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Black Mesa Level Creation
NewLight_Dir in bm_c2a5d.
NewLight Dir-Icon-Small.png

newLight_Dir is a point entity available in Black Mesa Black Mesa. It places a godrays and disk/circle as sun effect in the skybox where it does not parallax, giving the impression that it is nearly infinitely far away. The entity does not contribute any actual lighting (the lighting code is disabled); it is merely a visual representation of the Sun.

Note.pngNote:You maybe seen env_godrays_controller in Hammer or fgd. This is deprecated Crepuscular Rays from the Crossfire Update (22 december 2015 year). With newLight_Dir implementation, this entity is removed with crepuscular rays.
Warning.pngWarning:You can have only one newLight_Dir per map. Exceeding the limit will result in the instant crash with the engine error message. You are able to kill this entity and spawn new with point_template.
The error

Represented by class CNewLightDir.

Todo: Update issues, rework page.


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

LightEnvEnabled (LightEnvEnabled) <choices>
Determines is the entity uses light_environment's direction or its own (just like env_sun).
PushbackDist (PushbackDist) <float>
Pushback distance is distance from godrays to player in skybox. Decreasing the value will cause parallax effect.

UseToneMapDisk (m_bUseToneMapDisk) <choices> Obsolete
Sets tonemap state for disk, enabled or disabled. Doesn't work.
  • 0: Enabled
  • 1: Disabled
EnableGodRays (EnableGodRays) <choices>
Sets godrays state on spawn, enabled or disabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
Warning.pngWarning:You can have only 40 point lights with godrays enabled simultaneously, otherwise the game will crash with this error message.
The error
Note.pngNote:Godrays are draw and process even with closed areaportals.
Density (Density) <float>
Density controls the length of rays/volumetric shadows. 1.0 should work in 99% cases. Good values are 0.5-1.5.
Weight (Weight) <float>
Weight controls the intensity of volumetric shadow. Blocking of rays by geometry. Good values are 0.1-10.
Decay (Decay) <float> Obsolete
Decay controls luminance fall off per sample. Value here doesn't work.
Exposure (Exposure) <float>
Exposure controls the intensity of rays during blending pass with main scene. 2.0 is a good start. Good values are 1.0-10.0.

DistFactor (DistFactor) <float>
DistFactor controls the falloff of rays/length. 1.0 is a good starting value increase or decrease in the increments of 0.1. 0.0 will make the rays dissappear only disk will be rendererd.
Note.pngNote:Godrays doesn't look smooth if used big value here. The same for Exposure.
ColorInner (ColorInner) <color255 + int>
The RGB color and brightness of the inner circle. Colors and brightness must be between 0 and 255.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:This color value doesn't work properly with newLight_Point if you are using Normal godrays type. This entity takes only red value. Works fine with Fancy type.
Note.pngNote:Rays is disabled on this picture (the colors are partially blending).
ColorRays (ColorRays) <color255 + int>
The RGB color and brightness of the rays. Colors and brightness must be between 0 and 255.
ColorOuter (ColorOuter) <color255 + int>
The RGB color and brightness of the outer circle. Colors and brightness must be between 0 and 255.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:This color value doesn't work properly with newLight_Point if you are using Normal godrays type. This entity takes only red value. Works fine with Fancy type.
Note.pngNote:Rays is disabled on this picture (the colors are partially blending).
Note.pngNote:You can't use black colors for ColorOuter, ColorInner and ColorRays.
DiskRadius (DiskRadius) <float>
Radius of disk/circle of sun/point light in texturespace. 1.0 will be full screen, 0.5 is half screen, etc. 0 means don't render.
DiskInnerSizePercent (DiskInnerSizePercent) <float>
Disk inner circle radius is DiskRadius * DiskInnerSizePercent. 0 means don't render.
Note.pngNote:Rays is disabled on this picture (for clarity).


Turn the godrays on.
Turn the godrays off.


See /Bugs and limitations

See also