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prop_vehicle_jeep is a point entity available in Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two Half-Life 2: Episode Two, and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. It is a drivable vehicle with the ability to have a mounted Tau Cannon.

models/buggy.mdl, the Half-Life 2 jeep model
models/vehicle.mdl, the Episode Two jalopy model

Half-Life 2: Episode Two Half-Life 2: Episode Two gives the vehicle some additional functionality, including blinking hazard lights, a radar that detects specific targets, a holder for Magnusson devices, and various additional inputs.

Warning.pngWarning:It must be given a model, otherwise the game will crash when loading the map.
Tip.pngTip: In Episode Two, info_target_vehicle_transition entities can be used to create points that the car is teleported to during a map transition, in case the player leaves it behind.
Note.pngNote:This entity is unimplemented in Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch .
Note.pngNote:It's possible to use the original buggy model and script in Episode Two, and the Tau Cannon is even still functional if enabled. However, the added hazard lights become misplaced below the car as the original model is missing attachments for them. A modified model could be used to move them to a reasonable position, but the code would need to be modified to remove them entirely like in HL2.
Todo: What exactly needs to be changed?
Note.pngNote:The Episode Two car is also used in Portal Portal , but the resources aren't included by default. Additionally, the radar causes a crash due to an unregistered user message.


Enable Gun (EnableGun) <boolean> !FGD
Whether the Tau Cannon is enabled or disabled. Doesn't work correctly with the Episode Two jalopy model.
Hopper Visible (cargovisible) <boolean> (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Is the Magnusson cargo hopper visible?
No Hazard Lights (NoHazardLights) <boolean> (only in Mapbase) (also in Portal 2: Community Edition)
Stops the jalopy's hazard lights from turning on and flashing when the player exits the vehicle.


Starts locked (VehicleLocked) <boolean>
Players cannot enter vehicle until it is unlocked.


Vehicle Script File (vehiclescript) <string>
The vehicle script files contained in scripts\vehicles\ define the behaviour and handling of a vehicle. It is important to match the right script to the right entity/model:
Scale of action input / framerate (actionScale) <float>
Todo: How fast the vehicle turns/accelerates?


Makes the Tau Cannon move to where you look at.
Fully removes the Tau Cannon, making it unusable. It also hides the aiming crosshair.
LockEntrance  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Stops NPCs from entering the vehicle until unlocked.
UnlockEntrance  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Allows NPCs to enter the vehicle.
LockExit  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Stops NPCs from exiting the vehicle until unlocked.
UnlockExit  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Allows NPCs to exit the vehicle.
AddBusterToCargo  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Adds a Magnusson holder to jalopy's rear bumper.
SetCargoHopperVisibility <boolean> (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Set the visibility of the Magnusson holder.
EnableRadar  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Turn on the Jalopy radar.
DisableRadar  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Turn off the Jalopy radar.
EnableRadarDetectEnemies  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Allow the Jalopy radar to detect Striders and Hunters.
OutsideTransition  !FGD
Tells the vehicle to teleport to an info_target_vehicle_transition. Normally sent by trigger_changelevel when the vehicle is not inside a trigger_transition.
EnablePhysGun  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two) (also in Mapbase)
Enable gravity gun interactions with the jeep
DisablePhysGun  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two) (also in Mapbase)
Disable gravity gun interactions with the jeep
EnableHazardLights  (only in Mapbase)
Enable the jalopy's hazard lights.
DisableHazardLights  (only in Mapbase)
Disable the jalopy's hazard lights
Turns the handbrake on/off, preventing the vehicle from driving but not disabling motion from external forces.
Action <float>
Set the speed of the action animation.
Todo: What does this mean?
Start engine and enable throttle.
Stop engine, disable throttle, engage brakes.
Prevent/allow the player from entering or exiting the vehicle.


OnCompanionEnteredVehicle  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Companion has entered the vehicle.
OnCompanionExitedVehicle  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Companion has exited the vehicle.
OnHostileEnteredVehicle  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Hostile has entered the vehicle.
OnHostileExitedVehicle  (only in Half-Life 2: Episode Two)
Hostile has exited the vehicle.
Todo: Can the hostile versions ever actually fire?


Player entered/exited the vehicle. (!activator is the player.)
Player pressed the +attack/+attack2 key.
AttackAxis <boolean>
Attack2Axis <boolean>
State of the attack/attack2 buttons. Also called when the player exits the vehicle.

See also