture Application window, the window gets "stuck".
- When I click in the 3d window, Hammer "crashes."
- What are the measurements for a block in hammer?
Level editing features and problems
- Models I place in Hammer are rendered with a black and purple checkerboard in-game.
- Wie erstelle ich eine Korrekte Skybox?
- Wie füge ich meinem Level Nebel hinzu?
- Can I make a custom soundscape for my level?
- I'm trying to set the lightmap scale on my displacements, but it won't let me set the value I want.
- When I use the Carve tool, I get errors, or Hammer simply freezes for a long time.
- Error reading weapon data file for: weapon_cubemap
- When I try to run buildcubemaps, the game crashes!
- The lightmaps on some of my brush surfaces do not work. They appear black in-game or flicker as the camera moves past them.
- Why do props and weapons fall through the displacements in my map?
- When I try to make a level for my new mod, Hammer won't display the grid and I can't make edits.