Rendering related keyvalues and inputs
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- Minimum Light Level (_minlight) <normal >
- 最小光照量,以击中此画笔(单色)。超过1的值是过亮的,并且在HDR模式下会泛光。
- Cast Lightmap Shadows (vrad_brush_cast_shadows) <boolean > (存在于自 以来)
- 确定此实体是否会投射lightmap阴影。
visible brush:
- 渲染模式 (rendermode) <choices>
- 在此实体上设置非标准渲染模式。
- Render FX (renderfx) <choices>
- 各种有点遗留的阿尔法效果。请参见渲染效果
- Render FX / Transparency (0–255) (renderamt) <integer 0–255>
- 透明度;需要非正常渲染模式。0是不可见的,255是完全可见的。
- Render Color (R G B) (rendercolor) <color255 >
- 色调。
- Texture Frame (texframeindex) <integer > 不存在于FGD!
- 此实体上任何动画纹理的帧数。
- 禁用阴影 (disableshadows) <boolean >
- 防止该实体生成廉价的渲染到纹理的阴影,或如果实体是 prop_static 的光照贴图阴影。不影响影子映射。
- 禁用接收阴影 (disablereceiveshadows) <boolean >
- 防止该实体接收动态阴影。
- 阴影投射距离 (shadowcastdist) <integer > 不存在于FGD!
- 设置实体投射动态阴影的距离。0 表示从 shadow_control 实体开始的默认距离。
- 禁用阴影深度 (disableshadowdepth) <boolean > (存在于自 以来)
- 用于禁用此实体的阴影深度(用于投影纹理)的渲染。
- 禁用手电筒 (disableflashlight) <boolean > (存在于自 以来)
- 用于禁用此实体的投影纹理照明和阴影。
- 投影纹理缓存 (shadowdepthnocache) <integer choices> (存在于自 以来)
- 用于提示投影纹理系统缓存此实体的阴影体积是否足够,或改为强制每帧渲染。
- 最低/最高效果细节等级 (mincpulevel / maxcpulevel) <integer choices> (存在于自 以来)
- 不要为效果细节等级超出最低或最高限度的玩家渲染。
- 最低/最高着色器细节等级 (mingpulevel / maxgpulevel) <integer choices> (存在于自 以来)
- 不要为着色器细节等级超出最低或最高限度的玩家渲染。
参见: cpu_level / gpu_level convars
- 最低 / 最高 DX 水平 (mindxlevel / maxdxlevel) <integer choices> (被移除于 以来)
- 如果引擎在给定的 DirectX 版本范围之外运行,该实体将不存在。
- Render in Fast Reflections (drawinfastreflection) <boolean > (存在于自 以来)
- If enabled, this entity will render in fast water reflections (i.e. when a water material specifies
) and in the world impostor pass.
- Alpha <integer 0–255>
- Sets the entity's transparency to a number from 0 (invisible) to 255 (fully visible). Requires the entity to have its Render Mode (rendermode) set to a number other than
- AlternativeSorting <boolean >
- Swaps the rendering order of the entity. Used to attempt to fix sorting problems when rendering, for example an object rendering in front of translucent materials.
- Color <color255 >
- Sets an RGB color for the entity.
- EnableDraw (存在于自 以来)
- Removes EF_NODRAW from the entity.
- DisableDraw (存在于自 以来)
- Applies EF_NODRAW to the entity. Note that this is different from rendermode 10.
- EnableReceivingFlashlight (存在于自 以来)
- Makes it so that the entity is lit by env_projectedtextures.
- DisableReceivingFlashlight (存在于自 以来)
- Prevents the entity from being lit by env_projectedtextures. The shadow made by the texture will still cast.
- DisableDrawInFastReflection (存在于自 以来)
- Turns off rendering of this entity in reflections when using
in water material.
- EnableDrawInFastReflection (存在于自 以来)
- Turn on rendering of this entity in reflections when using
in water material.
- DisableShadow
- Turn dynamic shadows off for this entity. Identical to applying EF_NOSHADOW.
- EnableShadow
- Turn dynamic shadows on for this entity.
- DisableReceivingFlashlight (存在于自 以来)
- This object will not receive light or shadows from projected textures.
- EnableReceivingFlashlight (存在于自 以来)
- This object may receive light or shadows from projected textures.