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godrays_settings is a point entity available in Black Mesa Black Mesa. This entity dynamically changes some godrays settings for newLight_Point if triggered by the input. It should also affect newLight_Dir entity, but due to the incorrectly specified class it does not work for this entity.

Represented by class CGodRaysSettings.

Tip.pngTip:You can change values dynamically via AddOutput input.
Black Mesa Level Creation


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

TargetGodRays_Name (TargetGodRays) <string>
Here you enter name of new light entity (with godrays support) for which you want to apply changes. Works with multiple lights if they have the same name.
TransitionTime (TransitionTime) <integer>
Transition time in seconds (0 for instant) to transition into new settings. Its a lerp operation A + (B-A) * TimeFactor.
LightType (LightType) <choices>
Type of light source for which you want to apply settings. Entity will not apply settings for newLight_Dir if selected Point Light and will not apply settings for point lights if selected Direction/Sun Light. Don't change this to Direction/Sun Light due to the above mentioned reason.
  • 0: Direction/Sun Light
  • 1: Point Light
EnableGodRays (EnableGodRays) <choices>
Sets godrays state on spawn, enabled or disabled.
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled
Warning.pngWarning:You can have only 40 point lights with godrays enabled simultaneously, otherwise the game will crash with this error message.
The error
Note.pngNote:Godrays are draw and process even with closed areaportals.
Density (Density) <float>
Density controls the length of rays/volumetric shadows. 1.0 should work in 99% cases. Good values are 0.5-1.5.
Weight (Weight) <float>
Weight controls the intensity of volumetric shadow. Blocking of rays by geometry. Good values are 0.1-10.
Decay (Decay) <float> Obsolete
Decay controls luminance fall off per sample. Value here doesn't work.
Exposure (Exposure) <float>
Exposure controls the intensity of rays during blending pass with main scene. 2.0 is a good start. Good values are 1.0-10.0.

DistFactor (DistFactor) <float>
DistFactor controls the falloff of rays/length. 1.0 is a good starting value increase or decrease in the increments of 0.1. 0.0 will make the rays dissappear only disk will be rendererd.
Note.pngNote:Godrays doesn't look smooth if used big value here. The same for Exposure.
ColorInner (ColorInner) <color255 + int>
The RGB color and brightness of the inner circle. Colors and brightness must be between 0 and 255.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:This color value doesn't work properly with newLight_Point if you are using Normal godrays type. This entity takes only red value. Works fine with Fancy type.
Note.pngNote:Rays is disabled on this picture (the colors are partially blending).
ColorRays (ColorRays) <color255 + int>
The RGB color and brightness of the rays. Colors and brightness must be between 0 and 255.
ColorOuter (ColorOuter) <color255 + int>
The RGB color and brightness of the outer circle. Colors and brightness must be between 0 and 255.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:This color value doesn't work properly with newLight_Point if you are using Normal godrays type. This entity takes only red value. Works fine with Fancy type.
Note.pngNote:Rays is disabled on this picture (the colors are partially blending).
Note.pngNote:You can't use black colors for ColorOuter, ColorInner and ColorRays.
DiskRadius (DiskRadius) <float>
Radius of disk/circle of sun/point light in texturespace. 1.0 will be full screen, 0.5 is half screen, etc. 0 means don't render.
DiskInnerSizePercent (DiskInnerSizePercent) <float>
Disk inner circle radius is DiskRadius * DiskInnerSizePercent. 0 means don't render.
Note.pngNote:Rays is disabled on this picture (for clarity).


InputApplySettings <void>
Triggers the entity to apply the settings.

See also